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Corpus Population.


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Yeah...Playing this game more than year now....Just noticed that We kill TONS of Corpus guys. I mean they doesnt clone themself like Grineer. So their population is kinda limited ( At least it should be )


Thats the reason I want to propose Corpus battle units to be 95% robots.   There shouldnt be more than 3 - 4 Crewmen per mission.


BUT, there must be missions with lots of Crewmen (assassinations and some exterminations) ....Something like Grineer have different troops on Earth and Phobos. 


I know that some Important corpus units (nullifiers and such) are humans now...But their abilities can be added to new Moa (For nullifier it can be slow quad walker with a rail cannon or huge osprey ) if needed.




While this isnt that important...It still can be considered as future lore improvement.





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I'd personally be interested in destroying the grinders cloning machines and blowing up the Moa factories completly off the maps. Destroying reactors is childsay and easly repaired compared to a whole ship/part of ship or base. More explosions!;)

But scout the Moas, I'd like another enemy in the corpus army that isn't Moas, kinda gets old:/ so maybe a new kind of "battle droid"? (I'm aware of the fan made armor Moa, but again.. MOA...)

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Corpus should definitely rely on less crewmen.  But then, I don't think Corpus have a problem with refilling their ranks.


Darvo is 105 and is considered extremely young, therefore, we can infer that Corpus live a long time. There is no indicator that increased Corpus lifespan has decreased human breeding rates, therefore, if Corpus live for a long time and have a large period of sexual maturity with which to breed, it's very likely that the Corpus population is huge and unwieldy, even dangerously so. Because of this, human life is actually probably worth far less than robots to the Corpus from a monetary standpoint. "So send in the crewmen, we have more applicants every day, save the MOA's for the real work."

Edited by Gelkor
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Yeah I kinda forgot that they live that long.... But I'd still prefer them to be more...Wise long living geniuses that produce lots of robots rather than rabbit-like ppl who produce lots of children for us to kill.

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Maybe we don't kill them. They just get cut in half but then put back together with Corpus tech......

Eh, no clue, maybe they have a baby making machine and all corpus donate the "necessary ingredients" not being cloned doesn't mean corpus reproduce the normal way. They could be test tube babies.

But really if you think how often we kill bosses I don't know if it is possible or needed to explain population.

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If De decrease crewman to 3-4 per mission it will increase grind even for uncomon mods :(....As for corpus I think they use cloning too. They just keep it in secrete.

I'm sure if they did that they would adjust the drop rates and tables accordingly. Either way I doubt DE will do it. We have Sentients coming and have no human enemies so corpus being a tech mix is a good option.
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I'm sure if they did that they would adjust the drop rates and tables accordingly. Either way I doubt DE will do it. We have Sentients coming and have no human enemies so corpus being a tech mix is a good option.

Manic with four riders and sprag with sister( terminal velocity) says hello :)

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The heavy crewman population serves an important purpose from a design perspective - it justifies why corpus tileset and locales are designed for human accessibility.


Tenno are human shaped, and are probably some variant of human.  We certainly move like humans, running and jumping and we are human sized.  Which means we need human accessible levels.


The population of corpus crew memebers justifies why they go through the trouble of making their spaceships large enough that people can walk through them.  Why they aren't small, 3 or 4 room affairs with oxygen and gravity in a small control center, with the majority of it designed without concerns for human life support or accessibility while the synthetics do all the actual work.  Given the obvious security advantages of such an approach when you have space ninjas or clone space nazis around, it becomes real hard to justify the Corpus not using such an approach if they're a mostly robotic force.


Trying to be a ninja in a zero-G, zero-oxygen environment where all the passageways are designed for robots - who can conceivable fold up and roll down narrow passages, or simply hover and don't need a floor - well, not really sounding like an enjoyable game.  Why have lockdown access panels or elevators unless there is a considerable human presence that requires them?


As it is now, there's an easy explanation for their design.  Their ships are designed like humans live and work there because they do.   Take that away, and we're left wondering why 3 or 4 guys have a spaceship that's clearly designed for 100s of people.

Edited by Phatose
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Hm... maybe the Corpus population itself is enormous, even bigger than the Grineer and has even bigger population increase measures used. For example, a monthly donation for huge families and benefits. 

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Are we seriously discussing this? The fact that a game "spawns units" and ways to make it "more logical"?


Ok, I'll bite, I've tried similar things at some stages, but I can tell you now you can't do that and keep drop rates working, and if they go 95% robotic, then everyone will mod guns for Robotics and kill Corpus even easier.


Thing is, we never die. We just "Revive" or quit missions. It would make more sense that when we drop enemy units - yes, yes, I KNOW with Gore on we actually see them blown to bits or cut in half - they don't die, they are just "bleeding to death", so unless you do a ground finisher and gib them, their suit stabilizes them and then medical units patch them up.


Logically speaking there also cannot be "millions of Tenno's" we have what, 8 million players?


"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place"


Even if they sent in one million children (doubtful) they might of ended up with a few hundred of these incredibly powerful kids we now call Tenno. It only seems we are killing so many because there is so many of us and we run missions non stop. By the lore card, "one" Mag was put on a ship and sent into a massive battle, it's like they knew one Tenno would be enough.


In a "realistic" setting, one Tenno might run a mission only every few days, and they would not realistically wipe entire maps.


Defense and Survival missions are not "realistic", they are just there for our game play benefit. The amount of enemies that would die on a mission would be closer to what you might see happen in a Trailer. Also when a Boss dies, they would stay dead, we currently get to instantly re-run that node and kill them again.

Edited by DSpite
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Yeah...Playing this game more than year now....Just noticed that We kill TONS of Corpus guys. I mean they doesnt clone themself like Grineer. So their population is kinda limited ( At least it should be )

Thats the reason I want to propose Corpus battle units to be 95% robots. There shouldnt be more than 3 - 4 Crewmen per mission.

BUT, there must be missions with lots of Crewmen (assassinations and some exterminations) ....Something like Grineer have different troops on Earth and Phobos.

I know that some Important corpus units (nullifiers and such) are humans now...But their abilities can be added to new Moa (For nullifier it can be slow quad walker with a rail cannon or huge osprey ) if needed.

While this isnt that important...It still can be considered as future lore improvement.

"It still can be considered as future lore improvement"

If you bother to read lore.

Key word, Read.

Not assume and make up mumbo jumbo.

It's called, go read the lore before you waste thread posts like this and fool new players.

Corpus gave grineer "defective" cloning equipment. (The grineer don't know this and assume dna degeneration is normal from cloning.)

While corpus know how to clone perfectly. The trade was to ensure grineer don't wipe out/war against corpus and they have a treaty so corpus keeps territory.

Grineer don't even know how to make energy weapons, where do you think they got a damn cloning machine?

Saying corpus don't clone without an official quote somewhere is making up assumptions.

Edited by xFrostKnightx
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Logically speaking there also cannot be "millions of Tenno's" we have what, 8 million players?


"We took the twisted few that had returned from that place"


Even if they sent in one million children (doubtful) they might of ended up with a few hundred of these incredibly powerful kids we now call Tenno. It only seems we are killing so many because there is so many of us and we run missions non stop. By the lore card, "one" Mag was put on a ship and sent into a massive battle, it's like they knew one Tenno would be enough.

It may be the original group were adults, and using them in experiments they found Children had a higher success rate of surviving. So they started making them that way. Plus maybe the Tenno babies grew up and had kids and maybe the  void made them super fertile. We don't know how long the war lasted so it could have been a few hundred years.


Just playing devil's advocate. I think the 8 million is a bit much. Lore wise I think it would be more like a few thousand. Plus if there are 8 million Tenno, we would rule the system if you think of the kill rates. Per year a Tenno probably kills a million Corpus / Grineer, so that's like 1,000,000,000,000 deaths each year..... no wonder we're hated.


Good point about if it was so much more robotic people could really target their equipment towards them, but isn't that already the case with Infested? I'm not to versed in Damage types so I can't say for certain.


Where did it say that?  I can't recall reading that anywhere.  Even if it's true though I'd still like to see more machines and less meat-things in the Corpus ranks.

I would also like to know about the Grineer getting defective cloning equipment from the Corpus. I'm fairly well versed in lore, but haven't heard that.

Edited by Lightsmith
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Where did it say that? I can't recall reading that anywhere. Even if it's true though I'd still like to see more machines and less meat-things in the Corpus ranks.

Go read it.

Also we will be getting more machines, that's the plan. Did you not see the new corpus unit?

There are a ton of things already in development, we don't need de to spill the beans about everything coming in 20 updates.

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Go read it.




Having some time to chill, I was being unnecessarily antagonistic and I apologize. I'll try to rephrase more constructively.



I've tried quite hard to dig through the lore of this game and squeeze out every last drop.  The Codexes, quests, NPC chatter, translated text on flags/warframes/walls/etc, devstreams/primetime, dev twitter accounts.


I truly am trying and I do not mean to come off as though I'm demanding you do the work for me.  I am more then happy to dig deep into the lore.


If you know of a source that I've not found or that I've overlooked then I would very much appreciate being pointed towards it.  In asking around no one I know seems to have heard about this bit of lore and it would be a boon to us all to have it out in the open.   If you don't know where it is or can't remember that's fine.

Edited by BlueThingy
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Go read WHAT. It's not on the Warframe website that I can find, it's not in the Codex that I can find, it's not on the Wiki that I can find.

If you want to be coy, fine, but at least try giving us some hints.

Keep those hands to yourself. If I could retrieve the link I would go get it now. But as it stands I'm on a mobile device and it's not my job to spoon feed new players, alpha player or not.

Also you have some serious issues. Got shove all your assumptions about my posts back down that throat of yours.

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Keep those hands to yourself. If I could retrieve the link I would go get it now. But as it stands I'm on a mobile device and it's not my job to spoon feed new players, alpha player or not.

Also you have some serious issues. Got shove all your assumptions about my posts back down that throat of yours.


I never asked you to do anything other then type I never asked you to spoon feed anything.  Grunt and point in a direction.  Just something more then "Go read it."  Even something broad "It's in a devstream, don't remember which"  or "Dev comment from alpha game fourms" or "Was said on Founder boards" or even "Don't remember."


Something to move things forward.

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+9999 OP


of course others have already noticed this and we've been mentioning it off/on for somewhere close to 2 yrs now... =P


unfortunately instead of giving us jackals/hyenas "in the field" instead DE gives us the nully, another crewman with a backpack that makes no sense whatsoever... =/


take that for what you will, at least the community made suggestion winner is a robot, even though it is just another moa variant

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