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The Difference Between A Good And A Bad Gameplay (About Grenades)


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In good gameplay you can understand why you lose or win.
If you win, you will receive satisfaction, if you lose, you must understand what you do wrong and in the next time do it right and will receive satisfaction. Right?

In bad gameply you dont understand why you did lose or win.
In such games, you do not enjoy the victory and losses only angered.

So when the whole team goes down from a small grenade or rocket is angry.
I know DE wants to complicate getting new content any possibilities, but sometimes they demolish it, why we love this game.


So PLEASE do something with this stupid grenades and rockets, its makes me crazy!!

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A warning system on the HUD for incoming grenades would be a great start. At present the only way you can catch them is if you see the lancer/crewman do the throwing animation.

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I already hate gun weapons XD. Too many enemies you cant avoid them, they are everywhere, bullets are everywhere!!! I HATE THIS GAME!!!!


Yeah Granades that are not visible on the floor, no Hud showing you that there is a granade etc.


Playing on ARCHWING is even more frustrating, flying around, and you are dead by nothing. WHAT?!! For reall you are dead by enemies rockets but the explosion is so small and no sound effect of it, so its feeling like you died just like that from nothing. Hud is needed for it too, sound effect of explosions and bigger explosions.


And the Nultifiers with snipers, you see them you die, just like that second scenario, they shot from their snipers but you dont even hear that they shoted.


For example in anime Sword Art Online 2 you are abble to avoid all bullets because of Hud showing where opponent is shoting at you. 

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Enemies throwing a high-damage explosive with no means of countering and very minimal telegraphing definitely ranges from modestly annoying to unfairly lethal depending on the difficulty, but you can't doubt that it's a cheap blow through and through. +1 to giving them better indication and possibly even a means to move/destroy them.

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I don't find explosives to be too much of a problem, but some sort of early warning system that tells me that a bombard just launched a rocket at my back, or that a corpus tech just lobbed a grenade in my general vicinity would be nice.



In good gameplay these issues don't exist

In bad gameplay these happen all the time.


I hardly (if any) find grenades or rockets a problem, i wonder why.


Then share your master level strats with the OP, Sensei. Don't just call him a scrub and kick him in the groin...

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Then share your master level strats with the OP, Sensei. Don't just call him a scrub and kick him in the groin...

There isn't much i can do, rockets are among the slowest projectiles in the game, you can outrun them, go near them and make a sharp turn so the projectile can't follow you, you can ziguezaque between them and you can even outrunn them until they hit a pillar or a wall.

Can't you shoot them either?


As for grenades, that's the AI making a decision, if the player is in a specific location for to long then the strategy doesnt work, so the AI decides to trow a grenade to see if that works instead.

Since this is AI, you can trick it by simply moving around, you have a small circle around you and you must leave it every 10 or so seconds, it takes possibly 1 second to leave that area so that the timer restarts.

For those paying attention to what your actually doing, you can determine if have been "idle" for to long, if that fails (meaning you have no clue on what your doing) then you go to stage 2, a much harder to detect animation often done by the weak enemies, if you see the animation then you need to copter, fast.

This animation is sometimes antecipated by another animation or series of animations, 1st one is the enemy going to cover even it means going away from you and the 2nd one is the lean.


So, what can happen?

Only 2 things happen:

  - you been idle for to long > enemy retreats to cover > enemy leans > enemy leans again to trow grenade

 -  you been idle for to long > enemy trows grenade. (usually directly to the ground)


If you detect the problem to late all you hear is a "fffsh" sound, telling you that is to late and the grenade will blow up. Sadly not even i can hear the sound and react fast enough to avoid the blast as it detonates 0.5 seconds (or so) after the sound when hitting the ground.

So the key is (for now atleast) to detect yourself as an idle player that could potentially trigger the grenade trowing.


If there is cover then you might get an extra chance to see the 3 animations that enemies do, but i will be clear here, if you are not paying attention to what you're doing then you can't see enemies preparing for the coup de grace.

Even if you are, remember that there are 4 players and enemies sometimes attack from all sides, missing one weak enemy is something common, so again the small circle that you have to escape remains the ideal solution, it's garanteed to work and you don't act under pressure coptering like a mad man.


If you're slow, not paying attention, you don't know what is the AI doing then there is no salvation and you are doomed to die.


As it stands right now grenades separate 2 kinds of players, those who die and those who don't. Replace the terms for terms of your liking.

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Wat i must do on the deffend mission? Run arround nerby with cryopod? It don't working. Snow globe don't protect from splash damage.

I know how to stay 40 wawes on T4 Def, but it so boring. When you just hold LMB by Mesa while Nova spam ult btn its very similar to the work, not play.

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"Enemies will show that they are about to throw a grenade while hiding behind cover by periodically peeking around the corner a couple times, to safely throw it before going back behind cover."

"Although not as lethal as other weapons, they can force a player out from hiding behind obstacles."


Either DE specifically added this mechanic to kill you or made it to annoy you. If it's designed as a gameplay mechanic then maybe it should get an indicator. If it was added specifically to deal with players camping one spot for too long, then it's already working as intented, because they are not getting thrown at players that are moving around a lot.


High level enemies are a very specific pressure tactic to force you to extract from a mission. Complaining that they are killing you at wave <stupid number> in one shot is like complaining that nukes are overpowered after having specifically being told that 10 minutes from now nukes are going to be launched.


It's Endless scaling. You will either complain at wave 40 or you will complain at wave 60, or you will complain at waver 80. The fact is that you will STILL complain. Choosing an arbitrary number does not make the point any more valid.

Edited by DSpite
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rockets are among the slowest projectiles in the game

Clearly you are not talking about corrupted bombards here because those things are not slow and can turn pretty dang quick (for a rocket).  Half the time you end up taking a hit from a rocket before you may even know there is a bombard nearby, especially if he's being buddies with a nullifier inside the bubble.

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yes i'm talking about those aswell, by running away you can keep track of the motion of the projectile without it ever hiting you, some caracthers might even be able to outrun them.

If you decide to copter with a fast weapon then you vastly outpace the projectile speed, you can use the extra time to hide behind a pillar/wall or prepare yourself to do a sharp turn, making the projectile miss you completely.

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