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Tonkor's "friendly" Fire: No Thanks, Please!


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Whether or not Tonkor has become a hype is not my concern. However. I would like to formally address the weapon's base attribute, or simply put, the ability of its shells to launch not only the user, but other members themselves. Sure, it may sound harmless. You [the player targeted by Tonkor] receive just a shave of Shield Points off, or otherwise, HP, and in return you get a bounce that is roughly 10~15 meters; but then what if a user finds the laughable excuse of overusing such a toy on stationary-type players? Well, now. Most would probably just don't care. I applaud their patience. But if it just becomes a habit in a later game mode, such as Defense, well It will just not work out between players. Tonkor may have potential to assist teammates (somehow), but it may also lead to a freak accident, one they couldn't control. 

My conclusion: Remove the attribute in which Tonkor shells can launch "friendlies", rendering the weapon for "personal lifting."

Hell, not many players would care about this hindrance. But realize it does become quite a nuisance; and even cooperating with a Tonkor user is pointless, at best.

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Whether or not Tonkor has become a hype is not my concern. However. I would like to formally address the weapon's base attribute, or simply put, the ability of its shells to launch not only the user, but other members themselves. Sure, it may sound harmless. You [the player targeted by Tonkor] receive just a shave of Shield Points off, or otherwise, HP, and in return you get a bounce that is roughly 10~15 meters; but then what if a user finds the laughable excuse of overusing such a toy on stationary-type players? Well, now. Most would probably just don't care. I applaud their patience. But if it just becomes a habit in a later game mode, such as Defense, well It will just not work out between players. Tonkor may have potential to assist teammates (somehow), but it may also lead to a freak accident, one they couldn't control. 

My conclusion: Remove the attribute in which Tonkor shells can launch "friendlies", rendering the weapon for "personal lifting."

Hell, not many players would care about this hindrance. But realize it does become quite a nuisance; and even cooperating with a Tonkor user is pointless, at best.

Been trolled once too often by it now,Result=NO MORE PUBLIC GAMES FOR ME.

Conclusion=DE is absolutely committed to flushing this game down the toilet.

Realization=DE has nothing but contempt for long time big spending players like me.(2250 hours £341.96 thats over $550)all that time and money to have no control over my game.

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It's a useful tool to be able to launch other players at times, but it can easily be abused as can...well, just about any weapon under the right circumstances.


I agree that the ability to launch other teammates should be removed, except when under the effect of Radiation procs.


Also, I don't think it's fair that DE should take the blame for community members who don't give a S#&$ about playing seriously.  I mean, is there anything they can do to stop OH MY GOD KILL AMBULAS when people see a Bursa?  It's people going out of their way to act stupid and troll.  DE could put a reporting system into the game, but what can they do besides warn them?

Edited by TenguBlade
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It's a useful tool to be able to launch other players at times, but it can easily be abused as can...well, just about any weapon under the right circumstances.


I agree that the ability to launch other teammates should be removed, except when under the effect of Radiation procs.


Also, I don't think it's fair that DE should take the blame for community members who don't give a S#&$ about playing seriously.  I mean, is there anything they can do to stop OH MY GOD KILL AMBULAS when people see a Bursa?  It's people going out of their way to act stupid and troll.  DE could put a reporting system into the game, but what can they do besides warn them?

They could try by not implementing things into the game that will obviously be abused by trolls.so wipe that off your nose and get real.

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How is it that I'm almost never trolled?  Really can't remember a time someone abused a power or weapon to troll me.  


I see more trolls on low lvl missions/alert when i play with my alt. (loki, vauban, valkyr, limbo) most of them are mid/high MR players trolling new players/low MR.


The tombo is on a whole other level though.

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Just wait that they stop greedy mag on mate's loot.


For sure it's the teamplay aspect of this skill but too much lazy unbrained mag abuse have turn this skill in a pain for mates how don't enjoy sit on a crate and wait to get XP.


In other word, DE really should take a look on this 2 aspect how give too much abilites for troll/lazy farmer to ruin other players experience.



PS: I personnaly start to play mag and pull loot in painful access place, spam to fight with other mag in order to show the onnoying aspect of it, hoping a lot of people will start to whine about it.

Be a troll to learn people how much annoying some skill can be... Warframe mind blow...

Edited by ZeGreymane
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Hey folks,


The original intent for the utility of this weapon was to enable players to reach greater heights co-operatively, through the combination of one player using parkour and then being assisted with skilled placement of Tonkor grenades. We wanted to see if this would allow for any other emergent gameplay and tactics, but from what we have seen so far, the greatest emergent behaviour has been players trolling players.


We used the Grenade Launcher from the original Quake game as inspiration for this weapon, which also allowed players to grenade jump off other players grenades. Please forgive us for experimenting with this alternative gameplay mechanic, and thank you for your feedback. We will be disabling friendly fire damage and the bounce effect very soon.




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So finally a weapon with a new fun mechanic comes out and you guys want to remove it because a few people don't like it?


Balancing shouldn't be a democracy.


If you guys wanted it to be a fun weapon that makes allies fly off maps then the complaint of a few shouldn't change that.

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Hey folks,


The original intent for the utility of this weapon was to enable players to reach greater heights co-operatively, through the combination of one player using parkour and then being assisted with skilled placement of Tonkor grenades. We wanted to see if this would allow for any other emergent gameplay and tactics, but from what we have seen so far, the greatest emergent behaviour has been players trolling players.


We used the Grenade Launcher from the original Quake game as inspiration for this weapon, which also allowed players to grenade jump off other players grenades. Please forgive us for experimenting with this alternative gameplay mechanic, and thank you for your feedback. We will be disabling friendly fire damage and the bounce effect very soon.




Wait wait wait wait... better idea: Make it a thing you do?


Like, if, say, you block when you hit a grenade, THEN it launches you? That would be tricky while parkouring, but entirely possible if you were planning for it.


That way, players could still co-op with it, but it would be extremely difficult to troll someone(and impossible to troll them in the ways that players have been complaining about).

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Hey folks,


The original intent for the utility of this weapon was to enable players to reach greater heights co-operatively, through the combination of one player using parkour and then being assisted with skilled placement of Tonkor grenades. We wanted to see if this would allow for any other emergent gameplay and tactics, but from what we have seen so far, the greatest emergent behaviour has been players trolling players.


We used the Grenade Launcher from the original Quake game as inspiration for this weapon, which also allowed players to grenade jump off other players grenades. Please forgive us for experimenting with this alternative gameplay mechanic, and thank you for your feedback. We will be disabling friendly fire damage and the bounce effect very soon.




i dont care much about the friendly fire aspect, but the personal bounce is great. it saves you when you suddenly find yourself in a group of enemies, and allows for interesting ways to move around the maps

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Hey folks,


The original intent for the utility of this weapon was to enable players to reach greater heights co-operatively, through the combination of one player using parkour and then being assisted with skilled placement of Tonkor grenades. We wanted to see if this would allow for any other emergent gameplay and tactics, but from what we have seen so far, the greatest emergent behaviour has been players trolling players.


We used the Grenade Launcher from the original Quake game as inspiration for this weapon, which also allowed players to grenade jump off other players grenades. Please forgive us for experimenting with this alternative gameplay mechanic, and thank you for your feedback. We will be disabling friendly fire damage and the bounce effect very soon.





Eeeeh. I think the idea is very neat but the grenades are kind of too hard to place for that... too often they bounce around into an undesired position or explode right into my face for some reason (maybe it's multi-shot's fault?)...


If you want to make an untrollable cooperative effect, there probably has to be some way of showing consent.


What if there was a way to selectively allow other Tenno that can effect you with their powers?

Like a suit-synchronization, a ritual of trust?


Imagine at the start of a session, you can go up to another player and both hold "X" for a few seconds... an animation plays where the Tenno juggle energy between each other in some ritual... and then they are synchronized and can be affected by each others "tactical" effects... such as Mag Pull, Loki Switch Teleport, etc etc...


I remember the team-rating system that was concepted (Skill, Team, Honor, etc)... maybe it could play into that as well?



Like, if, say, you block when you hit a grenade, THEN it launches you? That would be tricky while parkouring, but entirely possible if you were planning for it.

Good idea! Blocking or maybe holding the gear/emote key could work too? Maybe holding "Space" like if you were to be wall running?

Edited by Sherbniz
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Another thing DE could do(and this could potentially resolve all trolling in general) is to make the ability to be affected by certain abilities/weapons a togglable feature in the settings. That way, those that enjoy that aspect of team-play could keep it on, and those sick of trolling could turn it off. Everyone's happy.


edit: damn, the post above me beat me to the overall idea XD

Edited by SethAlvory
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Since we don't have it yet for the PS4, I can only say: Trolls will be trolls, no matter what you give them. 


Don't let them (trolls) change something new. The weapon is new, the shine will wear off eventually. I actually like this, especially doing void missions and you are helping out a player that hasn't quite mastered how to get to some of the harder void containers, you can give them a boost. I also think it adds in a new dynamic, and DE needs to keep adding in subtle content like this. I'm looking forward to consoles getting it. 


To avoid being trolled, don't play with trolls. It's pretty simple. Find a clan, make friends with people you know that aren't trolls. This is a co-op game, so it isn't too much to expect people to find like minded players to play with. Hell, maybe a team of 4 loki's want to run around double trolling each other, and that is their way of having fun.


I say don't take away a useful and new mechanic and what can in the end add to the fun of the game (which is why everyone should be playing), just because a small percentage abuse something they find entertaining. - Find a new lobby to play in if it bugs you that bad, but don't complain and ruin it for everyone that likes it and finds it useful. 



Can you nerf Ash though please? I mean, just because I get a random radiation proc (that may or may not be self inflicted) and slaughter my entire team when I use blade storm (sometimes on purpose because they never knew what hit them and it's funny as hell- to be honest I've only done that once, but I've been tempted to abuse the power of the radiation proc several times, lol). (insert sarcasm)    


Or make bounce pad NOT work on allies (worst trolls of them all)


Play the game and have fun doing it... don't play with trolls.

Edited by (PS4)excat_56
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I'd much rather you left the mechanic in and cleaned up the execution of it. It's a useful and enjoyable mechanic most of the time and I think it can be altered to be less overtly troll. Honestly it isn't that much more annoying than having bounce pads spammed at you, and over time that's happened less and less as people got bored of it. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater on this one.

Edited by lamiamistral
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Eeeeh. I think the idea is very neat but the grenades are kind of too hard to place for that... too often they bounce around into an undesired position or explode right into my face for some reason (maybe it's multi-shot's fault?)...


If you want to make an untrollable cooperative effect, there probably has to be some way of showing consent.


What if there was a way to selectively allow other Tenno that can effect you with their powers?

Like a suit-synchronization, a ritual of trust?


Imagine at the start of a session, you can go up to another player and both hold "X" for a few seconds... an animation plays where the Tenno juggle energy between each other in some ritual... and then they are synchronized and can be affected by each others "tactical" effects... such as Mag Pull, Loki Switch Teleport, etc etc...


I remember the team-rating system that was concepted (Skill, Team, Honor, etc)... maybe it could play into that as well?



Good idea! Blocking or maybe holding the gear/emote key could work too? Maybe holding "Space" like if you were to be wall running?

Actually, I like a permutation of your idea better: They're going to add the secret handshakes thing, so make it be that.


If 2 players do the handshake emote, they can interact for a set duration(maybe like 30 seconds or so) where they can activate things like co-op grenade jumping and the like.


As a bonus, activating the super-secret syndicate handshake emote would give some boost to performance, like 1% per total rank--so 2 rank 5 players would get +10% total bonus to height, speed, duration, and so forth.


Since both players have to activate the handshake to make it work, it's always voluntary, and since it times out, even if someone tricks you (they claim they'll help and then just start spamming grenades at you or w/e), even a bad decision is impermanent.


This would also give a visual cue to other group members that you're trying to accomplish something, as well as be kind of iconic for "buddies in media"(most teams doing a co-op thing have some "go team" or ginyu force dance or w/e to show people they're synchronizing.)

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