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Coptering :(


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copter will get nerfed to hell, DE will add a faster run and a broken stamina system again. Community will suffer, DE will re-implement a less broken stamina system and a buff to copter which will will still make movement 40% as fun as the current system. Sheldon will end it by laughing on the next Prime time, about how the movement system sucks, will be become a community saying AND the community will become more salty.

When the copter nerf come, they will cry, and buff copter again, and parkour become useless again...

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If they do this they they literally did just that. Take it away.

I don't follow. Could you explain what coptering is supposed to be relative to other forms of transportation? I mean, as it stands, coptering as a mobility tool means nobody uses heavy weapons, ever, just Dual Ichor. Is that good or bad in your view?

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I don't follow. Could you explain what coptering is supposed to be relative to other forms of transportation? I mean, as it stands, coptering as a mobility tool means nobody uses heavy weapons, ever, just Dual Ichor. Is that good or bad in your view?

 movement dependens of the melee?


Edited by Grimlock-
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Every single argument everyone here have made has been a thrilling and interesting read with a lot of well constructed arguments, and it's definitely a subject I think about often. Obviously, the answer to coptering is highly subjective, and I don't believe there is a single right answer. I like reading everyone's opinion on the matter, though, and I hope this discussion goes on. 
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Every single argument everyone here have made has been a thrilling and interesting read with a lot of well constructed arguments, and it's definitely a subject I think about often. Obviously, the answer to coptering is highly subjective, and I don't believe there is a single right answer. I like reading everyone's opinion on the matter, though, and I hope this discussion goes on. 


Why we are affected , those who decided to choose a weapon for melee damage it does , contrary to those who used it to move ?
Why the speed of movement, is dependent melee weapon you have equipped ? There should be one thing, independent of the other ?
I must choose move quickly  whether or do damage depending on the melee that has equipped ? And if I choose to do damage, why I see in front of such a disadvantage ? What happens to the balance that everyone should follow?
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I rather move the discussion towards how we can have parkour and sprinting on the same level as coptering(We can all agree with this point, I think). Discussing whether copter should be will result in an impasse.


1) Coptering restricts melee weapon choice by favoring a select few.

* Seems to me the best way to go about this is to "standardize" the momentum of the slide attack across the board. I support doing this for aerial melee as well.


2) Coptering let's you bypass the stamina gate. Because copter is a "burst" movement, having even a sliver of stamina allows you to cover the full distance. The animation then allows enough time to recover that sliver of stamina, and so the cycle continues indefintely. Sprinting and parkour have no such advantages.

*Seems a simple solution. No stamina recover during animation and/or unable to copter without the full amount X of stamina.


3) Copter is so much faster than sprinting.

* Yeah we need higher base speeds on warframes or at the very least some sort of "momentum" system that lets us accelerate as we go(bonus incentive to parkour well).


You guys have the floor now.

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Don't nerf coptering, buff warframe/sprint speed, it should be as fast, we're space ninjas, even base rhino/frost should be as fast as loki, and faster frames, faster.


Anyone who have tried to do a bunch of missions without melees knows how painfully slow we are without it right now...

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I rather move the discussion towards how we can have parkour and sprinting on the same level as coptering(We can all agree with this point, I think). Discussing whether copter should be will result in an impasse.


1) Coptering restricts melee weapon choice by favoring a select few.

* Seems to me the best way to go about this is to "standardize" the momentum of the slide attack across the board. I support doing this for aerial melee as well.

I like the suggestion for this one. I personally love using heavy melee weapons but they are obviously too slow + lack distance to compete with faster weapons in terms of mobility. You can practically fly from the floor to the ceiling with a tonbo but you ain't getting nowhere with a jat kittag despite the thing having a literal jet engine on it. I agree that having a standard speed would be great or even have special animations just for slower weapons that would speed them up sensibly to keep up with faster weapons.


I like to imagine that, for example, the jat kittag could be just as fast as a speedy weapon if it's jet engine was utilized in a unique spinning/whirling slide animation that would move the player as fast as any other weapon. It could then be reasonably used as a coptering weapon without being incredibly slow and moving two inches at a time. We could speed up all slow weapons, slow down fast weapons, etc so that at least heavy weapons could be more viable as a mode of transportation. I mean, how cool would it be to rocket jump using the jat kittag in aerial melee? Other heavies like the galatine and whatnot could also have neat animations, with momentum of course, that whirl them much faster to keep up with say, polearms. I find it rather ridiculous that you can swing the scindo super fast with berserker on it but otherwise, it's incredibly cumbersome.


Even if we didn't change the animations, I still like the idea of at the very least getting some standard speed for weapons. If people want fast coptering, then maybe fast weapons can be a little bit faster but not so much that they again outshine the heavy ones.


edit: grammar

Edited by Brahkest
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I use coptering only when I use dual ichors.When I use my OP scindo prime that does 1million damage that nobody shall dare scream nerf on it or I will comeafter you.Instead of coptering with my scindo prime I do a jump attack and get to places that are realy high up in the air >:)


We console players won't be seeing parkour 2.0 for a while >:) and we are always prepared for new content thanks to pc beta testing the updates for us >:)

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What is wrong with coptering? It's one if the best parts. I have played with so many new player that say " oh my god this is crazy fun hahaha did you see that" it keeps the game different and is fun like it or not. If they do change it I hope they keep the game FAST. Just make it so everyone can keep up with and gear they want. Add more rare hidden things with good loot so we want to stop and look, don't add buddy doors so we have to slow down.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't get the argument that coptering is "unrealistic." We're space ninjas. Hasn't anyone seen the films with ninjas taking HUGE leaps off of tiled rooftops, making it look like they're flying? Coptering is like our version of that.


Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for the parkour update, and in the end all that matters is that we'll be able to move just as fast as before, but I don't think coptering deserves all the complaints it's getting in light of this news, and I don't think most people hate it.

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 From the sounds of things at this point I feel like DE is trying to manage a setup where Parkour 2.0 will be at least as good as coptering about.


 Mind you, I've got no insider knowledge on the issue. I've only heard what you've heard and I've only seen what you guys have seen. But still, it's clear that the closer we get to Parkour 2.0 the more DE has realized the importance of that speed and nimbleness that Coptering and other such quirks of the game afforded us players. They've explained more then once that recent Parkour 2.0 developments have them running back through their system to shorten and speed up the traversal to make it more usable.


 It sounds to me like they are doing what they should. They are taking coptering and fitting it somewhere in the game proper. Sure, it's incredibly likely coptering wont exist in nearly the same sense. We'll likely all be learning how to maintain such speeds together in a new way.


 Fingers crossed that it works as well. I can tell you now, if the new system isn't roughly as easy and as quick as our current set up I'll be right here complaining with the rest of the unhappy Tenno.


 For me the speed of gameplay has always been something of value. Fast is very fun. I don't want to see the game slow down too much.

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Oh well, I am here to say a final thank you to DE, I was gonna wait and see Parkour 2.0 but with the news that coptering is being removed I just don't even want to play anymore.


I know nobody cares but coptering was the thing that kept me playing all this time, now I have no reason to play its a huge part of the gameplay...


I will leave this here to immortalize coptering, best feature of the game and best fun I've had in ages !!




Thank you de for this awesome game and good luck with all your future plans. I'm out !

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Coptering looks awful, feels awful, and limits melee selection to remain competitive.

Anything to make movement more natural would be a *expletive* blessing.


To the people supposedly leaving without even trying the new system.

Edited by Firetempest
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When are DE gonna ruin speeding through missions forever for me?


I heard its U17 or so, but are they in return gonna make the warframes faster?


I'm also hearing that they changing sliding too.  Wth is going on?



I got a feeling i'm gonna be moving like frost no matter who I pick in a few months. :(


Oh no. :(


You won't be able to use an unintended mechanic to bypass all the other intended mechanics in the game.


What a shame. :( :(

Edited by f3llyn
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Just a heads-up: Steve's been making it pretty clear on his Twitter that slide attacks as ATTACKS will still exist, and on top of that mobility will be much more fun and skill-based, so we can still go fast if we master the art of fast-going. Check for yourself if you don't believe me.

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