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Best Leveling Places?



21 answers to this question

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Running it slow has some insane spawns and good exp. Eximus units spawn pretty frequently due to it being an Interception and they net a lot of exp too.

Usually they run it till the 4th round where a T4 Void Key is awarded so it can be like a key and exp farm multitask I suppose.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Stop spreading the disease. 


Any defense mission will allow you to level up quickly due to their nature. 


Tower ones will be more efficent as people are more interested in Void rather than starchart, so it's easier to go up to higher levels with more people on your team.

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If you are pubbing, for the first few levels, cambria on earth will net you more exp faster than any low level survival or defense because of the higher spawn rate and larger number of enemies per spawn group. Tikal works better at this moment due to exp bonuses in that regard.


If others can carry you, then draco, kiste, are the usual ones, or void defenses/survivals. Or for that matter, high level corpus interceptions work too if there is a mag. High level dark sector defenses are good with a proper team, the ones on pluto and ceres. Low level defense missions were good for leveling at low levels, after the spawn rate trickle nerf, they are a joke, sure you will level, but they take an absurd amount of time now to even get good, compared to alternatives. Same goes for low level survivals, I remember a time when apollodorus had a nice spawn rate, now, it's a snooze fest, even with four people, unless you get to like 40 minutes or so, by then you won't have the equipment to deal with the enemy level if you are starting. Low level excavations are the only ones left with a high spawn rate of low level enemies right at the beginning.

Edited by nms64
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Triton on Neptune is a good place too, if your group sticks togather and you have g-mag. Very nice spawn rate in this case.

Also you can farm lots of rare cores and T2-T3 keys there as well. (Best place to farm T2-T3 keys and rare cores.)



But for pure exp draco with g-mag and mesa is better anyway. Approx 2k+ kills in 4 waves, if ppl don't slowdown mobs running around or using their control abilities. (Nova with negative power can speedup the process, but you're gonna need Frost to protect squad against random enemy fire, which would be deadly with nova's speed buff.)


1 weapon 0-30 in 3 waves(capturing all 4 points) - easy. (3rd wave also sometimes drop 5 rare cores)

And I think you can do 3 weapons 0-30 in 2 runs with 4 waves, but it may require capturing only 3 of 4 points. (4th wave would also give you some T4 defense/survival/interception keys)



P.S. nms64 has given very good tips above.

...and DaftMeat's tip about "stealth kills" also worth attention. ^_^

Edited by RadYogh
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Unfortunately, Draco is the best place; but it is ALSO a high level Grineer mission, which should mean that you're not supposed to go there with a full unranked loadout.


The few times I need to level up a formaed weapon or I want to reach the cap on Syndicate daily reputation I run Draco, but it's a pain as 90% of the times the team is awful, everyone with unranked gear that clearly doesn't suit that level of difficolty, hoping for a geared teammate to do all the job...




For weapons, instead, I would suggest Spy 2.0 runs, with silent weapons, unequipping everything you don't have or want to level up.

Edited by siralextraffo
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Spy 2.0, undetected runs. (pluto or high lvl spy) 12k per data retrieval.



You'll get a weapon 0-20 in a few runs, and they are easy. (more if you do stealth kills etc)  


Loki obviously, but recently been using Saryn and mashing 4. 

Nothing survives 10k miasma instant death, no alarms set off ever. (works great for those grineer drones on high level grineer spy)

Open outside door, mash 4, drones, camera's, and anything in range goes POOF, then leisurely stroll to data retrieval.


Load up on 10x ciphers, hack console, hit Y, and move on. 


Frames, weapons its works for all.  Minimal effort, boring and repetitive, but what isn't in this game?

It's the most bang for your work since its mind numbingly easy to run in, do 3 undetected's and run out.

Edited by shinebox
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Mercury Lares 20 waves ~ lvl 8-9 on a fresh frame. Then Mercury Apollo should net you ~12-15 depending on how long you stay.


Or just do Apollo with a fresh frame and a high ranked weapon. Burn a booster and you can level to 30 in a few runs.

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It depends on your frame of choice.


- Stealth frames (Loki, Ash) can reap the benefit of spy missions and stealth kills. Recommend Corpus as they are squishy and more forgiving. Pluto is a nice spot for this.

- Point-defense frames (Front, Vauban, Nyx, etc) work wonders on defense and interception missions. Recommend Corpus as less armored frames may find the poison and bleed procs of the other factions a big problem.

- Tank and support frames (Valkyr, Rhino, Oberon, Trinity, Chroma, Saryn, etc) can do well in survival missions and also play a role in defense ones. Recommend Grineer to reap the benefits of the armor/durability and the fact they generally grant more XP per kill.

- Caster and aggressive frames (Excal, Nova, Ember, Nekros, Banshee, etc) can work in a variety of missions types but it's best to work with a group on interception missions. Recommend fighting Corpus as they are more forgiving and bleed/poison procs of the other factions would pose a big problem.


Quick Tip: The longer you stay in a defense, interception, or survival mission, the more XP you get.


Good luck.

Edited by DBugII
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Unfortunately, Draco is the best place; but it is ALSO a high level Grineer mission, which should mean that you're not supposed to go there with a full unranked loadout.

Most efficient lvling is done when you have ALL unranked stuff.

And it's best to gather parties of 4 guys when 1 guy is fully geared up with maxed stuff and does all the killing, and rest have full set of unranked stuff and just trying not to kill anything and stay alive. And switch "fully geared up guy" role after each run, if you have a party of 4 guys who need to lvlup a lot of things. Or just find some highrank who doesn't need to lvlup stuff and likes killing. :D


Speaking of theory:


More players > better spawn

Less spreading around > better spawn

Killing mobs as fast as possible > better spawn

Higher lvl > more exp & more eximus

More eximus > more exp

Better spawn > more exp & more loot


*Note: different missions have different "spawn rate"


So perfect farm is:

4 players on a highlvl endless(mobs lvl increase over time) mission with best default spawn rate killing mobs as soon as they spawn.


*Reminder: On most missions (except interception) you have limited range of "getting exp from teammates". (I never wondered about exact numbers but it's something like 30 meters.) So if teammates are too far - you're not getting a share of exp from their kills.


Quick Tip: The longer you stay in a defense, interception, or survival mission, the more XP you get.

*Another Tip: The longer you stay in a mission, the more time you waste.

Kinda obvious tip, but if you need to stay in a mission for 'some' time to get decent lvls and spawn rate - it's just a waste of time. It's best to find mission that gives good spawn rate from the beginning.

Edited by RadYogh
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If you have ammo-efficient weapons -> Earth, Cambira excavation.

Sends hordes and hordes of easy to medium Grineer enemies at you. You will do better with a skill that can provide cover like Snowglobe or Barrier but if the team sticks together you can just let the other players shoot one direction while you cover the other. Your primary problem will be ammo, but punch-through mods can alleviate this to a great degree as the map often makes large numbers of enemies line up in tunnels and along pathways.


If you have medium range weapons with good damage -> Sedna, kappa mobile defense.

Missions are shorter than Cambria or Mercury, but the three defense points make for excellent farming with weapons due to the many choke points. Watch your radar and try to stay in the middle of your team, even if it means the mission fails. MD doesn't add up to endless mission XP numbers unless the team stays together. I say medium range weapons because all three defensive points will be attacked from rails at good distances in all directions. Melee and shotguns can struggle to contribute and risk failure here if your team is more interested in farming than in defending, as is often the case.


If you have short range weapons, play at off times or don't know where else to go -> Mercury, Apollodorus.

The game ramps up very smoothly and transitions into lots of heavies, then lots of Eximus units. You will do best if you bring knockdown prevention like Iron Skin or the Sure Footed and Fortitude mods, as Napalms, Seekers and a few other Grineer units do not spawn here so in a long game you will see lots more Shield Lancers, Bombards and Scorpions than usual.


Enemy Radar is also especially valuable here. Using the aura and WF mod at the same time for 60m range will give you a huge advantage over random players who will often try kill hog because most tiles have three different directions to move in. Knowing which way to go for kills consistently, knowing where you can stop and let enemies spawn without moving forward, and knowing when to fire through doors with punch-through is all very useful information.


Apollodorus is also a very hot node. Even at crazy times like 4AM or 9AM EST I can always find groups here.

Edited by VKhaun
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To my mind Draco is only a disease when played in the Mesa/Greedy Mag vein. Same is done on similar maps like Stephano.


I still run places like that for their high spawn rates and subsequent high XP gain; most other people I run with do it the way it was meant to be. It's only the minority that go the lazy route.


Instead of that, Augustus on Mars can give you some good XP early on. The mobile defence on Ceres, Kiste, is also good. I also find that map really fun, and it will often reward you orokin cells.

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Most efficient lvling is done when you have ALL unranked stuff.

And it's best to gather parties of 4 guys when 1 guy is fully geared up with maxed stuff and does all the killing, and rest have full set of unranked stuff and just trying not to kill anything and stay alive. And switch "fully geared up guy" role after each run, if you have a party of 4 guys who need to lvlup a lot of things. Or just find some highrank who doesn't need to lvlup stuff and likes killing. :D

Yea, but Draco is first of all a high level Grineer mission, who has now turned into a farming only one, meaning no one cares to go prepared for it, hoping someone else will do.


It's not right, I understand it and there's clearly nothing to do about it, but it's sometime very annoying!

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I prefer Void T1 or T2 Survival missions: lots of enemies, plus you get to farm prime parts to get them Ducats.  Leveling occurs better if you bring a friend or two. Also, stay for awhile, at least 20-30 minutes and you will simultaneously knock out your syndicate rep as well.  Just make sure to bring at least one reliable weapon that is leveled up so that you can switch over to that weapon when the enemies get too much for the "leveling" weapon, and also have a good extraction plan so you don't fail form not being able to reach the exit.  T1 and T2 are nice because Bombarders and Nullifiers don't appear, so you don't have to worry about managing them as well- it's a pretty straight forward mission.  And, as I said, you get those parts to make those Ducats.  Forma blueprints are nice as well, and those drop pretty frequently there.  Oh, and if you are in a hurry, buy a XP booster: it makes a huge difference in leveling speed and efficiency.

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