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Excalibur's Future Changes + My Opinion


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So... for those who don't know about Excalibur's future changes, here they are:

1)Slash Dash is no longer going to go in a strait line. Instead it will slash from enemy to enemy until you cancel it.
2)Radial Blind will be able to be cast while moving and will open enemies to finisher.
3)Super Jump is no more.
4)Radial Javelin is now going to be his 3th ability.
5)His 4th ability will equip an energy Skana


Personal opinion:
I really like the idea of being able to cast Radial Blind on the move and all, but i don't think that the other changes are necessary.
I know that people don't like/use Super Jump, but it is very useful sometimes and it is one of the best ways to escape when you are low on health in the conclave.
I'm not saying that i don't like the idea of Energy Skana ability or the Slash Dashing through nearby enemies, but i thnik that they will be a better fit to a new warframe.

And for those who dont like Slash Dash because it looks like Rhino's Charge, i'd like to say that if the new changes really happen, Excalibur will have not one ability that is similar to another warframe's but two (the new slash dash being similar to Ash's bladestorm and the energy skana being similar to Valkyr's hysteria).


I love playing Excal the way he is, but these changes will ruin him for me.

PS: Don't hate excalibur because you can't play with him.
       If you want you can.

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Everything said in a devstream is often subject to change, and one never knows how well or poorly anything is going to work until they have had a chance to test it for themselves.


This is excruciatingly pre-emptive feedback to changes we have no real understanding of nor do we even know if they will ultimately be what is implemented. Perhaps a lot more patience is in order before we start giving feedback on changes that don't even have a set calender date yet.

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PS: Don't hate excalibur because you can't play with him.

People don't hate on him because they can't use him.


They hate on him because he is clunky and feels outdated and is outclassed and his absolutely breakneck shifting of nerfs and buffs and changes have left him with a kit that has little to no synergy. The rework will change this.


I can't say I'm a fan of how the Slash Dash change sounds, as I do like the mobility. But we don't know enough about it anyway.

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I'm an Excali player almost from the beginning, but I like it that Slash Dash is getting a change, because it sometimes doesn't works at all (meaning you will sometimes get stuck at an enemy if you are trying Slash Dash), and I'm super glad they are removing Super Jump because not only its one of the most useless abilities as it is outdated, it also does NOT fit into the Sword theme!

And lastly, its not an Energy Skana any longer, its an Energy Sword that is more badass, visually and dmg wise

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I don't think the Slash Dash concept is much like Bladestorm at all, sure it kinda teleports you to the enemy, but it's in a cone in front of you from what I understand.

Don't see el problemo with new radial blind, it's not as if anyone HAS to finish the enemy and kill them.

Super Jump is being replaced with a new jump of a similar fashion in parkour 2.0, but it was a fun ability and will be missed.

About the Energy Sword being more fitting for a new frame: it's anything but imo. Excalibur is a melee-based frame, or at least was meant to be, and these changes are being added in order to emphasise this.


It's just as easy to copter away from an enemy in conclave, true it doesn't grant the same effect exactly, but hey it works.


Just my two cents, though the currency I use is British Pounds ;o

I'll agree it's always sad to see something you like change, but hey it's a chance to fall in love with the frame all over again amirite?

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PS: Don't hate excalibur because you can't play with him.

       If you want you can.

Oh so if we hate on Excalibur right now because of all the LoS nerfs, it's because we can't play him ? Seems legit.

- His 1st? Meh, we'll see how it turns out, especially in PvP.

- Radial Blind will be castable while moving ? It already is to some extent, just slide and roll jump, you'll be able to cast mid air while moving, or just cast it while sliding. This won't change anything tbh.

- His 4th will be equipping an energy skana ? Oh so we're basically getting Valkyr's Hysteria : being locked up in melee, except that we're most likely not gonna be invulnerable while doing so.

I really wanna be optimistic, but after all the nerfs, I don't even have the strength to anymore. I guess we'll find out how he turns out to be.

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My read of the Slash Dash change is it will be more akin to the near auto target and dash from Archwing melee. Though if it is more like Bladestorm, with pure auto target, I can be ok with that. But I think you will activate the Slash Dash and attack the nearst target to your reticule, with each button press.

Super Jump will be redundant, as others have mentioned.

Radial Blind change is welcome.

New ultimate will radiate a ranged slash. I've heard Zelda competisons. This is an important note and is a diferrentiating effect from Valkyr.

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My thoughts:

The first power sounds pretty good. Reminds me to Master Yi's first ability. And I say it would deal a decent damage to multiple enemies. So, be welcome, new Slash Dash! You have my Nikana! And my Dread! And my Scindo Prime! Oh dear...

New additions to old abilites are also good. This addition to Radial Blind would be very useful against though enemies.

But I'll miss Super Jump. Not really if I have to take Excalibur more seriously. But it was fun to jump and jump in every cliff and sometimes you could find a glitch, like getting stuck in somewhere :P But I also welcome this change.

And an energy Skana!? This will be awesome. My body is ready for it.

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So... for those who don't know about Excalibur's future changes, here they are:

1)Slash Dash is no longer going to go in a strait line. Instead it will slash from enemy to enemy until you cancel it.

2)Radial Blind will be able to be cast while moving and will open enemies to finisher.

3)Super Jump is no more.

4)Radial Javelin is now going to be his 3th ability.

5)His 4th ability will equip an energy Skana


Personal opinion:

I really like the idea of being able to cast Radial Blind on the move and all, but i don't think that the other changes are necessary.

I know that people don't like/use Super Jump, but it is very useful sometimes and it is one of the best ways to escape when you are low on health in the conclave.

I'm not saying that i don't like the idea of Energy Skana ability or the Slash Dashing through nearby enemies, but i thnik that they will be a better fit to a new warframe.

And for those who dont like Slash Dash because it looks like Rhino's Charge, i'd like to say that if the new changes really happen, Excalibur will have not one ability that is similar to another warframe's but two (the new slash dash being similar to Ash's bladestorm and the energy skana being similar to Valkyr's hysteria).


I love playing Excal the way he is, but these changes will ruin him for me.

PS: Don't hate excalibur because you can't play with him.

       If you want you can.


I really love this post. I agree with everything mentioned here. The only minor disagreement I have with what you mentioned here, Tigara, is the degree of utility super jump has. I think most of its utility is not fully realized, because not enough people actually think of ways to use it. I literally use super jump ALLL the time. I use it to speed through obstacles, escape, and even get to hard to reach places that have hidden lockers. At first glance super jump is hard to see as being useful to speed though an obstacle, but if you consider how many maps sometimes have huge gaps between platforms that are on the other side of a room......Super jump provides the advantage to clear it with ease.


In these types of maps, I tend to gain an advantage over other players in the map, because I am able to get to enemies faster than they do. Even faster than volt, because he still has to run a longer route to get to the enemies I can. Furthermore, having that edge is a nice feeling and it really complements the experience of playing Excalibur. It makes him super fun and very much effective at being the mobile menace that he is right now to me.  I really do not think super jump should be removed at all. I also have no issue with Radial javelin remaining his 4th ability. This energy skana idea, however, is really not attractive at all to me. I'd rather have super jump in place of that ability.


With regard to changes made to slash dash, those are definitely worthwhile changes. Slash dash was actually completely useless to me. I never use it at all, because my spin attack actually does much more damage and if I channel the spin attack, its even more damage while I cleave through past enemies. I think DE really needs to spend more time playing Excalibur, explore all the possibilities of his current template, then rethink his changes. If they do this, I think Excalibur will be better off.

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 Many are failing to understand that Excalibur's skills were developed when the game came out. Sense than the game has changed a lot and Excalibur has been slow to evolve with it. He needs this redesign. Technically, he's outdated.

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Parkour 2.0 will feature a charge jump able to be utilized by all frames. That being said your qualms over super jump being removed are trivial, so long as this makes up for it enough that is.


We'll see how responsive the new movement system is..

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It's going to be a while til the consoles get to see the Excal revamp, but he's one of the 3 frames I regularly use. I'm excited to see his new slash dash (I'm seeing Nightcrawler's supermove from the old 8-player X-men arcade game) and his new 4th. So he equips an energy skana and what happens...? Did they provide any other details about it? 

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 Many are failing to understand that Excalibur's skills were developed when the game came out. Sense than the game has changed a lot and Excalibur has been slow to evolve with it. He needs this redesign. Technically, he's outdated.


Yep. I'd say Saryn could use a rework on her 1 and 3, 4 should just not be affected by duration. 

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Messing with our ORIGINAL Warframe, and the founders Exclusive frame is NOT a good idea imo.

Leave my Super Jumping, Slash Dashing FUN Ex Prime ALONE.

First, Excal is already the most beat-up frame to-date, in regard to changes/fixes/updates/and messing. No frame has been "touched" more than Excal by the devs and community.

Second, I think it will be quite the opposite, as noted in the devstream. Everyone will get SJ, or as charged jump, another ninja move for parkour etc., instead of just only Excal. And so it would not be fair for Excal that it continue to take up as a super ability then. Thus, Excal will have a space for another new ult power.

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Everything said in a devstream is often subject to change, and one never knows how well or poorly anything is going to work until they have had a chance to test it for themselves.

This is excruciatingly pre-emptive feedback to changes we have no real understanding of nor do we even know if they will ultimately be what is implemented. Perhaps a lot more patience is in order before we start giving feedback on changes that don't even have a set calender date yet.


People have already jump-the-gun complaining and feedback such and such, when it's just a general discussion. The devstream discussion of the change hints some major overhaul of other gameplay and additional parkour content. There may be quite a few laydown groundworks before we get to see this anytime soon.

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Would it kill you to not make assumptions and experience the changes before opposing them?


Listen, as an excalibur main since i started last april, Just because I can use something to a degree of effectiveness does NOT mean it is in an OK state.


Excalibur right now is a frame i enjoy, but you know what? He needs a rework. BAD, Because right now his kit has about zero synergy for me-I build for blind I hamstring everything else-slash dash is not what it used to be and even as a mobility power feels clunky to use now. Super jump has already been made redundant by directional melee and what not-your advantage over that volt is negated by the fact that he can jump higher and faster than you with a flick of his tipedo. And Javelin.....what can I say. With LoS and what not I barely use it anymore. Actually make that never. If I use it as CC tool, Enemies recover faster than me with a natural talent.  Damage? Forget endgame viability-not even a utility to it. Radial Blind is his only power I can use with a sprinkling of SJ.


SO he was a good frame, but the game has moved on and left him him behind.


It's high time the king returned to his kingdom.

Edited by Evanescent
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I think a lot of the older warframes need a 2.0 change like excal. De changed the rest of the game by upgrading it and making it less clunky and having more features (usually). And compared to the newer warframes the older warframes skills are REALLY lacking and are way too simple and a lot are just nukes which is why we have press 4 to win.


Look at saryn,rhino,mag,frost,ember, and volt some skills are fine the way they are some need a rework. Saryns ultimate does great damage but it is so boring, it's just a nuke and why does she have a melee buff skill when she's not a tanky class ? Rhino's charge is just a worse version of slash dash and his ult doesn't do enough damage latter game or stun them for long enough. Ember's been in the pit for awhile fireblast and her second skill are alright but her ult doesn't do as much damage as it used to and the targeting is really weird.Mag is so specilised against corpus it's insane. Volt I love but his ult is pretty bad i love his shield and shock and the speed boost is AWESOME love it and love the augment for it shocking the enemy while cuting them at the speed of lightning is great but his ult is so slow and sluggish it doesn't fit a electrical frame that seems to be fast. I'd like to see the shield be mobile and a new ult. Frost doesn't do nearly enough damage on any of his skills and some don't even slow down enemies without augment, really ? all that ice and no slow down ? His ult is really bad and doesn't look that good at all just BAM RANDOM ICE BOULDERS.Hise snowglobe got a rework which was kind of uneeded but he really needs a lot of work on all his other skills.


We have warframes that can jump demensions and actually have skills that mesh together well and that can work well together or apart. Then we have older and a few newer frames that skills don't match up or you have to use all of them at once to get a real utility out of.I really want to see a warframe rework each major update.


That kind of turned into a rant but that's what I think on the subject.

Edited by Batwing
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I'm excited about the changes, but I'm still sore over that old radial blind nerf from a while back. It's called radial blind, not line of sight blind. I mean c'mon, this was the only thing keeping him viable in high level void stuff. Right now, the current Excal is REALLY pushed toward melee, but there are better melee frames who don't even have melee-centric abilities like Volt, who is better at melee purely by virtue of the huge speed increase he can bring. My problem isn't that Excalibur is being made melee-centric, lately, it's that he absolutely sucks at it becuase he can't tank a few hits and his augments are hilariously useless (doubly so considering they take up a slot) and should be innate to his abilities.

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