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The 'tenno Are Energy' Theory Is Busted


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20 pages grizz????? 0_o -_^ roflmmpao



I do enjoy a few of the resident Lore Guru's thoughts though :p

There were 22, but the balance shifted, and adjustments were made ;P



I thought the "Tenno are energy" was busted the moment Kaleen said she found children in the Zariman, and one of them burned her badly... and it was in Ember's Codex entry.


That is all I'm going to say.


*kneels and falls asleep*

Yeah, but then you get the people who say those Tenno were cloned into the Warframes, and we the present Tenno are energy. I think that whole theory is poppycock. 

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Yeah, but then you get the people who say those Tenno were cloned into the Warframes, and we the present Tenno are energy. I think that whole theory is poppycock. 

Well, the similarities between Vor and the Tenno are very close, so the Tenno in some way need to be closely tied with void energy, and what closer way than to BE that void energy?  however that still leaves holes.  THE TENNO AS A WHOLE CANNOT BE JUST VOID ENERGY, otherwise they would be as good as dead.  Consider how Void Vor cannot take any actions upon being defeated, that is because his body is "neutralized", and thus he cannot take further action until his body recovers.


I believe the Tenno work very similar.  They must have a physical form that is tied to them to operate, otherwise they would be helpless.


The beast fills the doorway, inches from him, dripping in blood, but still without violence. It stands there, looking at its hands. Davis whispers, "No one would have believed me."

I crawl up the wall to stand, opposite the door. I've never seen this cell, a cold place with an array of shelves. A morgue? "Where are we, Davis?"

"This is where they keep them. The ones from Zariman."


... or all Tenno have some kind of psychic mind-link that allows them to control the WF remotely, but as "putting on" a WF is technically canon they remote-link suggestion is very unlikely.


It is important to remember that to the Orokin, who were able to create the WF, never understood the Void. The Void is where ALL REASON FAILED.  ANYTHING could be possible within the realm of the void, even the possibility of full energy beings.  The Orokin could hardly work with it, let alone understand it.


as of right now my hypothesis is that Tenno are part energy beings that require a physical body to interact with the surrounding environment.  Without the physical body the Tenno would be incomplete, and thus rendered unable to interact with their surroundings.  Although it is very possible that the similarities between Vor and Tenno is that they are both infused with void energy, and then it stops there and Vor could be the exception even when he finds himself in the exact same conditions that the Zariman children were in.  Scientifically given the exact same conditions the result should be reproducible, but then again we're talking about the void here, so that could just as well be poppycock   ;P

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I thought the "Tenno are energy" was busted the moment Kaleen said she found children in the Zariman, and one of them burned her badly... and it was in Ember's Codex entry.

In all fairness, we don't know that one of the kids intentionally hurt the woman, or that it was even their doing.  The wording allows for a passive event as or more neatly than an active.  Given some of the things said, the untrained children might have inadvertently discharged void energy at her in a way that was as natural and uncontrollable as a static discharge. 


Interesting point though: what if both sides of the argument are correct?  What if Tenno are neither energy nor "flesh and blood" but rather "flesh, blood, and energy"? 


Other interesting points: 


Non Tenno-Warframe combos using "powers":  Energy has a tendency to like to spread from areas where its concentrated to areas where its low, like what might have happened in the EP entry.  Other powers, like Zakuna's, the Stalker's, infested Mesa, and whatever the bullet resistance skill was in the RP entry - Some of theses might not be "true" Void powers, but rather a manipulation of the equipment available, mirroring  what Tenno produce by using Void energy.  In other cases, you could hypothetically produce that effect by attaching a "synthetic Tenno" possibly something like an Orokin cell.  Like running a device with a battery different than the one the manufacturer intended, it can work, though how well and for how long is questionable. 


Going into cryo storage: 


While everything does eventually wear out, mix a little real science with a few impossible possibilities, and immortality (short of taking catastrophic damage) isn't terribly unreasonable.  One major problem humans have is that eventually our cellular reproduction shuts off.  As you age you heal slower, and the normal damage you take from daily life gets to be too much for your body to keep up with, and then you die.  However, if you could keep a person's cellular reproduction at a healthy rate, they would be be more or less immortal.  In Warframe we have space magic for one, and nano machines for another.  Either one of those would allow the Tenno to remain active without cryosleep.  It does, however, reduce the odds of us dieing from accidents (who hasn't at least once gotten fried by a laser in the Void?). 


Personally, I think the sleep was in order to protect something else.  The sleep and lost memories together sound like we had, or would have, tripped something nasty, and we eradicated knowledge of it to keep us from digging our own graves.  Potentially, whatever the ultimate goal the Sentients had, the truth of our powers, something the Orokin were attempting, or somesuch. 

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*cough* *cough* Say what?! You mean that swirling thing of energy makes him like us?! I had a good laugh.

no, i meant the conditions that gave him his void powers.


the Zariman children were sent into the void, and were found infused by void energy, and began to display the ability to radiate this energy.


Vor was transported to the void using his Janus key, which he then became infused by void energy, and is able to display his ability to manipulate void energy.


sure, the Tenno as they are now are wrapped inside a WF, but have you ever SEEN a Tenno without the frame?  I'm going to assume that you did not, however there is someone who HAS.


When Kaleen reached the door she twisted out of his grip and shot back, 'Why would you do that? Why did you put children on military ship?'


obviously those infused by the void still looked VERY MUCH LIKE THEIR ORIGINAL SELVES.  that means that Vor, infused with the void, looks very much like himself with the separation of his midsection connected using "swirling thing of energy".


The Zariman children definitely looked like themselves, and had void powers.  The conditions Vor was put into was almost the exact same as the Zariman children, except the separation of his midsection which is connected using void magic.  The Tenno that we play as are covered in the WF.  I'm fairly certain that if Vor decided that he wanted to use a WF he definitely could, because he has the void energy as part of him.  Also remember that the Zariman children were extensively experimented on by the Orokin before they were put into a WF, while Vor was not nor does he wear a WF.


Go ahead and laugh, just remember that any argument on what a Tenno is can be debunked by "void magic", since it is a realm that is not based on traditional reason as we know it.  I am simply taking similar situations and logically putting them together to create a somewhat valid lore.  If you can convince me that I'm entirely wrong with facts then I am more than willing to change my hypothesis, insults will not deter me.


edit: typos

Edited by Bigbizz44
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*cough* *cough* Say what?! You mean that swirling thing of energy makes him like us?! I had a good laugh.


"Tresspassers" = Tenno = mildly connected to the void = 4 revives per day = green spray = void energy from other tennos = revive

Vor = Janus Key = master void key = infinite and constant connection to the void = unkillable


Energy color don´t matter = janus key uses void energy = channels it = look gold

void energy thourgh frames = any color you want


But the items " void keys" are not further explained in the lore in general though we use them since years. Bad DE ! BAD !


Though i think we will get our piece of pie during the next updates in "destruction of the void" related stuff.

Edited by VoidNomade
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"Tresspassers" = Tenno = mildly connected to the void = 4 revives per day = green spray = void energy from other tennos = revive

Vor = Janus Key = master void key = infinite and constant connection to the void = unkillable


Energy color don´t matter = janus key uses void energy = channels it = look gold

void energy thourgh frames = any color you want


But the items " void keys" are not further explained in the lore in general though we use them since years. Bad DE ! BAD !


Though i think we will get our piece of pie during the next updates in "destruction of the void" related stuff.

It sounds like you could then argue that Sentients are also Tenno, from the looks of things.  Arguing that because two things have similar features they are the "same" is not a very solid argument, especially considering we don't understand the mechanics behind our respective ascensions.  It could very well be that in a ascending to Tenno a person becomes a "Void vessel" whereas Vor and his key is more like a necromancer and phylactery. 


I wouldn't say that he isn't similar to us in some regards, but even ignoring our philosophical differences, Vor seems to me to be more like our long dead "cold, gold emperors". 


edit: how did it come to pass that so many people are convinced that the revive system is part of the canon?

Edited by CriticalFumble
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edit: how did it come to pass that so many people are convinced that the revive system is part of the canon?

I would say it is canon. I would also say lore vise it isn't revive but a warframe suit supercharge. If you recall, Lotus supercharges our suits in tutorial with same effect that plays after using revive. So yeah, it is canon, but it's more jolt to lagging tech than ressurection of our mortal coils.

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I would say it is canon. I would also say lore vise it isn't revive but a warframe suit supercharge. If you recall, Lotus supercharges our suits in tutorial with same effect that plays after using revive. So yeah, it is canon, but it's more jolt to lagging tech than ressurection of our mortal coils.


It´s called revive by the game lol

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It´s called revive by the game lol

It's called revive by game's UI. And task of UI is to accomidate player's needs and not needs of lore and immersion (no matter how diegetic UI is). And in this case need is telling player which button to press to revive player's character.


If you wan't to discuss game lore, use game lore! Leave gameplay mechanics and their limitations home!

Edited by Prany
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I would say it is canon. I would also say lore vise it isn't revive but a warframe suit supercharge. If you recall, Lotus supercharges our suits in tutorial with same effect that plays after using revive. So yeah, it is canon, but it's more jolt to lagging tech than ressurection of our mortal coils.

Lotus say she "Surging the Warframe power systems" if you notice, during that time we "Unleash our power" we have unlimited energy and all powers unlocked. I think its more because they are re-using the animation in-game so its not wasted.


Whatever you say mate. =) For me death and revive is canon and part of the lore. Have a cookie.

I think its like a... deffibilator that we use in extreme situations.... or we have 4 pocket super-charged Blessings that, Lore-wise, activades when we take too much damage (die), and Lotus re-stocks our supplies once a day.


And why 4 and not an huge ammount? Maybe because they are.... build-in in the Warframe? Only 4 slots inside the armor?

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As i said in one of my previous posts on here the tenno aren't just a standard form of energy like kinetic, solar, electric. we're just a life force. the suits are made of nanotechnology (from what i understand) so they might have some sort of blood like substance in them for cooling or lubrication :^). but the "soul" of the tenno moves from body to body. warframe to warframe.

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I would say it is canon. I would also say lore vise it isn't revive but a warframe suit supercharge. If you recall, Lotus supercharges our suits in tutorial with same effect that plays after using revive. So yeah, it is canon, but it's more jolt to lagging tech than ressurection of our mortal coils.

Here we go again to Mirage's quest: At one point in the 'flashbacks' Lotus says something about trying to surge the revive system. So there ya go.



not everything is a metaphor. in this sci-fi enviroment, anything if possible

But in this instance, it's a metaphor.

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DESteve said that the only reason Tenno dont talk was because they wanted to make the player feel like they are the Tenno. So the players voice is the Tenno's voice. 


I can say with confidence that I uphold this standard.


Players in my squads always talking and I'm just silently playing and cooperating with them.

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If you don't believe the Tenno are energy, then you either believe they are shapeshifters or that they transfer their brain & spine into frames when they swap. Steve confirmed about 3 times that you are one Tenno switching frames.


I'm pretty sure the Tenno are horribly mutated monsters.  It's the only thing that makes sense if they're flesh and blood.


Vague lore talking about infection with the technocyte virus, mutation from void energy, various bosses commenting on what's inside of the warframes.  They all point to a fleshy thing.  But beyond that it's kinda vauge.  A stable entity couldn't shapeshift like that.  But from the Limbo/Mirage/Chroma lore we know it's a single entity that wears the frames.


My best guess is the shape of the tenno can be altered and molded and we can be poured into the suits, more or less.  Vor's comments about us being the light inside the glass were meant to be poetic. 'cause he's high af from snortin' all that good janus key dust.  Or whatever he was doing.


I feel like if the tenno were energy then there would be more then one NPC making references to it

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Like the 'bigger-on-the-inside' thing which would make it possible for a Rhino-sized human/Tenno to fit into a Nova.


Honestly, for reasons like this, I almost want to see what a warframe looks like on the inside MORE then I want to see the tenno naked.


How do they open? Do they unzip?  Do they peel like bananas?

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