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Clan & Dojo 3.0 Ideas, Suggestions & Changes


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I haven' read everything, not yet anyway, but I'll toss out something as well, it may or may not have been suggested already:

To make the dojo more "alive" there could be npcs; working, standing guard, patroling, etc. These could, or maybe should be selectable.

(1) The trade kiosk could have an npc, he or she doesn't even nesecerally have to have any dialogue.

(2) Engineers walking from reactor to reactor.

(3) Guards standing by the doors of the halls, or going on patrols.

(4) Gardeners roaming about, tending to the trees and bushes.

Syndicates could also be selling dojo decor, skins, npcs, and colors.

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Hello, I thought that this clan dojo isn't actually what people would prefer to use. I made some bullet points that would make the entire game more interesting:

-A clan can attack another clan dojo to steal their resources and blueprints.

-There must be a ranking system to seperate newbies and MLGs...

-Since rarily people might be just sitting in the dojo, creating turrets and spectres in dojo similiar the way decorations function would make sense.

-We could use the town hall as the spawn point of the enemy clan, since all the clans must have it... so creating a vennelation shaft on the ceiling were the enemy can jump down from similiar to the missions a "dramatic entrance" to make the whole thing interesting.

-If the clan members are online they can enter the dojo to defend it. But since the chance is so low the clan probably needs 100 users just to make sure atleast one guy is around to defend.

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Heyy this is BullsThurashin1 aka Robert Smith, XxTaKaXxx aka Tyrese Thomas, TMPuertoblack aka John Smith, and LordCrAzYWB24 aka Cody Sabel. 

We are all XboxOne Players and the 4 leaders of our clan Brothers-In-Arms. We had some great ideas to improve clan play because we feel that clan overall game play has become very dull/ outdated. Clans should have more of an influence in game play. The only reason why people join clans are to take advantage of hard work and money from that leaders and loyal members example take the stuff from the research labs and leave. I find this very annoying and kind of a dis. 


Clan leaders should have the right to only allow certain ranking members to get stuff from the research labs. How this can be obtained is allow clans to create "clan missions" where members earn points very much like syndicates until the next rank unlocking resources from the research labs that clan leaders have chosen for that rank. Meaning you can't just get what you need and leave you have to put in work and earn certain stuff. This also cuts out the excuse that it's a popularity contest to get to the next rank. Also if a player joins a clan and leaves that member should not be allowed to join any other clans for a 1-2 week period and in that 1-2 week period clan leaders can choose weather or not mark that person by the stocker or allow them to send specters at anytime like syndicates ( the clan has to build the specters ) and of course there's a limit of maybe 35-50 specters allowed to span and attack that lost brother. Also clans should have their own armor or symbols that are automatically given to new clan members which the clan leaders choose in which you can earn points for wearing to rank up like syndicates ( which I explained earlier) also if members contribute to clan funds or research clan leaders should be notified on who exactly it was. when a clan member leaves there should be a scene where the clan leaders strip you of all clan armor and symbols (prying it off you in that scene) and then you are kicked out of a door at the dojo into space where of course your ship comes and gets you. Your labeled a lost brother for 1-2 weeks and not allowed to join any other clans in that period.

More ideas to improve clans are adding more rooms to the options clans can build in the dojo such as a navigation room (like the navigation room at a relay) in which you don't have to keep going back to your ship to change warframes weapons or etc... And keep scrolling through to go back to the dojo it's just a lil time consuming if your duling and keep changing warframes. In this Navigation room for clans you can launch clan missions only. Meaning you still have to go to the relay or ship to launch regular missions and void missions so it's not taking away from game play. Another addiotion to consider are kneeling spots like a teleporter you (kneel instead of teleporting) to put in the meeting hall so clans can hold ceremonies or etc .. Please add more structures and just more stuff to build in Dojos 

Clans should be way more diverse than what they are its kind of boring being in a clan and it should be way more exciting. 


clan leaders pick the missions you do in clan missions example void tier 3 survival based off how long you survive you earn blank amount of points that the leaders preset. Also preset the unlocks of resources from labs. Pretty much Leaders have control over the clan and how it's ran.

another idea besides clan members striping you of armor we introduce Fujistu Hunter (Japanese for disloyal hunter) to him leaving a clan is the most disloyal thing tenno can do strips you of your clan armor and kicks you out of the dojo much like I explained earlier just switching roles and hunts you much like the stalker in that 1-2 week period. You can elaborate on him how much you want it's just an idea. 


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  1. Dorm Hall with multiple dorms clan players can claim access to change loadout, look at mods and stuff.
  2. Have an actually hangar when players enter the Dojo like the Relay. 
  3. Make Observatory do something, maybe go to missions from there like in the Relay.
  4. Have a training room where you can choose what type of enemies you want to fight.
  5. Preservation Room, basicly a zoo for wild animals. Give us a gear to capture wild animals and to put them into the room/ 
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  • 2 weeks later...

These suggestion most likely are here already but at least they see how much we want these:


-Observatory finally has Navigation console, You can open Arsenal by the windows where you knee down or ESC/equipment...

-Scanned flowers on Earth can be placed in Dojo

-Warframe statues

-Color option for decorations. Liset and Dojo rooms has this so why not decorations?

-NPCs like on Relays?

-Increase capacity of gardens and I wish some decorations would be able to collide more with each other. In this case trees and rocks. My imagination would go wild if tree branches didn't mind touching each other. I would create a dense forest that blocks sunlight but that's not possible because game won't let branches of multiple trees overlap.


Edited by Tulipunahapero
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I Think, try put the megathread like this:

Dojo Overhaul 2.5 or 3.0,  (Ideas/suggests/feedback)

 [Started in 05/Ap ril/15]- [Updated 2/13/16]

What's added:

•The date of the beginning of the ideas for new additions

What does give?:

•Possibilites of market in the warframe game:
 -Some things can be available to purchase as an option.

•Activity in warframe more than expected.

•Warframe interactivity with new experience and the feel of new things.


Reminder:   Next #Archievement would be [10,000 viewers], keep the post alive, we got the 6k+ viewers

Note: Don't forget to add the tag of +Megathread

Edited by Agente_GentlePhoenix
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  • 2 weeks later...

Please consider making the dojo like a multiplayer Liset where you can launch missions, adjust load outs, and interact with syndicates all within your clan environment. I believe this would foster a greater level of clan interactivity and would enhance the fashion frame aspect (being able to discuss and change appearances in the dojo with other members would be fantastic) - as of right now the dojo is only good for trading and getting special blueprints.

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On 4/21/2016 at 10:13 PM, TheMostFrench said:

Please consider making the dojo like a multiplayer Liset where you can launch missions, adjust load outs, and interact with syndicates all within your clan environment. I believe this would foster a greater level of clan interactivity and would enhance the fashion frame aspect (being able to discuss and change appearances in the dojo with other members would be fantastic) - as of right now the dojo is only good for trading and getting special blueprints.

This is a great idea and I fully support it.

I'd also like to see leaderboards on display in the dojo, like a wall of leaderboards that show clan members obstacle course times, dueling results and mission results as compared to each other.  I think that would foster some healthy competition and camradere.

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OK here's an idea for decoration in the dojo.  The event trophy statues are great and as I was placing the "false profit" trophy and a selection of Grineer statues, to visually indicate their research rooms, I thought of this.  What if there were a way to unlock statues of enemies and/or objects via codex scans?  So say you have a rank or permission set in the clan, say chronicler or some such, that would be able unlock these statues via completing the codex entry for said enemy.  It could be one person or a number of people needed to unlock these based on the clan size, like 20% or so.  That would have Two people for a ghost clan and 200 for a moon clan.  (That's a simple math solution)  It could also be a scanner that you would research in the Tenno or the Orokin labs that would allow you to scan things needing a certain number of scans like the pigments for the dyes in the Dojo.  All in all this would allow clans more decorative options, especially in the trophy room.

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I would love another starting room that you can build once like the halls, that you can place where you want and where you have a big panel where you can store information about the clan, rules and events. The dark sector room you propose with the landing docks are a great idea, i hope DE reads this and says yess we need that. Also the vivarium/zoo/terrarium an awesome thing to have with mini-events tied to it at random initiated by the cephalon on board and put into the event/noticeboard at the starting docks. Those events would be purely optional and your payment would be like one rare resource or one golden core or something, nothing big but just enough to help and motivate low to mid level players to be really active in the clan and have some fun breaking some of the grind they in.

When a new event is initiated you get a notice from your clan cephalon and on your navigation segment.

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On 2/6/2016 at 4:49 AM, -GodTier said:

I would like to suggest a clan shop with an npc, also make it with following exclusive conditions:

- a week-old member can access the clan shop

- clan member able to buy clan sigil, fireworks

- trading gadget (with able to access in missions)

- trading in credits only to get loyalty tokens in return (clan currency)

- in-game clan titles which will be able to turn on/off able to display in-game to other players

- clan rank emblems

- clan dojo quick (tutorial) overview: cinematic play of the dojo and its functions for new clan-mate. Available with skip functions if they know the functions.

- clan dojo overview: cinematic play of the current dojo settings and locations of the various facilities available.

- leaderboards: a perma/temporary gadget that allows clan-members to see the current leaderboards of each member in the duel arena, contributions, obstacle course in one gadget.


Council hall: Like a parliament, but made different with one side as against and another as support while the middle is the speaker. Those whom against and support can make votes to the poll from the person in the middle, and they are all entitled to exclusive emotes in the room only. The speaker will be able to make an speech animation possibly in loop to demonstrate it's talking (if tenno can't speak, emotes to express will be great as well). It can be with different settings: arena-type, lecture-hall type, tournament-type. 


Duel arena 2.0: 

- Duel Arena is made bigger and able to endure player-generated type sized maps and coordinated through a mutual voting system. 

- Duellers will be able to make it a private room and they will disappear without a host-migration interference to continue the duel in a quiet-secluded dimension, while the other dimension (global) is not disturbed and able to use the duel arena as follows.   

- Duellers will be able to see and come to agreement on which map they want to vote as a challenge.

- 2-rounds default mode is improved with: Sudden Attack, Power break, Melee/Secondary/Primary/No kubrow only, Time-attack, Grand Finale (one chance)

- A navigational panel to show current matches and able to spectate and join as a spectator.

- Leader boards that show current streak, defeats and victories each member holds in the clan.

- Mini-game settings: Duellers are able to challenge each other to the deepest by having different seetings like; one-road bridge (can be broke by enemy weapon, maze, energy-reduction, castle war (using power or tools available in the different dimension to destroy another enemies' castle), hostage mode (duellers are able to take another dueller's hostage to either kill them or capture them which will gain +xx%, +xx% respectively. Dueller's can only kill if they are not within the dueller's radius, or capture them if dueller has died. Died because their health-point decreases each interval. In addition, they will be put into a dueller's mutual voting system. Duellers must capture all the hostages that are hidden in the map before time runs out, or gain higher health at the end to win the match.


Dojo statues: including warlord, statue that can be customised by the clan warlord to design a certain clan-member based on show-profile/ or manual customization of the parts. Statues can be of scaling from biggest to smallest. Bosses, as well as infested, corpus, Player-to-player trading statue, obstacle course statue, duel-arena statue, more statues to glorify.


Trading 2.0/Market 2.0: No more player-to-player trading and have a trading platform. In this trading platform, players can gather around the centre where the npc traders are. In terms of the player buy/sell of the items affects the profitability of trades. Players are able to buy their desired parts by typing in the search bar and with filter keyword functions. They can able to buy/sell more than 1 parts of same item which allows them to make fair business, as well as buying in bulk (anti-toxin injectors, keys etc). All market items will be able to purchase through search, however not applies to steam.The new market should now only consists of prime-access, boosters and steam. Blue-prints and everything can be in search, full-cost functions same as previous market.


So now if players want to trade, they just head to market panel in the liset and they will be able to see the 'exchange station' which a place where they will be directed to the zone of the exchange via a separate node or exclusive map on the solar map, as well as the simplified tabs of just 4: Exchange Station, Prime-access, Boosters, Steam.


-Baro 1.2: Add in inbox message, news message, animation of baro's arrival greeting during the two days whenever player returns to liset after mission which they are able to turn if off via options, or disappears when player visited baro during the trade.


-Clan message of the day with sound of lotus/alad V, stalker, etc.  

Regarding the Council Hall I feel a layout similar to the Arbiters of Hexis room in the relays would suffice albeit on a larger scale to accommodate larger clans.

Regarding the P2P trading I think the system itself is good but would need to be streamlined so you would not have to trade with them face to face so to speak but that they would be able to trade via their Dojo trade post and you do the same in yours this would eliminate the needless load times and the "you invite me, no you invite me" back and forth nonsense while allowing you to just get down to the brass tax of the trade.

Despite the trade system detraction I had the suggestions you had regarding Baro, the duel system, and the new member system are on point.

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A addition I'd like to make (not sure if I scrolled over this) but the ability to essentially "ghost" while your decorating the Dojo for those not familiar with the concept basically you would be able to be in a free floating camera view without any restrictions aside from being confined to the existing layout of the Dojo this would allow you to move around quickly and be able to place objects in those high up places and be face to face with it so you can get that exact angle/position your looking for when place said object.

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Reminder: remember, keep this post alive with your feedback, the developer remembered about dojos yay!

Wat if i told you that the dojo, is going to have updates soon..,  that everyone get happier about it, then with this feedback, i think needs to add important notes, so if gets a bit cleaner with the additions/overhauls/editions that will stick in the mind perhaps.

My format for making the feedback a bit more atractive, and simplier in my opinion.

(By opening the spoiler ideas will be impacting.)

Archievement of visits: 6.5k+ right now, and increasing...





On 6/4/2016 at 5:49 PM, Agente_GentlePhoenix said:

Dojo  Overhaul  2.5  (Ideas/suggests/feedback)[Start:05/Ap ril/15]- [Updated: 2/13/16]

What's added:

•The date of the beginning of the ideas for new additions

What does give?:

•Possibilites of market in the warframe game:
 -Some things can be available to purchase as an option.

•Activity in warframe more than expected.

•Warframe interactivity with new experience and the feel of new things.



Edited by Agente_GentlePhoenix
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 20/4/2016 at 11:13 PM, TheMostFrench said:

Please consider making the dojo like a multiplayer Liset where you can launch missions, adjust load outs, and interact with syndicates all within your clan environment. I believe this would foster a greater level of clan interactivity and would enhance the fashion frame aspect (being able to discuss and change appearances in the dojo with other members would be fantastic) - as of right now the dojo is only good for trading and getting special blueprints.

They want you to use the relays lol...

ok, D.E.

You gave us the dojo and the relay, i bet that the point of the dojos, back then, it was to make players more friendly and get them together and somehow, after dojo updates, the idea of the relays came out and probably the conclave room at the relay. 

We want to have customized things on our own way, what if, the dark sectors could also make use of winning clan's dojo as the relay, so everyone would have to go there to access certain stuff we will be MORE competitive to have the honor to show off the dojo, just saying its an idea then all the options of the relay move it to the dojos, because to be serious people in relay just go straight to simaris or straight to conclave, straight to baro, and so on.

Im going to break my suggestions in 5 POINTS


Give the oportunity to set rewards weekly on best score, on best time in racetrack, on best on PvP, in the dojo, let the players friends to set a squad of 6 members to get the reward and split it.


  • A.  REWARD> 200plat OBJECTIVE> 1st squad that brings 10k oxium (and the oxium gets vaulted in the dojo)
  • B. REWARD> Salix Sydana OBJECTIVE> Best player on hit the target score by June 15th.
  • C. REWARD> 50plat OBJECTIVE> bring orthos prime set
  • D. REWARD> orthos prime set OBJECTIVE> bring 20 plat and 2 hikou pouch

Everything gets vaulted and could be used as reward later on, just by doing this you are going to have lots of people coming and going in dojo, checking activities and stuff and more platinum moving around but NOT at the reach of the warlord.


Make it a liset piece as you have in news for prime access and updates make it for the clan (probably you are planning this one on the 1st slot on the left of the navigator) or make it an actual board as you have in the relay that would be cool and also accesible from dojo.


i should have done this my first point, whatsoever, here are just some ideas that could be used as new rooms.

  • Hit the target room
  • Stealth room
  • Parkour room 2.0.
  • Extermination room (no warframe skills avaiable)
  • The arsenal in the dojo as you have it in relay that is great idea, expand the idea go for the platinum and put it on the market.

you already have all this encoding in the test to rank up, just twist it a bit and throw it to the dojo we will help you to make it enjoyable.


I loved sooo much the idea of being able to launch a mission from relay, i understand that to make this for each dojo you need a wider broadband connection i get it, only if it's on your reach it would be awesome to have that, AND the idea of making the relay the meeting point of the players its soo nice, BUT, give the player the choice of log in and appear in the relay or in the dojo, it would work better for some players. 


This is a bit off the topic but i wanted to mention it here. Make a market for clan, where we can buy tileset rooms for dojo, decorations coming from tennogen no work for you but income, make it big, put up custom statues of ourselves there OUR DOJO, OUR CLAN, OUR GROUP OF FRIENDS.


I am saying all of these DE because WE ARE BORED, we are THAT bored with dojo the we are making this kind of stuff


Today, these are the usage of the dojo:

A. Trade (awesome idea im player one week and after all the changes you have done, you got me back because of this, excelent job)

B. Labs

C. AND REALLY EXTREMELY RARE to make usage of any other room like the duel room. 

and dye the boring room.

I know its great for you prime access to make money for the warframes each release and everthing and its a free to play game, I understand as project manager, but from our point of view is all about grinding and having the highest score, i bet you have better ideas going on in your workshop flying around throw us a bone DE we love you,





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On 2/3/2016 at 3:27 PM, (PS4)d3vilang3l6412 said:

We need navigation in the dojo turn obstery room in to a navigation room and a arsenal room with a foundery room and pet room for kubrows . Me and my clan mates don't like to be in are ship we like to be in the dojo instead. Hope some other warframe players feel the same way.

to log in, and appear at the dojo :D wouldnt it be amazing? :)

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