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De Should Buy The Rights To Grinder App And Rename Wf


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Anyone remember during one of the early devstreams when Scott said "We don't want to create grind", and we all were like "Oh hell yeah they are going to fix me having to run a mission 10 times for a single prime part!"?

And he were are, over a year later, and has DE even remotely made this issue better?

For you ACTUAL players who know how to criticize a game without blatantly hating on it...no. A fellow clan member and I are both high MR (him 18 me 14) so it goes without saying that we spend our time acquiring the new prime parts and frames to keep busy in this game. Well we both decided to pool all of our T1 Capture keys to try and snag the Odonata Prime Blueprint. And 54, yes 54, keys later we STILL DON'T have that piece. I can understand that we might just be a victim of a cruel RNG, which is partially related to my username. But surely I'm not a statistical anomaly where I beat a 1/10 odds 5 times. The even more infuriating part is that I'm not alone. I know there are other tenno out there who have ran just as many, if not more, T1 Captures than I and have yielded the same results. And people who manage it in the 1st try are the one in a million. So my question is, why hasn't DE even tried to make this better.

Its simple, money, they are pushing prime access more and more. Ever since Mag Prime, when anyone could get her in a day of light farming, their Prime Access sales went down and they lost a lot of money. So progressively its been getting worse and worse each update. But I give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they are just incompetent and despite being a relatively large company, they can't pool their brain power together and figure out that maybe, if I get a T4 Survival, and run it, that I shouldn't have to have 6 Bo Prime Ornaments (yes that happened) in a 40 minute run, when that super common part is in about 10 possible reward locations. But the Volt Prime piece is not. I understand Boobie Prizes, but at what point is it too useless. Ran a extremely hard to get T3 Survival today, 35 minute reward? 3 Uncommon 5 fusion cores. That is absurd and very insulting. It insults me as a consumer that they are willing to hypothetically spit in my face for no reason other than "GIVE ME MORE OF YOUR MONEY!" It would be so much easier if they just made it where after a reward is given, it is not possible to repeat the reward that run. So no 2 Volt BP's (like that'd ever happen) and no 6 Bo Ornaments.

They are acting like politicians and feeding us a line of crap and distracting us. I'd dare say 75% of this fan base are veterans, and if you ask any of them why they still play this game (white knights aside) most will say something like "Oh I've spent too much money on this game to just stop" or "I've sunk 500+ hours in this, no way I can just walk away" They understand we are captives to our investment, so they are milking us for more and more until we keel over. And they are making the game suffer as a whole with obvious power creep, complete disregard for new players (tutorial so doesn't count) with them essentially letting us veterans teach them. I see so many new players go into region chat and ask for help, and either be ignored to ripped apart by bitter veterans who just want the game to be what it could be and not this Pay-to-enjoy game. I use that term because its what it is, you have to treat this game like a chore if you want to play it at any level above casual, and that is wrong. But like every other veteran in this game, I'm too far along this road financially to just quit. So I have my mortar and pestle in hand and will continue to grind out this poorly guided cash sucking machine.

TLDR: DE is shafting us on grind to make money, and are dodging questions like a politician and are making us captives of our own investments

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you have a choice, you either support them, or you don't. They are business, and they have a business model, and they are not hiding that fact. Keep in mind whether you support them or not(ie buy plat/access packs) it wont change there mind. They are going to continue to ensure there is an obnoxious amount of grinding. You either cut your losses and move or continue down this path. And again either way, they wont care.

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And I still love WF.

I love the games core mechanice, its just these misguided and amateur devs that are driving their "baby" into the ground. I've been here for almost 2 years now and the decline in quality of the reward systems and thought going into each updates is depressing.

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Yes, they are a business. That doesn't mean they have to crap on the quality of their own game in order to make money from it. They have a solid, addictive formula that keeps us coming back, but they make that experience bitter with this insipid, unrelenting, insultingly unrewarding grind. Just like OP said, the only reason I even kept playing past U14 was becase I have 1200+ hours in and quite a bit of money invested. I can't just walk away from it. As harsh as OP's words were, they're, for the most part, completely true.

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you have a choice, you either support them, or you don't. They are business, and they have a business model, and they are not hiding that fact. Keep in mind whether you support them or not(ie buy plat/access packs) it wont change there mind. They are going to continue to ensure there is an obnoxious amount of grinding. You either cut your losses and move or continue down this path. And again either way, they wont care.

The one thing I want in a company no matter the field is transparency. And DE is not that. They say time and time again they don't want grind, they want to make everything balanced and fun. They never say, yeah we want more plat to be bought so we rolled out these super power creep mods for you to buy with Ducats or just buy plat and spend it buying parts from other players. No they play dumb like they are just making this game like its a hobbie. When they very much have a money centered goal and force this stupid delusion that the game is 100% grind centered

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I feel the directive path of this game changed about 1 year ago, the new big features are all content that is externally complex and complicated to acquire or work with, until this day I can not like one bit about kubrows and archwing, and etc whatever was in a big update, since every-time they reinvent the core mechanic of the game with a new grinding system that is either complex or very time consuming.


Some of the stuff I do understand and agree with how they were made, but there is so much stuff they just complicate and make extremely bad, the end result is the community hating and ignoring content DE have laid months of work on.



Maybe that's were the extreme on digital extreme comes from, they either do extremely good stuff or extremely horrible stuff.

Edited by 7grims
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I feel the directive path of this game changed about 1 year ago, the new big features are all content that is externally complex and complicated to acquire or work with, until this day I can not like one bit about kubrows and archwing, and etc whatever was in a big update, since every-time they reinvent the core mechanic of the game with a new grinding system that is either complex or very time consuming.


The grind on archwing and kubrows is the reason I can't enjoy either. Kill 598760934857690837 kubrow dens to get an egg, or pay 10 plat. Then pay a crapton to incubate it, and wait forever before you get to use it (or pay plat). Then dump 100k credits a week on the thing to keep it alive.


I don't even need to say anything about the archwing weapon grind.

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I feel the directive path of this game changed about 1 year ago, the new big features are all content that is externally complex and complicated to acquire or work with, until this day I can not like one bit about kubrows and archwing, and etc whatever was in a big update, since every-time they reinvent the core mechanic of the game with a new grinding system that is either complex or very time consuming.


Some of the stuff I do understand and agree with how they were made, but there is so much stuff they just complicate and make extremely bad, the end result is the community hating and ignoring content DE have laid months of work on.



Maybe that's were the extreme on digital extreme comes from, they either do extremely good stuff or extremely horrible stuff.

It again plays towards their distraction crap. They make Kubrows get everyone hyped and playing again, then make the eggs impossibly hard to farm, and since rolling them out, they have made no improvements to that frustrating addition. Why should I have to wait so long to use the Kubrow after taking it out of stasis? Answer: Rush it with plat. Same goes with Archwing, although granted they seem like this will actually become part of the game, but its just another plat vacuum.

Edited by TheAmishCurse
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just these misguided and amateur devs

Last I checked, they had actual development experience and have published several games. That's not "amateur", and it's far more than what can be said of you.


Let's leave the developing to the actual developers, hm?

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Last I checked, they had actual development experience and have published several games. That's not "amateur", and it's far more than what can be said of you.


Let's leave the developing to the actual developers, hm?

Oh I'm sorry that I have to be literal with you. Yes Im actually a fan of Dark Sector the game they made back in the mid 2000's. So I'm aware. As for you saying to leave the developing to developers? I have to ask you this, "why is this game so unfinished there is only a few tile sets and not enough variety" let me guess. Your response would be "We're beta testers blah blah, DE does no wrong blah blah". Well I'm a beta tester, I have been for over a year now. So as a tester I can say something is not right. Should I not ever review a movie because I'm not a Director. Your argument is just one made up by White Knights who, I gave you the answer you wanted btw, to justify that I can't criticize DE because you have your head so far up their ! that you can tell what they had for breakfast yesterday to say anything negative.


Edit: Sorry for the hostility but A.) You came of very belittling B.) I'm sick of white knights coming in and defending DE while they loot your pockets probably more than me, seeing as how you bought Prime Access

Edited by TheAmishCurse
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Last I checked, they had actual development experience and have published several games. That's not "amateur", and it's far more than what can be said of you.


Let's leave the developing to the actual developers, hm?


They have, on many occasions, outright said they have no actual plans or roadmap for this game. They're just winging it. Bad decision after bad decision, all kinds of evidence of internal conflict and disagreements about how something should be done, makes it's way into the game, and it shouldnt. Experience does not equate competence. I'm not going to outright say that DE is clueless on how to make games, but their plethora of frequent and consistent mistakes, cannot be ignored.

Edited by Sairus002
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Last I checked, they had actual development experience and have published several games. That's not "amateur", and it's far more than what can be said of you.


Let's leave the developing to the actual developers, hm?


There is plenty of bad stuff even amateurs wouldn't make, and DE does.

Ever noticed how horrible it is for new players to learn anything about the game, you can have the same feeling whenever there is a new update and u are totally lost and misguided by so many new mechanics, and "were is this?" "what does that do?", "how do i do that?"


Brings me back to the codex problematic, as it was promised to be a guide better then the wiki, inside the game, it never was, its very far from being useful or any good, and it doesn't even comes close to the useful wiki, besides they totally turn the codex upside down and made it into a horrible scanning system.


and there is plenty more were DE sins as a game developer, yet no one can deny they are making a great game that as captivated us all, they just are sinking it in a way.

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Oh I'm sorry that I have to be literal with you. Yes Im actually a fan of Dark Sector the game they made back in the mid 2000's. So I'm aware. As for you saying to leave the developing to developers? I have to ask you this, "why is this game so unfinished there is only a few tile sets and not enough variety" let me guess. Your response would be "We're beta testers blah blah, DE does no wrong blah blah". Well I'm a beta tester, I have been for over a year now. So as a tester I can say something is not right. Should I not ever review a movie because I'm not a Director. Your argument is just one made up by White Knights who, I gave you the answer you wanted btw, to justify that I can't criticize DE because you have your head so far up their ! that you can tell what they had for breakfast yesterday to say anything negative.


Edit: Sorry for the hostility but A.) You came of very belittling B.) I'm sick of white knights coming in and defending DE while they loot your pockets probably more than me, seeing as how you bought Prime Access

A few tile sets? WF already has more than most AAA titles, Destiny launched with what, 4? I get that you're pissed bro but come on.

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A simple google search yields this result. Dark sector is but one of many.


And so I leave the obvious hatethread.

Lol White Knights need not comment buddy. I was simply stating I am familiar with WF's Devs. And I wouldn't call this a hate thread as much a vent thread. I'm not saying the game sucks, I'm simply stating that they are becoming more and more money centered rather than player centered. But again, I understand if your head to lodged to far to see that.

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I like warframe, but the grind is definitely annyoning every 3 months when PA comes out cause everyone wants it, MR18 and I still haven't got the despairs, I have spent 1k+ hrs in the game and some money which would be time and money wasted if i decide to leave. I do think that the amount of rng should be turned down a bit.

Edited by Noobgamer21-0408
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I've already spent about 500 hours and I still only play the game for fun. Why should you care about investment? Games are games, and they are all in for your money. Just pay for the ones you feel are worth it.

But yeah, the grind in Warframe is excessive.

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I dont get what this is all about? Is it about DE making proper ap? Is it rant about new Primes drop rate? Everything is a mess.


It's a rant about how DE is degrading the quality of the game with grind, to make money. Not that hard to follow.


I like warframe, but the grind is definitely annyoning every 3 months when PA comes out cause everyone wants it, MR18 and I still haven't got the despairs, I have spent 1k+ hrs in the game and some money which would be time and money wasted if i decide to leave. I do think that the amount of rng should be turned down a bit.


MR18, 1200 hours, still no Hate. I feel your pain.



A few tile sets? WF already has more than most AAA titles, Destiny launched with what, 4? I get that you're &!$$ed bro but come on.


Are you implying that Destiny, or AAA games in general, are some kind of example of quality?

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I love the games core mechanice, its just these misguided and amateur devs that are driving their "baby" into the ground. I've been here for almost 2 years now and the decline in quality of the reward systems and thought going into each updates is depressing.

Whoa okay.


Name some developers who are better than DE, and name some developers who actually fix their mistakes and listen to the opinions of their player base.


I feel like it's people like you who are always complaining making things look like they are horrific and they are doing a terrible job BUT NO THEY ARE NOT.


RNGesus just hates you cause you are so negative all the time.

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