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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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Seems to me like everyone here has totally forgotten the whole "craftable missions" thing. Im sure its not gonna be just clicking a button and off you go into a TOTALLY RANDOM MISSION. Its sounding more like a weekly rotation of 20 or so diff missions that you can choose from. With bosses being apart of those 20. 

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Seems to me like everyone here has totally forgotten the whole "craftable missions" thing. Im sure its not gonna be just clicking a button and off you go into a TOTALLY RANDOM MISSION. Its sounding more like a weekly rotation of 20 or so diff missions that you can choose from. With bosses being apart of those 20. 

I have a hard enough time dealing with crafting other crap to do that too.

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Whelp, time to abandon Warframe, fun while it lasted, you know.



"Year of quality" was fun while it lasted, one mild hotfix was all she wrote.


NO MORE FARMING FOLKS. They added MORE RNG, and made it even HARDER to grind, that's right.


What took 24 hours to farm before due to S#&$ty drop chances will now take 1 week+ due to the mission never appearing


Starting playing "It's the end of the world" Because warframe just shot itself through the face and it's brains are going @(*()$ EVERYWHERE. No rage, just excited. This cluster F*** is gonna be awesome

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"There will be some removal of player choice - you will no longer be able to select whichever mission type you want, whenever you want; hopefully this will be better for the game overall"


How could anyone possibly think that would be better? Hint: I will never play any of the following game modes: conclave, archwing, spy, rescue, assassination, interception, or defense. If you force me to play those games then that's it. No more Warframe for me. QED. Out of those that are left if I am forced to play some over the other then I probably won't be having as much fun and will be less likely to stick around. If I only have a couple of minutes to play a quick exterminate or capture mission then I don't have a half hour to play a survival mission. If I'm geared up for one node then I can't just switch to another node without swapping my equipment.


I'm really not happy with how these changes sound.

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We need to see more information on this, examples would really help everyone get a grip on what the plan is. Then we can complain/rejoice however we want. 



But im just saying if I want to forma my warframe a few times I dont want to run 50+ mars missions when I could just do a few XP farms

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You heard'em folks. MORE RNG, screw the "Year of Quality" LETS MAKE MORE RNG










Still no rage

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This proposed form of RNG added onto the missions isn't a good idea at all. 

If they go through with it without revising it, I'll simply stop playing WF.


But this is all subject to change, hell, it seems like the community at large is against the RNG aspect of the missions so I assume they'll take this into careful consideration.

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Im gonna like it if it will be like syndicate missions: everyday a new way to get what you want (rep in their case).

This will prevent repetitivnes from the start, or at least it is meant to do so.


Except for the part where I skip most of those because there are only certain mission types I will do. I agree in theory, but in practice there is, if I am lucky, maybe one syndicate missions I will be willing to do in a day.

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You heard'em folks. MORE RNG, screw the "Year of Quality" LETS MAKE MORE RNG










Still no rage







This proposed form of RNG added onto the missions isn't a good idea at all. 

If they go through with it without revising it, I'll simply stop playing WF.


But this is all subject to change, hell, it seems like the community at large is against the RNG aspect of the missions so I assume they'll take this into careful consideration.


If they value their game in some way or form and monies/customers I hope they do consider :/

Edited by Fionntan
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I think there's a lot of conflating "non-static mission choice" with "RNG mission choice," and "removal of some player choice" with "removal of all player choice," which at this time is kind of an unfair assessment. For all we know there'll still be a few static choices. Or a rotation. Or both. Or both with some randomized options.


In any case, I'm tentatively excited. I don't have strong enough feelings about any particular mission type to swear off them unilaterally, and even putting that aside, having temporary missions allows them to make the rewards a little more worthwhile, which is something a lot of them desperately need.

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I dont think DE cares. Also, we have no idea the crafting costs for missions just yet. Could be really cheap, like Derelict keys are. 


The derelict key system is nothing but an added annoyance that serves virtually no purpose. The keys are cheap enough that you can spam derelict missions at will, you just have to build up the keys beforehand. It's pointless busywork. ODA keys are somewhat useful in that leph coords are harder to come by, but gating a boss behind the key system is crappy in general, and only tolerable in Leph's case because ODA is still easy to get to.

The key system in general is terrible. Making more key-like mechanics when a much smarter thing would be to simply give each tileset one node for each mission type (and buff rewards on non-endless mission types so people have incentive to do them) is doubly so.


If we wanna get really smart, then reducing each planet to one node (tileset) and then allowing players to select mission type and general difficulty (ie level 1-10, level 10-20, and 20-30), then searching for an open squad that fits those characteristics is even better in that it doesn't castrate player choice but also eliminates ghost towns.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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A location filter is what we need, not DE or RNGesus playing the game for us.


Let there be a trillion nodes.  But let us filter them down to the ones we want.


Also, the reason why we play the same nodes all the time is because that's where DE put the rewards.  Make all the nodes rewarding and let us filter the nodes as we please so we can get the game play we want.


Or, we can click on Warframe and get another random game instead.  That's what RNGesus mission selection is like.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Also, the reason why we play the same nodes all the time is because that's where DE put the rewards.  Make all the nodes rewarding and let us filter the nodes as we please so we can get the game play we want.


If we're reducing the number of duplicate nodes so you don't have like five survivals in Ceres or something, this seems fine to me.

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