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Proposed Starchart Changes [Megathread]


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Founder compensation for losing Solar Landmarks? or is this being addressed?


They addressed it last stream & they said it was something they're still brainstorming on. I believe they said they're speaking with the founders about it. 

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I'm in the more clarification is needed boat at the moment, because at present I don't feel like I have a good enough grasp on what is actually happening for me to have an opinion on it. 


HOWEVER, based on the limited information available, I can't help but feel there are less complicated and less controversial solutions to the problem of node/reward dilution. No one is disputing that much of the star chart is barren - that fact is evidently clear to old and new players alike. But the obvious reason for that is because of a lack of rewards on said nodes, not an overabundance of nodes. I feel as if DE is addressing the wrong side of the issue entirely, and isn't seeing the forest through the trees. 


Yes, much of the star chart is vacant and redundant. Yes, reward dilution is an issue that requires immediate and vigorous attention. But the goal here is to make people want to play the game more, not less.

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Because when the game being a rampant RNG-fest is commonly complained about among players, the solution is to add more walls.


The way it makes it sound to me is thus:


RNG-wall for the mission to get the type of drop/resource/endless type/key type you need to be one of this supposed 20.

Life-wall for the mission to be around on the day/time when you're not busy doing something else with your life.

RNG-wall for the mission to give you the drop.


So what's my incentive to play the game when it doesn't offer me a mission I like or reward me with the particular reward I'm looking for?  Is this DE's attempt to drive people away from playing their game because it's too popular for them?  If so, this is a splendid idea and I'm looking forward to the massive amounts of bandwidth they save from people quitting their game in disgust.

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Do guys ever actually play the game? Farming is NECCESARY to get ahead.

I have only ever "farmed" to get low drop rate prime parts (and to try and stop the death of one of the relays the community doomed to die in eyes of blight). Everything else has come from "I feel like playing this now". So yes, I do play the game, and no, farming is not necessary unless you feel the need to get everything straight away. I like to take my time and enjoy playing the game. This is probably why I haven't felt burnt out yet.

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the game is gonna suck if they do this and for those who says they are all for it I don't see you running through all the nodes on each planet you too have your favorite nodes. this hasn't been the year of quality it has been the year of restrictions.


 if you assess the game how it is now new players have little options to get what they need to craft stuff already, neurodes, sensors plastids etc and this is gonna take the choice away from them getting help from others that would take them to such places.


 this is one of those idiotic decisions game makers do and wonder when the after effect hits them why their player base has dropped to such low %. you can tell even from the mere suggestion this will be a bad thing for the game. seems like there just a big hatred for players enjoying stuff in warframe and the devs just don't want us to play it anymore.

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We already have randomized missions, those are alerts.


If you cut planets, and make the entire game function like an alert, and basicly dictate how much a day we can play, you remove the point of playing the game, and kill like 4 years of development. This does not pad out your game, this does not add incentive to play, and this does not reduce grind.


This adds a needless wait wall, that creates more grind, and adds a stale taste to a otherwise bland game.

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They addressed it last stream & they said it was something they're still brainstorming on. I believe they said they're speaking with the founders about it. 


If they said that, then it's a lie. I've not seen any thing about that at all. Unless they were speaking in future tense.

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I have similar concerns about this.

Though its more to do with how we will get to certain enemies, etc.

Any drops that require an enemy that only commonly spawns on one tile set (such as normal seekers mainly spawn in Ceres MDs as common enemies and are rare as all hek anywhere else).,

If you want crushing ruin, or the river blue pigment, you're going to have to be hoping and praying that one of the available nodes is a map type that has decent spawns of them.  Otherwise you'll be left sitting there and twidling your thumbs with no chance to get that mod.

Or think if you're doing pigment runs against a certain enemy, such as an Arid Eviscerator, so you want to do endless missions on phobos so you can actually get more than three or four per map, but there are no missions available for phobos that are grineer missions.  Now you're just SOL with absolutely no way to progress in the pigments.

The main reasons to play the different nodes on the different planets is so that you can actually get a decent spawn rate of some of the enemies.

Without that possibility it can really hurt the ability to get some mods or pigments or scans.  And depending on how it is it could prevent progress completely for however long it takes for the right node type with the right tile-set to become available.

And I dont want to think how annoying it could be to try to farm for Neural Sensors, Neurodes or Orokin cells if there are no nodes of the right type.

Think of going "Oh, I just need some Neural Sensors to build this weapon..." and then checking the chart and finding no nodes on Jupiter.  And then you're left with hoping that the game makes a Jupiter node available during a time you can play.

I imagine DE will have this figured out, although I'm wondering how accessible frames will be for new players.

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I'd like to know more about this "Build your Mission" option. I think that will help people a lot. I have a feeling that it is one where you can choose certain things, and may help with people who want to Farm.


This is such a major change, I hope and believe that DE has thought it through.

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Seems like some ppl talking about paywalls will be true.

Especially when bosses will not be avaible 24/7 so players can't farm the frames they want whenever they want.

Now I did not really play on star chart anymore, I was doing void 24/7 and they will probably remove that to sooner or later.

But going to 20 nodes without the option to choose the damn game type is just $&*&*#(%&.

This can and possibly will kill warframe at some level. Tinfoil hat theories about pw and sumpo seems less and less farfetched with some of those new changes.

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the only way i can see this work is every planet has a single node but its just a list of mission types, and difficulty so the resources wouldn't move every planet would have 1 of the mission types in the list for the respected tile set for said planet. or if missions are sorted. like opening nav and only seeing mission types choose one, then choose planet selection and difficulty. i do not like the idea of just 20 random nodes


but honestly i think 20 random alert missions isnt a good idea as said by many others. whats the point of playing if theirs no progressing. ya the current star chart has some ghost towns of nodes but thats only cause their unrewarding to play though multiple times. and why def surv interception and extracter missions are way more rewarding. if the other mission types rewards their got a little "buff " of some sort it would make them a little more worth it. or just to play is even worth it if looking for fun. progressing is a big part of the game so if the star chart is removed for random missions theirs no feeling of progressions just waiting for a random level to show up.

but the idea of an optional random matchmaker isnt a bad idea though honestly.



i like the 300 nodes gives as i said some feeling of progression and player choice. which i thought this game was basically built from. 20+frames 150+ weapons and to all just  go to 20 random nodes. plus crafting keys for other levels but what if you needed a resources that theirs only 1 mission with that resource type thats an exterminate or something on that line. farming would be behind a time wall which this game has enough of as is


for new players i dont think this would help them progress maybe outright confuse them more and deter them from the game.


i thought this game had a really awesome star chart made it sorta like a adventurous mmo while not being an mmo making your own progression.


thats just my opinion though. my entire opinion could change when more info is out. 

Edited by funtimehippie
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The lack of player selection is a huge step backwards for the Star Chart. Gating the missions behind RNG when there is already so much RNG as it is makes the game more tedious and for the most part really not fun.


The issue of loot is clearly the most glaring. As it is, we can focus on the most efficient means of farming for particular mods and resources but despite doing so the drop chance for the desire loot is still considerably unreliable. Anyone farming for the High Noon stance in particular could spend days before getting it. Gating the mission types behind another layer of RNG makes rare materials and mods even rarer, which in turn will also inflate the trade market respectively and devalue Platinum as whole.


Power Leveling may not be as irate as the effects on loot, however the tactics behind a mission selection being a random type becomes impossible. As things are now, we can plan for enemy difficulty, mission type, and map conditions. This new system takes that away and exposes teams into potentially suicidal missions. Squad diversity will devolve into a smaller number of less diverse frames, and the weight of teamplay becomes more of a burden. You guys like seeing Rhinos all the time? Expect to see them more.




Many of us spent a lot of time unlocking all 300 or so nodes, why all of the sudden must our investment be canned for this less efficient system of mission selection?

Edited by DBugII
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Skimming down nodes so that it kills down redundancy is fine with me, but I can't pick what type of mission I want to run? Like OP said, who the hell thought that was a good idea? That's possibly the single worst idea I ever heard come from DE and might be enough for me to deem this game unplayable and uninstall it. I've been playing for 2 years almost and that's a deal breaker for me if I have no choice in what type of mission I play.

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The quantity of nodes can and should be reduced, but i dont see the need on sacrificing the freedom of choice, neither introducing any RNG in the process.


They could just reduce the nodes so we dont have redundant ones, like nodes with the same mission type in the same tileset, then they should spread the rewards homogeneously so that every node is a good spot to farm something specific. I understand that many players claim for more immersion like in a "campaign mode", and that sounds great, but still should remain as something optional, like the quests.

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I'm in favor of a drop down box system, give us an option of each planet, each mission type, and each level range. For invasions make them full scale planet invasions rather than node under attack and based off how well the attack went give us a % chance to fight grineer/corpus. Outbreaks might need something a little different. 


What they are talking about sounds like turning the entire game into alerts. I don't want that, we already /have/ alerts. The rest of the game should not be turned into an RNG fest.

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Just cut out a few of the duplicate nodes that have ended up in the star chart. When we first started playing, there were infested, grineer, and corpus all on the same planet. Now that they've all been relatively separated, we have a large number of duplicate nodes. IF DE were to remove those and increase the reward drops on the remaining nodes then we would have condensed but still fun and applicable solar system.

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Do not like.

Sure, you don't need different nodes on the SAME planet* with the same side, tileset and mission type. But...this?

(*okay, there's a mild level range issue, but that's not the major concern I have)



And make nodes for temporary things like nightmare, invasions, synd etc. come up as their OWN thing, not overlaid over existing nodes.

Edited by DawnFalcon
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Well I think it could be a good change. I think the entire community only plays like 20 nodes to begin with. We have some dark sector nodes, boss nodes, the few normal nodes (Draco and Triton) and also the void but that is not really a node.


I still like to see how this will affect resources and mob levels that we fight against. 

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