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There Should Be A Reliable Base-Game Way To Restore Health.


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How exactly is 25 point health orb dropping from an Ancient Healer going to make Trinity obsolete? Or is going to make other options such as restore/life strike obsolete? 

Some of you are acting elitist for no apparent reason other than to say that you are able to survive without this change. I've said in the first post that I'm not suggesting something healing on the level of large restores. Seriously the whole suggestion is that each faction has an enemy type that can drop health orbs. All it will do is give a potential to heal without forcing you into certain builds or frames. Obviously it's won't let you do long survivals melee only without life strike or make you not want a trinity.

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Why not add Medic Units to both Corpus and Grineer (somehow I doubt any faction based on Grunts wants to waste time making more footsoldiers instead of sometimes patching few in the field) that upon killing will drop 3-4 health orbs? Rarity would be below or same as Eximus. The Unit itself could be as well an Eximus that has healing/regeneration aura, slap a RedCross on white background somewhere on the unit and voila, new unit that everybody will be happy about - those in need will get their heal, those who want challenge will be satisfied with new unit making the game harder with regenerating units.


Infested? Well, we have that crappy Healing Ancient who could use a new mechanic instead of negating the damage to nearby units...

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Probably the best solution is to just not have toxin and slash kill on health depletion, just drop the health to 1.


As for the 'get good' comment, there comes a point where any enemy can one shot a tenno because of the scaling, and then what is one suppose to do?


It is more break the game then to 'become good' after all. How many people go about just shooting any lvl 120 enemies. I am pretty sure they make some pretty BS team set ups or exploits to just get past that point.

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Restoring health.

There are many ways to do it in this game: Trinity, Oberon and Nekros frames have abilities that offer healing. Melee specific mod Life Strike. Procs from Specific Syndicate weapons/Mods. Health restores. Rejuvination aura.

Now that's fine and dandy but what if your random party doesn't have one of those frames? What if you don't have life strike or the situation doesn't really allow you to use it. What if you're not using that specific syndicate's sidearm? Health Restores? Was working at McDonalds to afford a blue potato when the aura alert was up?


Currently the only way to restore health that isn't exclusive to something is the semi-rare health orbs from containers and being revived when downed. In begginer missions the health pickups from crates does suffice, in later stages there's not nearly enough of them with the amount of damage you receive from higher level greneer. The notion of dying to restore your health is blasphemous tho so it's not discussed as an option.


So I ask that there be another method to restore health that is available to every player non discriminative of their equipment in the base game itself. by this i don't mean anything drastic, rivalring the healing options mentioned above. All I'm saying I wouldn't mind if one or two enemy types in each faction were guaranteed to drop a health or or two. Say Ancient Healer and/or Broodmothers, Drahk master, those healing corpus ospreys. Perhaps Eximus enemies could drop one? What do you think about this?


Most ways to heal are quite hard to get, if they made an easier method the game would become hilariously easy.

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Health Orbs should exist. no matter how good or bad you're playing, losing Health happens. there is no way around this.

Enemies steal Health from Players through RNG. things we cannot control.

Enemies should drop Health Orbs. nowhere near as often as Energy Orbs, but they should drop them. because we randomly lose Health, so we need to be able to get Health back.

The problem is, I think, that health orbs seems to drop in huge quantities at the beginning (when you don't really need them) and in later waves are almost non-existant.

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The problem is, I think, that health orbs seems to drop in huge quantities at the beginning (when you don't really need them) and in later waves are almost non-existant.

but Enemnies literally have a 0% Chance to drop Health Orbs.

and Pots / Lockers definitely don't cut it.

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I think all that's really necessary is for enemies to be able to occasionally drop health orbs, and perhaps make it so that health orbs heal a percentile amount of health rather than a flat, miniscule value of 25. That should be enough to make recovery from things such as slash procs reasonable without overshadowing other sources of health/healing.

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Their is a 100% need for a system that regens HP. The game has become stun enemies or die for endgame. -.- Unless you bring a Trinity your screwed when you get a slash proc.... 



Anyone who says it isn't a problem has never played endgame.



Also to the person who is saying just block...


1. No one uses Melee in endgame, because melee has stupidly bad CC compared to guns


2. against any enemy that has a high ROF blocking will protect you for 3 seconds at most. -.-

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Their is a 100% need for a system that regens HP. The game has become stun enemies or die for endgame. -.- Unless you bring a Trinity your screwed when you get a slash proc.... 



Anyone who says it isn't a problem has never played endgame.



Also to the person who is saying just block...


1. No one uses Melee in endgame, because melee has stupidly bad CC compared to guns


2. against any enemy that has a high ROF blocking will protect you for 3 seconds at most. -.-

This is a problem with damage scaling and what we define as endgame. The devs have stated several times that the game is not and should not be balanced around endless content.



It is a very small and specific group of things, comparatively.

They're more like niche bandaids for those flawed mechanics. 


It's also forcing players to build a specific way and forgo freedom just to deal with things like RNG-dictated damage.


Mods and gear should be (and for the most part, are) compliments to existing stats and mechanics, rather than fixes for absent ones.

To be clear the health restoring options in the game are not particularly limited at this point.


1 aura.(rejuvenation)

9 syndicate weapon augments.(Dual Cleaver, Hek, Sobek,Jaw Sword, Burston Prime, Viper,Skana, Vulkar, Furis.

3 syndicate weapons. (Vaykor Marelock,Telos AK Bolto, Sancti Castanas)

1 weapon mod(Lifestrike)

1 Warframe mod(Equilibrium)

4 warframes that can restore health/generate orbs(Chroma with Fire,Trinity,Oberon,Nekros)

2 additional warframes that can restore health through augments(Hydroid and Limbo(Limbo can't heal himself))

3 levels of consumable team health restores

1 level of consumable personal health restore


On top of this Quick Thinking will allow you to supplement your health with energy which allows you to reinforce your health with energy restore items.


To me taking any one of these options is no different than taking a Redirection or Vitality, or pretty much any other defensive mod.


To be clear I wouldn't care if they added an enemy that dropped the occasional health orb, I just don't think it is necessary. As it stands now shields are your easily restorable health and health is the final line between you and death. This makes health attrition one of your primary concern with long term play and something that you need to be aware of. This isn't game breaking or needlessly difficult, just something that you need to watch out for.


Also, carrying around health consumables hardly limits your build options unless you have some sort of specter fetish and need to have a bunch of them in your gear wheel.

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