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Kogake Should Be Removed From Pvp


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The Kogake should be removed from pvp. All you need to do is slide kick someone to knock them down then spam melee. It is the ultimate no skill, instant I win button. I was having fun before everyone decided it would be a good idea to use the kogake. If this wasn't a game breaking weapon... I wouldn't be here complaining about it. If anything remove the ability to knock down enemies. This is literally worse than Destiny Crucible. Please DE. Please. 

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Being knockdown is not what kills people but getting shot by primary / secondary weapons while in the recovery animation from the knockdown.

Yep that's usually what  I do when I use kogake. If you use knockdown resistant mods though, the recovery animation will be to short to take advantage of.

Edited by Danfu
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Being knockdown is not what kills people but getting shot by primary / secondary weapons while in the recovery animation from the knockdown.

Uhm no that is not how it works. Every time i was killed by kogake (only about 7 times) it was always from the kogake user hitting me on the ground 


Yep that's usually what  I do when I use kogake. If you use knockdown resistant mods though, the recovery animation will be to short to take advantage of.


Players should not have to hunt down mods simply because a weapon has a cheap mechanic. The mods are an excuse kogake users use to justify their cheap weapon choice. Kogake is the pvp equivalent of a rhino prime with a boltor prime its the go to noob choice because its pretty hard to avoid even with maxed mods. Yes i have the mods and yes you can still be killed before you get up.  

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I've not played PvP 2.0 TOO much, but of all the 20-ish matches I've played, the kogakes I've met have pretty much run up to me only to get groundslammed by Gram.The only time they seem to get me is when they ninja out of nowhere.

Edited by KamijoTouma
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Uhm no that is not how it works. Every time i was killed by kogake (only about 7 times) it was always from the kogake user hitting me on the ground 


Players should not have to hunt down mods simply because a weapon has a cheap mechanic. The mods are an excuse kogake users use to justify their cheap weapon choice. Kogake is the pvp equivalent of a rhino prime with a boltor prime its the go to noob choice because its pretty hard to avoid even with maxed mods. Yes i have the mods and yes you can still be killed before you get up.  

That's only if you get hit by the finisher. And if your good at pvp its not that hard to avoid kogake. It really comes down to experience. Many people have migrated to it now that bo prime has been nerfed, but if they went against another person using kogake who has been using it from the start, they would lose. If it starts making you really mad, just equip Gram Chroma  and channel with Tempo Royale, or Tonkor. Now that needs a nerf.

Edited by Danfu
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That's only if you get hit by the finisher. And if your good at pvp its not that hard to avoid kogake. It really comes down to experience. Many people have migrated to it now that bo prime has been nerfed, but if they went against another person using kogake who has been using it from the start, they would lose. If it starts making you really mad, just equip Gram Chroma  and channel with Tempo Royale, or Tonkor. Now that needs a nerf.

No one uses gram on consoles i have played alot of matches and have not seen one. Only thing people use is kogake and alot of times its simply to stun you then run away with the cephalon. 

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PC version Bo P gets nerf (52 to 22 I believe), headshot crit damage from melee removed so yeah it seems Kogake is gaining popularity (might get a nerf damage next if people complain enough)


The thing about kogake that annoy me is that they have bigger hit box then they seems on slide kick (although  I think they already get a hitbox nerf)

Edited by Hueminator
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why should handspring be the reason to justify kogake, just make the knock downs shorter and remove handspring, because as of now, handspring should be incrusted in the frame, theres no reason to not use handspring other than not having it yet

Edited by rockscl
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Yeah it pretty much does nothing no clue why its even in pvp.


That's weird.  If you've got it equipped, you should flip back up.  Only time you'll get KO'd is if they're also packing Martial Magnetism.




wonder if it's a bug.

Edited by Nighttide77
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If they removed knockdown they would have to remove knockdown resistant mods.Use these and you wont have any trouble with kogake. I've been playing since the start of PVP 2.0 and I've only been killed while knocked down 10-15 times (no exaggeration).



I do use those mods..... They don't work for me. I must have the worst luck then.

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PC version Bo P gets nerf (52 to 22 I believe), headshot crit damage from melee removed so yeah it seems Kogake is gaining popularity (might get a nerf damage next if people complain enough)


The thing about kogake that annoy me is that they have bigger hit box then they seems on slide kick (although  I think they already get a hitbox nerf)

The hit box for the slide kick is insane. I use both handspring and surefooted. They don't really help. 

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The Kogake should be removed from pvp. All you need to do is slide kick someone to knock them down then spam melee. It is the ultimate no skill, instant I win button. I was having fun before everyone decided it would be a good idea to use the kogake. If this wasn't a game breaking weapon... I wouldn't be here complaining about it. If anything remove the ability to knock down enemies. This is literally worse than Destiny Crucible. Please DE. Please. 

The answer to your problems is: Handspring.

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Soz...  Tested out using the Furax... It does knockdown on slam attack, and I took players out with that method.  From experience, I know the Gram is in the same boat.


People who are looking for a nerf to the kogake are basically asking for knockdown immunity, because kogake isn't the only melee able to knockdown, and probably won't be the last.  Just wait till Jat Kitag gets balanced for PvP.


The thing is, players who use the knockdown strategy will continue to use that strategy with whatever weapon that allows them to do so.  Same as players whom use Frost's 1st and a bullet, Mag's 1st and a bullet, etc.


The best solution against someone using a knockdown play-style is to keep your distance, use a power, or perhaps do your own melee.  If all an enemy is doing is to spam a kogake slide attack, or a gram slam attack (or channeling), or furax slam attack + rapid punches, then you have to adapt your strategy to defeat them.

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I use handspring, thing is there is no "cooldown" for being knocked down, so the typical scenario is i get up and knocked down again immediately. again and again til i'm dead (from whatever). i will not lie: this brings my piss to a boil and is the single most annoying thing about PVP at the moment imo. I don't think Kogake have to be removed but do something against the knockdown-loop, very annoying, maybe also range...

(And yeah, Cestra is OP).

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