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Clan & Dojo 3.0 Ideas, Suggestions & Changes


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Separate rank privileges for creating/deleting rooms and managing room decorations in the dojo. Not sure if it was suggested before.

Also, make the big white glowing ceilings in the clan halls be possible to be colored. They are way too bright.

Edited by Murox
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This forum post is beautiful. Your list has more things than I ever dreamed a dojo could be. If I were to be add one last thing to your list is to request the ability to change themes to the dojo. Way back when in the glory days of the first WF dojos, our dojos looked like they were part of the Orokin Derelict. I would like to request that this option and other options like it be returned. I understand the size issue makes going back difficult, but my thought is we can add a skin system to each room. (ex. my grandest hall currently looks a bit like primative tenno/corpus tech I can polycolor my room and add a more orokin/infested feel to it or even a grineer/corpus battleship theme) The best comparison I can give is the Fallout 3 Theme system for your home in Megaton or Tenpenny Tower (if you nuked all those innocent people you horrible person :P ) where you could buy a new set of decor that made your home reflect a certain taste or fashion.

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+1 on everything. Dojo definetly need some love guys... Its completly dead apart from research. Its nice to have tons of rooms but to decoration is kind of boring. Not much to choose from. Everything seems no matter how hard you try, of course in big dojos not smalls.

I would also suggest add some scale meters like 100% is original, 50% is lowest and 200% is biggest scale to we can scale by simply looking at percentage. Scaling just by eye is pain the *you know*... Also would be nice some grid on floor when we are positioning elements.

Building and decorating more then 50 rooms with this system is agonizing...

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+1 on the stuff I haven't read for in a couple of months. I especially like your idea of themes there, BB360. I would love to have a frigate theme going for our dojo. And also your idea, Divinity, even if my clan is down to two or three active members.

There definitely needs to be more decoration options for the dojo. I'm pretty sure that we don't spend the course of our existence in the Liset, so I'm also pretty sure that a lot Tenno would call these places home. And home should be a place that doesn't remind us of a doctor's office. Let's be honest, the current tilesets are way too sterile-looking. Even the color options don't help much with that (which also should have more added to it as well).

DE please... Take a break after the overall balance rework and focus on the little things for a little bit. I'm sure it wouldn't kill ya to add a couple more colors to the color research, add in a couple more statues or trophies, or even give dojos some other purpose. I'm sure everyone would appreciate it, especially those that take time out of their days of farming gear to get resources to make home feel like... Home.

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8) Clan challenges and prizes


+ The ability to set daily, weekly, or monthly prizes and challenges to certain areas of the dojo (Obstacle Course  and Dueling rooms for example)

 ++ Prizes could range from a rare mod, prime part, credit amount, platinum etc.

 ++ K'O X amount of opponents in the dueling room, Get the fastest obstacle course time in a certain set period, etc

 ++ Could also attach rewards to earlier clan arcade suggestion, having to do with the leaderboards for certain games.


Gosh, and this too! I have so much resources and mods that will never see the day of light that I'd be willing to put them into the reward pools for these challenges. Like, DE could set a sizeable monthly challenge, and those that have seniority and/or the rewards to spare can put together the contest using the research template. This idea just makes me giddy as someone that actually likes helping our growing Tenno. It's like giving back in a way.

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What about the ability to donate resources that clan members can then take? Some older players will have copious amounts of resources that newer players would appreciate having, credit penalty perhaps?


I also think this would be a fantastic thing to do with Kubrow pups, say you have 12 sahasa and dont want this new pup, instead of consigning, give to the Dojo and let a clan member adopt for a price :)

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6) A vault would be nice, but maybe add something like the treasury (or add in another function to the treasury) to donate resources. (Finally a home for my ridiculous amount of nanospores!)



This is really needed, since a lot of my clans players are only online few times a month due to their real life. This would take the strain of the few regularly active members who need to research new items all by themselves. I think I was the sole donate to the last four or five items which were in need of research... I'm so not looking forward to somehow get 16 more Nitain just to research Wukong, let alone build him myself afterwards.

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I would realy like to see the dojo become more user friendly as kuliisee posted in 2013 ->  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/136611-please-make-editing-decorations-easier-to-use/ :


1. Let us move decorations after we have built them.
2. Let us move decorations after we place them but before we have built them.
3. Let us edit the decorations that have not had contributions without having to go to the console and clicking "edit decoration."
4. Give us a top-view editor.
(see article for the full descriptions he gave).
And expending on number 4, with a top down editor it would become possible to swap rooms arround which in my opinion would be a reall game changer for managing your dojo.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Can I get access to the old Dojo (Orokin style)? I do not have time to build a dojo since I did not know how to build it at the time of its launch.

And if I can not get access to the old dojo, then please reply to me on a number of issues:

1) Will the introduced an opportunity to build the old dojo?

2) Can I destroy my dojo and take resources from him?

3) Can I become the head of the clan in the old-style dojo after dojo leave the old clan head, after appointing me Warlord?

4) When will introduce a new Dojo, and whether it will be renewed at all?

Thank you in advance for your reply!

There is an interesting theme created by me in Russian here is the link, there are a lot of interesting ideas, See also (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/551447-%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%B8-%D0%BE-%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%B7%D0%B5/)

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Good ideas, what about a dojo self destruction, actvating it will reset your dojo, all the rooms will be destroyed and you will be able to rebuild your dojo (all the resources will be stored in the dojo's vault)


"I have a lot of members in my clan, what will happen to the clan without the barracks?"


In this case you'll need to choose some specific players that are allowed to enter the dojo without the barracks, those that aren't in that list won't be part of the clan and will be moved to the pending list until you build the barracks


I had this idea mainly because my dojo sucks and I would like to rebuild it and some rooms can't be destroyed, or I'm really dumb

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I would like cheaper decorations for ghost clans, and a lot less waiting time. I know they gotta earn money, but with the dojo being neglected, it feels more like a punishment.. especially for smaller clans.

I mean 12-24 hour waiting time, ruining the planing. That said, special decorations or added room-functionality could be found via alerts or drops (just like the navigation and function in our craft).

So imagine that you could build (still cost credit) nonestop, really to get a sence of what you are building. And then go on missions to add rare decorations or new funktions to the hall.. like new lightning, more interaction, as someone wrote Fauna etc.

Also someone mentioned stationary guns and arch-wing defence. I like the idea.

Then we should be able to build a Great Power Core, which ofc gave much more power, but also enabled siege.

I am thinking more like Aliens, where they have to defend the bunker.

Once in a while you get a message, that your dojo is under siege, you can then gather members (both within or outside of the dojo, since it will still be functional) and begin defending. It should scale with the size of the clan and the numbers of players joining.

If you succed ( There will be X amount of waves) you get a chance for rare decorations, room-functionality, mods, dojo-animals, dojo-servanter/guards, dojo-guns etc.

Now if you ignore it, it will cause X penalty to power supply, and also makes some funktions not working or take alot more time to finish.

Clan members can activate a simulation, to try out builds and see if the placed the guns right, this will function like a normal defence (ofc with random enemies) and give reward like a normal defence and be unlimited.

There are some issues that need to be fixed, and the idea might be too wild to implemt, but for me it would live it a bit up. I mean tower-defence, with your mates in narrow corridors, with infested overruning it and getting in via vents, while you have to protect your dojo, sounds fun imo.

Another one suggested guns outside the dojo, making and archwing defence, I like this as well. It could interact with the idea above. I mean even an interception, where you have to defence nodes (bombs), so the enemy do not detonate them.

All this should be a seperate instance or the room should be locked while this is going on, so the rest of the clan members still can meet and launch missions, check loadout, place stuff etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there no moderators in here?

Dojo is a very overlooked feature. Would be nice to make this sticky :)

Also update it, since there have been added some new suggestions.

I suppose there isn't any moderator presence in the dojo forums. It's a shame really. Also though it was a small update, the thread has been updated with a few new suggestions! Thank you to everyone that has been keeping this thread alive :D The dojo system really needs some love.

Edited by Volzien
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