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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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The Tenno hold the energy, in its raw form. Even Orokin's technology fails to explain it. Not even the Sentient know how to control that energy. But, Orokin scientists found a way to use it. The warframes they built channel that energy into powerful weapons. And ultimately, help them win the war.


My guesses are, under the painful transformation of the technocyte virus and the energy of the void, the body somehow absorb that energy, and start to product that energy back. 


I love how the lore is released under miss match and unrelated stories at first, but they connect to each other deeply. It leave many space for imagination, observation and explanation that never seem all right or all wrong. 

@A Frikn Grizzly, Please read these 2 article under Prime tab. You will see how the orokin fear the Tenno. 

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The Zariman crew were the victims of something very bad.

They sufferes an affliction, that is not a good thing but means they wee in pain and suffering.

The warframe was built around them to channel that affliction, to take the pain away.

Why is Kaleen burned on the Zariman? Why do the proto rhino run amok in the labs?

Answer: they do not have the warframe on them. Do this mean that they are energy? No, it gives more weight to biology because of the pain they were in.

All of the people in warframe seem to think the Void is like the Afterlife. It is holy and have holy energy.

So the tenno are like angels, but the suits can do no miracles without the blue orbs of energy.

EDIT: Yes yes, we dont know if proto rhino is tenno or just warframe, but keep in mind BUILD might have meant Clones and GROWN flesh.

Take a kid, clone him and dna-splice the CRAP out of him, add technocyte and after 100 monsters end up with 1 that still have got sentiense.

Take that one and create a warframe out of him.

Now take the boy in cryosleep. Make him, train him, put him into the warframe - a clone of himself and a symbiot mind.

Together they channel the void energy and become

"Warrior Gods cast in fury and steel."

Edited by arch111
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I'm leaning toward the idea that the first victim to have the power and have a warframe build around them become the basic of that line of warframe. Just like Limbo, he probably the first tenno to wield the power, but one miscalculation and his frame blow up. Then other Tenno must search for all 3 parts of the warframe, rebuild it and use it again. This can explain why warframe have human gender.


About the energy part, I think the energy is like water, formless. It can fit into any bottle, or shell. The Tenno do have physically form, but not as human as we though it might me.

Edited by Harrycan
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Here is my theory:


Tenno is a combination of two words: Ten and No.


First Word: Ten

Now, ten is the exact number of how many fingers we have, and provides evidence that the Tenno use the decimal system because ten is in Tenno. Given that humans also have 10 fingers and also use the decimal system because we have 10 fingers, it means the Tenno must have 10 fingers. Who else has 10 fingers? Well, not fingers, but bones resembling fingers and using the anatomical evidence supporting evolution we can find that Tenno, humans, and dolphins share a common ancestor. Dolphins have blow holes... the Lotus has a breathing hole in her mouth. So, Tenno must have been dolphins who bred with humans and the first of this species was the Lotus. Now, because dolphins live in a pack, that means that there wasn't only one Lotus, no, rather, there were many Loti. These Loti likely prospered because they had dolphin fins and through natural selection killed off both dolphins and humans. From there, the Loti began to inhabit both land and water. Using technology they invented, the Loti create very advanced technologies and stuff. But one human lived, but he was genetically disabled and sneaked into a Lotisian cloning machine and cloned himself to save his species. But the machine was only meant for Loti, so the clones ended up looking really stupid and made up a really stupid language. But who was this last human? Captain Vor. How do I know this? Because he's the oldest Grineer I know and he is really wrinkly. So, they stole the cloning machine and stole a rocket ship or something and flew to colonize other planets. The Loti knew they had to stop them, so they all of the Loti of the world went to their leader Loti, Lotus Maximus. Now, Lotus Maximus was where the Loti flocked in times of great need. The Lotus Maximus said we should use one of the cloning machines and create our own army. So they took some Grineer corpses and cloned them in an upgraded machine that gave them intelligence and the ability to not be or look stupid. These Grineer corpses became the Corpus, because Loti vocabulary was severely limited. But they enhanced the brains of the Corpus too much and they also took a rocket ship and ditched them along with blueprints for how to make a robot army, but they didn't yet have enough fieldrons and other resources to begin the build and they didn't have enough platinum to buy it or rush it, so they went into hiding until they could claim their robot army from the foundry. However, the Grineer did have platinum and bought the best army. However, the Loti complained to the Devs that this was pay to win and so the Grineer lost their grand army... and still looked stupid. But the Grineer did still have a vast arsenal of Ogris warheads which they used to almost wipe out the entire Lotisian species. Only one Loti survived: the Lotus. So, the Lotus then squeezed out some Lotus juice from her Lotus hole (which evolved from the dolphin blow hole) and rubbed some together and poof, Excalibur was a test tube baby. So now she is raising her own army of Tenno, experimenting with her Lotus juice every once in a while to get a new warframe every now and then, to stop the Grineer and the Corpus. But one day, the Lotus got Ebolotus... a disease that still effects the descendants of the human race ever since it became a problem in Africa. The Lotus became very sick and demanded her Tenno slaves to give her some cure. The cure did cure Ebolotus, but then the Lotus grew a tumor on her head because the cure wasn't perfected. Out from this tumor popped out some disgusting goop that quickly escaped and years later became the Infested. Now, the Lotus still has the left overs of her tumor, its that blue stuff all over her head and it prevents her from seeing and she is now legally blind. The Lotus filed a lawsuit against the Grineer for this, but lost because the Corpus began to study law and the Grineer payed them off with platinum to help them win the case. So now the Lotus hated both the Grineer and the Corpus and the descendants of her tumor (the Infested) and sent the Tenno to go kill them all. And that is how it all happened. 


Second Word: No

Moving on to the second part of the word: Tenno (Ten + No), is the word No. No means that none of this is true and I have nothing better to do than waste my time here and no I do not want to do my homework because homework is boring and no I am not procrastinating because I'm just taking a little break and then I'll go eat some food later. 


However, the Ebolutus and the Lotus' tumor is real. If you don't believe me here:



See, that gross blue thing on her head is the remains of her tumor. God its hideous! KILL IT BEFORE IT LAYS EGGS!

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The name Tenno is believed to come from Hayden Tenno. In Japaness, Tenno can be referred to as The Emperor or related to Heaven, or similar.

Since this game is Ninja play free, I think this explain of the name Tenno is more logical.

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I'm not sure what to say about syndicates however, outside what I've already said which is that they are literally just people in fancy uniforms, I cannot see how they look anything like frames outside the fact they both a humanoid in general shape. Also, wearing a hat of similar shape to a frame does not equate to looking alike, otherwise sometimes I look like mickey mouse. 



Take a VERY close look at the Red Veil and the Arbiters of Hexis suits, Red Veil especially have a very similar design to Excalibur, even the back of their head looks like the "metal" suit parts found on the back of Excalibur Warframes.  I don't think the Arbiters looking like Loki was a design coincidence or mistake, a lot of the Warframes have a very clear design theme to them. Just like the players have color schemes and symbols for our clans, I think that is what the Syndicates do. Steel Meridian and the Perrin Sequence are the only ones that are Grineer and Corpus. 


Seeing how the Orokin originated on Earth, I am leaning towards they are advanced humans. Human = Orokin = Tenno.  So I would lean towards Lotus being a Orokin or Tenno (Both are the same to me). The Prime Warframes are made with advanced Orokin technology. This would make sense why she employs humans in their techno suits as grunts. Perhaps high ranking ones enter the void and evolve into Tenno, at which point we defend their cryopod, and when they awake their tutorial starts, then from there they evolve into high ranking Primes. 


If you watch the original trailer to Warframe it pretty much starts like a Defense mission with Ash, Frost, and Nyx protecting Excalibur.

The defense mission Cryopods having a humanoid shape that is wearing similar clothing to the captured humans and Relay people isn't coincidence in my opinion. 


They make it very clear there is a difference between the Cephalon and the Tenno. The Grineer, Corpus and Tenno all appear to be modified/advanced humans. Other than the Cephalon, everything within the Relay is humanoid. There is very little to suggest that the Tenno is anything other than that. 


And as others have suggested, why give energy beings boobies? Clearly they have genders and they say "He" or "She" in their descriptions....

(Gender swapping is purely for gameplay reasons because the developers don't want to build male/female frames) 




ref 1: http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141021194722/warframe/images/d/d0/Arbitersofhexisleader.png


ref 2: http://i.imgur.com/oUgo4QL.png


ref 3: http://s1272.photobucket.com/user/Vanaduke/media/2_zps5646fe5e.jpg.html


You really don't see the resemblance to the Warframes? O_o 

Edited by Demarious
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So what exactly is underneath the suits. Hunks of flesh? Or metallic skin like Hayden and the infested from Dark Sector.


Metallic skin like Hayden Tenno.


Also, stuff from the Chinese website for Warframe isn't proof of anything. I don't agree with the theory of energy beings, but you can't take any imagery on that website as proof of anything.

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You really don't see the resemblance to the Warframes? O_o 

You'll notice if you study some history, people tend to plagiarize others in a big way.  Usually, it has to to with specific features that work well.  For instance, a lot of same-class cars are very similar in appearance, and in design and construction because it works well for that type of usage.  Another reason for similarity is success fullness.  For instance, The specific kind of rounded corner fad started by Apple, or the German adaptation of the bizarre Prussian helmet spike. 


So yes, those two factions look like us intentionally - probably because they think highly of the Tenno and like a dorky little brother that hasn't grown into himself yet, does things to make himself look like his older, cooler brother. 


That said, I think its more than likely Tenno are basically human+ rather than something entirely new.  However, we're also not exactly recruiting new members either.  Or at least, no player character is going to be a "new" Tenno due to the way the story works.  The idea is that we're veterans from the Old War who have a nasty case of quite likely self inflicted amnesia.  If those blue suits are Tenno, which would fairly reasonable given that they and ourselves are the only ones who are allowed to carry significant firepower onto the Relays, they're probably also veterans that we snagged out of stasis. 

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I think the hunks of flesh is just the body, the shell. Not the same thing that control it, the Tenno. I remember one of the last Dev Steams in 2014, Steve did mention about the theory of Tenno switching frame. It's a part of the lore, not for convenient of game play. He also mention about someone from the community did get a close shot on explaining the theory, but not 100% correct.


If Steve is correct, then I'm failed to see how a tenno can fit into different frames perfectly. Like Nekro for example, his limb is quite thin. Compare to the humanoid figure in the defend mission. 

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Lore "The Tenno are descendants of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth. Preserved in cryo pods for centuries, the Tenno now awaken to a new war, fighting and resisting warring factions as the sole bearers of the Orokin-created Warframes. While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not."  So if they were preserved in cryo pods. Tell me how can you Frozen or Freeze in Time Energies... and the Tenno and his Warframe are two different things. (The Armor AMP the Tenno Masteries.) So if the Tenno can do a iron skin on him the armor is Amplifying it. like a catalyst.

Edited by Gabdemon009
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Tenno is not 100% made out of energy. There is a mixture of energy and physical form that make a Tenno. The energy is not limitless, but it can be preserved and store on some kind of battery. In this case, the cryo pods. 

Similar phenomenon of preserved energy can be observe with modem physic. 

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Lore "The Tenno are descendants of an ancient and mystical civilization of lost warriors from the Orokin era on Earth. Preserved in cryo pods for centuries, the Tenno now awaken to a new war, fighting and resisting warring factions as the sole bearers of the Orokin-created Warframes. While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not."  So if they were preserved in cryo pods. Tell me how can you Frozen or Freeze in Time Energies... and the Tenno and his Warframe are two different things. (The Armor AMP the Tenno Masteries.) So if the Tenno can do a iron skin on him the armor is Amplifying it. like a catalyst.

Then why even bother with all the lore about how Tenno aren't just people in suits, but something more, something beyond physical parts? lol

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that would be inconvenient, if a tenno was to master all the power of all frames. A simple explanation would be Tenno supply the energy to the suit, the suit channel that raw energy into power. Like how you use electric to run a motor, that motor in turn, generate wind. And you have a electric fan. Electric itself did not know how to create wind right ? 

That's how I see the relationship between tenno and the warframe.

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The Ascaris controldevice burrows into the spine of the warframe and takes control of it.

Tenno are masters of the warframe armor, allso descendants of a people on Earth.

We have no history of the Guardians, but it is highly possible that they were founded by Hayden Tenno.

Stalker belonged to them once. He uses a warframe. But no one argues that HE is energy.

We are 1 operator. We learn to use warframes. The warframes fit because we are moved between them, Steve said it was like installing a brain & spine into different machines.

We are supposed to be told this year.

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Cryonics (in context-the cryopod) is used to preserve organic matter, not energy. That is why I vote for the physical theory. (Also the official warframe chinese posters prove this)



Then how can a physical being fit into differently sized frames? I offer the robocop theory. The infection caused some of the tenno body parts to be nonviable. Much like at AladV.





Now the orokins removed the infected portions of tenno, leaving only the vital parts. like this:






Now every tenno can fit into the warframes.

Edited by reedknoll
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For the sake of utter clarity: it's been confirmed nowhere that Technocyte has any influence on what the Tenno physically are (that is, in their body). The creature in the Rhino Codex was never confirmed to be a Tenno, and likely wasn't given that the narrator had been working on things like it for some time but never even knew the Zariman (from which the Tenno were born) had ever returned from being lost in the Void.


You realize that image was proven non canon by Rebecca on Twitter?


Can confirm with links: https://twitter.com/rebbford/status/591229160808321024

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