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High Defense Banshee Play



Sound quake ult is maxed at 1000 base damage. At higher levels, I've heard this isn't much damage worth for 100 energy and so Sonic Boom is the winning ability to use at 25 energy to protect pod, cc knockdown, position.


Is it better off to not have sound quake on your hotbar at all so you can save mod points on focus, continuity, etc?

Assuming a team intends to move onto higher defense waves

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I use sound quake on pluto and eris defense without a problem. After about level 12 i cant one shot everything with the skill anymore and i have to use it twice to kill things.. I Also have reach and focus on my Banshee and with her two polaritys it makes it hard to fit on some mods you may want.

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I still use Sound Quake up until 2 uses don't kill the light stuff anymore. So she's good until about wave 15/20 depending on what planet you're on. I find myself mostly using Frost instead of her for defence missions though. Snow globe is forever useful :D


Without Sound Quake I'm not really sure what Banshee is bringing that you couldn't do almost as well as a jump attack with the Fragor + frost mod, provides pretty good cc and keeps them down for a while. I suppose Sonar could be good if you have a team who knows how to use it and can communicate well.

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I still use Sound Quake up until 2 uses don't kill the light stuff anymore. So she's good until about wave 15/20 depending on what planet you're on. I find myself mostly using Frost instead of her for defence missions though. Snow globe is forever useful :D


Without Sound Quake I'm not really sure what Banshee is bringing that you couldn't do almost as well as a jump attack with the Fragor + frost mod, provides pretty good cc and keeps them down for a while. I suppose Sonar could be good if you have a team who knows how to use it and can communicate well.

your right sonar is amazing  against ancients when you have a smart team. 


Her first ability is great for keeping stuff back and stunning mobs attacking the pod

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Sound Quake does the job until Grineers reach level 40, Ancients level 30 and Corpus level 75+. Past that point, you should only use it once per wave to crowd control enemies while your team kill them, then follow up with a Sonar or Sonic Boom spam.


If you are fighting against Infested like on Xini, SB spam & Sonar will be A LOT more useful to keep the Ancients horde at bay.

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I use sound quake to clear the lessers so we only have to deal with ancients. Helps out a teammate Ash a lot, as his ult now won't be wasted on trash. Same for saving ammo.

Sonar is great against Ancients.

Banshee and Saryn are the preferred infested dpsrs for Endless Defence.

Edited by Darzk
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