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Will Conclave Pvp Slowly Toxify The Community


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Forget about Excalibur's RJ, it does have nothing to do with PVP.... PVP and PVE are not related to each other in terms of balancing (that's why abilities work slightly different in PVP-modes than in PVE).




The only thing that was made crystal clear was that the community doesn't like how Dark Sectors and Solar-Rails affect PVE-experience. THAT was the criticism about it, not that there was PVP in WF. Most of the hate came from the credits-taxations and other limitations some big alliances made to players willing to play on their rails.

That's my point, yet people still blamed PvP initially, then they blame DE when they revealed they did it to make RJ more in line with how they envisioned it.


Your focusing on something entirely different. Dark Sectors have no effect on PvE in anyway shape or form, players could deiced to stop using them tomorrow and nothing would change a month later, but that's another issue for another thread.


 When Dark Sectors became more PvP oriented people started screaming about it ruining game balance even though the Devs outlined on multiple post for over a month that PvP had no effect on PvE, yet people still cried foulplay on PvP for almost any change done to frames that released alongside PvP updates.  Some players even swore some of their frames had been nerfed even when nothing was done to the game for two weeks.


I've realized a lot of people PvE purist imagine slights against them coming from PvP and become offended whenever receives any treatment at all.

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When Dark Sectors became more PvP oriented people started screaming about it ruining game

I was there when DS got introduced.

And you're wrong by saying DS has no impact on PVE, as there *are* PVE-missions on solar-rails. I said that the taxations tend to limit players fun, and these were the most of the complaints I personally heard. Obviously there were players trying out the new kind of content and were not satisfied.

Regarding the DS-PVP, I often only saw people just say "**** it I'm not gonna play that anymore". I rarely ran into a chat that was infused with p**s about the Dark Sector-conflicts themselves, most talk I witnessed was about rewards and taxations.

And current PVP is IMO a lot more promising and as I said... toxification? Prove it, I played a lot of Conclave since U16.

The PVE-purists that say PVP doesn't belong into Warframe can be ignored IMO, as they don't even have to go through it.

Edited by RedEyedRaven
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The only toxicity I've seen PvP bring to this game is from the people vehemently against it.



PvP is no more toxic than any other game type. In fact, most of the PvP-related toxicity around here comes from PvE purists. 


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this a thousand times over


from everything that i have seen ingame/forums, raids/trials have brought far more of the 'toxic' crowd to the forefront than PVP ever has or will, not even mentioning that 99% of the 'toxicity' surrounding PVP is from the anti-pvp haters (who i would draw strong correlations to the raid/trial/void/farming/completionists/etc toxics)

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"Will conclave PvP slowly toxify the community?"


Well let's take a time lapse census.



Update 10 introduced Conclaves. September 13th, 2013 - 1 year, 6 months, and 17 days ago.


Update 13 introduced Dark Sectors. July 18th, 2014 - 8 months and 12 days ago.



If these dates are accurate, and they are, then that means Warframe is already a toxic, vile, horrific mess with a community so corrupted the entire following of the game will likely be disbanded in a matter of days from now.


Run for your lives.


Abandon ship.


All hope is lost.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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To echo sentiments already said, those screaming "PvP will ruin the gaem gais" are by far the most toxic aspect of this introduction.

To be frank- and ill get a lot of S#&$ for this- the toxicity is largely a result of the game being free to play. It's simple- more accessibility, more immaturity. There's no yes or no, it's just how it works. No, we're not all like that- most of us aren't- but the "toxicity" of the playerbase has already reached maximum percentage. From here it'll just be that small section of bad players with bad attitudes growing in line with the overall population. Or falling, of course, depending on how DE manage their manifesto.

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It also makes everyone else use the same setup in the hopes of competing.


Thus why should anyone use any other weapon.


That is the problem.


So we talking about PvE meta here or the PvP meta? Sounds the same here.


Honestly, if you're playing a game, any game, with more than one person, the odds of that person being a git increase for every person there is. Simple demographics.


Now, I'm willing to wager that, over all, the PvP types and the PvE types who just mind their own business having fun and not angsting about their kill ratios or their lack of a certain unnecessary damage threshold being reached, are reasonably decent folks who're good to stumble into.


It's the elitist, overly competitive 'Stop having fun guys' that ruin the experience for other people, PvE or PvP.


Honestly, it's ignoring things like the Meta and the 'must be efficient' and such that I imagine help combat toxicity in a community. Problem is, that's not going to happen for most people. PvP or PvE, there are people who are only interested in the Best and Most Efficient Way.


Most people though, even if they stick to the Meta, aren't necessarily going to be utter buzzkills. The problem is, every match you join, the chance of you encountering such buzzkill 'My way or the highway' types approaches 1. One bad experience has a disproportionate impact relative to one good experience relative to a lot of bad ones, oddly. That may be cynicism or pessimism talking, though, whichever comes first.


Regardless...that's what sets the ball rolling. Per G.I.F.T, you're more likely to notice noisy unpleasant people than quiet, respectful folks that pretty much just enjoyed the match. Odds are, most of us are lucky enough to see 'Good Game' or variants there of more often than ones that are intended in a sarcastic matter.


Ultimately...no. PvP is not going to make the Community toxic. It got there a long, long time ago of it's own accord, however, so long as there are decent people who are in it for a bit of fun, a bit of a laugh or those fleeting moments of awesome you get that you cannot plan for, then the toxic corner of the community will still remain only a corner.


Sure. There's some bitter, spiteful, WINNING obsessed jerks out there, that give everyone in the PvE or PvP communities a bad name by unfortunate association. But there's arguably a whole lot more polite, civil people who will, I imagine, exercise that kind of sportsmanship you can't help but smile at.


Me, honestly my personal motivation is trying to acquire T3 C keys so I can shoot for the Sicarus Prime Receiver. Let the PvP people go enjoy their thing, I'll be over doing my thing.


If PvP needs some general support to get things to make their experience better, power to them. I'm fairly sure the feeling is mutual.

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Thing that keeps me going back to Capture the Cephalon is that it really doesn't matter if you lose, you're still going to earn Conclave rep.

Just do your best, have fun, improve your skills, focus on the objective more than taking down other players and you'll be credit to team.

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