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Do You Get Treated With Less Respect As A Nekros Player?



What I mean is multiple times i've brought my nekros into missions and the second I spawn in you can almost see the dollar signs in people's eyes as they treat me as a desecrate bot and not a valuable member of the team. I WANNA PLAY TOO. Some people have actually gotten mad at me for not standing and desecrating, I get it, you want more stuff, but he as other uses too! Hope this is isolated to me because I don't want this kind of disrespect aimed at others.

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This is why I only use nekros for ODD farming, but happily, I have both of his augments and made a shadows of the dead/reviver build, and a farming/reviver build, but to be honest, nekros's only good ability is desacrate, soul punch isn't much but a force punch on 1 person, terrify is only when someone's downed, and shadows of the dead is just your only resort if you're in trouble.

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Yea. It is a shame, thematically and aesthetically nekros is my favorite frame.

Whenever I bring him to a mission I am nothing more than a means to an end for more loot. It is a shame his skills aren't better. SotD got the needed buff, but he still isn't a necromancer he deserves to be and his skills aren't the greatest.

What should happen is his soul punch keeps it's current effect and when the target dies something akin to mind control happens. His skills should also focus on buffing his  minions, and his minions should provide buffs to allies in some way, shape, or form, like how mind controlling eximimus units does.


My two cents for a true necromancer, and from a lover of death and destruction in game


Edit: Maybe make desecrate have his minions desecrate corpses on contact or something, and leave nekros open to fighting. His minions should do his work for him

Edited by Surtur
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That's why Descartes needs to die hate that skill for this very reason take it off nekros make a new sentinel with that as its ability so the people who need it can use it and nekros could get a worthwhile skill in its place hopefully

he already did, man. in 1650.

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I don't see this very often, personally, though I don't play Nekros that often, and use plenty of desecrate when I do, but usually not just sitting there spamming it. You might get some hostility if you're not desecrating at all, especially in survival, but anyone who demands you just spam desecrate is just dumb. Corpses don't go away THAT fast, and Nekros contributing to the corpse pile definitely won't hurt.


And of course, if they're demanding desecrate spam, and aren't generating a MASSIVE pile of corpses with no living enemies in the vicinity, then you have the perfect rebuttal. Desecrate spam requires a good supply of death to be worthwhile, and anyone who isn't generating a huge supply of it has no place making demands.


Needless to say though, if this is a squad formed in recruiting chat that explicitly requested a nekros, then all bets are off. They asked for you for a specific purpose, and expect you to fulfill that purpose. Do otherwise, and you're just asking for problems.

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This is why I only use nekros for ODD farming, but happily, I have both of his augments and made a shadows of the dead/reviver build, and a farming/reviver build, but to be honest, nekros's only good ability is desacrate, soul punch isn't much but a force punch on 1 person, terrify is only when someone's downed, and shadows of the dead is just your only resort if you're in trouble.

I was doing an ODD with a Reviver Shadows Nekros who asked me if I liked all the extra health orbs he was bringing, I felt bad when I pointed out Im an Eternal War Rage Lifestrike Valkyr, I'm not really using anything, but I'm sure the Rhinos who keep dying appriciate it.

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That's why Descartes needs to die hate that skill for this very reason take it off nekros make a new sentinel with that as its ability so the people who need it can use it and nekros could get a worthwhile skill in its place hopefully


Why a sentinel ability?


Why not just make more loot drop?


Why do we need abilities and sentinels to make more loot drop?


But I completely agree with getting rid of or radically redisigning Desecrate already.

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I usually just use my own key when I want to mess around with not-desecrate abilities. 


If people ask in recruit for Nekros, they want desecrate. If you join as Nekros and don't desecrate, it's only natural they're disappointed. 


Imagine a Frost that doesn't Snowglobe, a Mesa that doesn't Peacemaker, a Nova that doesn't MP. 

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I usually never have that problem, but then I rarely play Nekros when I feel like randomly helping people in pubbies.. in the middle of the night.....when an odd mood strikes me..*cough*



I play my nekros on the edge of a knife, using rage and despoil. He's good for cc and meatshields and I always have fun playing him.. seeing as I spent some time making sure my energy color was exact to the dead in LOTR return of the king. I'm more than happy to pull Nekros for loot runs and despoil bot when it's needed, but my clan mates are cool and unless anyone is trying to accomplish something specific, the whole point is to have fun.


Tis what games are for.

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If I'm playing Survival or farming resources on Defence, I expect any Nekros on the team to be spamming Desecrate, but if they don't I won't even mention it. I'm aware most people will only play Nekros for the extra loot, but there are other players who simply enjoy the frame, and they shouldn't be forced to use a single ability all of the time.


I have the opposite issue when I run hydroid. I can't get peopleto let the tentacle swarm do all the killing.


True. Which is kinda counter-intuitive to say the least.


MJellyfish Hydroid: "I have Pilfering Swarm on"

Random noob with nuke weapon/frame: "Nope"

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What I mean is multiple times i've brought my nekros into missions and the second I spawn in you can almost see the dollar signs in people's eyes as they treat me as a desecrate bot and not a valuable member of the team. I WANNA PLAY TOO. Some people have actually gotten mad at me for not standing and desecrating, I get it, you want more stuff, but he as other uses too! Hope this is isolated to me because I don't want this kind of disrespect aimed at others.

I feel ya dude. Seems as though people only think of Nekros as a FarmVille person for resources and mods. It sucks how people do that to Nekros. He has other uses too, but no one else sees it I guess...

Edited by (PS4)BoV_Top_Dog
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Kind of? I actually don't get scolded very much when I don't Desecrate in a pub match. Occasionally someone will tell me to Desecrate more when there are piles of corpses vanishing before their very eyes, with loot and health orbs popping out of them, in which case I say nothing.


In fact, I get treated as a good pet more than anything. People will tell me something along the lines of, "good job Nekros" just for spawning more loot. It's actually a little creepy.

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tbh I've stopped playing Nekros in t4 survivals and a good load of them that I've played lately we hadn't a nekros and hit 60 minutes no prob. 

He's fine for keeping life supports capped, but I find most of his skill use are put on the back burner while desecrate takes up most of his game play.

I agree with what someone had mentioned earlier about the team being able to provide an onslaught for desecrate to be worthwhile and that they don't have much weight to them in ordering you to disrupt your play style to accommodate their 'wants'.


 They're just being jerks. 


Keep on trucking - I think the wf community is overly better than the toxics you encounter every now and then.

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I love loot so I'm all for spamming desecrate 


In saying that, I have on a couple occasions been in squads that have 2-3 nekros, and they would get mad at one another if one decide to take a break from desecrating..makes no sense as it's not useful having more than one nekros desecrating the same area x_x

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I always get asked if I have natural talent. Nekros should start being very strict with who we help.

"Do you have Natural Talent" is a stupid question honestly.


Not because it's vital to a Nekros build, but because if you've played Interception, you probably have somewhere around....let's see, what's a number higher than 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999?

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