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Frustrating And Pointless Stuff In Missions And Levels

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Before we begin, allow me to say im no expert in physics, but some of this stuff just has to go. Its annoying, frustrating, and pointless.

I understand most of these are trivial matters, but combined they can have a serious impact on the player. This frustration can reach such insane levels that it drives one to take the time to make a thread about it(me).







Atmospheric decompression: Slowly lose shields then health.


Why. Why is this here. I get that you're in space, but aren't the tenno in fully enclosed suits?

Another thing. Space is a vacuum. As soon as a door opens next to a room exposed to space, everything ought to go flying into space. I don't want to see this implemented in the game, but im just saying.

Yet another thing. There is zero gravity in space. Following this logic, how can the tenno manage to walk on platforms exposed to space? 

Disable the shield/health drain.




Battle damage: fiery patches of rubble lying around on the floor.


Poses no significant threat, just annoys the player. Serves as a  cool decoration, nothing more. Remove the damage, and ill be cool with it.


Cryogenic leakage: Half shields. 


Annoying, frustrating, and pointless. If someone has any reason why this should stay, please say so. (warm coat mod is a joke btw)

Im fine if the ice stays, just REMOVE THE HALF SHIELDS COMPLICATION.


Decompression:Tileset lockdown and shield/health drain.


Once again, annoying, frustrating, and pointless. Restating what i said earlier, aren't tenno in fully enclosed suits? 

Also, everything ought to go flying out as soon as the window breaks(dont do this please.)

Yet another thing: Did corpus engineers not think about what could happen if there is a hull breach? The doors can seal in a heartbeat, but THE WINDOW ITSELF CANNOT AUTO-SEAL? IS ANYONE GOING TO STILL BE IN THE SHIP TO MANUALLY SEAL THE WINDOW IF THERE IS A HULL BREACH?





Moving on to traps and DE's anti-rush mechanisms. (anti-rush mechanisms FAIL. they annoy the player instead)

Why are we trying to stop rushers in the first place. I have nothing wrong with people sprinting through a mission in seconds. (trench runs are ok, but rushing in normal modes is not?)


Arc traps: Zaps you if you get close.


Grineer security experts are fools.

So, after the whole broken lights ordeal, DE removed broken lights. Yippee. But... REPLACED THEM WITH ARC TRAPS. WHY. I appreciate the major damage reduction broken lights to arc traps, but... why does this exist. They don't stop rushers, they zap you if you shoot them, and electric procs have no effect on you. There was no reason for broken lights to exist in the first place. If someone has a reason why these should stay, please speak up now. REMOVE THEM.


Sensor bars: Steals all energy and disrupts hud.


How do the grineer expect their soldiers to live in these grineer galleons with these things on every door. 

Great, we now have the chore of shooting a 1 millimeter think block of plastic hanging above a door. I've said it before, ill say it again. Its pointless. Remove it.


Security camera: Activates laser barriers and turrets.


Another anti-rushing mechanic. Downright annoying. Yet another chore for the tenno, shooting cameras. 

Security cameras ought to set off the alarms if they catch you in their sights for too long, as opposed to activating 9001 death traps.


Laser barriers: Knocks you on the floor, usually leaving you to die to the hand of the 9001 crewmen on the other side.


A pure detriment to this game. Not only does this annoy players, it forces them to use rhino. Limiting choice is always a bad thing in a game. REMOVE THEM, they do not serve their purpose of slowing down players.



DE, why were these things put into the game. They aren't fun, they're annoying, and they fail to stop rushers.


Please do not comment with "they aren't that big of a deal, git gud son" because


I understand most of these are trivial matters, but combined they can have a serious impact on the player. This frustration can reach such insane levels that it drives one to take the time to make a thread about it(me).


The fire damage from the flame pits is negligible, however on levels where it is present the enemies are already on high alert resulting in an instant lockdown as soon as one of them activates a console.


I agree with the cryogenic freeze thing can get annoying as you can't prepare for it, although Frost should have some resistance to it.


The sensor bar thing can get annoying, especially when it's partially covered by a metal beam.


The Camera+laser fence and turret combo can get annoying, but once you learn the sections, they become less of a challenge.


The cameras can be heard/spotted (most of the time) from quite a distance, although you will sometimes get caught out on the 4 entrance cargo bay section that usually has at least 4-5 cameras and 3 turrets.  The grineer energy barrier is easy to spot with the sensor bar at the top of the door.


The decompression thing, i've used this at times to give myself a breather during missions (just make sure your outside of that section before shooting the glass), although you gain no XP when enemies are killed using it.  Just watch out for the cracked glass on the windows.


The arc traps i've come across those briefly during a sabotage mission, shooting them outside of their range stops them from zapping you.


You just need to slow down a bit and learn the different sections and be aware of the visual and audio hints of these things, once you've done these levels a few times, you will learn what to expect when doing these level sections.

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You just need to slow down a bit and learn the different sections and be aware of the visual and audio hints of these things, once you've done these levels a few times, you will learn what to expect when doing these level sections.

Its not that i'm having any trouble at all dealing with these complications.


Its that they fail to fulfill their purpose and therefore must go.

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lol learn how to cope with low shields. Ever run nightmare missions or even some high end missions. Sorry but the real solution is level up and work on your mods and loadouts...don't make the game easier and more "plain".

Except i have no idea when i'm going to be experiencing "half shields."


Nightmare missions are different, because i know what to expect. This means i can swap out redirection for something else, like vitality.

I will not remove redirection just because i might experience half shields.


Warm coat is a joke of a mod.

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To me it sounds OP would like to rush through the level and does not like to have to stop to shoot cameras, avoid laser, etc....

Me, I like these things because the add to variation of just running and shooting or swinging a sword.

Sure those lasers that knock you down are annoying but hey, thats life for you :D

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Except i have no idea when i'm going to be experiencing "half shields."


Nightmare missions are different, because i know what to expect. This means i can swap out redirection for something else, like vitality.

I will not remove redirection just because i might experience half shields.


Warm coat is a joke of a mod.


I accept you don't know when you are going to have half shields. Happened to me last night...oh no I did not change my loadout. So I had a mildy harder mission to do where I had to be careful not to take too many hits in a row without recovery time.


Actually made it more interesting.

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Just want to point out that in those Tiles where the windows blow out, it would take under a second for all the "air" to blow out, and nothing would get "sucked out" unless it was sitting right next to the window in question.


The vacuum would equalize extremely quickly, and all the "whooshing vacuum sucking everything towards the hole" is a myth and only happens in dumb movies.

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The vacuum would equalize extremely quickly, and all the "whooshing vacuum sucking everything towards the hole" is a myth and only happens in dumb movies.

It would actually happen with a blast if the pressure inside was too much causing a huge rupture in the map.

I`d actually like to see that, very very much.

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The rest of the stuff I can deal with, but now that they made the sensor bars even less visible, I fully support removing them entirely, or just changing the proc on the door to something other than magnetic.  

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The rest of the stuff I can deal with, but now that they made the sensor bars even less visible, I fully support removing them entirely, or just changing the proc on the door to something other than magnetic.  


I just learn what the doors look like and watch for the rays coming out of the top.


I never find it hard to know where one is and then just deal with it when I get there.


I seriously can not see why these sensor bars are such an issue.

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I kindly disagree. While it is annoying to encounter many of the listed problems, they DO actually serve a purpose, no matter how big or small it may be.


To add atmosphere, and to make the player pay attention.


Warframe's not meant to be Easy Street, where you go "Oh, hey. I don't like this. You need to remove it because I hate it". That isn't necessarily how things work--especially if it's via a rather demanding sounding rant.


Some players appreciate these things, and don't like rushing missions as much as others. Removing these just because you want to rush the mission isn't exactly going to come across as a considerate thought regarding the players that don't like rushing, and actually want to enjoy the game. Please consider what other players like as well, and possibly a work around, but not a removal. Just because you hate something doesn't mean it shouldn't be there. You either avoid it or kill it. That's a lot of what makes Warframe a game.


While some things could stand to be changed up a little, such as, perhaps, LESS damage, instead of none at all (or in some cases in the game right now, such as too much damage), that doesn't mean they need to be cleared from the slate.



Now, things like the laser plates in Void defense missions one-shoting players because whoever used them didn't warn the player on the opposite side? THAT is something that could stand to be changed, but these small things are not pointless, and add an extra challenge to the game, no matter how major or minor. I personally believe they are only annoyances to people who don't want to consider a challenge.


However, that is my opinion, and only that, of course.

Edited by DaganEldr
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Atmospheric Decompression: Have you ever looked at your Warframe when the Cold Hazard is on? If you look closely, you can see the white breath as the Tenno inside exhales. Our suits are not 100% protected against the effects of space. Also, Tenno can magnetize their suits to keep themselves on the ground in a zero-gravity enviroment (Shown in the archwing quest and teaser)


Battle damage:... Fire burns. That is all.


Cryogenic Leakage: I have no problems with this hazard, as it simply ups the challenge.


Decompression: As others above have said, things only get sucked out for a second or so before the pressure becomes stable. Can see why it is annoying though as the windows do not auto seal.


Arc Traps: They are there to zap us if we get too close, weakening our shields and softening us up for the other grineer to finish the job. Also, they can be spotted and sniped from a distance to avoid the proc.


Sensor Bar: I'd like for this to stop damaging Grineer soldiers, but they are easy enough to spot and shoot or aerial melee.


Security Cameras: They should imo set off the alarm after a few seconds in addition to the lazerz and turrets. I do agree with what others have said that only the room where cameras have spotted a tenno should activate turrets and lazerz.


Laser Barriers: You can roll through them. That is all.

Edited by Zirion_Bk
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Ahahahahaha....You trolling right?   Maybe DE should remove enemies so nothing bothers you at all?


I agree that environmental hazards are kinda bad designed in WF....But removing them...Hell no. That will ruin 50% of immersion to me.

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One thing that I haven't seen anyone mention is that these annoyances (borrowing the TC's term here) are generally restricted to large tileset, linear missions rather than the endless ones, and most of them don't happen in the Void. In this way they even further disincentivize and reinforce the unpopularity of non-endless, non-Void missions, which is a fundamental problem with the game.


I personally don't find the "immersion" defense given by several people in this thread convincing, but different people have different criteria. I feel tremendously unimmersed and irritated when I'm moving through a level as normal and a camera on the other side of a closed door sees me before the door's opening animation has even started, instantly triggers the laser gate, and faceplants me. Same with teammates on the other side of the map being seen by a camera and that camera pressing the red nuclear button and lasering every door in the level.

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Laser barriers: Knocks you on the floor, usually leaving you to die to the hand of the 9001 crewmen on the other side.


A pure detriment to this game. Not only does this annoy players, it forces them to use rhino. Limiting choice is always a bad thing in a game. REMOVE THEM, they do not serve their purpose of slowing down players.

Forces them to use Rhino?  Um no, not even close.  You can slide-melee through any laser barriers without issue 99% of the time and sometimes you can get lucky and slide-flip through them without any real issues.  Also minor points but Mirage can turn them against the enemies with Sleight of Hand and Trinity using Link can actually be immune to the knockdown since the lasers full effect will hit the enemies instead.

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Before we begin, allow me to say im no expert in physics, but some of this stuff just has to go. Its annoying, frustrating, and pointless.

I understand most of these are trivial matters, but combined they can have a serious impact on the player. This frustration can reach such insane levels that it drives one to take the time to make a thread about it(me).


Another thing. Space is a vacuum. As soon as a door opens next to a room exposed to space, everything ought to go flying into space. I don't want to see this implemented in the game, but im just saying.

You do realise that that is Hollywood dramatising decompression? It just rapidly lowers pressure, and causes the blood to boil and freeze at the simultaneously as a result.
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Laser Barriers: You can roll through them. That is all.

Quoting this to keep it on page 3, and because it's what I wanted to mention.


Honestly the only time those lasers will do anything to you, is if you are moving via walk or sprint, along the floor.

If you are dodge rolling, slide vaulting, slide attacking, doing a forward aerial melee—ANYTHING other than just walking/sprinting, the doors do nothing.


Also the grineer doors, I usually am playing Oberon and hit 2 to just walk through it because it makes me look like Captain McSwag.


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All of these thing are there to slow you down a little. Without these almost every mission would just be a race and you would finish most mission in less than a minute

Im not saying they dont need a little work but asking to remove all of them? It just wont happen cmon

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