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Augment Mod Slots


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Hi everyone I'd just like to share an idea I had about Augment Mods. Don't get me wrong, they are a really cool addition to warframe and I love the hell out of them as I know many others do, but I had an idea about how to allow them to be put on the warframes without sacrificing a mod slot.


I know this doesn't count for every frame or everyone's build coz i know their are builds out there that leave slots open, which makes Augment mods a really good thing to have to fill those empty slots. But there are also a lot of build out there that require all the slots to be filled for the build to work, E.g. I have a Rhino with a defensive strength build that I use for soloing missions, coz, you know, iron skin. This build fills all the slots with mods that have to be there to allow the build to work properly, if I take a single one out, the whole build falls apart, meaning although the Iron Shrapnel Augment mod would be a good addition to help keep the enemies cc'd and keep me alive longer, I have no slots to put it without breaking the build


So I had an idea which I also discussed with several clan members about adding in Augment slots for these mods, kind of like the Aura mod slot, but with the function of a polarized normal slot. I have no idea if this idea is already in the works for DE, if it is, props to them, but with my idea, I know that just having the slots there is a bit too easy, so my idea was to bring in Augment slots, sourly for Augment mods, but you get them by using a forma, just like how u add polarity to slots. So basically when your weapon/warframe hits level 30 and u go to forma it, U have a choice of either polarizing a normal slot, or unlocking an Augment slot, and the amount of Augment slots that can be unlocked on each frame is equal to the amount of Augment mods available to that frame.


This is just an idea that I thought I'd run by everyone just to see what you all think of it. Give as a yes or a no on weather you think this is a good idea or not and/or any changes or improvements you would make to the current idea.



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it has been brought up before, and i dont agree with this idea, it would be nice to have, but then it allows players to become more powerful, creating more complaints about some frames needing a nerf. the way things are right now are fine

Edited by HueOfBlood
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it has been brought up before, and i dont agree with this idea, it would be nice to have, but then it allows players to become more powerful, creating more complaints about some frames needing a nerf. the way things are right now are fine


I wouldn't really say that things right now are "fine", but yeah, there's really no need to make players any more powerful than we already are. Most of us effectively got one or two free slots on our Warframes when Ability mods were scrapped. We don't need anything more than that.


I completely agree, though, that a bunch of Augments out there either aren't worth the slot (Furious Javelin) or give a bonus that should already be part of the base skill (Savage Silence). Those ones should just be buffed until they're worth using, or simply scrapped so that their effect is part of the skill by default. Free mod slots are not necessary and would cause more problems than they solve.

Edited by SortaRandom
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It needs to happen, seriously. 


I should not have to purposely gimp my build for a utility that the ability in question should naturally be doing (Ice Wave Impedance).


If they're going to end up adding an Augment for each ability (so, four total), do they really expect us to sacrifice four slots?

I certainly ain't.  

Edited by Tymerc
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It needs to happen, seriously. 


I should not have to purposely gimp my build for a utility that the ability in question should naturally be doing (Ice Wave Impedance).


If they're going to end up adding an Augment for each ability (so, four total), do they really expect us to sacrifice four slots?

I certainly ain't.  


I think they should only add 2 augment mod slots total, force us to make some tactical choice on which augments we have to have.

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I think they should only add 2 augment mod slots total, force us to make some tactical choice on which augments we have to have.


I'd be fine with just one, to be honest with you. I suppose two is good enough for when the time comes where we'll have four Augments.

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I'd really like 1 or 2 augment slots. It isn't OP. It provides variety and options. Aside from the point that augments essentially replaced the generic abilities that were frequently talked about so I don't see why not.


Plus, some of the additions augments add should have already been on abilities by default.

Edited by Naith
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I think even 2 is pushing it. We should get one augment slot, and if you want to use a 2nd, then it would be like it is now.


Well, yes, currently 2 is pushing it, but I'm trying to think ahead. As more augments are inevitably added I feel like it would be altogether more fair to allow space to augment at least two of your abilities, but after that I agree; any further modding will need to take up regular space.

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Well, yes, currently 2 is pushing it, but I'm trying to think ahead. As more augments are inevitably added I feel like it would be altogether more fair to allow space to augment at least two of your abilities, but after that I agree; any further modding will need to take up regular space.

Also, if 2 slots were added, people could Forma them, and it would be like the pre-15 days. 10 slots, potentially none polarized for powers.

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Also, if 2 slots were added, people could Forma them, and it would be like the pre-15 days. 10 slots, potentially none polarized for powers.


Lock them to augments-only, like the Aura slot (only Augments can ALSO be put in regular slots... or not, maybe, would depend on what play testing revealed about hte system).

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I should probably confirm, the idea is to have these Augment mods locked to only allow augments to be placed in them, no other mods. And yes the idea was for the slots to be separate from the normal slots, like Aura slots.

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It'd be cool. Just sucks that there are some really powerful augments currently available that are worth taking up a slot and if this happens they'll be free.

I say they add utility to abilities that need it rather than band-aiding it with augment mods, because it sounds like that's what the op truly wants.

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As of right now I think this would be a terrible idea as many frames arguably have one or no "good" augments and would retract from the whole augment idea, you know augmenting something instead of making it a default or staple. Now if every frame had two or more "good" augments this might be a viable option as to create diversity but as it stands right now they'll just be either straight upgrade slots or "what the hell am I going to put in there?" slots.

Edited by Akaina
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And I can't wait for it, best part of U16 fixes imho.

I should note though that when asked about augment slots again in another stream, they said for now they weren't going to be adding it due to 'reasons' that would be later explained or something. Suggesting something else more interesting may happen. I'm hoping they do add an augment slot, but they may not, at least not yet.

Edited by Naith
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they already said a few dev streams back that they were looking into adding in an augment slot for U16

But then they said in a few Devstreams later (like 2 or so Devstreams back) that they scrapped the idea and aren't doing it. :( Sucks, I forget why they aren't. 

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Frankly for this game... I no longer care about warframes being overpowered.....

I still play this game, just because.... I don't even really know.... but the advertisement of

"Ninjas play for free"


Is false in that we are barely what can be considered ninjas...... We can't even perform stealth kills.... and the enemies' detection is so OP.

So yes, sure, why not have an augment slot or two.

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No augment slots. They removed ability slots for a reason. And bring augment slots is kinda bringing ability slots. You are not forced to use all 4 augments you use the augments that fit your style and utilize either you adapt to the system or don't use augments. Plain and simple.

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