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Ask A Cephalon, April 2


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I have also found when experiencing a delay in processing speed that it is sometime necessary to perform maintenance. For a Cephalon, this period of rest is quite minimal, but for organics a similar subroutine known as 'naps' may help rejuvenate your body and reduce stress levels.


A personal file intercepted from a Corpus outpost logged as 'Treats and Snoozin' suggests that the 'nap' is quite commonplace, and best performed out of sight from superior officers.

Your advice is appreciated but I'm having trouble putting it in to practice. Any tips on how to hide from superior officers?

If I try to take a nap anywhere in the Liset, Ordis constantly nags me with stuff like "Operator, the system needs you! Begin another mission." Also my radio appears to be malfunctioning and won't turn off. It's not a good place for a peaceful nap at all.

When out and about, Lotus always seems to know where I am and what I'm doing. How can I hide from her when she has access to my Warframe systems?

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Do you have any info on these orange crewmen that teleport into the cell areas of Grineer asteroid bases as the Corpus attack?

How come we see this teleport technology being used only in this very specific and strange way?





And why do Grineer asteroid bases have cells? Are there Grineer crimina- oh wait, those are probably normal Grineer rooms.

Hmmm, these guys are probably teleporting in to steal rare Grineer noggles not available to the Corpus.

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Where did Chroma acquire his dragon pelt? Was there some sort of heroic battle that involved the original Chroma slaying some malicious raptor-like creature and taking his pelt as a trophy? 

Call me crazy, as I have no real evidence(visual evidence based off how it looks, but that's subjective at best), but I get the feeling that Chroma's 'pelt' is the outer shell, or body, of a Sentient.

Just a feeling


Scary thought, huh?

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How exactly does killing the remaining enemies near the communication towers in interception nodes prevent the enemy from learning what we intercepted? Its evident that the Grineer at least can identify the wounds we inflict on thier comerades were results from Tenno.

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Hi Cordylon,


Long time reader, first time inquirer.  Given Vay Hek's history of 'removing' opposition and his recent loss of favour with the Queens, who appear to be looking to Tyl Regor as a new favourite, what would you rate the chances of a Grineer civil war breaking out between the Queens and the Councillor?



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Most cephalons have a voice yet we have only seen text of you. Do you have a speaker installed somewhere in there? It would be much faster for us to see what info you have and get back to killing Grineer or raiding void towers. Or we can even listen to your answers while killing Grineer or raiding void towers. Why isn't that a thing yet? 

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As the Conclave guide and someone who's lived since the Orokin days, I can only assume Teshin is a highly skilled fighter. Is there any chance he'd acquiesce to a sparring match sometime? I'm anxious to see how our skills compare.

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Who is buying all the spare warframe parts we sell?


Because a few weeks back I interrupted a corpus meeting and they were buying warframe parts for like 3,00,000 million credits, and we sell parts for about 3,500, why is this, and who buys those parts from us?

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