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Survival Campers


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Nah, we all like to stick to the one room when playing survivals. Problem arisen lately with Greedy Mag survival groups campers that will ruin certain frames with camping. Simply because DE doesnt like camping.



If you stay in one room and hope for better spawns and better air drops, then it is fine. But if you make a macro and dont move from one spot while constantly spamming one power for 3 h, i find that a problem. Because you are not playing the game, you are making you macros do the playing for you.


Don't get me wrong on that one but I think it is ok if one just wants to spam one button for hours. If he wishes to spend his day like this and this means fun in a video game to him or her.... so may be it.


But you gotta differentiate there a little bit. There is no right or wrong way to play the game no matter waht. But letting macros do the job for you is not even playing the game at all and that really is a problem.


But this kind of problem will solve itself in the short run as we gladly (kidding!!!) have a heavier focus on PvP now. Give it just a couple of weeks and pvpers will complain so much about marcos that they will be banned from the game completely.


So back to my initial statement:


Camping is by any means a legit way to play a video game. No matter what anyone says about it. It is pretty useless even to discuss that matter.

Especially in missions where the discription pretty much reads "survive by any means necessary". There are some players who are not comfortable running around and like to play it more safely. I don't see what is wrong with that.

Most of the time I actually like campers more than those who think they are godlike and have all the skill in the world... while simply running in cyrcles dying over and over again.

I like being mobile and don't stay in one place for long. I often even don't see any of my teammates for quite some time in a mission. But that's me. That's the way I like to play. I am not so arrogant and expect anyone else to play the game my way.

And on top of that I think it is a pain to some too. Because in the case (and I'm also not so arrogant to say it is a rare one... I consider me an average player at best) I end up dying usually I take at least one other guy with me because they leave their safe place to pick me up even if I write in the chat that they don't have to.

So I think it is safe to say that the campers if you wish to all them so have quite a lot to complain about us the noncampers on their own.


To sum this up and pretty much solve this entire issue there is not much else to say than this:

If you have any problem with the tactics (yes even camping is a tactic!) of your random teammates whatsoever you either have to handpick groups in the future or solo everything. It is pretty much as simple as that. (By you I don't mean you RoboDoge... This post does not respond to your post specifically^^)

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Sitting in a corner for 40 mintues is a tactic? And you're calling it effecient/effective.

It kills the game. And I'm saying you're shooting yourself in the foot its because when DE changes something in the game that EFFECTS EVERYONE then you all swoop to forums to cry out your hearts.

This new trend of finding the laziest way to play a game mode is getting old.

Yes camping for 40 min is a tactic, just because you dont do it doesnt mean it isnt, 2ndly this "trend" as you call it is not new. People will always try to find the easiest way to get things done. if you are so insistent on playing it your way then go find like minded individuals on recruit instead of wasting everyones time.
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One spot camping and using macros is not what DE wants, so you are just giving them a reason for frame nerfing. IIRC, Steve once said they never intended players to go over certain caps in Defense and Survival, and that is what scares me.


caps in Defense and Survival


caps in Defense and Survival



Oh god no... DE...


Edited by Fionntan
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Oh god no... DE...



This could be awesome if u will get 100% at the end new part(volt chassis for example which drop at holidays only) , if not ... better to look at picture xD

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Seriously, it's just a whine thread where OP brings no argument whatsoever.


and filled with other whiners who either agree with OP or are here to troll v-v;


I have never seen thread last more than a day when falls into meta-complains... New record perhaps?

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If that's what you read you need better comprehension skills. If that's what i was complaining about it'd be stupid since I don't have to play with people who do this. 


And I don't. I solved that quick fast in a hurry. This thread's purpose is stated directly at the start. " Here's to DE hoping that they address it" 

And exactly how and WHY should they do that?

If you don't like this kind of game - find your own team (as you did - good for you!). People do not abuse anything, they just play the game. You can't even camp with macro (as far as I know, you do have to actually aim and fire).


What should they invent now? Femorian blast every 30 seconds with 30m radius to the spot where players stay? If they do that, I will move on and let players like you to enjoy the game.


Man, some people... whining and whining "nerf this, nerf that, don't play this way, don't play that way". Wth?

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and filled with other whiners who either agree with OP or are here to troll v-v;


I have never seen thread last more than a day when falls into meta-complains... New record perhaps?


I wouldn't care if OP had any another argument besides "I don't like it, so nerf it." and didn't attack and try to reword everything people with an opposing opinion posted in here. The mods are seriously slacking with locking this whine thread.

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Mass Effect3 already introduced solution to camping.


Mini-bosses, who cannot be CC'd, have ranged AoE attacks and can OHK you in melee.


Nullifiers' and Ancients' evolution shows us that DE's designs evolve in similar way.

Actually bombards and nullifiers oneshot my poor frames starting with ... 50 lvls and if u are not behind something you probably gonna die in 3..2..1..

(lil about them : valkyr with 1200 armor and warcry buff fo 200%+ still downedstate food for nullifier because thier lanka has primed serration and primed chamber :D)

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has anyone else noticed that the status effect from enemies' guns has sky rocketed since the last two hot fixes? I'm literally dying now from pure lash damage alone now. i kept count one game and i got slash damage effect nearly 9/10 times and each time was worse than the last, and i was just sniping from the back. 

Yep true...you try to do solo now in Ceres Nuovo or Eigeria , cause first they have increased the enemy awareness of tenno and they shoot like from miles , so per second you are being hit by like 100s of bullets and prox are deadly, i don't hear the shooting stop now no matter how fast and how far I am coptering from one place to another ! This should have its own thread imo!

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