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Strangest Reason To Be Ignored By Another Player


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So i just had someone ignore me, but the reasoning behind the ignore was so strange and out of nowhere it made me wonder how many people ever had something similar happen to then.


Basically, i saw someone hosting a match on draco and was looking for a buffer. I have an oberon with smite infusion, which works wonders for draco since rad deals a lot of damage on grineer. I ask for an invite, and once the party is set we all hit accept. All of a sudden the group vanishes before we enter the map, at first i tought host was laggy and i didn't manage to log in, next thing know i get a PM from him simply saying "no oberon". I try to ask him why, but when i do so i get the message "this user is ignoring you".


Can't say if Oberon's killed his entire family, or if he simply didn't know they can also buff others. Anyone else has any strange reasons for ignores?

Edited by Ingway
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Wow.. thats insane.

Also, just as a future note, if the whole team is using Corrosive Projection, Smite Infusion will be next to useless. It would be better having Venom Overdoes or Fireball Frenzy (as 4 CP reduces armour by like 120%, therefore destroying it entierly)

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people are strange, i get ignored all the time when telling some one who wants to buy something THAT I HAVE IT. Did not even mention price...


and i have had people block me for nearly the same reason :P and the other two people in squad were backing me up saying oberon is far better for quicker kill/spawns and the squad poofed and got pm'd by the other two people finding out they were ignored as well.


best guess: a person with unhealthy obsession of absolute control.

Edited by OvAeons
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Wow.. thats insane.

Also, just as a future note, if the whole team is using Corrosive Projection, Smite Infusion will be next to useless. It would be better having Venom Overdoes or Fireball Frenzy (as 4 CP reduces armour by like 120%, therefore destroying it entierly)

while it may not offer bonus damage, it still offer damage up at least

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I was hosting rep farm , I wanted another Excalibur and I specially said "NO SLACKERS" which I explained no low level frames not doing anything. A guy PMed me saying he had a Mag and a Excalibur , I asked if he had max range and what levels. His mag was around 10ish , Excalibur was 30. I said plz bring Excalibur and I asked him 2 TIMES. He kept disconnecting like 5 seconds after he joined the squad(which I cant tell if he did it on purpose). He said "o well just invite me in mission I wouldn't disconnect there". I been searching for a squad for like 10 minutes so I didn't want the other team mates to suffer so I just agreed but when he connected he joined as Mag and acted like I wanted it -.-.

He claimed "I'm capturing points so I'm doing something" , After some talking I reset the squad and said "no hard feelings man I just don't like people who aren't doing anything 90% of the game" , responded with : "all the hard feelings , F**K YOU" then ignored me.

So he ignored you because he was an incompetent.




10/10 community

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I was selling something of value : max Primed Continuity.

I was advertising at 900p, and that person pm'd me and offered to buy it for 25p. Not kidding, he really wanted to buy a maxed Primed Continuity for 25p. I told him that his price was insanely low compared to the value of the mod, and he kept on insisting, claiming he was broke and such.
When I refused his ridiculous offer for the 3rd time, he said something along the lines : "You sir have a stick up your &#!". He ignored me right after that.

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I wanted to trade a Narrow minded or fleeting expertise for an Overextended in trade chat. This guy messaged me saying he'll trade OE for a Heavy Cal. I said that I didn't even offer that but he said he knows that but will trade OE IF I had Heavy Cal. I said no thanks, they're not really of equal worth. He then proceeds to tell me that Narrow Minded/Fleeting expertise isn't worth Overextended, has 8 OE and several Heavy Cals ranked 1-7, calls me an "ameture" and ignores me. 



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I regularly put people on ignore who repeatedly invite me to squads unasked just because I'm near the top of the list in region chat.


I even get invites from randoms (not on friends list) when I'm already in a mission. No idea where the heck these people are getting my name from.

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Most of players not understande even skills from frames like mesa or mirage, so he just didnt know why u bring this, anyway u should explain  that u have augument, no one can see it before use or even after and he expect rino 142%(worst buffer from all buffers)or mirage with total eclipse maxed 568% damage vs oberon smite infusion 284% (there is few more frames with similar damage buff with different damage type like  frost,ember,saryn), ppl ask for buffer when have excalibur and mirage total eclipse affect excalibur ulti, anyway u can discuss that before entering mission.

 If i host and ask mesa or total eclipse buffer i want only them, sometimes ppl bring wrong frames in last seconds and start to complain and bully, i blacklist and quit mission ofc i dnt need useless frames, u should respect host or dont ask for invite, host urself and make party wich u like(i always bring asked frames, just host i bring anything u want), too much dumb peeps they not read all text and joinng teams, i asking most of time for t4s camp team and telling RUNNERS NOT WELCOME(i just bored to run around, u loosing so much loot) but anyway they coming and ruin all gameplay and not listen anything in squad chat, so my blacklist is huge.

Edited by drunkpunk222
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I actually have two stories that at least I thought were kinda funny.


First one: In chat, I was just talking nonsense like usual, and some other people were talking about something. One of them responded to me, so I told him to "1v1 me cod." He promptly ignored me.


Second one: It was a long time ago, so I can't remember the details at all.


One time in trade chat, I was trying to sell something for a reasonable price (what other people were buying/selling that item for). Someone messaged me with a much lower value, so I said that it was a bit too low for me. He kept trying to argue the price, but I gave him my lowest number (still higher than his).


After that, all I got was "His Name: User is ignoring you." It said this like 3 times, then he messaged me something else. After that, it said that a few more times, and I moved on.


Edit: clarity

Edited by Vyrnaazus
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Been ignored for maining Oberon.


More baffingly, been ignored for selling a Terminal Velocity. Not even because of overpricing and underpricing, I just got a 'U selling Terminal Velocity' and when I tried to say yes it just told me 'user is ignoring you'.

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I've had many, two come to mind as they were recent.


1. Guy was hosting a mission, I asked for invite. He sent me an invite, then ignored me when I said I couldn't join as it was full.


2. Guy wanted to buy an item think it was ES or something.

-Me- 5p unranked.

-Guy- I got 4p offer from another person

-Me- Take it then

-Guy- Got it for 3p

-Guy- Sorry, There are winners and losers in this game.

User is ignoring you



Edited by Husla
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