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Synthesis Imprint Findings: Anti-Moa


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No where is it mentioned the Grineer are marauders and raiders.  This is where all these theories start to fall apart - people start filling in the blanks that can't be properly, intelligently filled yet.  It's like playing a game of Wheel of Fortune and guessing the answer with just one letter on...



...................Not that it's impossible to be right, but the likelihood is slim...  


Clearly the Corpus as a super power don't exist yet, and clearly the father was born in the Orokin era.  The state of the Grineer post fall however?  No mention of that super power's state.  They could be as organized as they ever were, or truly marauders and raiders.


I mean, sure, they've got some organizational structure, given that they were a military force. As for what they are doing? They are raiding trade ships. That's what's presented in this lore. I don't know how you missed that.

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I mean, sure, they've got some organizational structure, given that they were a military force. As for what they are doing? They are raiding trade ships. That's what's presented in this lore. I don't know how you missed that.


Are they just raiding a trade ship though? It was pointed out that having to sneak through all that debris was unusual. It was also noted that they weren't simply traders or cargo transporters, but scavengers. That means the stuff they were looking to trade came from someone else. Maybe THEY were the pirates/raiders and the Grineer were peace keepers who had been tracking them down from the last ship or colony they attacked and "scavenged". .

Edited by Ryme
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Are they just raiding a trade ship though? It was pointed out that having to sneak through all that debris was unusual. It was also noted that they weren't simply traders or cargo transporters, but scavengers. That means the stuff they were looking to trade came from someone else. Maybe THEY were the pirates/raiders and the Grineer were peace keepers.


Ok, they were scavengers who traded. Merchants trade stuff that comes from someone else too. What's your point about them? As for the Grineer, given the little threat these scavenging Orokin pose, I don't think the Grineer are keeping any peace by swarming their ships.

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Anyway, this at least finally prooves that Grineer was allways the enemy and Corpus the neutrals.

Genetic screening and cloning/splicing to breed different races seem logical. The parents and children paired due to genetic matchmaiking and aptitude.

Each unit, corpus was a family tailored to benefit the Orokin. But heavily governed by technological aid. Robots were probably everywhere, ai helpers mainstream.

When the Sentients came they disrupted the order. Imagine how that afected the people.

I suggest a possibility.

The fathers corpus died because they held on to the orokin empires structure. That got them killed.

So what if technology really was their doom in the end? He remembers the robots being different. More like cephalons perhaps?

Sentients corrupting the ai:s would have been their last effort before the destruction of Outer Terminus.

What was not allready lost to civil war, the machines killed before beibg destroyed themselves, by grineer or tenno.

Perhaps the lancer was added to the splicing-pool when the robotics were failing and being corrupted by the Sentients. They had no choice.

So bad led to worse, the grineer and technocyte monsters replaced human beings.

What a mess.

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Ok, they were scavengers who traded. Merchants trade stuff that comes from someone else too. What's your point about them? As for the Grineer, given the little threat these scavenging Orokin pose, I don't think the Grineer are keeping any peace by swarming their ships.


My point is that you don't know where their scavenged goods came from. Just because you read some dialogue that humanized the Warframe equivalent of the Quarians, doesn't mean they're purely good and the Grineer are mindless murder machines.


The next lore entry could very well tell the story from their perspective.


Our ships arrived at the coordinates too late. All that is left of the small station are the silence of the dead and the vacuum of space.

Vol'kteer slams his cybernetic fist into the console, "Dammit Krus! Not another one! I told you we shouldn't have stopped to refuel. If only we'd gotten here sooner."


Resting my hand on his life support pack, I remind him, "We needed the fuel. It would not have done anyone any good if we got here without enough power to even keep the lights on."


Turning to look out the dash, I clenched my teeth as the silhouettes of deceased drifted lifelessly in the station hanger. This had been the third station hit in the sector, the second time we arrived too late to save anyone. Based on survivor reports and security records, it was a Corpus trade convoy peddling junk. The story was that they had nothing of value and were turned away. Shortly afterwards, the life support of the station would fail and the inhabitants would be forced to flee or choke to death. After there was no one left to put up a fight, the scavenger crews would arrive, "salvaging" anything not nailed down from the deserted habitation units or lifeless fingers of those who couldn't get out in time.


The second time they tried their trick, someone got out a distress call and a nearby patrol cruiser was able to arrive in time to assist with the evacuation and catch a glimpse of the tail end of cowardly Corpus convoy slipping away.


Life has been hard since the collapse of the empire, but people find a way to survive. It is only those scum who can't provide for themselves that have turned to preying on those weaker. That is why the Grineer were birthed. We are still few in number, but our will is strong and we will grow and become stronger, strong enough to protect them all!


Suddenly, one of the scouts report in. "Sir! We have their energy signature. We can track them."


Grabbing the helm, Vol grins maliciously as he opens a channel to every ship in the squadron, "All ships, lock on and give chase! Full power to the engines and ready the interceptor pods! By the Queens, we will show these vermin no mercy!"

Edited by Ryme
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Ok, they were scavengers who traded. Merchants trade stuff that comes from someone else too. What's your point about them? As for the Grineer, given the little threat these scavenging Orokin pose, I don't think the Grineer are keeping any peace by swarming their ships.

This isn't anything new, even in the current Warframe game play time period.  Grineer have always been the bullies of the system.  It's also kind of natural for the guardians of a rail to catch illegal hitch hikers and I guess butcher them with boarding pods in waiting.  The "Corpus" on these hidden ships were already on bad terms with the Grineer.  Getting spotted, the inevitable result is a boarding party intent on aggressive negotiations.


Not seeing where the Grineer are simply being raiders here.

Edited by Littleman88
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I believe DE have some changes they need to adress.

If the Orokin created the Grineer, the following by Lotus seem a bit off now.

"From nowhere the Grineer came. Degrading armies of clones swallowing colonies whole." Or some such.

If the Grineer were a part of it all, how fo this line fit in anymore?

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We know he's a kid, I think.


Judging from the speech and way of thinking, I agree. I don't think the Narrator would be much older than, as stated, 10-12. However, since they're working on a robot, that shows they must've had some high level of intelligence and aptitude - which brings me back to my suspicion that the "Father" they speak to might not be their biological parent, but instead someone from the "corpus" in charge of raising and tutoring them (I refuse to assign a gender to the Narrator, but it's probably a boy because female Corpus are myth). There's also no mention of a "Mother", which just increases my suspicion, but it could be just for a mere convenience.


Still, there's no way to tell, as people already said, we don't know how old the Father is, or how long it took the then-corpus to start having children.

Edited by MartianJellyfish
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I believe DE have some changes they need to adress.

If the Orokin created the Grineer, the following by Lotus seem a bit off now.

"From nowhere the Grineer came. Degrading armies of clones swallowing colonies whole." Or some such.

If the Grineer were a part of it all, how fo this line fit in anymore?

could you point out where this line comes from? i kinda dont remember this.

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A further explanation of my reasoning behind saying that the father was Orokin:


He says "Orokin didn't have parents like you do. It was done differently then". He then goes on to explain who raised him, indicating that he didn't have parents like his son did. He's saying that he was Orokin and that he was raised by a body of people, not by two parents. The general use of the term "Orokin" (without the "the" modifier), indicates this. That's how Orokin society was. Orokin were raised in corpora (plural of corpus). The specific corpora the father was raised in all died because they didn't adapt, didn't survive. But he survived. You have to understand the context to understand who he is talking about. He's talking about himself, his corpus, and why he doesn't want his son thinking about what the empire was like. He doesn't want his son to try to go back to something that doesn't exist. So, when he says "Orokin didn't have parents like you do", he's talking about himself, because he's using himself and his heritage to warn his son against it, saying that only the present and future matter, because trying to hold on to what is gone will get you killed. So he doesn't even think about the empire.


This makes sense. Its weird now. When you see the Corpus you dont really see it as a Faction now...but a Title for a Family. And ever slowly my hatred towards the Corpus burns out...

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I think its still up on warframes official site.

maybe the Lotus also went into cyro-sleep and she didnt know why the Grineer could get this big after years. after the old war, it's possoble that  there werent many grineers left, so the Lotus and the Tenno thought it's safe to leave them like that. but the Queens(or someone else) rediscovered the cloning technology and they reproduced many more soldiers

Edited by Eric1738
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Actually, from what I remember the capture target is just a placeholder thing while synthesis targets are being switched. It even happened after the lancer synthesis completed and we were waiting for the Anti-Moa.

really?in that case i hope we get even better lore stuff on the next target

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I believe DE have some changes they need to adress.

If the Orokin created the Grineer, the following by Lotus seem a bit off now.

"From nowhere the Grineer came. Degrading armies of clones swallowing colonies whole." Or some such.

If the Grineer were a part of it all, how fo this line fit in anymore?


Could be read as "their turning on those they were intended to protect came out of nowhere" - i.e. it was a total surprise. Or perhaps even the Grineer fell for a time after the death of the Orokin, their armies shattered and broken only to have the machines turned back on by the Twin Queens or their predecessors and new Grineer to storm forth.


Heck, this second one is probably MORE likely because of the degraded status - assuming the Grineer had some pretty high-end cloning equipment such degeneration wouldn't have been that feasible. But turn on rusted, half-broken machines, or try to piece the bits together after a few years...

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Ok, lets say the Grineer were few and then became a sick horde of stroggs, the timeline still raises qiestions.

Has the father been in cryo? Or did the cloning of the Grineer happen in just a few years maby?

I like the idea of the Queens finding the cloning technology, maby being cyborgs and skilled machinebuilders, and creating their own private army.

But what of the quote on the warframes? The Grineer cannot contain us, must mean that at one point that is exactly what they did.

What interests me about all this is that the modern Grineer know about the Tenno. They are hunting them.

The Corpus allso knows, naming them betrayers of course.

Since Tyl regor will soon reveal the cloning process and the Queens are somewhere on the horizon, I gueass these questions will be answered during the year.

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