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Frustrating And Pointless Stuff In Missions And Levels

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Before we begin, allow me to say im no expert in physics, but some of this stuff just has to go. Its annoying, frustrating, and pointless.

I understand most of these are trivial matters, but combined they can have a serious impact on the player. This frustration can reach such insane levels that it drives one to take the time to make a thread about it(me).







Atmospheric decompression: Slowly lose shields then health.


Why. Why is this here. I get that you're in space, but aren't the tenno in fully enclosed suits?

Another thing. Space is a vacuum. As soon as a door opens next to a room exposed to space, everything ought to go flying into space. I don't want to see this implemented in the game, but im just saying.

Yet another thing. There is zero gravity in space. Following this logic, how can the tenno manage to walk on platforms exposed to space? 

Disable the shield/health drain.




Battle damage: fiery patches of rubble lying around on the floor.


Poses no significant threat, just annoys the player. Serves as a  cool decoration, nothing more. Remove the damage, and ill be cool with it.


Cryogenic leakage: Half shields. 


Annoying, frustrating, and pointless. If someone has any reason why this should stay, please say so. (warm coat mod is a joke btw)

Im fine if the ice stays, just REMOVE THE HALF SHIELDS COMPLICATION.


Decompression:Tileset lockdown and shield/health drain.


Once again, annoying, frustrating, and pointless. Restating what i said earlier, aren't tenno in fully enclosed suits? 

Also, everything ought to go flying out as soon as the window breaks(dont do this please.)

Yet another thing: Did corpus engineers not think about what could happen if there is a hull breach? The doors can seal in a heartbeat, but THE WINDOW ITSELF CANNOT AUTO-SEAL? IS ANYONE GOING TO STILL BE IN THE SHIP TO MANUALLY SEAL THE WINDOW IF THERE IS A HULL BREACH?





Moving on to traps and DE's anti-rush mechanisms. (anti-rush mechanisms FAIL. they annoy the player instead)

Why are we trying to stop rushers in the first place. I have nothing wrong with people sprinting through a mission in seconds. (trench runs are ok, but rushing in normal modes is not?)


Arc traps: Zaps you if you get close.


Grineer security experts are fools.

So, after the whole broken lights ordeal, DE removed broken lights. Yippee. But... REPLACED THEM WITH ARC TRAPS. WHY. I appreciate the major damage reduction broken lights to arc traps, but... why does this exist. They don't stop rushers, they zap you if you shoot them, and electric procs have no effect on you. There was no reason for broken lights to exist in the first place. If someone has a reason why these should stay, please speak up now. REMOVE THEM.


Sensor bars: Steals all energy and disrupts hud.


How do the grineer expect their soldiers to live in these grineer galleons with these things on every door. 

Great, we now have the chore of shooting a 1 millimeter think block of plastic hanging above a door. I've said it before, ill say it again. Its pointless. Remove it.


Security camera: Activates laser barriers and turrets.


Another anti-rushing mechanic. Downright annoying. Yet another chore for the tenno, shooting cameras. 

Security cameras ought to set off the alarms if they catch you in their sights for too long, as opposed to activating 9001 death traps.


Laser barriers: Knocks you on the floor, usually leaving you to die to the hand of the 9001 crewmen on the other side.


A pure detriment to this game. Not only does this annoy players, it forces them to use rhino. Limiting choice is always a bad thing in a game. REMOVE THEM, they do not serve their purpose of slowing down players.



DE, why were these things put into the game. They aren't fun, they're annoying, and they fail to stop rushers.


Please do not comment with "they aren't that big of a deal, git gud son" because


I understand most of these are trivial matters, but combined they can have a serious impact on the player. This frustration can reach such insane levels that it drives one to take the time to make a thread about it(me).
















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I agree. With everything you said.

They were meant to make the game harder but they made it really frustrating to play. 


I`ve seen it myself recently, most mission are not fun anymore, its a chore.. I have to do that, that then avoid this, then go there, hope that someone doesnt do that, then that. OH snap, something went wrong? No problem, all squad is dead you can start from the beginning. 


Warframe is not fun anymore. Its a survival game(not the mission type). And survival is not fun.

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Warframes are not space suits. Archwings add that function.

Atmosphere is not gravity. Gravity is caused by two masses (you, and the ships artificial gravity generator in this case) being close to each other.


As for the shield/health drain, they're a consequence for not paying attention when you're in a sensitive area. The infested ships which are open to space are a little different, but it's easy to lure enemies out of that area if you're having trouble surviving.


Fire patches:


I hope your pun about being cool with fire damage from this being removed was intended. :)

It's easy to walk around the fire or jump over it.


Cryo leaks:


They suck, but are an added challenge. I think they should occur less frequently outside of ice based maps. Otherwise, if you can't tolerate them, restarting the mission usually fixes it.


Arc traps:


They're very easy to destroy and only occur in specific locations. I'm fine with these.


Sensor bars:


They're very easy to destroy and only occur in specific locations. I'm fine with these. They're also very easy to see. The only time they cause grief is when you're attempting to play without ranged weapons.


Security cameras and laser barriers:


They can be horrible when combined with players who don't pay attention or severe lag, but otherwise you can destroy the offending camera or slide attack when travelling through the doorway.



I think without these extra challenges the game would be more dull. But everyone's going to have their own perspective.

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Warframes are not space suits. Archwings add that function.

Archwings are hunks of metal taped to your tailbone. (ughh.)

So? Warframes are still sealed. 



Fire patches:


I hope your pun about being cool with fire damage from this being removed was intended. :)

It's easy to walk around the fire or jump over it.

It was not intended Now it is.

Yeah, i know fire patches aren't a huge problem. One weed on your lawn isnt a huge problem, but when 9001 weeds are all over the place, its a problem. Fire patches are pointless.


Cryo leaks:


They suck, but are an added challenge. I think they should occur less frequently outside of ice based maps. Otherwise, if you can't tolerate them, restarting the mission usually fixes it.

If i wanted challenge, i would've played nightmare mode.

There's the problem, I am forced to restart the level. Downright annoying.


Arc traps:


They're very easy to destroy and only occur in specific locations. I'm fine with these.

They are annoying, serve no purpose than to annoy the player, and need to be removed.


Sensor bars:


They're very easy to destroy and only occur in specific locations. I'm fine with these. They're also very easy to see. The only time they cause grief is when you're attempting to play without ranged weapons.

Limiting choice is never a good thing.


Security cameras and laser barriers:


They can be horrible when combined with players who don't pay attention or severe lag, but otherwise you can destroy the offending camera or slide attack when travelling through the doorway.



I think without these extra challenges the game would be more dull. But everyone's going to have their own perspective.

These are not challenges. They are annoyances.

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Ok look.







Probably because I`ve been beta testing Skyforge for this last week and I was paying attention to all details and mistakes, everything in Warframe now is terribly put together!!

I loved warframe, and I still do. One of the best shooter games I played, but man It is ruined by minor things like these.


I never rage quit missions unless I hated the players and I had no reason to play with them, but since aim-buff and all the proc I can`t even solo anymore! Everyone is complaining that people chose Rhino and Boltor and S Gammacor, but look at the state of things: you cant survive without those! No mater how good I was with Nova, and portaled everywhere, I got 1 shot the moment I came out of the Wormhole in an empty room.


Why do we have stuff that annoys us? No clue, but it`s not fun, and I`m as serious as I can be when I say that Warframe is not fun to play anymore. 

Edited by Elannor
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For me personally it adds more of an immersion effect into the game. If I go to an ice planet, I expect there to an effect on me (in this case shields) and I also would expect the cryogenic leaks to also have an effect.


All of these things you listed are ways I feel more immersed into a level. By your post I am assuming (correct me if I am wrong) that these do not make you feel immersed, but just are a distraction. Which is fine you are entitled to your own opinion.


I would not want these removed, but I can understand how to some players this would be a major annoyance.

Edited by Nalo1993
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For me personally it adds more of an immersion effect into the game. If I go to an ice planet, I expect there to an effect on me (in this case shields) and I also would expect the cryogenic leaks to also have an effect.


All of these things you listed are ways I feel more immersed into a level. By your post I am assuming (correct me if I am wrong) that these do not make you feel immersed, but just are a distraction. Which is fine you are entitled to your own opinion.


I would not want these removed, but I can understand how to some players this would be a major annoyance.

Nalo, I understand your point, and I liked that aspect of the game myself, but its not just that anymore.


They are 100% nagging. Its not about one or two things giving an impression, like ice everywhere. But when Ice half-ens you shields, corpus doors, deplete it completely and some fire on the ground kills you while your warframe is trying to stand up, I think it`s too much.

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Nalo, I understand your point, and I liked that aspect of the game myself, but its not just that anymore.


They are 100% nagging. Its not about one or two things giving an impression, like ice everywhere. But when Ice half-ens you shields, corpus doors, deplete it completely and some fire on the ground kills you while your warframe is trying to stand up, I think it`s too much.

I can see your point I just feel it would be better to find a middle ground rather than straight up deleting them. Maybe decreased effects so they are not as deadly? Or maybe for the corpus doors instead of them doing knocking the Tenno down, it either triggers the alarms, or if alarms are already going it locks down the system.


That idea may be more nagging than what we already have now, but I can't really come up with any other suggestion atm. XD

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Its not about removing, but actually making them work properly, as OP described. Most of them make no actual sense. 

Fair enough. I still get a different feel from the OP but I may be reading it wrong.

Edited by Nalo1993
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Yeah like the thing is... Cameras are not a big issue to me. Out of all the things listed, they would be the only one that has a reasonable purpose in the game and makes sense.


They evoke room for stealth gameplay/a squad of loki/ash lol


I also agree that limiting choices is rarely a good thing to do in a game that prides on maximum freedom of choice.  Last year DE Steve was speaking about how awesome the modding system is over alternative skill tree approaches.  He clearly takes pride knowing warframe is pro-choice and these small issues take that choice away.


I say that the cameras aren't as big an issue simply because contextually, unlike the other elements listed.. they've been in the game a long time, with a little stealthy gameplay you can get rid of them.. or if you CBF you can run as Rhino/Loki/Ash or any other frame and slide attack through them unscathed.  Solo they don't even slow me down but when in a team they pop-up unexpectedly and that is when they have any actual effects on my game experience.


The change to fix this would be that when a camera picks up a player in a room... ONLY lasers connected to doors of THAT room fire up.. rooms elsewhere shouldn't be activating.

Edited by Jax_Cavalera
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The change to fix this would be that when a camera picks up a player in a room... ONLY lasers connected to doors of THAT room fire up.. rooms elsewhere shouldn't be activating.


The cameras could set off the alarms after they see you for maybe 2 seconds...

(and not activate deathly lazer trapz)

Edited by 420degreequicksopeswag
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what I don't get is why the corpus are never affected by ice. I get it with the grineer because they have no shields but the corpus just walk around like nothing has even happened.


as for the fire hazards I read about a problem they cause to stealth. I might be wrong or it might be changed by now, but they could at one point and might still make the enemy alert if they die by them.


also the grineer sensor bars must be designed really S#&$y as ive seen grineer being killed by them.

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Last night I was playing Spy...a lot to try and get certain mods to drop. So I was doing the same level over and over.


Sometimes I got a plain tileset. Sometimes ice. Sometimes fire.


Getting the plain tileset over and over is boring. Getting ice and fire spiced things up a bit. In non spy missions it becomes even more interesting if you have half shields. Makes you work for it.

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