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Trader Rotation Is Not Doing What It Should Be Doing.


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For me its more a matter of principle.


Although I got lots of ducats and credits, it just feels wrong to spend it on anything while I am waiting for primed mods like point blank and primed int.


It feels like I would be sending DE the wrong message, that I like getting it over something actually useful.

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Funny thing is, i have every noggle, and cant even place this one from the trader. I have reaching liset limit of 15 items? Thats a bit of salt in the wound XD

2:2 , 2 old 2 new, those 2 new could be a mod, cosmetic, weapon, etc.  I like this for a 2 week rotation


2:1 would be a cool setup if it was every week instead of 2 

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How hard can it be? ALL they have to do is take a mod, double its max rank, change the border from gold to white/platinum and voila, new primed mod. super hard.


Yea. They need to stop using all that cash we keep throwing at them on booze and hooker parties on yachts , and actually pay the dev team to get some work done.

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1 new item wouldn't be so bad if it was useful/gave something to do. You can appreciate what they were trying to do but they pulled it back to far. What will happen now is as soon as a new mod is released a lot of players will now have the resources to instantly max because they have 10 weeks of farming between items. DE need to re-balance and up the pace a bit.

As I console player I am looking forward to the cosmetics but hope DE take heed of this feed back and spice up the repeat rotations when they hit console.

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I'm definitely in the "Happy to have more time for ducat recovery" camp.  The system they implemented is really pretty terrible, and taking some time to rethink it would be a great idea.  Primed mods were a really bad idea, IMO; at worst, they were pure power-creep, and at best, they have been an underhanded way to "patch" underperforming things (Primed Point Blank).

If they're set on the "shows up for two days out of fourteen" mechanic, I think they should slowly expand the number of items he brings each time, but never bring more than 1 or maybe 2 new things each week, so that there's quicker cycling through "old" content.  So in a year, he'll bring like 10 items, but still only the same number of new ones.

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Yea. They need to stop using all that cash we keep throwing at them on booze and hooker parties on yachts , and actually pay the dev team to get some work done.

Yea. We have no right at all to pass critisism or any negative feedback to DE because we don't feel like it's working in a proper way.


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Nah that's just a cover for having no clue on what to do with trader because they are rehashing so much old content it makes it look at least to me is they are regretting introducing primed mod power creep. So they are trying to figure out what exactly to do about this mess they made and still haven't figured it out.

Or... maybe you could have at least a LITTLE faith in DE and believe what they say? They aren't having issues with that, it was to give players a break because they saw the issue of people burning themselves out. I swear, DE doesn't listen to players they riot, DE listens to players they badmouth them. They can't catch a break...

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Its mostly that you should treat to new/casual players and the old/ hardcore players (the ones who play everyday) equally.


Seriouly how hard is a 2:2 rotation as a fix? Attends to new and casual tenno? Check! Attends to Old/Hardcaore tenno? Check!


Both parties can be happy without ripping on one another in the forum.


The "new" things can easily be appearance, primed mods, primed weapons, etc.


Trader was supposed to add to the endgame, and the new player experience. 


Currently its kinda leaning alot more toward one direction then equally.

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at best, they have been an underhanded way to "patch" underperforming things (Primed Point Blank).

I feel you, bro

Primed Point Blank should have never existed. The devs should just have made point blank on par with serration.

I can max 2 serrations for the same price it takes to max Primed Point Blank.

It just boggles my mind how this is even possible. I should not spend more maxing a standard damage mod for shotguns when it is just a more expensive version of the rifle equivalent.

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Two new items every time. That's all I ask.


The hardcore completionist been here forever players raged against that.




Enjoy the result.


EDIT: Yeah, they were demanding a different "fix". DE gave us all this one.

Edited by Kihana
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They made this change because people were farming the hell out of the void and nothing but the void just to afford all of the 3-4 new items every week. Honestly I'm glad that I'm no longer in the position of either A: Burn myself out mega farming the void or B: Not things I want that isn't subject to RNG, and thus actually have a realistic chance at getting.


I agree with this. I personally think it would be outrageous to have to max two new legendary mods every single fortnight as suggested in the OP, that sounds like a lot of mindless farming time for fusion cores, which are now an endangered species after something happened to their drop tables. I'd rather be using my time to play the game.


Oh, and as a veteran and endgame player myself, but one who prizes cosmetics and customization over mindless power creep like the much-anticipated Primed Streamline, I apppreciated having a Baro Ki'Teer doll for my Liset. Thanks DE!

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I agree with this. I personally think it would be outrageous to have to max two new legendary mods every single fortnight as suggested in the OP, that sounds like a lot of mindless farming time for fusion cores, which are now an endangered species after something happened to their drop tables. I'd rather be using my time to play the game.


Oh, and as a veteran and endgame player myself, but one who prizes cosmetics and customization over mindless power creep like the much-anticipated Primed Streamline, I apppreciated having a Baro Ki'Teer doll for my Liset. Thanks DE!

Actually your wrong, a bit of a misinterpretation i believe.


My OP on page 1 talks about new content, not primed mods.


Personally id like to see a nice mix or weapons, cosmetics, items like the noggle, and the occasion primed mod.

in a 2 new to 2 old ration 2:2


I dislike that the rewards favor players who missed things, and not players looking forward to the new additions every 2 weeks.


Its about balencing it for the casual AND the Hardcore player. Keeping both parties treated equally is better then favoring one over the other.



Thats why alot of players are talking about this. Its not about particular items or mods. =]

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The only people complaining in these threads are the try hards. Look at how few of you there are! What 100 unique posters in this thread, that's it? I got two new items from baro this week because I couldn't keep up with the grind as a filthy casual. Got me the prisma gorgon and prime heated charge. I'm Christmas happy, and you guys are a minority.right now we're all being selfish as fook and I'm glad de chose to cater to me rather than you lot. Deal with it, next week even if it's more repeated stuff, it's new stuff for me!

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I look forward to the trader everytime and I'm fine with him not having overpowered items! Come on guys, I love that there's few  new items as I can focus on other stuff like maxing daily pvp standing, doing syndicate mission. Maxing Simaris standing. Maxing all prime mods that alrdy been released, maan this takes time. I don't have time with any primed streamlines!

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I took a break back in September and just came back. The void trader is a neat idea, but I was expecting to trade prime parts in for currency, then trade that currency in for other prime parts. Implementing primed mods was awesome, and I was initially pretty excited to have something new to grind. However, mods like primed reach, fast hands, point blank... I just don't care about. I don't like shotguns normally, though the Kohm was fun to use before it was made irrelevant, and on top of that primed point blank shouldn't have existed at all. I don't understand why the didn't just patch regular point blank to be on par with Serration. Primed Flow and Continuity were awesome, but because both times the trader has come since I returned he's not had either of them, I ended up just buying unranked ones in trade chat. I've only been back two weeks and I'm already over this void trader.


Why not just have everything he's already had, plus 3 new things a week? That way you know you don't have to grind a ton to get it this week, without putting everyone through months of frustration waiting for new things that are worth getting. I understand I'm probably not the norm, but I had well over 10k ducats worth of stuff when I came back, and because of the way the rotations have panned out I haven't had anything to spend it on.


It could also come every week (or never leave and just update once a week) with 2-4 new things and it wouldn't affect anyone negatively. It's not like you have to max everything the instant you get it, and even if you want to it's not that hard to do so. I bought and maxed Transient, Continuity and Flow with cores I had built up over a long period of having nothing to max, and am now again in a situation where for at least 2 weeks, I have nothing to use my fusion cores on. If the cycle continues (seems like two more repeats incoming) I'll have enough cores to max at least 1 if not 2 more primed mods without outright farming for them. I guess I would fall into the more hardcore demographic but after taking 6 months off just about the only thing I have to do in game is cap my rep for the day =/

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primed mods was the only thing keeping me playing Warframe since I don't care about Raid crap now nothing is keeping me I'm just about ready to cash out and move on DE is not making it that hard to go with all the changes they have made this game has been going down hill for months now. Its sad really since this is just about the only game I've been playing since a friend got me hooked on it. I guess now is as good as anytime to pick up Bloodborne and move on.

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