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Survival Campers


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Let me put it in a very simple way for those with understanding will accept , and idc much about whiners anyway so , Is there a possibility of going beyond 80 mins mark : Yes. Can it be done without camping : Not that effectively and more chances of failure.  Do you get most out of your single key by camping : Yes. Is it fun tackling high level enemy : Yes very much ! I can add more but I think this is more than enough for people with right reasoning to understand . Also as repeated multiple times now , camping is totally within legit use of warframe , its not cheating , so why not do camping ! Happy Camping !

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Let me put it in a very simple way for those with understanding will accept , and idc much about whiners anyway so , Is there a possibility of going beyond 80 mins mark : Yes. Can it be done without camping : Not that effectively and more chances of failure.  Do you get most out of your single key by camping : Yes. Is it fun tackling high level enemy : Yes very much ! I can add more but I think this is more than enough for people with right reasoning to understand . Also as repeated multiple times now , camping is totally within legit use of warframe , its not cheating , so why not do camping ! Happy Camping !

One spot camping and using macros is not what DE wants, so you are just giving them a reason for frame nerfing. IIRC, Steve once said they never intended players to go over certain caps in Defense and Survival, and that is what scares me.

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One spot camping and using macros is not what DE wants, so you are just giving them a reason for frame nerfing. IIRC, Steve once said they never intended players to go over certain caps in Defense and Survival, and that is what scares me.

Lol ..ahhaha ...let me get my breath back ....so all DE has to do about it is, after reaching that cap , booom " Mission Successfully Completed  " and not nerf the frames ! DE can want whatever they want we are here to play it and DE definitely wants us to play , so we will play it the way we like it ! You can't make restriction on how I want to use my frames or squad . DE is free to experiment with warframe the way they like we are free to experiment the play style the way we like . Can't stop playing the way I like cause "DE will punish us for playing well " So yeah that's it ! 

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One spot camping and using macros is not what DE wants, so you are just giving them a reason for frame nerfing. 

I dont understand how macros can deal with nullifiers/bombards at once and if 4 ''cheatermacrosusers' could deal with it ? They are extremely fat  + if u not moving ~10-20 seconds but still shooting and using powers u dont get pick ups (at least for me like that or may be vortex suck them too haRd xD ).So besides shooting at them and wasting all ammos and using boxes to refill i have to move around this little corner almost constantly.



 IIRC, Steve once said they never intended players to go over certain caps in Defense and Survival, and that is what scares me.

They want to burn players keys asap with terrible RNG and forma bp on C rotations? I got plently of them from there , thx.

Edited by Odik
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I don't think I've ever done that but a guy did try to make the whole team wait in a kloset like area & set one move on repeat. Is that what you mean? Spawn rate was low, timer was running low so I bounced + bored.

That said, I got enough skill to survive in one tiled big room... with foes koming from Mulitple sides, long as my teammates are equipped right as well


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Let me ask a serious question in response to your distaste at camping in survival.

Would you prefer that or hallway/door heroes keeping exp from the rest of the group all in the name of showing off how much damage and kills they have in comparison to the rest of the team on the results screen?

Edited by VengefulFenrir
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Why poke your nose into others business? You do what you want and let others be.

Nope. It's a coop game, if three or two people have agreed to a strategy and there is a douchebag with the "i do whatever i want" sh*t mentality, then yes, it is our business, he's now wasting our time by diluting mobs and breaking our coordination whenever he dies. Look up what cooperative means, selfish decisions do not benefit this game mode.


If people want to do whatever they want, which means going against the already set strategy by the team or failure cooperate in setting one, they should go ahead and set the privacy level to solo, that's where they belong. In the same sense we shouldn't poke in other's business, people shouldn't bring their rebel teenager mentality to a coop game where at least a decent level of teamplay awareness from other players is expected.

Edited by nms64
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What's the difference between me

A) Sitting still and spamming my ult, and shooting.


B) Running around in a circle around the tile, spamming my ult, and shooting?

Nothing. Except I'm moving. It's not harder, and maybe it would be fun if I didn't have to do it 30+ times to get one part.

At least while camping I can fiddle with my phone. Do something more fun that actually put in effort for it to be shut down by my 10000th Forma BP.

And don't say "you don't have to play T3S over and over!" Because how else am I supposed to get the part in a reasonable time frame? That logic angers me. If I have to do a mission at least 30 times to 40 minutes, except I have to hope I randomly am doing T3S 20 hours worth of times. I have to try to get it at least.

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Here's to hoping the DE addresses this new fad of "farming" in the void.


Had someone tell me the best way to get to 40 minutes in Survival was to use this new method of "camping" in the voids. 


People don't learn from Viver and E-Gate that people are shooting themselves in the foot. 






This is less about the actual method of playing around in one room and sticking it out to as long as you're staying


and more about people deciding to sit in a hallway, set on a macro or press a button every once in a while for 40 minutes... then bash/shun/kick you or waste your key for not following suit.


why does it matter? every enemy after level 30-35 is gonna start to kick your sorry &#! into the ground. i see camping as a way to just survive. its bad enough that the bombards got two massive buffs when they needed a nerf, so why risk serving yourself over on a silver plater? i mean camping does get boring after awhile, but its better than running around and getting your &#! shot up because the enemies we fight now make you question your every move since they can basically kill you without taking down your shields. camping in an area that shows clear strategic advantage allows for the players to progress whereas the other way basically is a guaranteed wipe no matter how hard you fight or dash out of fire. 


has anyone else noticed that the status effect from enemies' guns has sky rocketed since the last two hot fixes? I'm literally dying now from pure lash damage alone now. i kept count one game and i got slash damage effect nearly 9/10 times and each time was worse than the last, and i was just sniping from the back. 

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Considering how many people are spamming the same arguments here, I suppose we might as well compile a list of "arguments for camping in survival":


-"Let us play the game the way we want to, because other players who need backup whilst actually running around and not spamming 4 like me can suck it! Screw teamwork!"


-"The game's too hard otherwise, despite the point of T4S being very challenging!"


-"It's strategic! Somehow!"


-"It's too hard to get anything otherwise, and I desperately want the things offered from it! Because somehow if I cannot acquire an item, my intestines will burst out of my body in a gout of ropy gore, apparently!"


-"There's nothing else to do in the game, besides Synthesis, Spy 2.0, Rescue 2.0, Archwing, Hive, Trials, PvP, and Medallion hunting! But screw all that content!"


That's all I've got. I've yet to see any admissions of "I genuinely enjoy farming", though. Any thoughts?

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Considering how many people are spamming the same arguments here, I suppose we might as well compile a list of "arguments for camping in survival":


-"Let us play the game the way we want to, because other players who need backup whilst actually running around and not spamming 4 like me can suck it! Screw teamwork!"

Don't enjoy that type of gameplay? Don't freaking join their teams. Case closed.

-"The game's too hard otherwise, despite the point of T4S being very challenging!"

-No one ever mentioned that T4S was even remotely hard.

-"It's strategic! Somehow!"

-Running around like brainless chicken isn't strategic either.

-"It's too hard to get anything otherwise, and I desperately want the things offered from it! Because somehow if I cannot acquire an item, my intestines will burst out of my body in a gout of ropy gore, apparently!"

-No one ever said it was hard or even mentioned it, but people surely said that RNG is a pain in the butt and repeating the same content over and over isn't fun.

-"There's nothing else to do in the game, besides Synthesis, Spy 2.0, Rescue 2.0, Archwing, Hive, Trials, PvP, and Medallion hunting! But screw all that content!"

-What content? You name pretty much all of them right now. ''Medallion hunting'' isn't even a game mode or anything close to it. You can compare it to breaking loot crates

That's all I've got. I've yet to see any admissions of "I genuinely enjoy farming", though. Any thoughts?

-No one really enjoy grinding the same node over and over again to get a the last piece you need.

Now what are your arguments against it? Seriously I didn't see any from the people who are against it.

Edited by Alphafox
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Considering how many people are spamming the same arguments here, I suppose we might as well compile a list of "arguments for camping in survival":


-"Let us play the game the way we want to, because other players who need backup whilst actually running around and not spamming 4 like me can suck it! Screw teamwork!"


-"The game's too hard otherwise, despite the point of T4S being very challenging!"


-"It's strategic! Somehow!"


-"It's too hard to get anything otherwise, and I desperately want the things offered from it! Because somehow if I cannot acquire an item, my intestines will burst out of my body in a gout of ropy gore, apparently!"


-"There's nothing else to do in the game, besides Synthesis, Spy 2.0, Rescue 2.0, Archwing, Hive, Trials, PvP, and Medallion hunting! But screw all that content!"


That's all I've got. I've yet to see any admissions of "I genuinely enjoy farming", though. Any thoughts?


Exaggeration is fun? I guess?


Lets try "I'm going to take this tedious task and make it a little bit less tedious".

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Every time I see one of these threads it just makes more sense why the orokin got destroyed

- Weren't able to use their abilities because honor hungry individuals wouldn't allow them to use them

- Weren't able to use efficient and effective tactics against the tenno


Next months issue: not allowing the use of firearms because the orokin high guard wanted to brandish their golden skanas

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OP- "Wahh *whine ect ect *"

You must be new to WF, "survival" not "run around shooting or no rewards"

People have camped in many different ways and this is only the latest trend. I didn't see you complain about those

You are one of the two typical WF players.

1. "I'm an elite God, if I can take on 2hours of survival with Mark-1 weapons You better man up and do the same sissy. "

2. Someone complained about this. Baaaahh. I'll do the same.

There is no way or technique to abolish "camping" you can even melee camp. de isn't going to fix this anytime soon as it would require reworking the way Ai spawn.

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