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Hotfix 16.3.3 +


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Vauban - Perpetual Vortex: Vortex's duration is increased by 70% (max) for each additional Vortex thrown into the initial Vortex.


Sure, I'll waste a mod slot to get a -30% duration penalty and thus a higher upkeep cost (in missions with tons of leech eximus units that suck you dry left and right as a vauban) for a function that...


a) should be default but without the penalty and

b) seems to be only around for if you wanna go afk for a few minutes, which the game apparently hates you to do, tho, or

c) only function is to have only one vortex on the map, to ease up on performance issues.


Frost got his 'I'll be elsewhere for a while' effect for free. Why not Vauban, too.


Oh, if I don't like it, I don't have to use it, right? Of course I wont. Like 90% of the other augments that are useless or at the very most gimmicky and highly situational.





Not a Zephyr player, but, what is a tornado worth that doesn't pull enemies to it? I don't get that one. Just more loot falling off ledges?



The Excal one however, is nice - Now that is how you do an augment mod. Currently well worth investing a slot into it.


More of this. Less of the other stuff, please.



Honestly, DE. augments should be sidegrades, not upgrades, not much needed fixes to the default powers. sidegrades. make them completely change an ability, not just add some pointless or OP fluff to it.


Quality, guys, Over quantity. As in, "the year of".

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I'm having problems using catalyst, disabled DX 10 and DX11, even load maps is slow and sometimes it's freeze...

PD: I always start up fast the game but now took 1 min for just load to login screen. it's also with any map I go

^this... same here. :S

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MK1 Strun Stats being noticeable better than it's non-MK1 counterpart? Please confirm with a brief description that is exactly what you are trying to depict.


Yes that's what his screenshot is trying to show. It's been an issue for a while, you can confirm it right in the market.

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Hotfixes are always nice, thanks DE.


Why bother adding an Excalibur Augment that will have to be changed later when you decide to release his remake?  Design Council came up with a lot of really nice Augments that would have been great for a situation like this, lol.

It was simply to give us something to hold us over until the rework comes they stated below the mod cards that this would be changed once the rework happens.

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Being forced to DX9 without being able to bypass it (other than downgrading to a year old driver) is unacceptable.


I can no longer play with other players because the moment someone joins my game it freezes, if I'm on a load screen I freeze and then shortly afterwards drop from the group I was in, if I'm hosting I freeze on loadscreen and drop any players that were connecting to me. This was not an issue in DX10 or DX11. Even in solo mode loading takes several minutes compared to the relatively quick 20-30 seconds in DX10 and DX11.


Sure, I crashed here and there, but at least I was able to play with people.


Edit: Before anyone says to verify or optimize, yes, I've done that it doesn't help. Only thing that helped in the past is changing it to DX10 or 11.

Edited by Denizium
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this patch nerfed my framerate. what the hell?!

im running 2 r9 290's with i7 4790k on a 3240x1920 eyefinity setup and get stable 60 fps with maxed setting. 

now im stuck between 40-55 fps.



also, i cannot tab out without my main game tabbing out as well when switching screens(i use 5 screens, 3 for eyefinity 2 extended.) 

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when does  excal  renewal come? U16.4? I cant wait!


Excal's rework will most likely come earliest U17, (not U16.5 since that's only a couple updates away, and on the dev stream, they were only talking about idea's for his changes, not any in progress work).

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