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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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Did anyone read Rhino Prime's Codex entery? It pretty much shows what the tenno actually are.


Yes. And it does. They are infected with Technocyte, probably because Technocyte has latent energy, and can probably channel the Void energy.

Tenno are humans twisted by the void I believe. So they could be a combination of flesh and energy,


They have energy within them, but they are still flesh.

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What kind and how is the question. The term "energy" is incredibly broad.


Void energy... It's not broad when talking about the Tenno. It's the same energy that we need for our abilities. The same energy that is seen in the Orokin tower death orbs. That energy.

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Void energy... It's not broad when talking about the Tenno. It's the same energy that we need for our abilities. The same energy that is seen in the Orokin tower death orbs. That energy.


How do they channel it though? Are they like void Vor, where a part of their body is replaced with a swirly glowing light? Is it just an invisible psychic phenomenon? How exactly does it factor into their physicality? We know they're "twisted", is that from Void energy or Technocyte? 

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Again, so syndicates look like frames because they have similar generic humanoid shapes and what, helmets that look alike? Again, that would make me mickey mouse then if i put on the ears and got a rounder belly. They are just costumed people, nothing more or less. To immediately assume because they share vaguely similar shapes that they are the same species if a rather large leap. Dressing similar to something does not make you that something. And nothing has ever suggested the syndicates to be anything more than just dressed up frats. Even lotus has not commented on them, which she certainly would have if they were an organized group of tenno. 


Tenno are beings who went into the void and came out changed, none of the Orokin count as tenno outside those that got warped by the void, otherwise as I said every lifeform in the game would be a tenno by your standard. And the tenno x warframes aren't some exclusive club, the orokin did not reserve them for elite trained squads who have proved their worth. As most codex entries suggest, their situation was entirely random and unexpected, there was no selection or requirement roster outside having to be one of the people who was on the zairman ship. You seem to be confusing the situation of warframes with those like gundam or something, where anyone can freely operate the mecha suits. Not anyone can use a warframe, if that was the case the Orokin wouldn't have needed the zairman incident to discover them, you need to be twisted by the void to use them, no ifs ands of buts about it. Nor was becoming a tenno some initiation, the orokin sent a group of people into the void for an expedition (at least i imagine that was the case), it didn't go as planned, the ship returned with something unfamiliar but useful, they made use of it. 


And the resemblance between the people in the pods and relays is irrelevant, DE has stated that the models used in the defense pods are placeholders and are likely just using whatever spare model they had lying around that would work as a temp. So that situation proves nothing. 


Cephalons are basically ai, so all we know is that the Tenno aren't computers? There is very little to suggest anything else, they could as much be humans as they could sentient space goo. 


As for the frames, you have to remember they were made by the Orokin (who we can assume are humanoids) and by all odds were built in their image, as most civilizations like to do. So it's only natural to expect them to display human characteristic such as sexes. 

Edited by Cubewano
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The tenno 100% at least used to be flesh based. But then they were scarred by void energy possibly destroying their physical form.


  • "We've been wrong all this time. Tenno do not control the Warframe's divine energy. The Tenno ARE that energy. Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light."

that was from the Vor's Prize quest after Vor started studying us with the Ascaris.


Each Warframe you control...


How can we go from warframe to warframe when we're just flesh. The tenno can move between these forms because each frame isn't a person, it's a machine that we inhabit with our life force. Tenno aren't actually just energy, but we've effectively become that. With our original form destroyed, we have to switch between vessels. At this point we've most likely forgotten what our original form looks like. We're ethereal under that armor. We're just a life force.




But hell, i've been wrong before

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Let me just start by saying, I never believed in that theory, but some people did, and today it occurred to me why it's not possible. Some of you may have put two and two together already, but I'll explain anyway.


Alright, so I was helping a friend with the last part of the Chroma quest, he underestimated the enemy, and the objective wasn't doing too good, long story short, we decided to fight to the death for the hell of it. At one point, not sure why I remembered it then, but I said "we'll die smiling like Mirage" that's when I realized the final nail was set in the coffin of that theory.


In Mirage's quest, at one point, Lotus says "She is smiling because she knows I am lying..." Energy, can't smile! Only flesh can! She also says something about the Mirage comforting her [Lotus] which means Tenno can talk.


So, any of you still think we're energy? No? Good.

form one's features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed.


that's the definition. usually with the corners of the mouth, but not always.

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  • "We've been wrong all this time. Tenno do not control the Warframe's divine energy. The Tenno ARE that energy. Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light."

that was from the Vor's Prize quest after Vor started studying us with the Ascaris.

*dramatic sigh* That's a metaphor, we aren't literal energy.

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Prove it


"We've been wrong all this time. Tenno do not control the Warframe's divine energy. The Tenno ARE that energy. Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light."


Here's an edited version.


"We've been wrong all this time. Tenno do not control the Warframe's divine energy. The Tenno ARE (the Warframe's divine energy). Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light."


He's not saying the tenno are literally energy, he's saying the tenno are the source of power and not the Warframe. It makes more sense when combined with his earlier lines, where he says he studied Warframes but was unable to find the source of their powers.

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Prove it


A quote from Vor from Arid Fear:




The metal womb referring to the Warframe.


Also the Ember Prime codex, in which Kaleen finds children - that she could easily identify as children - hiding on the Zariman after its return from the Void. If they were just energy beings, then it's likely she wouldn't have so easily been able to tell them as such.

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Now every tenno can fit into the warframes.


Am I serious? I dont know myself


OMG! The Robocop theory makes sense to me! I never thought of it like that. We could be just a brain, face (if that) and a torso.... Robocop's "body" would be his Warframe. Although that is disturbing, it would make sense how we fit into the Nekros frame and it would also explain the "Twisted" part of the Tenno description.... 

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Uhh, graduate high school, and you should have at some point learned what a metaphor is...

Petty insult proves nothing.



"We've been wrong all this time. Tenno do not control the Warframe's divine energy. The Tenno ARE that energy. Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light."


Here's an edited version.


"We've been wrong all this time. Tenno do not control the Warframe's divine energy. The Tenno ARE (the Warframe's divine energy). Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light."


He's not saying the tenno are literally energy, he's saying the tenno are the source of power and not the Warframe. It makes more sense when combined with his earlier lines, where he says he studied Warframes but was unable to find the source of their powers.

How do you know what he meant? you don't. Vor himself is now a being energy and is the most knowledgeable person on the subject. 


A quote from Vor from Arid Fear:




The metal womb referring to the Warframe.


Also the Ember Prime codex, in which Kaleen finds children - that she could easily identify as children - hiding on the Zariman after its return from the Void. If they were just energy beings, then it's likely she wouldn't have so easily been able to tell them as such.

That doesn't prove anything, yes there is a body inside the warframe but that body could just as well be a clone of the original child (children?) that came back from the ship wich would mean that each frame already has a body inside itself and the tenno just control it somehow.

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Petty insult proves nothing.



How do you know what he meant? you don't. Vor himself is now a being energy and is the most knowledgeable person on the subject. 


That doesn't prove anything, yes there is a body inside the warframe but that body could just as well be a clone of the original child (children?) that came back from the ship wich would mean that each frame already has a body inside itself and the tenno just control it somehow.


Prove it.

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The Warframes and the bodies inside seem to be a sort of living suit (think Evangelion).

While the Tenno are now pure void energy that pilot the suit's body to control it.

This is my personal theory from all of the information I've gathered over 2 years of play.

Nothing so far has been able to destroy this theory.

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"We've been wrong all this time. Tenno do not control the Warframe's divine energy. The Tenno ARE that energy. Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light."

Here's an edited version.

"We've been wrong all this time. Tenno do not control the Warframe's divine energy. The Tenno ARE (the Warframe's divine energy). Each Warframe you control is merely a glass shaping your furious light."

He's not saying the tenno are literally energy, he's saying the tenno are the source of power and not the Warframe. It makes more sense when combined with his earlier lines, where he says he studied Warframes but was unable to find the source of their powers.

If he's captured WFs, dissected them, studied them- doesn't this show that he didn't find a pretty body inside?

If he found a human like body, why would he be so confused about how WFs work?

Wouldn't he have tortured the pilots inside of it was merely a suit?

Why doesn't he have a bunch of extracted tenno? Is it because he'd couldn't "find" the tenno when he studied the WFs?

Edited by Hypernaut1
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