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List Of Inconveniences And Annoyances


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Been playing the game for some time now and I'm having lots of fun but there are annoyances that appear pretty often or are persistent.


-jumping lag

It's annoying and the game would be much more fluent without it.


-reload lag

Same thing, a bit less annoying but I'd rather not mash my reload button.


-bullets actually hit what's in between the dot and the half circle

I can understand this as a skillcheck and something one should master if he wants to headshot stuff, but it's rather inconvenient and if I wasn't tolerant of "beta" releases I'd be very annoyed.


-artifact that boost ammo drops should actually grant more ammo per pickup

I haven't actually felt the effect of the artifact, as in a more frequent ammo drop, so I believe that changing the effect would make it noticeable.


-moa aim is too good

For a mob that appears more frequently than corpus crewmen its aim is just too good.


-leech ospreys have too much hp

Sure, it's a mob that should be focused and taken down first if you don't want shield trouble, but it becomes annoying when there are 3 of them flying around at a time and they're the only ones left in the room.


-infested ancients sometimes appear in packs

This starts as an inconvenience, "meh, more things to shoot", but as one progresses through the game, specially solo, it starts being an annoyance. It's not cause of their health but cause of the ability to knock down. It breaks the fluidity and can stunlock a player if more are present. Sure, they can be ran away from easily, but I prefer killing everything I see.


-boss shield starts recharging too soon

In groups that's fine as with all the shooting going on the boss will never recharge the shield. Solo, it makes the boss impossible unless one has a hard hitting weapon or a weapon with a large magazine.

I'd suggest making the boss shields recharge a lot slower in solo mode, but still fast enough so the player can't take a coffee break during the fight.


-mobs aim for the sentinel too often

I guess that's what regen's for, but I'd rather have them shooting at me most of the time, and the sentinel providing that shield recharge, than it being dead 80% of the mission just cause I got reckless in the beginning. I usually don't even reach 0 shields during that fight but the sentinel dies just cause 2 lancers I didn't pay attention at decided to assrape it.


-no "Show System button"

Yes, a workaround is just spamming Escape, but I'd rather have a button.


-one needs to actually rank up guns/warframe to advance in general rank

I find this illogical. Why should I be forbidden of a higher rank if my preferred equipment is what I got early on in the game.Yes, this acts as a money sink by forcing players to buy blueprints/weapons, but we shouldn't be forced to do something for a game mechanic to work.

I'd rather see special bonuses for owning multiple rank 30 weapons/warframes than be forced to buy new ones in order to progress. It would make ranking up different weapons/warframes worthwhile while not forcing players into doing it by disabling advancement. Money sink would still work.


-modules have a completely random drop

Ok, maybe not completely. I've seen vitality and redirection drop a lot more often on lower ranked planets than higher, but a lot of modules are random.

It'd be a lot less tedious farming up modules for warframe abilities if I knew where to look.


-dropped modules and materials need to be autolooted by active players

It's rather annoying when I miss a module just cause 1 scumbag Tenno didn't mark it, or when I'm waiting at the pickup while the other guy is leisurely farming modules on the other end of the map.


There, done for now. I hope it's not too much QQ.




-no "big map"

While the minimap shows enough information I'd like to be able to get my bearings via a larger map that shows all the rooms I've uncovered.

Edited by DeadlyNerd
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Been playing the game for some time now and I'm having lots of fun but there are annoyances that appear pretty often or are persistent.


-jumping lag

It's annoying and the game would be much more fluent without it.


-reload lag

Same thing, a bit less annoying but I'd rather not mash my reload button.


-bullets actually hit what's in between the dot and the half circle

I can understand this as a skillcheck and something one should master if he wants to headshot stuff, but it's rather inconvenient and if I wasn't tolerant of "beta" releases I'd be very annoyed.


-artifact that boost ammo drops should actually grant more ammo per pickup

I haven't actually felt the effect of the artifact, as in a more frequent ammo drop, so I believe that changing the effect would make it noticeable.


-moa aim is too good

For a mob that appears more frequently than corpus crewmen its aim is just too good.


-leech ospreys have too much hp

Sure, it's a mob that should be focused and taken down first if you don't want shield trouble, but it becomes annoying when there are 3 of them flying around at a time and they're the only ones left in the room.


-infested ancients sometimes appear in packs

This starts as an inconvenience, "meh, more things to shoot", but as one progresses through the game, specially solo, it starts being an annoyance. It's not cause of their health but cause of the ability to knock down. It breaks the fluidity and can stunlock a player if more are present. Sure, they can be ran away from easily, but I prefer killing everything I see.


-boss shield starts recharging too soon

In groups that's fine as with all the shooting going on the boss will never recharge the shield. Solo, it makes the boss impossible unless one has a hard hitting weapon or a weapon with a large magazine.

I'd suggest making the boss shields recharge a lot slower in solo mode, but still fast enough so the player can't take a coffee break during the fight.


-mobs aim for the sentinel too often

I guess that's what regen's for, but I'd rather have them shooting at me most of the time, and the sentinel providing that shield recharge, than it being dead 80% of the mission just cause I got reckless in the beginning. I usually don't even reach 0 shields during that fight but the sentinel dies just cause 2 lancers I didn't pay attention at decided to assrape it.


-no "Show System button"

Yes, a workaround is just spamming Escape, but I'd rather have a button.


-one needs to actually rank up guns/warframe to advance in general rank

I find this illogical. Why should I be forbidden of a higher rank if my preferred equipment is what I got early on in the game.Yes, this acts as a money sink by forcing players to buy blueprints/weapons, but we shouldn't be forced to do something for a game mechanic to work.

I'd rather see special bonuses for owning multiple rank 30 weapons/warframes than be forced to buy new ones in order to progress. It would make ranking up different weapons/warframes worthwhile while not forcing players into doing it by disabling advancement. Money sink would still work.


-modules have a completely random drop

Ok, maybe not completely. I've seen vitality and redirection drop a lot more often on lower ranked planets than higher, but a lot of modules are random.

It'd be a lot less tedious farming up modules for warframe abilities if I knew where to look.


-dropped modules and materials need to be autolooted by active players

It's rather annoying when I miss a module just cause 1 scumbag Tenno didn't mark it, or when I'm waiting at the pickup while the other guy is leisurely farming modules on the other end of the map.


There, done for now. I hope it's not too much QQ.



Jumping and reloading still need work.


Aiming could possibly be improved, but doesn't appear problematic.


Never used ammo drop artifacts and rarely have I had ammo problems.


Moa aim seems normal?


Leech ospreys were briefly over-hp'ed, but now seem normal again.


Infested ancients is really an argument against stunning players.  I'm ok with things as-is.  Solo requires a great deal more skill/planning to deal with it than group play, but that's the point - solo should let you shine instead of relying on teammates.


Boss shield recharge delay and speed is different for each boss.  Vary your gameplay and loadouts to accommodate the variety.


Mobs do aim for the sentinel a lot.  I take it as a gift that I'm not being shot.  And ducking behind tall cover helps.


The "Zoom out" button is the "Show System" button that you speak of.


While ranking up may need tweaking, if you want to continue using a certain set of gear, you can buy new instances of the same gear and just level it up all over again.  Grind-y, but that's the whole game.


Loot being random is common in games.  Some modules do have a higher chance in some areas.  In general, you can farm a quantity of modules, but not a specific module.  Just one of a mod is enough to start fusing it up.


Autolooting?  That'd be a huge change and I can't imagine all of the implications.  They need to tweak looting to show you what you looted better - not knowing which BP or materials you just picked up due to "Rifle ammo is full" messages is obnoxious.

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Moa aim seems normal?


Mobs do aim for the sentinel a lot.  I take it as a gift that I'm not being shot.  And ducking behind tall cover helps.


The "Zoom out" button is the "Show System" button that you speak of.



Dnno, I guess I just find moas generally annoying that I had to write some qq about em.


Doesn't really reward reckless gameplay and this is the type of a game I'd expect to reward reckless gameplay.


While that's true for "planet view" I still need to "escape" through all the market/foundry/arsenal screens I opened.

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-I agree.


-I don't have a reload problem that I've noticed


-Guns have varying accuracy, go for something like the Latron if you just want it to shoot where the dot is.


-I agree.


-All Corpus have pretty terrible accuracy, imo, already, viewable when you see how their weapons spread fire anywhere past 15m.  Cover is your friend!


-Ospreys were bugged with too much hp before but now they're fine..


-Infested are supposed to appear in packs and kill you if you don't come equipped to deal with them or at the least like you said, run away as you kill them....

-Boss shields can be frustrating, but I personally like the "side mission" of hauling a weapon and most of its ammo to a boss.  Also, as your mods continue to develop you will have more viable options as to which weapons to bring.  (IE: cold damage shreds shields.)


-Again, a bit of a mod issue- once your sentinel has gobs of +shield capacity, health, recharge, armor, and multiple lives... it goes down for the count less often.  Also, your sentinel is restored with you upon a revive..

-They just added a zoom out button... bottom left of lobby.


-Some info has been leaked that may excite you- one idea DE has stated they're thinking about is weapons being able to gain prestige, IE resetting them back to rank 0 to further empower it once you've leveled it back up.  I would think and hope in this scenario one would keep gaining mastery as they continued to re-level their weapon, however, it would be more difficult each go round (requiring more xp), while providing the same 3000 mastery total at rank 30.


-Mods being random is good.  You're supposed to get lucky, and unlucky.  Most people have "that one mod" that they just can't seem to get to drop, it's part of what keeps you going at it.  The fun part is "that one mod" is different for most people!  Inspiring jealousy amongst the Tenno breeds work getting done.  :)


-I feel for you, but disagree.  Partly because that's just too easy mode for my taste, (people should be happy to stay together or run to each other for loot) but also because every time your buddy points out a mod, you get the whole run to it of anticipation, of "is it a sweater or is it an okama gamesphere", and I personally wouldn't trade that just so I could be lazy and let other people be lazy.



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"-artifact that boost ammo drops should actually grant more ammo per pickup

I haven't actually felt the effect of the artifact, as in a more frequent ammo drop, so I believe that changing the effect would make it noticeable."


I think this could be a great addition! Not sure how much of an increase. The difference does seem to be small at best with only one of any given ammo drop artifact. But it would be simple to understand that if you were picking up more from a quantifiable level.

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Been playing the game for some time now and I'm having lots of fun but there are annoyances that appear pretty often or are persistent.


-jumping lag

It's annoying and the game would be much more fluent without it.

I agree with this and while I play using a controller, sometiems when attempting to jump from edges the character will simply do a roll instead or not jump unless I hold the jump button.

-reload lag

Same thing, a bit less annoying but I'd rather not mash my reload button.

I haven't ran into any reloading bugs except when there's massive lag in the current session or when I am using the Glaive.

-bullets actually hit what's in between the dot and the half circle

I can understand this as a skillcheck and something one should master if he wants to headshot stuff, but it's rather inconvenient and if I wasn't tolerant of "beta" releases I'd be very annoyed.

The aiming can be a bit off to those who are not familiar with a lot of 3rd person shooters, since the reticle does not mean that's where your shots will go to, it's a means to aid you in aiming, but it's not a big issue.

-artifact that boost ammo drops should actually grant more ammo per pickup

I haven't actually felt the effect of the artifact, as in a more frequent ammo drop, so I believe that changing the effect would make it noticeable.

Artifacts work perfectly for me, I pick up a lot more drops, so to me they are working fine.

-moa aim is too good

For a mob that appears more frequently than corpus crewmen its aim is just too good.

Every enemy has that "god-like" aim, but I sense you are still fairly new, it's why you created apost about things already extensively talked about, so you haven't gotten the whole jist of things yet.

-leech ospreys have too much hp

Sure, it's a mob that should be focused and taken down first if you don't want shield trouble, but it becomes annoying when there are 3 of them flying around at a time and they're the only ones left in the room.

The Leech Osprey had even more HP during the global event, they were intended to ahve some buff to them so now they're a lot weaker but stronger than before, Shield Osprey are still weak, no prblem with some HP on a small harmless (avoidable) enemy.

-infested ancients sometimes appear in packs

This starts as an inconvenience, "meh, more things to shoot", but as one progresses through the game, specially solo, it starts being an annoyance. It's not cause of their health but cause of the ability to knock down. It breaks the fluidity and can stunlock a player if more are present. Sure, they can be ran away from easily, but I prefer killing everything I see.

Some more RNG, nothing wrong with that either unless you aren't used to it, they're easy to avoid and once you know their usual weak spots you can take them down quicker as well.

-boss shield starts recharging too soon

In groups that's fine as with all the shooting going on the boss will never recharge the shield. Solo, it makes the boss impossible unless one has a hard hitting weapon or a weapon with a large magazine.

I'd suggest making the boss shields recharge a lot slower in solo mode, but still fast enough so the player can't take a coffee break during the fight.

There's maybe 2 bosses who's shields recharge fast, and that's how they were intended to be, jsut like Kril has an immense HP pool, no need to complain about a boss's stats unless they are buggy...

-mobs aim for the sentinel too often

I guess that's what regen's for, but I'd rather have them shooting at me most of the time, and the sentinel providing that shield recharge, than it being dead 80% of the mission just cause I got reckless in the beginning. I usually don't even reach 0 shields during that fight but the sentinel dies just cause 2 lancers I didn't pay attention at decided to assrape it.

If you use Wyrm they will go after it more often since it constantly is attacking them, with Shade I barley have it shot at unless I stop shooting all together and let Shade shoot down enemies. Putting some mods to buff their shields and HP should work well, too.

-no "Show System button"

Yes, a workaround is just spamming Escape, but I'd rather have a button.

What do you mean by this? Do you mena a way to go back to the Solar System? Because there's only the ESC and Xs and the "Zoom Out" option.

-one needs to actually rank up guns/warframe to advance in general rank

I find this illogical. Why should I be forbidden of a higher rank if my preferred equipment is what I got early on in the game.Yes, this acts as a money sink by forcing players to buy blueprints/weapons, but we shouldn't be forced to do something for a game mechanic to work.

I'd rather see special bonuses for owning multiple rank 30 weapons/warframes than be forced to buy new ones in order to progress. It would make ranking up different weapons/warframes worthwhile while not forcing players into doing it by disabling advancement. Money sink would still work.

Yet another player who accuses of "Pay2Win", you are still so very green. IF you have not read up on WF, it's about you being a space ninja, going by principles of which you need to "master" weapons and warframes to be "badass"...why should you be granted a new rank if all you know how to use is starter wepaons and frames? Prestiging is coming also, so be sure to search for tpics before posting about things already covered. There's no "forcing" of anything I have only bought a founders package and used it for 2 other stater frames and extra slots, an the Glaive...the rest of the equipment I have bought with credits and built it myself. Again, you're new you haven't farmed or put much time into it.

-modules have a completely random drop

Ok, maybe not completely. I've seen vitality and redirection drop a lot more often on lower ranked planets than higher, but a lot of modules are random.

It'd be a lot less tedious farming up modules for warframe abilities if I knew where to look.

RNG once more, can be a pain, but I like it, you never know whne you will pick u pthat very rare mod and feel a sense of accomplishment and coolness, because otu of 100 players you might be the only one to have gotten in in the past few days, maybe weeks, so yeah, there's some vlaue to this randomness. You also have Fusion Cores at your disposal.

-dropped modules and materials need to be autolooted by active players

It's rather annoying when I miss a module just cause 1 scumbag Tenno didn't mark it, or when I'm waiting at the pickup while the other guy is leisurely farming modules on the other end of the map.

Now this is something interesting, recently I play a lot of defense missions and find myself being the only one to mark mods, then they get mad because I stop...some people are just selfish jerks like that.

There, done for now. I hope it's not too much QQ.

Also, do not listen to Jingleheimer regarding the sell your ranked starters and re-buy them to re-rank them as this will not grant you any mastery points, it will essentially just be a waste of credits and time, you should stick to what you have ranked until you can amass credits fr other credit available weapons and for BPs.

Edited by OrtuOcelot
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Also, do not listen to Jingleheimer regarding the sell your ranked starters and re-buy them to re-rank them as this will not grant you any mastery points, it will essentially just be a waste of credits and time, you should stick to what you have ranked until you can amass credits fr other credit available weapons and for BPs.


Is that the case?  Wow, I've been told wrong.  I haven't tried selling any fully ranked weapons to re-master them, but had heard that it might work.  Guess not, eh.  I'll stop spreading misinformation then!

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-I feel for you, but disagree.  Partly because that's just too easy mode for my taste, (people should be happy to stay together or run to each other for loot) but also because every time your buddy points out a mod, you get the whole run to it of anticipation, of "is it a sweater or is it an okama gamesphere", and I personally wouldn't trade that just so I could be lazy and let other people be lazy.




Maybe I've suggested something too easy. A simple automatic mod/resource marker would work just as fine. I just don't want to be forced to run around the room scouting for mods purely out of paranoia that someone didn't mark a drop.

Edited by DeadlyNerd
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Is that the case?  Wow, I've been told wrong.  I haven't tried selling any fully ranked weapons to re-master them, but had heard that it might work.  Guess not, eh.  I'll stop spreading misinformation then!

First off, apologies if that came off "harsh" or worse, just trying to save someone from making bad decisions >.< but yes, once you max out something that's all you will squeeze out of it, the dev team has not touched a lot on this new "prestige" feature so no one knows if you prestige will re ranking that prestige weapon/frame also grant you mastery points /: but atm we can't squeeze anything past 30 even if we re buy. But if you sell a rank 13 item and re buy it you will not get anything before rank 13, but you will 14-30.

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1)      I would like to see each player on a team have an individual waypoint color.

2)      I would like to see a running total for each resource farmed at the end of the mission not just module drops but items for crafting collected credits gained and colored spheres looted.

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1)      I would like to see each player on a team have an individual waypoint color.

2)      I would like to see a running total for each resource farmed at the end of the mission not just module drops but items for crafting collected credits gained and colored spheres looted.


I like both of these new feature ideas!

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1)      I would like to see each player on a team have an individual waypoint color.

2)      I would like to see a running total for each resource farmed at the end of the mission not just module drops but items for crafting collected credits gained and colored spheres looted.

I won't touch on #1 but I will on #2. I would also like to know the amount of resources that were collected, but credits are already shown, as "mission credits" and "reward credits" or "bonus credits", I forget what exactly it says but they're there. And lastly, why would you want to know how many energy/HP/affinity orbs you collected? But on the same thing, all pickup counts are also recorded, this includes ammo, resources and orbs.

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That thing about p2w accusation cause I can't quote a quote.

Just noticed you replied inside my quote.


I'm not accusing of p2w but I do understand your view on the need to acquire more gear in order to gain more mastery. Maybe I wouldn't find it a problem if certain weapons weren't mastery restricted.

I'd rather there was an "unlock tree" requiring of me to rank up 2 rifles in order to unlock gorgon. It'd make a lot more sense while keeping the requirement to acquire more gear.

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Just noticed you replied inside my quote.


I'm not accusing of p2w but I do understand your view on the need to acquire more gear in order to gain more mastery. Maybe I wouldn't find it a problem if certain weapons weren't mastery restricted.

I'd rather there was an "unlock tree" requiring of me to rank up 2 rifles in order to unlock gorgon. It'd make a lot more sense while keeping the requirement to acquire more gear.

There's only 2 weapons that are rank locked, Gorgon and Hek, and the rest are readily available to purchase with credits or build. Plus ranking up weapons to unlock more weapons sounds like a viable option but not as meaningful as an actual Rank level. You could be unranked and have a Hek...that just makes no sense to me, at least not within this game /: I think there's 1 frame that's rank locked, as well, not sure since I have built one at a time and that's what has helped me rank up faster along with buying and building weapons. If you aren't familiar with farming, this might be what is putting you off >.<

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There's only 2 weapons that are rank locked, Gorgon and Hek, and the rest are readily available to purchase with credits or build. Plus ranking up weapons to unlock more weapons sounds like a viable option but not as meaningful as an actual Rank level. You could be unranked and have a Hek...that just makes no sense to me, at least not within this game /: I think there's 1 frame that's rank locked, as well, not sure since I have built one at a time and that's what has helped me rank up faster along with buying and building weapons. If you aren't familiar with farming, this might be what is putting you off >.<


If I wasn't familiar with farming I'd be oblivious to it, but thing is I am and that's what's putting me off :P.

Done too much grind in the past that I expect game devs to design some meaningful grind nowadays. Add results to grinding that have a reason to be that way. Anyone can say "level up to get the highest gear". Same purpose but different approach is saying "level up because the strength you get is required for highest gear". Then this strength is used in calculating melee damage and carry weight etc.

From the looks of other games too, guess I'm still asking too much.

Edited by DeadlyNerd
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My own minilist:



-Jump lag

-Glitchy reloads (although they're fairly uncommon)

-Extra objectives that I get paid nothing for.

-Scavenger artifacts generally do not give enough to warrant forgoing other mods.

-Rifle ammo drops should be higher by default, 40-50 would be nice.

-Bosses are 95% sponge, 5% dangerous.

-Grineer Heavies shockwaving before you can slidekick them.

-Runner explosions and Grineer Heavy shockwaves seem to affect you based on your position at the start of their animation, rather than where you are when it actually hits.



The weapon mastery issue is acceptable imo. If you've leveled up more weapons, chances are you're more "masterful" at..... stuff......

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-no "big map"

While the minimap shows enough information I'd like to be able to get my bearings via a larger map that shows all the rooms I've uncovered.



So annoying trying to find an exit on a huge map during an alert, while running for your life solo, because of the never ending packs of infested on a D4 mission. >_<


And chat is weird.


If the elevator is going up, and you hold crouch and jump, you'll fall through the floor. :(


Could point out a few other things I've noticed could use some modifications, but with the sheer amount of people playing, I'm sure it's already covered in another thread.

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