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Which Warframe Do You Think Is The Least Useful?


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You guys argue about Ember and Saryn and Excal and Zephyr and Limbo....Meanwhile,I look at Hydroid.


For me,Hydroid is the most useless frame(and it actually is).


1st : Tempest Barrage - Nothing special. Every frame has it.


2st : Tidal Surge - Not sure where I should use it. If its for CC,I think other CC frames do a way better job.


3st : Undertow - This one is fun,but it is also useless. It doesn't exactly help team unless you have the augment.


4th : Tentacle Swarm - This one needs a freaking toggle button. At low levels,enemies die,then new enemies spawn somewhere else,but I can not cast the tentacles again. In high levels,it CC's enemies in a very small radius. And the biggest issue is,there is no way you will be certain that the tentacles will spawn where you want them to. Sure it does Finisher damage,but if it doesn't hit an enemy,what good is the finisher?


The only thing I do with my Hydroid is farm Neural Sensors,thanks to Pilfering Swarm.

Edited by NN13
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Hydroid is my least favorite frame to have on my team most of the time. The tentacles make it a pain for me to kill things and undertow makes it a pain for me to kill things. He's one of those frames who seems to be more detrimental to a party than helpful. 

Limbo crosses into this territory as well, but he can be a boon if he's played intelligently. 

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Ember is far from useless, you have area stun and damage amp for your other powers, area denial with your ring of fireblast that also does a large area blast damage. Fireball is a spamable skill that can do quite a bit of damage with you use it on accelerant stunned enemies. I've seen it do upwards of 900+ on multiple enemies. World on fire works wonders on killing crowds of lesser enemies while you are left with only the strongest foes to shoot down.


While yes the powers are weaker the higher the enemy level, with heat equipped weapons, your 2 never useless as a damage buff. I focused my Ember prime with power, eff, and energy reserves the only real down fall on the set up is I only have Vigor as a defensive mod, so I'm only running around with 420 or so health and shields. I still can solo endless void mission to 20 minutes/waves usually. I guess another problem is energy management, you have excellent burst potential but if you are low on energy your options are pretty limited to just shooting. 


Valkyr, is very useful on endless missions, being a invincible melee buffing murder machine is dare I say, quite useful at taking on hardened targets will laughing off all the damage in the world.


as for least useful in the frames I have? I guess Oberon? he does a little of a few things but isn't really good at all of them.

Edited by Andaius
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I would like to upvote frames who are very self sufficient as not being useless. Valkyr/Ash don't have much in the way of crowd control but tend to make up for that in that they don't require baby-sitting and are often capable of doing tremendous amounts of melee damage that make guns look like squirt bottles. While they aren't my first pick for a defense oriented mission (you really do need crowd control), they make a good second or third candidate. 

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hands down Loki every time i play as him all i ever hear from everyone is get in corner spam disarm I wish they would remove him and force these kiddys to learn how to play.

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You guys argue about Ember and Saryn and Excal and Zephyr and Limbo....Meanwhile,I look at Hydroid.


For me,Hydroid is the most useless frame(and it actually is).


1st : Tempest Barrage - Nothing special. Every frame has it.


2st : Tidal Surge - Not sure where I should use it. If its for CC,I think other CC frames do a way better job.


3st : Undertow - This one is fun,but it is also useless. It doesn't exactly help team unless you have the augment.


4th : Tentacle Swarm - This one needs a freaking toggle button. At low levels,enemies die,then new enemies spawn somewhere else,but I can not cast the tentacles again. In high levels,it CC's enemies in a very small radius. And the biggest issue is,there is no way you will be certain that the tentacles will spawn where you want them to. Sure it does Finisher damage,but if it doesn't hit an enemy,what good is the finisher?


The only thing I do with my Hydroid is farm Neural Sensors,thanks to Pilfering Swarm.


1- aoe knockdown (revive assist, choke points)

2- escape, movement

3- instant aoe knockdown (just quicktap it twice, use between reloads, choke points + revive assist)

4- mod -area, and with time you know how to cast tentacles and they will go there where you want them to be


Not in the slightest the "least usefull".^^

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1- aoe knockdown (revive assist, choke points)

2- escape, movement

3- instant aoe knockdown (just quicktap it twice, use between reloads, choke points + revive assist)

4- mod -area, and with time you know how to cast tentacles and they will go there where you want them to be


Not in the slightest the "least usefull".^^



1 - AoE knockdown,seems cool? Except that happens in one place in the map and while you revive,you yourself get shredded by the other units. Try it in a mid-high level mission. I would love to hear what happened to you.


2 - meh....Dont need movement as a power. I can just Air-Melee. This is also the reason why Excal's Super Jump is useless. Because better results can be achieved using Melee.


3 - Ya,he CC enemies in a mere 18m radius, while Vauban,Nyx,Nova,Rhino,Excal,Loki,Mag,Nekros and Banshee does it way better and in a way greater radius.


4 - How much will the area be? 47m,where each tentacle DO NOT CC more than one target. Basically,even with max range,you will CC just 12 enemies. While most of the frames either kill or CC way more enemies.


About reviving....Every Warframe can revive in one way or another. So,its not exactly a positive point for Hydroid.

About Tentacles spawning in weird positions.....Show me one player who has 100% "proper tentacle spawn rate". Atleast 3 out of 10 times,tentacles dont spawn properly for me. The same case happens with Zephyr's Tornadoes.

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1. knockdown is hard cc. The ability itself is fire and forget in a wide area for 25 energy base

2. try to air melee in a narrow coridor or after you got swarmed by infested and suffer under those clunky hitboxes

3. It´s instant, it´s aoe, it´s hard cc - and i don´t think you understand how good that skill actually is, surrounded? - quicktap it, need to shutoff a choke point? As long as you like - need to reload? need to dodge bombard missle, eximus fire wave? quicktap it

4. In a -min area (+power) build you create choke points where regular t4 mobs (not bombards, ancients) level 40+ dies instantly


Revive, i just wanted to point out for what the abilities can be used - a good proper spawn rate comes from knowing the tilesets, where to point and so on. It´s a experience thing. This brings me to the conclusion that you actually just don´t know how to play properly hydroid.

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hands down Loki every time i play as him all i ever hear from everyone is get in corner spam disarm I wish they would remove him and force these kiddys to learn how to play.

Ironic when it's coming from a guy using a Rhino profile icon~~

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Not only he isn't very useless but he also gets in the way.....



.....Your opinions on ember and saryn are low minded..

You are kinda being a hypocrite there,


Biggest example to take limbo is for very long runs in defense. Makes the pod and the Mesa invulnerable to enemy fire from the outside and even gives her 2 energy/sec to counter the drain from her ult.


There are more uses for him ofcourse, it just depends on how much you are willing to try and learn about him instead of just blantly saying he's bad.

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Least useful frame is a subjective term. Every frame serves a purpose.

I think a more fitting title would be "least useful abilities"

That which I have answers for, for example, Contagion.

What is Ember's? And please dont say infected.
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I'm glad I'm starting to see more people defend Ember. Just a few weeks ago it felt like only 2-3 posters even played Ember and everyone else was just mindlessly jumping on the "Ember sucks" bandwagon like some sort of inside joke/meme.

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Ash and Oberon I sold. Rhino is a contender. Haven't played Limbo enough to judge. I keep Ember only because of her body. Zephyr flight doesn't work how I thought it would work.


Nekros is useful but somewhat boring.


Mesa and Chroma still not unlocked. No idea about Hydroid, either. I don't have Vauban, but its usefullness is clear as glass.

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It mindboggles me you saryn, she is reallly good frame and will rek stuff easily if modded right, even in T4 missions. Ember is quite good now after the buffs so she is more usefull now.

Least usefull is ash, only good power is his 4th

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Ash I guess. Doing his damage powers is cool and all, but guns are OP so that's not really making him useful at anything. All he has that could be called useful is a short duration invisibility, which you will gimp if you bring efficiency and/or strength corrupted mods and lately being invisible is getting less and less useful.


Ember and Saryn are a little shallow but at the same time Accelerant and Molt (especially with the aug) are extremely versatile. PBAoE near-instant cast stun and heat resist debuff and a decoy+HoT+DoT. I find both skills useful at doing pretty much everything... you can defend yourself with those skills, attack with those skills, defend objectives and hostages... there's no mission type I wouldn't bring Saryn to and I'd only not bring Ember if the tileset was forcing me into the open like those Hijack missions on the snow truck.

Are you serious? Ash is highly useful and becomes even more useful with augment mods. His duration for smoke screen is already enough time at max rank. Ash is my favourite warframe I ever played. I would also say that he is more stealthy than Loki. Smoke shadow augment also now makes the whole squad invisible for a amount of time.

Personally I would suggest banshee for most useless warframe

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