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No Four Riders....


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OK, so i have ran the Blackout missions several times, and have seen the sub-Reddit, and so on. It seems it's impossible to get the mod from the mission where we have to fight all these guys and we can't even get  the chance to get the mod we hunt them for. And, i have helped several groups through this mission and ran it solo as nekros just to see if it was bad luck but after like 500+ kills and several thousand desecrates later it seems this rumor is true is this a bug or has the DE troll Struck again, and given us a joke like the Soma Prime stats. 

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it would be too easy if they would drop it, DROPS are disabled from this tactical alert



DE stopped the Manics in the Blackout missions from dropping ANYTHING. NOTHING! AT ALL!!!



I've seen a single mod. Pressure Point. I don't think I've seen anything else at all drop from them during the alert.

But that's my Point here's a extremely hard mission and you get nothing for it, nothing at all, that like giving a kid a piece of candy for doing a good deed, and he finds out that has no flavor.

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But that's my Point here's a extremely hard mission and you get nothing for it, nothing at all, that like giving a kid a piece of candy for doing a good deed, and he finds out that has no flavor.

Except the rewards that you get for doing the missions?

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those rewards aren't that great at all, i have 5 reactor BPs already, and a lot more Catalyst, I feel this was not worth my time or anyones



That's great (or S#&$ty) that you feel that way and all, but you don't speak for everyone here. I personally felt that a reactor and catalyst was worth 10-20 or so minutes of my time. And regardless of whether or not you feel it is useful, it is in fact a reward, so your claim that you get nothing at all is ridiculous.

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But that's my Point here's a extremely hard mission and you get nothing for it, nothing at all, that like giving a kid a piece of candy for doing a good deed, and he finds out that has no flavor.

Orokin reactor, orokin catalyst. These two are more versatile and do more for a build than a stance. Make no mistake, the cap is set on 20p for these two because of the market. If they werent sold through it, they would probably cost more.


I honestly don't get it, the first two stages of this alert were stupid easy and rewarded useful items, more than most regular alerts, or invasions, which are actually a waste of time with their repeated runs and credit rewards. If anything, the one that was not worth it was the third stage for an emblem and it was optional.


There is quite enough value from this tactical alert for the time spent on it.

Edited by nms64
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but you do get nothing, reactors and catalyst are given away in way easier missions WEEKLY, and this is the ONLY enemy that drops this mod, and your lucky to get 1 to spawn in a mission and here is a mission where you get 50+ of them and DE SLAPS IT'S PLAYERS IN THE FACE again by restricting the drop rate to ABSOLUTE ZERO. and you can get ammo, materials, or anything else either, OH! and if you run all three you get to fight even harder Manics and do it with only 50 energy, and you still get nothing

Edited by Calikhan
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You are expecting to have more than what you chipped in for simply because the stage is hard. Thats like you asking your parents for an Iphone, and when not satisfied, comes whining to social media. 

No, i am complaining that it seems knid of a slap in the face when they say "hey here is this Enemy we set up that only drops THIS ONE THING, and you can never ever get it. " but here here's some crap you might use instead of the thing you might want.

So it's like a parent saying "you know that new $800 phone you worked all summer for You can't have it here's a $20 one intead"

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I feel like people who use the phrase "Slap in the face" have never actually been slapped in the face

it's a phrase coined after the Dark ages where Being slapped in the face was considered a Huge insult to a persons at the time and carries on even to today.

Hence my use of it

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but you do get nothing,


This is purely a lie. Please stop saying that. YOU GET A CATALYST AND REACTOR BLUEPRINT. Again, just because you feel that is insufficient does not mean that it is not a reward for completing the alert.



reactors and catalyst are given away in way easier missions WEEKLY,



I dunno, I had far more trouble with a lot of Gift of the Lotus alerts than I did for this Tac Alert. Took more time to complete them most of the time, too.



 DE SLAPS IT'S PLAYERS IN THE FACE again by restricting the drop rate to ABSOLUTE ZERO.


Oh look, another lie. The drop rate may have been extremely reduced, but it is not gone completely. How else could I have gotten a mod drop from a manic? I certainly didn't imagine it.



 OH! and if you run all three you get to fight even harder Manics and do it with only 50 energy, and you still get nothing


Ignoring the fact that 50 energy is more than what you'll need if you do things right, you still don't get nothing. You get an emblem. Let me reiterate one more time since you seem to have trouble with this concept: Just because you don't put value into a reward does not mean that said reward does not exist. Perhaps you should get a dictionary and learn the definition of 'reward' and make sure to note how it doesn't say that the reward has to be found useful to the recipient for it to be a reward.




So it's like a parent saying "you know that new $800 phone you worked all summer for You can't have it here's a $20 one intead"


No, it isn't like that at all.

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This is purely a lie. Please stop saying that. YOU GET A CATALYST AND REACTOR BLUEPRINT. Again, just because you feel that is insufficient does not mean that it is not a reward for completing the alert.


I dunno, I had far more trouble with a lot of Gift of the Lotus alerts than I did for this Tac Alert. Took more time to complete them most of the time, too.


Oh look, another lie. The drop rate may have been extremely reduced, but it is not gone completely. How else could I have gotten a mod drop from a manic? I certainly didn't imagine it.


Ignoring the fact that 50 energy is more than what you'll need if you do things right, you still don't get nothing. You get an emblem. Let me reiterate one more time since you seem to have trouble with this concept: Just because you don't put value into a reward does not mean that said reward does not exist. Perhaps you should get a dictionary and learn the definition of 'reward' and make sure to note how it doesn't say that the reward has to be found useful to the recipient for it to be a reward.


No, it isn't like that at all.

WOW, really why are those only my quotes, see when player who PAY to get things like the mods and weapons, make comments in the forums it's usually like this one here, and the emblems is nothing, you can't use it for anythings, the Gift of the lotus quest are often easier then normal missions, and given the fact that i have farmed this mission quite a lot more now; seeing again if it was just bad luck and yet still no mods, or materials, or health or energy drops. and yes it is like that a lot here's a mission where you can finally get that mod you want to farm, but you can't... that's exactly that, and they do more often then not have at least 1 reactor event or 1 catalyst event a week if not more then that. 

Edited by Calikhan
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to further iterate my point on mods dropping, I have yet to get a tranquil cleave from a bombard, or any mod from a bombard, i have murder thousands of them, in fact most of the rare enemy drop mods i have to buy because the drop rate is sooooo LOW on many of them in a mission my desecrate often never works on that 1 enemy till after body is gone, how lets not forget that it took me over 6 months just to get the Brakk Parts to all drop after slaughtering the G3 a few hundred times,

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That's great (or S#&$ty) that you feel that way and all, but you don't speak for everyone here. I personally felt that a reactor and catalyst was worth 10-20 or so minutes of my time. And regardless of whether or not you feel it is useful, it is in fact a reward, so your claim that you get nothing at all is ridiculous.

totaly agree. I dont care for 4 riders or other claws mods for now, but i'm lack of catalysts/reactors badly, so i was pretty satisfied with this alert.

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to further iterate my point on mods dropping, I have yet to get a tranquil cleave from a bombard, or any mod from a bombard, i have murder thousands of them, in fact most of the rare enemy drop mods i have to buy because the drop rate is sooooo LOW on many of them in a mission my desecrate often never works on that 1 enemy till after body is gone, how lets not forget that it took me over 6 months just to get the Brakk Parts to all drop after slaughtering the G3 a few hundred times,


Ah, so after having no point to make at the beginning of the thread, but just a rant based on a wrong assumption you yourself made out of nowhere. You now have converted the thread into your own personal flame space to complain about other aspects of the game you don't like, because you are not getting the things you want, after you assumed you were supposed to get them?


You are acting like a middle school child.


Have you even considered the fact that the alert was not supposed to be farmed? that the main intention for it is to have no drops in there? that "tactical" meant, drop limited and actually playing with tactics instead of spamming fire and hope for the best, instead of complaining about running out of ammo? that it was supposed to just be a give away of a reactor and catalyst to players without much effort? that other players will actually find the reward useful as they had to spend very little time to get them? Nah, that's too much for you to process. You only know how to complain about trivial sh*t.


You even have the balls to call out Ryojin on an assumption (again) that he paid money to get his mods? what if he did? he at least supported the game, the developers. You? what are you doing? I only see someone who needs to take a small break and reevaluate what exactly the expectations from this game are.

Edited by nms64
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totaly agree. I dont care for 4 riders or other claws mods for now, but i'm lack of catalysts/reactors badly, so i was pretty satisfied with this alert.


I'm not saying people wont want this items but for people Who DO WANT THAT MOD, we are just basically told to F off here and that's pretty insulting given HOW hard it is to get rare enemies to drop their Rare items.






all of them drop rare hard to get items, mods, and other such loot.

i have killed stalker a few hundred times by now never seen the despair drop, took 6+ months of the g3 to get the Brakk parts to build it, Hunter took 3 months to build the Detron, Still have yet to get Bombards to drop a mod of any kind, and now i can add the manic to this list, and these are just the ones i know of off the top of my head

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Ah, so after having no point to make at the beginning of the thread, but just a rant based on a wrong assumption you yourself made out of nowhere. You now have converted the thread into your own personal flame space to complain about other aspects of the game you don't like, because you are not getting the things you want, after you assumed you were supposed to get them?


You are acting like a middle school child.


Have you even considered the fact that the alert was not supposed to be farmed? that the main intention for it is to have no drops in there? that "tactical" meant, drop limited and actually playing with tactics instead of spamming fire and hope for the best, instead of complaining about running out of ammo? that it was supposed to just be a give away of a reactor and catalyst to players without much effort? that other players will actually find the reward useful as they had to spend very little time to get them? Nah, that's too much for you to process. You only know how to complain about trivial sh*t.


You even have the balls to call out Ryojin on an assumption (again) that he paid money to get his mods? what if he did? he at least supported the game, the developers. You? what are you doing? I only see someone who needs to take a small break and reevaluate what exactly the expectations from this game are.

the Point I have made several times, is that for players who do not get the drops we farm time and time again for, get a chance in this event to at least attempt it here, just have a door slammed in our face, and quite frankly i am not acting like a child, i have made several points, and only be insulted because you think i'm just flaming. i'm not, this is a valid point, they took away an easy farm from people who would want this mod not everyone uses claws, i personally don't use shotguns but i like claws and it's nearly impossible to get more then 1 manic to spawn a mission for me and be able to get a 1% chance at rare mod Per manic

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