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How Do You "just Play The Game"?


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Well, you just play by just playing. It's a circular explanation, I know.


Don't stress out on your progression. Don't worry about the bling gear. Focus on getting the basics down. Getting used to the game.


When I first started out I had crap weapons and died all the time. I did 1% damage. My clanmates had to carry me, every single game.


And the little by little, I got better. It became instinctual. And then one day I was running with a friend of mine, showing her the ropes, and I suddenly realised we'd been running T3S for 25 minutes and I was okay, when even before 15 minutes would panic me.


Last night, I ran T4S Solo. Just kept playing along. And then I suddenly realised that I'd been soloing for 30 minutes and it was time for me to think about evac. :p


Don't worry. Don't stress out. Just play and have fun. You'll get there.

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Easy. Play what you want to play. Stop looking at the most efficient way to get everything straight away, stop whoring void missions. Try and do something that isn't for the sake of rewards. Do you people really just quit a game you enjoy because there is no more rewards for you to get? I will never be able to understand this logic.

It's not the lack of rewards as much as it is a lack of things to do to stay interested, but after 1k hours what should one expect.

Here's the question:

Do you like Murdering All The Things?

I do. That's why I'm still here.

I do like me some mindless grineer genocide. Edited by (PS4)B0XMAN517
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Me and my friends like to try and Stack Dragon key/corrupted artefact effects, especially the hobbled one.


Have you ever seen a Chroma running so slowly he looks like he could be on Baywatch? It never fails to amuse!

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that statement basically means worry less about one aspect, enjoy the others. How do you get the dread? you kill the stalker. How do you fight the stalker? you get marked. How do you get marked? you kill bossses. Why do you kill bosses? frames/loot drops. Why do we need these drops? to pla the game.


its not a dig at the people complaining, its a statement that these things WILL COME while playing, and that you dont need to force them. Its same as R10 mods, the best way to get them is by playing. you amass a hoard, you fuse and eventually you get there.


as for how i play, i pick a tangible target, usually ranking up weapons or getting resources for bps i already own, and go wherever is best to achieve this. I always make sure i have marks, so one day i may get detron/brakk. but im in no rush.



however, in stating this, if all you have left is to acquire x then i suppose you can bullhead the objective, but complaining about drop chances will rarely fix the problem.

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It's not the lack of rewards as much as it is a lack of things to do to stay interested, but after 1k hours what should one expect.

I do like me some mindless grineer genocide.

I suppose I can give you that. There are few games I have gotten to 1000 hours in and warframe is still not one of them, but unlike other games warframe is constantly updating so I'd say a thousand hours in a game like that would be understandable.

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Got about 3000 hours in this game. There's no game that even comes close and since I'm 46 and have been gaming for most of my life, that is saying something. Also, the amount of real money I've spend here is more then a years worth of games combined, which is also telling for a free-to-play title..


Because this game doesn't force me in a role. Doesn't force me to be someone or do things I don't agree with. It allows me to kill an insane amount of enemies in a great many interesting and fun ways. It doesn't penalizes me for making it hard for myself (sword alone, gun alone, no mods...) and it has an awesome, unparalleled parcour system. And I don't even "have all teh things" because I don't care about that.


I play the game. I just play the game.

Edited by ComCray
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Got about 3000 hours in this game. There's no game that even comes close and since I'm 46 and have been gaming for most of my life, that is saying something. Also, the amount of real money I've spend here is more then a years worth of games combined, which is also telling for a free-to-play title..


Because this game doesn't force me in a role. Doesn't force me to be someone or do things I don't agree with. It allows me to kill an insane amount of enemies in a great many interesting and fun ways. It doesn't penalizes me for making it hard for myself (sword alone, gun alone, no mods...) and it has an awesome, unparalleled parcour system. And I don't even "have all teh things" because I don't care about that.

I play the game. I just play the game.

By doing what? How do you choose your missions e.g.?

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Just pick whatever missions you want, run some Void missions if you want credits or the Void Trader is coming in soon.


Just ...play the game.


I'm honestly kind of glad that the game has such an open-ended nature that it makes people pause because they don't know what to do. There are a lot of options, and it's better to have too many than not enough, in my opinion. If you really can't figure out what to do next, though...pick a few things that sound fun, assign them a number from 1-6, and ask someone on Region to roll a die for you. :P

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Use void key. Play void mission. Kill everyone you see. Extract. See what you got.

"Hm, i don't think i have that. Let's keep it and see if i will get the whole set!"

"Oh, i already have that. To the Baro you go, Soma Prime Receiver."

Other posibilities:

"Hm, my Prisma Gorgon is still have only 5 polarities... Let's add 6th one!"

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By doing what? How do you choose your missions e.g.?


this depends on what I want to do..

if I want to kill many MANY enemies, I'll go survival, preferably grineer

if I want to play stealthy I'll look for spy misisons

if I need credits I'll go to either void or corpus missions with master-thief

if I want to help new players I'll go to mercury and spam the chat (you know messages like "credits are shared amongst the team" or "wait with using the pods till below 40%, each pod gives 30%" stuff like that)

sometimes with the clan or alliance help other people get their prime part in void

if I want carnage I'll take orthos prime to infested levels

Currently having great fun with formatting the kohm&kohmak both have 3 stars already and probably get another two each.. these weapons are amazing fun...


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What I assume these people who say " just play the game" mean is the following which I will explain with some background story


When I was still young, MR 5 or something, I wanted to get some Prime stuff.

I had never had a prime weapon or warframe before and I really wanted one.

But getting the parts was an utter utter drag as I never got the part I wanted when playing the right tower level for it.

Then I kinda gave up, started doing some fun runs to gain all the non-prime frames and helped some of my clanmates out with the Void,

Then all of a sudden pieces started to fall together and in 2 weeks time I could build all the prime primaries and warframes then available. 

This just happened as I did not really focus on obtaining an item,but rather just played the game for fun and got the rewards without a lot of rage.

The parts I did not get I could trade for with other parts I found.

So what these guys mean with just play the game. If you can;t get your objective, go an do something else, do some void runs in you clan, etc and in the end you will get what you desire

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Easy. Play what you want to play. Stop looking at the most efficient way to get everything straight away, stop whoring void missions. Try and do something that isn't for the sake of rewards. Do you people really just quit a game you enjoy because there is no more rewards for you to get? I will never be able to understand this logic.

Pharen phor president. :)


Play 4 Phun.

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