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[Wip] The Starting Syndicates, The Introduction To The System (Ft. Conclave, Archwing Syndicate, And Lotus Syndicate)


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This is something of a work in progress. I doubt I'll ever put down a word-for-word questline, but the gist of the quest would be as follows:

An immediate follow up to the Archwing Quest, the Lotus gives you a speel about how with enemies as great as the Grineer and Corpus as extensive as they are, you will need to make allies. And to do so you will need to prove yourself. But before she will let you choose a path (that is, start allying with the Syndicates) you must be able to prove you will be a good representative of the Tenno. She gives you a Sigil and charges you to "Wear it while you further the balance. Spread the word that the Tenno have returned."
As the quest continues (likely after you've gained a rank with her) details will be dropped that start hinting at other presences in the System. The first of these will be Teshin, one of Lotus' fellow Guardians from the Orokin Era who is just as surprised to see still alive. He and Lotus exchange words but he makes it clear that he's not there to sway you away from her, only to prepare you (Lotus may try to pres the question, but Teshin would just reply "too much learned too soon can be even more dangerous than information withheld", to which Lotus actually agrees"). He asks you to meet him in the Relay and walk the path of the Conclave.
After that (again gaining a rank in the Conclave) Lotus calls you back to the System at large. She has found information that may point to another Guardian, an old friend of hers, and asks you to follow it. Doing so will be done through Archwing missions and result in the finding of Raven, a Guardian who sided with Lotus on the matter of the Orokin Empire's destruction. With her intentions being to see you become as great as you can possibly be, she sends you on a few Archwing missions to "further your growing strength" after having you speak with her in the Relay as well.
After all of that, Lotus will say that you have more than proved yourself ready to represent the Tenno to the people who need them most - the civilians of the system. The six (current) Syndicate choices will then be unlocked for you to choose from as you wish.
These three unaffiliated Syndicates below will represent the three aspects of the basic gameplay - the Conclave, the Original gameplay (on-foot combat), and Archwing missions.

"We were led astray. We forgot the Conclave, so when that new evil came, we were not prepared. This is how we failed the Orokin. You went into stasis, but not me. I searched the long path for redemption, for the kind of balance only The Conclave can create. Now I return, only to find the Tenno still herded like livestock. Horrors from beyond the Outer Terminus are coming. You must prepare. You must accept The Conclave. Let it be your teacher and I its humble guide. For true balance can only be found in the face of the ultimate enemy. Yourself."
- Teshin
The Conclave, led by Teshin, would be as it is now. Testing your strength against your fellow Tenno, preparing for the greater dangers from beyond the Outer Terminus that he has foreseen.
As they are now.
Offerings: As they are now.


"I am Lotus. Friend and Guide. I will prepare you for the trials ahead."
- Lotus
It would be the first of the three the player interacts with, serving as the introduction to the whole of the Syndicate system. The rest of the system is best described in the idea in the thread linked above. Follow it, read it, support it if nothing else.
Offerings: Maybe the Warframe BPs could be moved here, maybe the quest system could be moved here, maybe there could just be special mod or aesthetic rewards here.


"The Orokin crafted the Warframes you wear, but they were unable to train you for what they wanted of you.  They turned to us, the Guardians, the first masters of the Conclave, and we took the Tenno under our wing, taught you what we knew. But it was not long before you rose above us, and I knew it was only a matter of time before you flew higher still. I am no longer fit to teach, but I will stand by your side as your soar to ever-greater heights."
- Raven
One of the Guardians that taught the Tenno the old ways of blade and gun, Raven believed even then that it was the destiny of the Tenno to become great - whatever that greatness may entail. She stood with Lotus at the fall of the Orokin and now stands by her again, ready to arm and guide the Tenno further up towards their goals.
Offerings: Various Sigils and Archwing-related items (skins, mods, weapons, even Archwings).

Edited by Morec0
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This would be so awesome.


Very nice idea.


It has its drawbacks, especially in terms of competition for item development with the current syndicates, but I think it would be a hell of an introduction to the system and the thematics and lore possibilities of it also are just awesome.

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