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Edo Prime Armor Ss's (Lightning Storm When Channeling!)



Prime style:



Energy Only:



Color Areas:



Free colors on the PBR metal:







Please note:

On Targis Prime's armor the gold layer is "Tint Color 4"

On Edo Prime's Armor the gold layer is "Secondary"


I feel as though both should have their gold tiny set to Tint color 4 for the sake of us not having to have half our pallets be gold in order to wear them both at the same time.






Does Edo Prime chest plate have a different "energy armor" effect?

Sort of. It looks about the same to me, but it uses the energy color for attachments. The regular Edo chest piece uses the warframe's energy color. Not sure if this discrepancy is intended, or which is the bug? In the below SS my energy is set to black on Excalibur.







It apparently discharges lightning while channeling. Pretty cool.


When doing melee channel, lightning arcs from the WF to the surrounding area!


This effect appears to be per-part. Equipping the full set is quite a show, but equipping just the right shoulder for example, yields much less frequent arcing and always coming from that shoulder.


Again, energy color for Excal is set to black so this appears to use the attachment energy color as well.







Just a clipping that makes emblem look caged in.




These look tucked in there. Might be intentional... Not sure?







How did the sugatra go tho?

May as well post that while we're at it, I guess. :)


It's kind of like a prime version of the Corpus chain sugatra. Looks very similar, but I think it has quite a few more links. It moves around and drapes well IMO. I do like it and will be using it. I like it in straight gold. It looks good from a distance, but now that I post these close up screenshots you can really tell where the PBR is and where it's just sort of a tan-yellow color.








This might be an odd sounding question, but does it have a description like the Targis Prime armor and other sets?


I would like to know for lore reasons.

"This golden decorative armor honors master warriors long forgotten."

(Same for all five pieces.)

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This might be an odd sounding question, but does it have a description like the Targis Prime armor and other sets?


I would like to know for lore reasons.

"This golden decorative armor honors master warriors long forgotten."

(Same for all five pieces.)

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I read in a thread, that the leg parts are in a wron position on volt prime.


Can you pls show me / ous some screens from the leg armor on different frames?

I clicked through my frames and tried it on but I didn't see any really bad ones. Frost, Hydroid and Zephyr look a bit wonky but they have weird legs so that's going to happen. A few looked like they hadn't been tweaked yet because they were like perfectly vertical and not aligned with the shin. Only Limbo actually looked bad IMHO.




Would you kindly post a pic of Mag Prime with Edo Prime armour? Not really fond of how Targis Prime looks on her and I'm wondering if this is a good alternative. Default colours, please and thank you.

Sure. Give me a few. I tried to get a quick one but she is just like one giant lens flare in the arsenal. X.X

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Would you kindly post a pic of Mag Prime with Edo Prime armour? Not really fond of how Targis Prime looks on her and I'm wondering if this is a good alternative. Default colours, please and thank you.

The shape/profile of the shoulders and chest looks really good on her as they go along with the bands on her arms. The material is totally wrong through... when Mag gets PBR'd I'll definitely use them but for now it just looks terrible as you go through the game because light sources hit them differently. You can see in the bottom left I got the gold color just about dead to rights, but even just moving around the liset it's constantly changing differently from the body.


Shin guards fit well but they look off to me. Spindly bits don't really go with anything on her.



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The shape/profile of the shoulders and chest looks really good on her as they go along with the bands on her arms. The material is totally wrong through... when Mag gets PBR'd I'll definitely use them but for now it just looks terrible as you go through the game because light sources hit them differently. You can see in the bottom left I got the gold color just about dead to rights, but even just moving around the liset it's constantly changing differently from the body.


Shin guards fit well but they look off to me. Spindly bits don't really go with anything on her.


Yah, you're right, pretty hideous. Thanks for the warning XD

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<lots of awesome stuffs>


Thanks for this! Made my decision eassssssy!  ;-)


BTW, do you know how to get back to the Prime metal color, or what is your best approximation of which color it is? I used my defaults, one from Easter, and one from Storm, and neither came out exceptionally well like they did with Targis.


I am 100% with KittyDarkling regarding putting the Gold on the same color field. I didn't realize that I had removed Targis chest piece from Nova due to it being way too large for her, but Edo P chest looks awesome... just not colored right. :(

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Would it be possible to get a picture of Mesa/Chroma with the new armor?

Sorry for slow response. I went to sleep.

Looks a bit small on Chroma, but he has lots of weird poses. Guess it had to be for clipping reasons and for appearances with pelt on and off. Makes sense since he's a smaller guy underneath anyway I guess? Remember you lose shoulders when you drop the pelt and IIRC your syandana goes away as well.



Fits fine on Mesa and follows her materials well through lighting changes but the shoulders and shins don't go with her at all IMO. That chest piece is hot though. Going to play with it some more to get a better lapis-lazuli and silver theme going and use that on her from now on. Just remember your accessory color 4 = her gun barrels. You can see they went light green/blue in my pics.



BTW, do you know how to get back to the Prime metal color, or what is your best approximation of which color it is? I used my defaults, one from Easter, and one from Storm, and neither came out exceptionally well like they did with Targis.

These are my three favorites, but I think the trick on large pieces is to mix them up a little bit. If you do all one gold over a prime frame, armor and weapons it just looks like a painted car at best and metallic spray-painted toy at worst. The darkest one in the middle looks the best but it gets very yellowy at night. The far right from Easter most resembles the old primes but I don't use it for old primes much because even there it will behave very differently under the light, as we saw in Mag's screenshots above.




Excellent showcase.

Now can you please add a couple of pictures with normally-coloured Excalibur? I would like to see how good it blends with warframe overall style.

Those were normally-coloured. Excal was nerfed again in update 16.1.336 and currently shows up as all black in screenshots. :(



Bug was reintroduced as a fixed in 16.1.337!


Fits him very close but the colors match perfectly, as though it uses exactly his materials. I hit copy defaults for this screenshot and actually had to change the metal color to make it stand out. Follows him through light perfectly. I'm sure it's no coincidence that he was just recently PBRificated.



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Sorry for slow response. I went to sleep.

Looks a bit small on Chroma, but he has lots of weird poses. Guess it had to be for clipping reasons and for appearances with pelt on and off. Makes sense since he's a smaller guy underneath anyway I guess? Remember you lose shoulders when you drop the pelt and IIRC your syandana goes away as well.



Fits fine on Mesa and follows her materials well through lighting changes but the shoulders and shins don't go with her at all IMO. That chest piece is hot though. Going to play with it some more to get a better lapis-lazuli and silver theme going and use that on her from now on. Just remember your accessory color 4 = her gun barrels. You can see they went light green/blue in my pics.



2 hours isn't a slow reply, but thank you so much for the pics! Also believe me I understand the need for sleep, I am in college. Sleep is life.


I also agree that it kinda looks odd on them, but they are two of my current favorites to use (next to volt) and just wondered what it would look like on them. The shins look really off on Mesa though lol

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Can you post pictures of this with Nekros? D: He's my favorite and I plan to use it on him pretty much if it does look good

I actually JUST made my new Nekros appearance. Somewhere between Lord Zed and a Necron Lord.


Nekron Lord Zed.

EDIT: Probably should rock Bo Prime... Both of those guys use staff weapons don't they...



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