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Survival Campers


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Pretty sure DE have said a few times that they are changing the way voids and prime gear is diluted and found.

Just sit tight and try not play long Survivals if the grind is becoming an issue for you.



If the grind.. is becoming an issue for me?

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Pretty sure DE have said a few times that they are changing the way voids and prime gear is diluted and found.

Just sit tight and try not play long Survivals if the grind is becoming an issue for you.


It doesn't matter if it's the void or not, you can do it on any map.

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You suck so much at arguing that it makes my face hurt. You come on here, with literally NO argument other than "nerf this" which has been viewed by 99% of the people posting in here as a whining thread. Then you proceed to act hostile towards anyone with a different opinion than you and feed into the trolls.


"I said this, but I didn't say this."


If you want DE to do something, then how about putting a little thought and effort into a post instead of just saying "I don't like this, please nerf" because that is no way to be heard.


K lets see here. 


Ad hominem in the first sentence.. bogus stat in the second.. personal and dramatic exaggerated claims in the 3rd.


Hmm.. incorrect quotes in the 4th and random "advice" in the last. 


What are you doing here right now?

Edited by BlutAdler
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No one is "crying". Try to use other words in your vocabulary.


Also your sentence makes no sense. 




The grind isn't a problem. It's just that people don't want to work for anything. And no matter what way you flip it.. that's the reality. This game has grind?


This game has no grind, play pretty much any other MMO and it has more "grind" than Warframe.


It's a very worn out point and it has no basis since how hard/grindy something is ultimately is subjective.


It's not a reason to resorting to lazy game play.


Going into a t3s thinking "alright gonna have a good time running around shooting things" and instead seeing a group huddled in a hallway and telling you not to run around because you'll mess up spawns while a Vauban and mag macros for 40 minutes?


And you guys justify that crap? 

The game is literally called grind frame by many, everything in the game requires you to gather resources to make it, resources that are not tradable, in other MMOs you can trade just about everything, and people will accept an in game currency that is not equal to a payed for micro transaction currency, you cant trade credits in warframe, like you can trade gold in WOW, and in other games: de gives boosters to make the grind seem smaller so why is farming one key and using it as efficiently as possible an issue, you are still playing the game mode, while getting the most out of your key instead of wasting time grinding more keys, grinding a T3s key is a pain there are so many other types of T3 keys in the game you might get and have tp grind for, this game is a grind its a fun one but the fun isn't the grind the grind is how a lot of us achieve the fun.

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An "easy" solution to people camping would be to fix those void-tables already. When you put so much in rotation C you're begging people to stay in game for those intervals. Camping is the most effective way of getting to the dice-roll. Also, this current 'fad' of adding augments to help farming (just like the horrendous ability 'desecrate') needs to stop. It feels like a resignation on DEs part. Instead of fixing the system, it's easier to add tools to help people farm.

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Difference being that Warframe isn't an mmo. And yes, it does have a lot of grind. Have you tried ranking any number of mods up to max level? The hundreds upon hundreds of cores and millions of credits don't just appear magically in your inventory when you need them.


I just want to say that Warframe is an MMO since that acronym means Massively Multiplayer Online. The only way this wouldn't be an MMO is if DE made it strictly single-player with no squads or interaction with other people online.

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Warframe endgame, if you play really long and become really good you can sit in one spot, shoot occationally and press one button repeatedly for an hour... Then you will get an MLG sized e-peen.


Not what I expected when I paid my founder...



Majority of campers will cry when "camping" frames gets LoS. And I still blame those halfwits for Excalibur ruining.


Its bound to happen.

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The main problem of the "grind" in this game is broken RNG. Also some events were grindfests (Gradivus dilemma being the biggest one).


I don't actually bother if it takes a while to get the newest prime gear, the main problem is getting the wrong rewards in the wrong places (Forma BP @ 20 min in T4D anyone?)


Player's mentality to have al the new gear ASAP, kinda have this mentality but didn't stop me from grinding.


Shortcut is due to bad rewards, as stated with an example previously.


I understand it is a business but to relieve the grind a bit, put the right rewards in the right places, not the kind of cr@p above :|

Thats the thing im talking about though.

We have differentiating views on the game.


Where you see "broken RNG" i see "DE's way of making buying stuff worth it".


I do get annoyed at some drops, i stilll haven't gotten odonata wings after 20 keys(and have gotten multiple o-cells, sicarus bp's and formas from 40mins), but we just look at the game differently.

I have accepted the fact that eventually i will get those wings and im not in a rush to get them, they aren't exclusive or limited time.


It becomes a grind if you think of it as grind. I think of it as something that i will get eventually and i just play for fun. I enjoy killing hordes of npcs with my guns, even after 1k hours.


If you played diablo and just kept rerunning the same area trying to get that specific legendary drop then you would get burnt out a lot quicker than if you just played diablo for fun and just expect that legendary eventually. Same thing happens here, it's just in 3rd person and scifi.

Edited by kiteohatto
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Majority of campers will cry when "camping" frames gets LoS. And I still blame those halfwits for Excalibur ruining.



THIS is the point of my post. 


And exactly. They play the game not as intended. They justify it by BLAMING it on the game for how it's built. When changes are made they come to the forums and layer it with pseuo-intellectual bull trying to change it back and vilify DE for making the changes. 

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An "easy" solution to people camping would be to fix those void-tables already. When you put so much in rotation C you're begging people to stay in game for those intervals. Camping is the most effective way of getting to the dice-roll. Also, this current 'fad' of adding augments to help farming (just like the horrendous ability 'desecrate') needs to stop. It feels like a resignation on DEs part. Instead of fixing the system, it's easier to add tools to help people farm.


See but like, farming isn't necessarily bad. It's when it becomes a thing of drastically changing game play then shunning those who don't agree or want to play that way. That's when it becomes a problem.

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Farming =/= grinding as far as Void Survival goes. Specially for rotation C.






I was pointing out that I never said anything about grinding getting to me or taking issue with grinding/farming.

You want a solution?

CC-immune Corrupted Manics ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Dat lenny face doe.

Edited by BlutAdler
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I was pointing out that I never said anything about grinding getting to me or taking issue with grinding/farming.


Might want to re-word your first post and some of your responses then, or at least have them be a bit more... clear and less passive aggressive. Because all I could interpret from it was that you were angry/upset at the grind and how voids force a specific tactic which you don't want to do.

Again if its irritating you to this level, just don't do them as much. That was all I was saying. Like take a break and cool off.


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You believe that people would stop playing like this and finding easy-outs in this game if rewards changed?


I feel like it just undermines the entire game by literally finding ways to NOT play the game mode as intended.


I mean did you all not see the amount of changes to survival spawn rate and life support drops? 


You think all of that was for people to hop into a room and spam a skill for 40 minutes?


Quite, players are driven by rewards anyways


Read the other comments, survival means "surviving by all means, even camping if need be"


These features are still kinda erratic, experienced first hand, others can vouch IMO. If none, then i crei


Erratic spawns + erratic life support drops means camping becomes a thing


Thats the thing im talking about though.

We have differentiating views on the game.


Where you see "broken RNG" i see "DE's way of making buying stuff worth it".


I do get annoyed at some drops, i stilll haven't gotten odonata wings after 20 keys(and have gotten multiple o-cells, sicarus bp's and formas from 40mins), but we just look at the game differently.

I have accepted the fact that eventually i will get those wings and im not in a rush to get them, they aren't exclusive or limited time.


It becomes a grind if you think of it as grind. I think of it as something that i will get eventually and i just play for fun. I enjoy killing hordes of npcs with my guns, even after 1k hours.


If you played diablo and just kept rerunning the same area trying to get that specific legendary drop then you would get burnt out a lot quicker than if you just played diablo for fun and just expect that legendary eventually. Same thing happens here, it's just in 3rd person and scifi.


Still find broken RNG to be a bad thing, especially with rewards not being in the right place


Also, right in the Diablo Feels (diablo 2 though, never played 1, wouldn't wanna play 3)

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My guess is OP is new and havent burned from the bullS#&$ that is the Survival. Loki Survival broke me so damn right im gonna camp even though i havent done it like that. 


People shouldnt post things about they dont know anything about. Silence is golden afterall.

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My guess is OP is new and havent burned from the bullS#&$ that is the Survival. Loki Survival broke me so damn right im gonna camp even though i havent done it like that. 


People shouldnt post things about they dont know anything about. Silence is golden afterall.

OP is so


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My guess is OP is new and havent burned from the bullS#&$ that is the Survival. Loki Survival broke me so damn right im gonna camp even though i havent done it like that.

People shouldnt post things about they dont know anything about. Silence is golden afterall.

1800 hours and new baby woooo! You should try harder to insult me BTW. Idk if your point got across by doing that.

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