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What Makes A Good Warframe Player


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Being considerate...


That's it.

If you wouldn't want it done to you.... Don't do it to others.

If you don't know that another person wants it done to them... Don't do it.


That means:

If it's mean or selfish... Don't do it.

If it's hurtful or derisive... Don't do it.

If it's not constructive...Don't do it.

If it's not helping the team further the mission's goal.... Don't do it.



If none of those things bother you...

If you are entirely comfortable inflicting any of the above actions to others...

If committing any of the above actions to others makes your day better...

If you plan to place your standards on someone else's performance...


Find a group that supports that behavior and run with them.

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There are 3 objectives to the game:

1. Accomplish the Macguffin

2. Get to extraction alive.

3. Have fun.


Basically anyone who can work towards getting all 3 goals for as many players as possible is a "good" player.


You want to door hero? Well, you risk the macguffin if anyone goes to save you, you remove fun for other players, and you decrease the chances you'll get out alive. You are a bad player.


You want to kill spam instead of working on the mission goal? Well, you risk the macguffin, and you remove fun for other players. You are a bad player.


That's pretty much how it goes with any style or methodology. If you can keep the macguffin going, have fun, and get everyone to extraction alive, you're doing good. There are, obviously, variations of how good you are within that, but as long as you've got those 3 down, you're on the positive side of the scale.


For those that don't know, the "macguffin" is the thing. If it's a spy mission, it's getting the data. If it's a defense mission, it's protecting the pod. If it's a survival mission, it's getting the timer up another 5 minutes towards whatever reward your team needs. It is accomplishing whatever it is you're supposed to be accomplishing.


So, that's it. Anything and everything else is subjectivity based on those 3 points.Have fun, play your best, and help your team if at all possible.

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A good warframe player are ones that have a good understanding of mechanics, builds, effective execution, strategy, and shares it with the community.

Basically, someone who pursues spreading good knowledge and information to all; so that those interested too can make the most out of their WF experience.

That is a good WF player.

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Someone who is a good team player, has good attitude and doesnt blame their team for his own mistakes. Also, Someone who doesnt say "Hur-Dur i am rank 12 I'm pro you not".

And i hate the fair (or unfair) amount of Rhino Primers+Boltors+Vanguard Helm... You can't simply play like that, and I would just simply go solo for that matter.

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Honestly, if someone knows their frame is squishy they should be careful not to get hit. I know that the parkour is getting revamped, but in it's current state it is very possible to be mobile and hard to hit as a manic, and as a result not go down as much. however, going down isn't a sin either, and squad mates should be forgiving.

Edited by AnimalDamage
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Someone who actually participates, plays their frames role, and brings equipment that is useful in the mission at hand. I hate it when people expect to be carried, or to be able to goof off and be rewarded for it.


One of my friends tries to bring Rank 7 frames and equipment into T3 and T4 Voids all the time. Why? Because he "[doesn't] care about being helpful, and [doesn't] care about being efficient, and [doesn't] care about being useful." He only cares "about having fun." And while I can relate to that, since it is a game, when your idea of having fun includes bringing a Rank 7 Limbo with weapons that can't even tickle the enemy to a T3 Defense, and then proceeding to follow one person around and keep Banishing him so he can't even help defend the pod... then he hits level 10 and is so very happy  to have his ultimate that he proceeds to throw it up all over the place, single-handedly causing so much disturbance that the Corrupted manage to kill the pod and we fail...


There is no nice way to say it. You're an a**hole.

Edited by Siubijeni
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