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Opinions On The New Weapons Of 16.4?


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I think the Sybaris is a relatively balanced weapon, on par with the Latron on some circumstances.


It's main drawback is the fact that it isn't hitscan and thus scoring the second shot from the burst can be damn right near impossible depending on which angle your target is from you.


It really only shines when shooting at targets that are either running straight at you, running from you in a straight line, or just standing still.

In every other circumstance, the Latron is a better alternative due to being hitscan and not relying on a burst to dish out damage.


Damage-wise, I found myself killing an Excalibur in 2-3 bursts. It really depends on its user's ability to land both burst-shots.


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Actually not.

The prenerf Lex had a ttk of 0,9 seconds for every frame. The current Sybaris has a ttk of ~1,8 seconds for every frame. I want a ttk of 1,2 seconds for squishy frames and ~1,8 seconds for tankier frames.

 i see your edit... it was +3/4 not +3/+4 dmg... kinda 75%...  just misunderstanding  >.>

Edited by Gnude
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Melee DPS depends on the weapon type and its stances. These values are only there to compare weapons of the same kind, which is explained in the footnote. I put that in so you can see immediately how much worse a Dual Skana is compared to a Dex Dakra, for example.


Maybe I should add a weapon type column so you could sort by that and immediately see which weapons are superior in a given category?



Edit: P.S. Take all of these values with a grain of salt, anyway. Until we know the exact IPS values of a given weapon, the DPS is only a general indicator, it doesn't give us the complete picture.

Even without stances, attack speed is not exactly how many attacks per second. 

Edited by RexSol
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Even without stances, attack speed is not exactly how many attacks per second. 


I know how it works, what exactly do you want? It is a value that can be used to compare weapons of the same class. It also is a value that's been in the PvE weapon comparison for a long time now. That's why I added it, and why I added that footnote.


If you want to discuss that further, you can send me a PM. Because right now, we're only derailing the thread with that discussion.

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I think the Sybaris is a relatively balanced weapon, on par with the Latron on some circumstances.


It's main drawback is the fact that it isn't hitscan and thus scoring the second shot from the burst can be damn right near impossible depending on which angle your target is from you.

Isn't the Sybaris hit-scan? I have my doubts that they've changed the projectile type from PVE to PVP. Hitting the 2nd bullet is a matter of burst speed, but that's the price of admission for burst weapons. As well, the Sybaris has little to no recoil. At least a bit less than Latron's small recoil.

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already try it, and it sucks.

Idk about you but I saw ppl are !@#$^% Boar Prime.  I feel it is much better than before, maybe not as good as other shotgun but you can jump on ppl and they die.


My thought on Wraith Twin Viper - Not so good at chasing due to projectile, spread, and bad ammo economy.  At close range you seems to be at disadvantage vs. automatic rifle because your gun also tend to miss (spread) more.


I remember Twin Viper is hit scan & faster fire rate, maybe Twin Viper perform better.


Edit: Same Fire Rate, haven't test if it is hitscan

Edited by Hueminator
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Isn't the Sybaris hit-scan? I have my doubts that they've changed the projectile type from PVE to PVP. Hitting the 2nd bullet is a matter of burst speed, but that's the price of admission for burst weapons. As well, the Sybaris has little to no recoil. At least a bit less than Latron's small recoil.


Currently, the wiki states that the Sybaris is not a hitscan weapon (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Sybaris) and sometimes I feel like the weapon either has accuracy issues or that the projectiles are not hitscan (I fire the moment my crosshair is on target but it somehow doesn't hit).


As for hitting the 2nd bullet, it's mostly depends on the speed at which your target is flying/coptering/running at. I don't really consider recoil to be an issue in either weapon though so I didn't take it in count.


I feel like it could benefit from an increase to its fire-rate (at the cost of maybe more time between bursts) without making it completely over-powered.


EDIT: I was wrong, it's a hitscan weapon.

Edited by Sil3nc3r
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Idk about you but I saw ppl are !@#$^% Boar Prime.  I feel it is much better than before, maybe not as good as other shotgun but you can jump on ppl and they die.


My thought on Wraith Twin Viper - Not so good at chasing due to projectile, spread, and bad ammo economy.  At close range you seems to be at disadvantage vs. automatic rifle because your gun also tend to miss (spread) more.


I remember Twin Viper is hit scan & faster fire rate, maybe Twin Viper perform better.


Edit: Same Fire Rate, haven't test if it is hitscan

really? because I try to kill someone immovilized and i cant kill him.

His dps its really Slow compared with all weapons, damn.

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I've been using the Viper in a few games now, and as suspected in my OP, the Viper's performance is pretty poor. Even in a perfect setup like in this video here (that guy was clearly not expecting me from that side) it simply doesn't put out enough before you have to reload, unless you manage to land a lot of headshots.


Some things to note about that clip:

  • I didn't use any mods because the gun didn't have any levels in it. But even the +30% from Slip Magazine would not be enough against that Frost.
  • Raw DPS isn't bad, it's actually pretty good against shields. Note that the first 7 shots deplete the shield and the other 7 are on his health. He still runs away with a bit less than half his health bar.
  • This all happens in one second. With both magazine mods the TTK would probably be around 1.4 seconds. Sounds good on paper, but you'd have to land every single shot.
  • Going for headshots isn't really advisable. It has low recoil, but the bullet spread is quite noticable, even at low range.

I certainly can't recommend it over the alternatives I've tried so far.

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  • Note: I've only played a few matches with it. But I think it's enough to form an opinion, and I don't plan to use it much more afterwards. My Angstrum is 30, has a potato and several formas in it, enough to put in all the available mods.
  • Single shots hit shields for 75 damage, which feels a bit weak for the charge time it requires.
  • However, charged shots can one-hit, so it probably shouldn't be buffed damage-wise.
  • The charged cone is pretty tight, which in my opinion is nice and encourages charging it up.
  • Like in PvE the missiles accelerate during flight.
  • Not sure about this, but I think the projectiles are somehow synced with the host, making this weapon unreliable in laggy matches.
  • Because of that, they sometimes explode seemingly mid-air all at once.
  • And I think the explosion damage might be calculated on the host as well, which would give clients using this weapon a clear disadvantage. This is highly speculative, though, because I can't host.
  • Starting ammo isn't great, but not too bad either. Certainly better than the Tigris.

In conclusion: the Angstrum has some problems and is not really competitive. But it's fun to use in a mad kind of way, nonetheless. Not sure if it needs or should receive any changes.

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  • I've leveled the Kraken from 0 to 22 now, Conclave only.
  • Burst weapons' listed fire rate in the UI is always higher than what is possible. The best I could do was firing the Kraken at ~2.4 bursts/second, which is still quite good in my opinion (listed fire rate is 2.8).
  • Raw stats are therefore quite similar to Aklex/Lex Prime if you manage to hit both shots. It has slightly faster fire rate, slightly lower clip size in terms of bursts and a slightly higher reload time than the Lex Prime.
  • Has the same problem as other impact-heavy weapons. Shines only against shields, but damage to health is ultimately more important.
  • Spread of the second shot is quite bad when hip-firing. At mid-range you will miss a lot of these.
  • Even with Steady Hands and while aiming, its high recoil prevents it from landing two shots on top of each other without manual compensation at mid-long range. Therefore, it's not the best choice for sniping.

In conclusion: There aren't many good reasons to use this weapon over the Lex Prime (or Aklex) other than its nice sounding *do-rom*. It's not a weak weapon, but the Lex variants do it better.

Suggestions: you could always give it a bit more damage I suppose, but I'd rather see it receiving more balanced IPS values and having its recoil and spread slightly reduced.



P.S. Screenshot with weapon spread, left is while aiming, right is with hip-fire:


Edited by Kontrollo
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