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Clan & Dojo 3.0 Ideas, Suggestions & Changes


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I would just like to add my voice to support virtually everything that's been said here. Particularly with 'why' questions, for example: Why does room destruction have a delay time, and why can it not be rushed? Why can't rooms with prerequisites be scheduled for destruction if their prerequisites rooms are already in the destruction process? Why does the oracle exist? Why does the Temple of honour exist? Why are decorative vs functional rooms not delineated? There are a lot of why questions that face the dojo, and considering how popular world building is, and how nicely it would fit into the WF universe, I am very hopeful that a big rework is in the pipeline.

Intuitive mechanics emerge organically when the purpose of the object is clearly understood by the creator, and then consequently to the player.

Edited by BarondeMerx
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Clan Resource Trading Station.

A place where you can trade in resources for XY ratio (calculated from drop chance, drop rate and current total of X resources inactive in accounts)[It would require vault room and docking station to be built]

This place would allow you to trade with the ai(relays)[perhaps even clan alliances, other dojo's] for resources.

You will need to research a ''transporter'', once completed this will appear in docking station.

There are 4 types of transporters that can be built, each one requires previous stage and all 5 can be used at once. The reason for this is that there are 4 categories of resources; common, uncommon, rare, research. Each transporter with its own maximum cargo place (example: 10mil for common, 1mil uncommon, 1k rare, 10k research) [optional a 5th one for credits although that might be a bit too much]

Each journey would cost X amount of credits for ''fuel'' (optional is to allowed fueling with cryotic or a new resource that can be collected with excavations?) Transporters will take 6 12 18 24hrs time for each rarity. When sent a message will be sent to allied dojo to confirm its on its way plus a timer (example baro's console) [console should be in the trading station]

When arrived the people with powers can access the resources from the panel and either withdraw them or send them to vault.

This would allow older clans/players to trade unwanted resources to AI or to other clans for a better ratio.


Before being allowed to sent any cargoes to an alliance dojo, that dojo must require to have XYZ resources in their vault room. E.g. if you want to trade 600 Gallium for Neural sensors at a 3:1 ratio, the other clan requires 200neural sensors in their vault. The panel should have a list of all allied resources in vault able to be traded.

You can only trade resources of same category. Common for common uncommon for uncommon and so on.



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After my daily log on warframe, i just came to see wat's going on, on this sugggestion megrathread... OH ahahaha nice!.,  ..just already @Volzien its time for marking the archievement!, and still growing..

Archievement: We got now 1 0,  0 0 0+ views, already now!

As always, i'm giving my feedback,  because i'm not gona be silent about that our dojos is grabbing dust.




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My idea or concept for incorporating into the game if you please is statues, nothing fancy more like the Codex models built inside the dojo. Now I understand this might strange but I got the idea when looking in the trophy room at the Loki statue, and thought 'that's all". I was thinking maybe that statue can be change by the clan leader to one of the 'starting frames' or a frame of the clans highest member. But I was thinking with all the codex model images that would make for ideal statues to be added to the dojos.

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Regarding statues, there is some art for a Excalibur statue and a few busts of different warframes under the dojo cephalon fragment.  The room in general looks quite nice as well

                                                                       .FRAGMENT 05 DOJO

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Also, oh wow guys, thanks for the 10k+ views this post has recieved!  I'm happy to see that this many are wanting to make the dojo and also the whole clan system better and more enjoyable for our awesome community. It seems like with each devstream, our awesome dev team is beginning to see just how bad the state of the dojo system really is. While I do wonder if this thread has been reviewed by someone at [DE] we need to keep pushing this thread so that when the time comes all of our feedback doesn't go to waste and everyone's hard work in this thread is front and center. Thanks again everyone, lets keep it going!

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On 9/14/2016 at 4:04 AM, wanderere said:

has there been any discussion as to when dojo changes are coming? I don't watch the streams as there is too much fluff.

During PAX West them mentioned that it was always being pushed down the list by newer content, so don't expect it this year

But they did mention that they do have 2 Devs who are dedicated to Dojos alone

It would be great if they could collaborate with the community by using this thread as a base and creating a Dev Workshop where they can constantly incorporate community powered ideas and immediately state which ideas will be incorporated and which won't. 

Dojos should be the backbone of the in game player community, so it would be amazing if the entire community or at least the people who frequent this sub forum were to play a major role in our long awaited Update

As much as people would like it to be a surprise and leave it to the Devs, I think it would make it a lot more sense if Tenno are completely aware of what they're able to do in their own constructs(Dojos)

Let them have a few surprises up their sleeve, but at least let us know if we'll get the parts we do want. 

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11 hours ago, Drextrax9000 said:

During PAX West them mentioned that it was always being pushed down the list by newer content, so don't expect it this year

But they did mention that they do have 2 Devs who are dedicated to Dojos alone

It would be great if they could collaborate with the community by using this thread as a base and creating a Dev Workshop where they can constantly incorporate community powered ideas and immediately state which ideas will be incorporated and which won't. 

Dojos should be the backbone of the in game player community, so it would be amazing if the entire community or at least the people who frequent this sub forum were to play a major role in our long awaited Update

As much as people would like it to be a surprise and leave it to the Devs, I think it would make it a lot more sense if Tenno are completely aware of what they're able to do in their own constructs(Dojos)

Let them have a few surprises up their sleeve, but at least let us know if we'll get the parts we do want. 

I hereby would like to volunteer myself to be dedicated to Dojo's alone as well!  (and fairly certain we all would)

As for the Dev workshop it would be great to show us what they're thinking about.  The dojo is our home away from home.... away from home... wherever that may be lol.  I've got several ideas that I've been working on and have actually been sketching them out.  One is a orokin/tenno design that is a place for our Kubrows and Kavats in "curing" their DNA degrading. 

What I'm getting at is this.... leaving us in the "dark" when it comes to our dojo's isn't the best way to approach things (although I do understand that in releasing too much information can start a "riot" with people wanting it NOW).  However, what changes are you wanting to do?  If you can't give specifics then just address what it is you're working on or what your thoughts on certain subjects are.  If you're wanting to add some way to have a hangar in place then say so.  What could we POSSIBLY do in the future in our hangars?  Will certain rooms have more purpose than being strictly aesthetic (oracle room and observatory) or are they working on adding more windows to hallways and having dead end rooms with views?  Things like this don't exactly SHOW us what's to come, but instead it gives us something to look forward to when it DOES come into view.  

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my suggestion of a dojo simulacrum is to able to practice simulated speed runs and puzzle tile sets. I love the idea of able to practice simulated speed runs just the challenging part of it and if you fail just reset it,in that way you will save yourself the frustration of failing and start mission from the top due to lack of knowledge of the said tile set I know others make youtube videos about how get thru the obstacles but i rather able to experience and practice it myself and to see other options in how to master it. I think my suggestion may help new players to enjoy the game more, playing simulated speed runs and puzzle tilesets minus the pressure will be quite stimulating, think of it of a warframe version of a X-MEN danger room hehe

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The ideas,given are great and hopefully our voices will be heard. ^^

In addition:

Attack on dojo's,

When the dojo is hidden in the void (Tileset Void), should the attack not be as similar as an void fissure? A warning from the internal cephalon (if DE creates one) or from ordis given, alerts Clanmembers, which may choose to participate directly or let a Clan specter defense taking them on? The clan tier could be the degree of heaviness. The higher the Clan tier the more leveled enemies will join the fight and the number of fissures showing up. For example: Ghost between 3 to 5 fissures, for every higher tier +3 or +5, Moon Clans ending up with possible 15-25 fissures. To not come down to a one-point defense, let the fissures spawn randomly in the Dojo.

The sequence:

The AI sensors register a higher concentration of void anomalies and send the alert to the Clanmembers via communication-mail. At this given moment the Dojo as a look down, pratical for traders so they may manage to go to Maroors bazar or wait the time out.

If you choose to go to the Dojo it is to join the defenders. entry point,hopefully the docking point. (DE be so kind to provide one please ^^)

After a fissure is detected it is shown on the map, with maybe ground lights to facilitate the navigation through the corridors, and a room lifebar pops-up. Enemies are damaging the room.


If the room is at zero, it will be lockdown for 24 hours (or another amount of time) and be unusable or unaccessable for the time.

For certain rooms there can be particular side effects, for example:

The barracks room is destroyed: For the next 24 hours no recruiting or upgrading is possible

Recators are destroyed and critical energy-level is reached: Ongoing constructions as researches are stop, until the reactor rooms are fixed.

Lost of the Docking station: No access to the Dojo.

Research labs: No access and research stop.

necessary warnings given by the AI.

just basic ideas. ;)



As normal the enemies are dropping from there droptablse and reactant (which should be collectable for later use in the Landing craft) and have a decay time of 24 hours.

As mission boni either a randomly prime part or one of the many prices from Barok's, including the legendary mods. or the running season (sortie) table.



I have no idea if higher Clans ( I'm Ghost) have build up a Dojo which can house all of the members or just the strict minimum. In either case it would be an idea to introduce an aditional option/assestments in the Ranksystem: The ' Guardian/Defender' option. Limited in numbers by Clan tier, are those the ones who can only access this type of mission and defend the Dojo with their fellow camarades or with the cephalons internal defense regiment of specters. (Maybe even both). As said alternatively the cephalon with handle it with the given specter regiments. And anyway a damage report is send to the Clan' maybe posted in the Clanwindow, to show everyone the situation.

Also to make it more challenging: Activate friendly fire in the rooms. If you cut the wall or just throw in nova with heavy gun (just an Example ;) ) the room is damaged too and maybe this fellow Tenno locks it down. Fast and precise elimination over throwing nukes in. ;)


Best regards

And regardless of this post, go Dojo 2.5, go Dojo. ^^


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I noticed you mentioned that you and the rest of the clan have started to only visit your dojo. strictly for research and don't like to see all your hard work building up your dojo. go to wast I feel for you here but maybe you can do more with your dojo then you think you can. to get every one to visit 

for example I use a tournament ranking system which encourages every one to visit the dojo. in order to rank up every one in my clan must duel each other in one of the dueling rooms. and either my self or an officer must be present not only to watch the fight. but also to promote you on the spot this system basically gets every one to regularly visit the dojo. so my hard work is not wasted and this actually brings me to a new idea.

do to how I run my clans ranking system it would be nice to have som kind of automated ranking system that automatically promotes and demotes clan members based on a wins or loses to the next rank 


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- Being able to walk around as the Operator. In fact I'd just like more Operator play in general; if the Stalker can walk around in his warframe without being mind-linked into it, I'd like that option too. Especially in what's pretty much a designated "safe zone."

- Clan Kennels, for all those unwanted Kubrows and Kavats; a room where we can send unwanted pets to live in the base.

- Hologram-practice room - a room that you can choose to spawn in enemies and have yourself a fun little firefight with them, similar to the Mastery-rank test where Lotus summons holographic enemies for you.

- Personal Quarters - Maybe a barracks modification where you can turn it into basically a dormitory, and each person can claim a room; interacts with the point of being able to play as Operator

- Outside the Dojo - The Dojos, from everything we've seen, are floating space stations. But what if we had the option to make our dojo's in other places? Maybe one clan wants their dojo on Jupiter, and there's a front gate leading out into a small randomized Jupiter cell without any exit except a dock for various landing craft, like on the Relays except with planet-themes?

- Clan PvP (Solar Rail) - I'd like to see an actual REAL clan pvp based around the dojo; after all, the Orokin Lab is the center of the clan's power over the system. Maybe after destroying enough of a certain clan's solar rails once the PvP returns, you start to recieve coordinates similar to Lephantis Coordinates that let you build a Clan Invasion Key, and let you begin a small raid against another clan's Dojo? Slap a player limit on each raid (4v4, 6v6?)?  ((Not going to touch on the specifics of Solar Rail pvp, since that's an entirely different beast and would require a ton of balancing, but just a thought, maybe make it like oonclave to keep the playing field relatively level?))

- Base Employee's - who's keeping my base clean and fixed up while its floating in the vaccum of space? Maybe have a system that lets you purchase guards like on the Relays, and not only do these guards patrol  your dojo but also participate as respawning NPC's in Dojo Raids. Maybe small chance to have Grineer/Corpus raids/Infested Outbreaks based on how much research for specific faction weapons you've done?

- Archwing Mode - Seeing all that empty space that my Dojo is flying in makes me want to hop in my archwing and fly circles around the place. Maybe this is where Archwing Racing comes in?

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'Engineers' could play a role in the contribution of rooms/decor. It would also be interesting if reactors needed repairs every now and then with only the cost of credits, some components that are easy to farm, a bit of time, and vigilance. It gives clan members some initiative. For now, immersion is not much of an engagement when there isn't much activity in dojos other than what any single player can make for themselves.

This goes in line with the idea of having a system of jobs in a dojo.

Edited by Qerz
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Well apparently DE checks Reddit because now we can view our inventories in the dojo! Maybe we should link this thread there lol in any case its good to see some sort of progress with the dojo, even though it was a simple QoL change that plenty of us were asking for.

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