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Coptering :(


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sorry for the caps but i get &!$$ed off reading all these "I wanna go fast"


If you want to go fast play freaking solo and stop stealing fun from other players who actually want to enjoy the content of the game instead of rushing to the finish of everything.


DE did not create this game wanting everyone to rush as fast as they can, coptering shouldnt have even existed as it is a bug. so all you people relying on coptering and going fast to be good at the game. I laugh at you.


its not about 'being good at the game' its about getting things done in a reasonable amount of time.


take a sabotage mission.


even without coptering i am still just going to run by the enemies to the objective and then to extraction. that is not going to change.


the only thing that will change is its going to take me 5 minutes of stupidly slow walking instead of 2 minutes of coptering.


that is your big net result of the change. 



edit - at some point you simply realize that with infinitely spawning enemies that on half the mission types the only way to get them done is to just run by the enemies, because they will never stop coming. without a core gameplay change that is going to remain the same. 

Edited by Suthurn
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Yes to really anyone with a comprehensive mind that can see the clear and innocuous difference between a feature and a bug.

''Comprehensive mind''

''clear and innocuous difference''


You must be patting yourself on the back for that sentence, bravo.

Edited by evil_m3nace
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Man your mind is muddled, I suggest coffee.

You can clearly see b and n are right next to eachother on a standard keyboard and touchscreen keyboard. My thumbs are big and i like to type sanic fast. You seem pretty heated to instantly reply to everyone here. Chill with the post upping.

And berating someone on spelling or misclicked keystrokes is soooo compelling for... What again?

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You can clearly see b and n are right next to eachother on a standard keyboard and touchscreen keyboard. My thumbs are big and i like to type sanic fast. You seem pretty heated to instantly reply to everyone here. Chill with the post upping.

And berating someone on spelling or misclicked keystrokes is soooo compelling for... What again?

You were attempting to insult me, it didn't really work out for you now did it.

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Why is coptering bothering so much people ? Always found it fun, and even when i had no decent weapon to copter, people doing so never bothered me that much.


It's part of the fun in the game for some, if it has to be removed, i hope we'll move as fast by not coptering (and not only for farming like some people said, going fast is fun, and right now without coptering it's far, far, far less fun running most missions because the warframes are all too slow, if you take some frames like rhino it's just unbearable at best).


And pls don't say "take your mods for stamina and sprint trololo" i have them but right now it's just useless, even without coptering, because you have to sacrifice 1/2 crucial slots for it, so unless you only run lvl 30 or less, where is the point in sacrificing warframe power for an almost unnoticeable buff to your speed ?


Well, we'll see what happens but i do hope it's not gonna be just a little buff on stamina/wf speed that is unnoticeable meanwhile the copter is nerfed to the ground, because it will piss off many players if it's not done properly.

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Oh jeez. Coptering whiners again.

I guarantee you, if coptering gets removed, I will be posting MaxSpeed builds for frames with greater than average MS or fast abilities. And everyone will still be faster than you, and you'll still be whining.

For example, my Hydroid is faster than 99% of copter users. And can cross gaps like a bawss.

Gotta go fast, son.

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Oh jeez. Coptering whiners again.

I guarantee you, if coptering gets removed, I will be posting MaxSpeed builds for frames with greater than average MS or fast abilities. And everyone will still be faster than you, and you'll still be whining.

For example, my Hydroid is faster than 99% of copter users. And can cross gaps like a bawss.

Gotta go fast, son.

You dont even need coptering to go fast. Does coptering helps? Yes. Is it necessary to go fast? No.

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But with coptering you don't have to put sheety mods to be "faster" and you still have your warframe powers. Try to be faster with a frost vs a tipedo user that is decent and not lagging hardcore or having a wooden computer. A normal player with Tipedo in hand. Post your build in a YT video where you outrun a Loki tipedo with your Hydroid, without any coptering, gl hf.


And even it was the case (it's not but we'll suppose it can be for a second), you'd still lose mods for your warframe's survivability / skills, which are crucial on many of them.

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But with coptering you don't have to put sheety mods to be "faster" and you still have your warframe powers. Try to be faster with a frost vs a tipedo user that is decent and not lagging hardcore or having a wooden computer. A normal player with Tipedo in hand. Post your build in a YT video where you outrun a Loki tipedo with your Hydroid, without any coptering, gl hf.


And even it was the case (it's not but we'll suppose it can be for a second), you'd still lose mods for your warframe's survivability / skills, which are crucial on many of them.

You can wallrun+jump, slide+jump and do few other tricks to gain momentum. I can keep with coptering people without melee weapon equipped.



Knowing the tiles also helps.

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I can too, well you have to if you want to level up a primary/secondary weapon fast enough, but you still won't be as fast as they are.


And it's already a pain to not take any melee weapons to level up your weapons faster, because you're so much slower without it, and it's not fun.


If 2.0 make us as fast, why not but right now, nerfing it would make the game much slower and less fun for people like me, maybe i'd still play the game but i know that some people would not take this well at all.

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sorry for the caps but i get &!$$ed off reading all these "I wanna go fast"


If you want to go fast play freaking solo and stop stealing fun from other players who actually want to enjoy the content of the game instead of rushing to the finish of everything.


DE did not create this game wanting everyone to rush as fast as they can, coptering shouldnt have even existed as it is a bug. so all you people relying on coptering and going fast to be good at the game. I laugh at you.


The most time-efficient method of doing anything in this game is by going as fast as you can.  That is a fact, and has always been a fact since the game was created.  Coptering has been officially endorsed by DE for some time now.  Banishment into Solo play is also a ridiculous suggestion.  Fast is not only efficient, but popular.  Even simply by the fact that this thread exists, you cannot claim to be the majority here.


Furthermore, going fast is fun for a lot of people.  That is their playstyle.  That is how they derive enjoyment from this grindhell of a game.  Not only that, but they can do so without having to use terrible bandaid mods like stamina regen or max stamina (which are part of the whole problem that is the existence of a Stamina mechanic).  Who are you, or anyone of you not-DE individuals, to dictate how people should play?  I'll answer for you: you have no right.


The only argument against coptering that I agree with is that it looks stupid.  I wouldn't mind a visual upgrade, to make it look cooler.  So long as that visual upgrade does not in any way hinder the speed that coptering provides.  The same holds true for the upcoming movement revamp: it better be as useful as coptering currently is.

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If the removal/tweaking of coptering allows me to go just as fast currently, sure, whatever.

But I don't want to go slow, and the only reasons people say that they dislike it is because either they think it looks silly, or they don't value going fast, although they could too.

If you're complaining because everyone's going too fast, then go faster or..be happy with your decision to not go fast. But because you don't like the animation doesn't mean it should be removed lol.

If you're complaining that it doesn't look realistic, but you slide jump...I don't even need to go into that.

Also, I'm not gonna use half a Warframe class just to go somewhat faster and still be slower than coptering. That just makes the frame useless.

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Wanna bet? wanna take this to a game? go on and add me lets do a t4c and find out who is faster.


EDIT: I didnt think so



then play solo or dont play at all

A huge part of the community plays this game to go fast, if you dont well too bad for you, play solo.


and even if its nerfed, Ill still be faster than you.


''Be good'' pls I dont rely on it to ''be good'' I rely on it to be fast, I fast for fun.

I love fast I will be fast as fast can be, the only time I am pubbing is alerts or to help newbies


you think I want to play with a slow player that plogs along falls down and dies halfway through a mission? 




I have much to say on this comment.. but I'll try to keep it short.


In previous comments of yours you claimed majority of the playerbase likes going fast like you, coptering. You seem very obsessed in the speed but it's just looking very silly to me and other features in the game lets you go fast anyways. How can you possibly suggest if you can't go fast play solo? That's just outrageous. Really applying your standards to the fullest of the community, I wholeheartedly disagree with your stance on this.

And how you said you'll show other player that you can go faster than them it just astonishingly childish. It leads to more agitated discussion. 


By the way, the momentum you get from coptering is very excessive, and it appears DE is changing the momentum players get midair so that it isn't as ridiculous as full berserker proc coptering. It's not just about coptering too. It's about refining the momentum in movement entirely.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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I have much to say on this comment.. but I'll try to keep it short.


In previous comments of yours you claimed majority of the playerbase likes going fast like you, coptering. You seem very obsessed in the speed but it's just looking very silly to me and other features in the game lets you go fast anyways. How can you possibly suggest if you can't go fast play solo? That's just outrageous. Really applying your standards to the fullest of the community, I wholeheartedly disagree with your stance on this.

And how you said you'll show other player that you can go faster than them it just astonishingly childish. It leads to more agitated discussion. 


By the way, the momentum you get from coptering is very excessive, and it appears DE is changing the momentum players get midair so that it isn't as ridiculous as full berserker proc coptering. It's not just about coptering too. It's about refining the momentum in movement entirely.

Its just as outrageous saying to go slow or go solo. You clearly did not understand why I issued a challenge. He was complaining that people only go fast because of coptering. I issued a challenge saying that I can go fast without coptering to the point of which I can still kill most things and make it to the end without coptering. 


Coptering has always always been in the game. if you look back about two years ago the entire forum was ''NERF COPTERING OMG''


the tipedo is a love letter to copter, its the fastest swinging weapon that has a high chance to crit, now we have the arcanes avenger and arcane strike. paired with the tipedo means you zoom around like superman, being the tenno that tenno were suppose to be.


the tipedo was made for coptering. it lives it and breathes it. If I could, I would french kiss the hell out of the designer of the tipedo.

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Its just as outrageous saying to go slow or go solo. You clearly did not understand why I issued a challenge. He was complaining that people only go fast because of coptering. I issued a challenge saying that I can go fast without coptering to the point of which I can still kill most things and make it to the end without coptering. 


Coptering has always always been in the game. if you look back about two years ago the entire forum was ''NERF COPTERING OMG''


the tipedo is a love letter to copter, its the fastest swinging weapon that has a high chance to crit, now we have the arcanes avenger and arcane strike. paired with the tipedo means you zoom around like superman, being the tenno that tenno were suppose to be.


the tipedo was made for coptering. it lives it and breathes it. If I could, I would french kiss the hell out of the designer of the tipedo.


Coptering can be removed from the game with your logic, no? You can go just as fast without it.


What I want to say is that you claim that MOST people like it, but the playerbase has clearly changed since 2 years ago. You can't speak for others right now. You don't know the numbers and you can't prove it.


For each their own i guess, but I don't like how coptering works as it is now, and I won't even mind if it's removed. Whenever I try to slide attack with melee with a fast melee weapon I get charged out to the far end of the room, and can't kill anything. Slide attacks really do some decent damage, but it's just not even possible with things like dual Raza with berserker mod.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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Coptering can be removed from the game with your logic, no? You can go just as fast without it.


For each their own i guess, but I don't like how coptering works as it is now, and I won't even mind if it's removed. Whenever I try to slide attack with melee with a fast melee weapon I get charged out to the far end of the room, and can't kill anything. Slide attacks really do some decent damage, but it's just not even possible with things like dual Raza with berserker mod.

then you are sliding wrong. the dual raza cant copter for the life of them, the range of it with berserker is like 12 meters. the range of the tipedo with berserk crit is about 60-80 meters, depending on how big the room is, how bad the lag is, and how bad your frame rate is.


Coptering can go, but it needs to have a counterpart added, as so many people depend on going fast with it.

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then you are sliding wrong. the dual raza cant copter for the life of them, the range of it with berserker is like 12 meters. the range of the tipedo with berserk crit is about 60-80 meters, depending on how big the room is, how bad the lag is, and how bad your frame rate is.


Coptering can go, but it needs to have a counterpart added, as so many people depend on going fast with it.


I think the word "depend" is a little questionable there. It's not a dependency exactly. Some people are just fond of it. And you're missing the point here, I'm not scoping on dual raza here. When I bring fast weapons, I should also be able to land slide attack with them with some accuracy. 


Anyhow, I also gotta disagree with OP about ruining things and moving like frost. That's just silly worry.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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