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De You Promise Too Much.


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If anyone watched recent devstream, de already teased bosses for next 3 updates, they teased parkour and new tileset.

Before any of above actually hits the game we will get few extra devstreams which will probably tease some more.


Not to mention that they still have teased new boltor tonfas, were still waiting for cloth physics, orbiter, kubrows and focus.


Theres simply too much content going out all while old content still needs work.

De why cant you go and have discussion on devstream how to improve 3 year old problem of difficulty, challenge and balance. Maybe improvements to melee 2.0 which still havent solved problem of melee being worse option than guns. How about power scaling, adjustments to enemy scaling, removal of perma cc. Damage 2.0 and infamous bad procs, puncture, magnetic, impact and blast. Mods 2.0 with bandaid and useless utility mods. Just a quick list of topics which required some work since their release.


I ask when is that going to be fixed and is there even anyone working on it when you have content planned for another 9 months.

Im fine with new weapon going out once in a while, maybe a skin that should be some steady income, ok. 

But some care into things that are already in game instead of jumping on new shiny thing just once you finish last one.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Yeah i stop playing wf a while now after gta came out on pc only logged for event that all


So tired of all those false promise and constantly run away from their mounting self-created problems


I'm still pissed off everytime i see weapon like supra still around here

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De why cant you go and have discussion on devstream how to improve 3 year old problem of difficulty, challenge and balance. Maybe improvements to melee 2.0 which still havent solved problem of melee being worse option than guns. How about power scaling, adjustments to enemy scaling, removal of perma cc. Damage 2.0 and infamous bad procs, puncture, magnetic, impact and blast. Mods 2.0 with bandaid and useless utility mods. Just a quick list of topics which required some work since their release.


Wasn't scott discussing most of this? Discussing splitting powers into separate categories like damage support CC so we can have enemies react better (such as the new increasing resistance to CC). They already have a bunch of things to "2.0" so i'd rather they be done with those  then come back and repolish things that already were polish.


I honestly don't see how DE is promising too much, if anything half of the new upcoming content is polish of older existing content. Which is exactly what people have been asking for.

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Wasn't scott discussing most of this? Discussing splitting powers into separate categories like damage support CC so we can have enemies react better (such as the new increasing resistance to CC). They already have a bunch of things to "2.0" so i'd rather they be done with those  then come back and repolish things that already were polish.


I honestly don't see how DE is promising too much, if anything half of the new upcoming content is polish of older existing content. Which is exactly what people have been asking for.

He mentioned, instead of cc immunity dr. 

Im still waiting for answer for 10+ minutes long bastille, 10+ minutes long irradiated disarm, 10+ minutes long chaos and so on.

Im still waiting for answer to making damaging powers matter and making all of them matter and if de still wants to remake them all into cc like they did so far then they just fuel problem above.

Im still waiting for answer about enemy scaling so we wont need 10+ minutes cc to deal with raid.


I  mentioned 2.0s and really none of them is polished and i even provided examples of where work is needed.

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You act like there's a panacea, a single move in this ever changing game and community that can fix all problems. You know what happens when you fix a bug? More bugs happen. Alongside that, I'd rather see DE focus on adding as much as they want in regards to what makes them happy with their game; and then go back and fix things.


Over the few years Warframe has been around, DE has gotten a lot better at what they're doing. Focusing greatly on detail and taking in to account everything they have learned from us and themselves. Furthermore, no one single change to every bit of detail regarding a single aspect of the game will please everyone; therein someone will be upset and call out a an allege flaw in the game.

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You act like there's a panacea, a single move in this ever changing game and community that can fix all problems. You know what happens when you fix a bug? More bugs happen. Alongside that, I'd rather see DE focus on adding as much as they want in regards to what makes them happy with their game; and then go back and fix things.


Over the few years Warframe has been around, DE has gotten a lot better at what they're doing. Focusing greatly on detail and taking in to account everything they have learned from us and themselves. Furthermore, no one single change to every bit of detail regarding a single aspect of the game will please everyone; therein someone will be upset and call out a an allege flaw in the game.

Dude no one mentions bugs...


And yes single person cant please everyone, i called for discussion about fix not announcing it.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Dude no one mentions bugs...


And yes single person cant please everyone, i called for discussion about fix not announcing it.

Then you're not seeing the big picture of game development as a whole.


I'm certain you understand what an analogy is.

Edited by Arcadiace
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Theres simply too much content going out all while old content still needs work.

Old content being sayandanas, bosses and parkour.


They're not going to do damage before they do movement or enemies or whatever, because damage works. You might not like it, but it is currently a functional system that does its job and is not in urgent need of changing, unlike, again, bosses and parkour.

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Then you're not seeing the big picture of game development as a whole.


I'm certain you understand what an analogy is.

No one mentions bugs, no one mentions fixing bugs(i would like to ask what excuse is this anyway?? dont fix bugs cause there will be different ones??)

What i mentioned was flawed mechanics, broken scaling, 2.0s which havent fixed core problem they were supposed to fix, bandaid mods. Problems existing since creation of these systems till now, up to 3 years on some.

What picture i dont see?? Everyone who can work on specific content can work on improvements and bugfixing from same category.


No i dont, theres no analogy in what you said except "they cant please everyone".



Old content being sayandanas, bosses and parkour.


They're not going to do damage before they do movement or enemies or whatever, because damage works. You might not like it, but it is currently a functional system that does its job and is not in urgent need of changing, unlike, again, bosses and parkour.

And like they themselves mentioned they have no ready answer on how to make bosses last longer without invulnerability phases yet they are already promising us new bosses which will need fixing once they come up with answer, ofc if it will fix anything.


On parkour im happy, its one of old problems which should again be fixed long ago, though tbh i havent yet seen anything that would actually substantially improve parkour, maybe in 2 weeks on next devstream ill see something, if not ill add it to list of terrible 2.0s.

Edited by Davoodoo
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I'm sure they have people working on all types of things.

i'm sure they have but absolutely not on all.Some of the problems quoted by OP are really old and doesn't need a huge work to be fixed or tweaked especially when you see all the ideas from the community.


I can tell that DE are lucky to have such a community.I've seen a LOT of suggestions,nicely done etc..great feedbacks really.Because when i compare to some others beta and their garbage community who just cry and are mostly fanboys(*cough*blizzard *cough*) and doesn't give any positiv feedback...i can really say:DE keep an eyes on our suggestions !

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He mentioned, instead of cc immunity dr. 

Im still waiting for answer for 10+ minutes long bastille, 10+ minutes long irradiated disarm, 10+ minutes long chaos and so on.

Im still waiting for answer to making damaging powers matter and making all of them matter and if de still wants to remake them all into cc like they did so far then they just fuel problem above.

Im still waiting for answer about enemy scaling so we wont need 10+ minutes cc to deal with raid.


I  mentioned 2.0s and really none of them is polished and i even provided examples of where work is needed.

Firstly 10 minute long is an exaggeration even to prove a point, stop.


Secondly, have you even been watching the devstream? Because they have exactly addressed your concerns


They've talked about the diminishing returns mechanics for bosses which will allow players to still use thier abilities but it will become less and less effective the more it is used. This can easily be translated into the main game.


On the last devstream they even addressed the despairity between CC abilities and damage abilities at high level content, using Ember in raids as an example.


So yes, all of your point have no fallen on deaf ears.


As for the 2.0s they are much better than their first iteration (Conclave, Melee ect) while they still need polish they are in a better state than other concepts such as Chat UI, Foundry, Parkour ect.

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In numerous Dev streams DE has mentioned they are aware of many problems that need to be addressed. Steve mentioned that they are in the process of thinking on how to address the damage and scaling issue. The thinking part is the hardest when it comes to programming, or perhaps I should say longest. I remember writing a turn based strategy game and it took me about 6 months of planning before I sat down to write a single line of code.

Many problems people discuss aren't simple to fix. Let's just stick to damage and scaling as an example. Every week I see A NEW THREAD suggesting a different way on how to tackle this breast so it is no surprise to me that it's taking a long time for DE to figure out a way to restructure this game mechanic. I feel that the more suggestion threads we make the more we help them in this task. Meanwhile a thread such as this one, basically saying

" fix this DE" doesn't help a whole lot.

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I dont really know what is orbiter, i see a lot of people talking about it, but i dont know, can u say what it is going to be?


The orbiter is the main ship the Liset docks into when not on a mission (We can't see it yet because we're bound to the confines of the Liset cockpit and hold)


tbh I don't see the point of it. We have all the amenities in the Liset, whats going to go into the orbiter other than empty space?




and to the OP:


Sadly I agree, but DE will ALWAYS listen to the side of the community that keeps screaming for NEW content. They always have done, then that side of the community goes crazy, overhypes the coming update, then comes whinging on the forums the update wasn't what they wanted. This has happened with EVERY update since...well ever. I'm going to assume it's a majority voice too. Back when Kubrows were the next big thing I made a post pleading for them to look at reiterating older content rather than just dumping new unfinished content ontop of already unfinished content "Less Kubrows, More 2.0s" the comments from that thread went along the lines of "Shut up Kubrows will be amazing" although less eloquently put.



That being said it's good to see them working on Parkour. I'm just worried it's going to be another 6 updates of "Hey look at this [next big feature]"

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I thought the year of quality would mean not much new stuff and working on old stuff. problem is (I guess) that they can't really stop releasing new stuff because they would loose a lot of players(i.e cash) if they pulled the break and just focused on what they have.

WF is not alone in that which is why I usually play finished games.

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