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Thoughts On A Prime Access Shop?


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So back awhile ago I seriously contemplated getting the Targis Armor Set, and now I seriously wish I had gotten it.


So why not introduce a Prime Access shop? I know DE has talked about re-cycling prime access cosmetics... And I feel a lot of people would like to purchase old cosmetics that they didn't have the ability to weather it be you didn't play the game, didn't have enough money.


They could add it to the website... Just like a market place. They have all the previous cosmetics and maybe each set is worth maybe 5$? Maybe Synanadans 5$ while armor sets 10$ and Sugtaras and the sigil maybe a few bucks? Those are rough estimates but I would be happy to purchase the Misa Syandana and the Targis armor set. I feel a lot of people would too and this would be a great business opportunity for them to make some extra bucks. Along with Chinese version release, maybe people who couldn't even GET the game now be able to buy stuff that was on Prime Access long ago.


I also think that new prime access cosmetics should be put away for a bit after they end to prevent people from just waiting for the current accessories. Maybe halfway through the next prime access old cosmetics get put into the shop?


They also could add non Prime Access accessories. (Prime Noggles anyone?) So cosmetics and extras that don't come with the new cycle of primes could be added to the shop.


Also I am NOT talking about Excalibur Prime and Founders items. I am NOT A founder and as much as I wish I could have them I believe that they shouldn't come back and I think DE feels the same way. So please don't flame me for "b- b- b- but my exclusive armor set!"


What do you guys think.


TL;DR: Introduce a Prime Access shop, featuring old cosmetics that can be individually purchased. This is a great way for China players to access these items and for DE to make a little bit of extra money. You could only buy the Misa Syandana if you wanted to, or buy everything off the shop. Also add extra stuff that don't come with the new prime sets (Prime Noggles.) Introduce a delay on new cosmetics before they are put in the shop so DE can prevent people from just waiting right after prime access to buy cosmetics for cheaper than the $50 Prime Accessories Pack


Super TL;DR: Bring back old Prime access cosmetics in a shop that people can buy

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Not for 5$ Thats a huge discount, way too big even if its already been out

It was a rough number, I highly doubt that a 50$ pack could be discounted so much. It was just a set example of how each part should differ in pricing between the other.

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Eh.. If they could just set up a market for these they might aswell just give up on "Prime access accessory packs".. what would be the point of making a pack available with a set number of items if players can wait a bit and buy whichever accessories they want from the market for the same or maybe even LESS cost?

By all means I support the idea that Prime accessories should come back... but they will always be a part of what Prime Access has to offer, a limited chance on unique accessories.

Also: I wouldn't use "chinaframe" to back up argument.. it is certainly very different from the warframe we know, it works differently, it's market is different.. a lot of things are different...so different it's redundant that many people still bring it up HERE.

Disclaimer: that is my opinion on the subject, not a direct attack nor disrespect towards your idea.

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Eh.. If they could just set up a market for these they might aswell just give up on "Prime access accessory packs".. what would be the point of making a pack available with a set number of items if players can wait a bit and buy whichever accessories they want from the market for the same or maybe even LESS cost?

By all means I support the idea that Prime accessories should come back... but they will always be a part of what Prime Access has to offer, a limited chance on unique accessories.

Also: I wouldn't use "chinaframe" to back up argument.. it is certainly very different from the warframe we know, it works differently, it's market is different.. a lot of things are different...so different it's redundant that many people still bring it up HERE.

Disclaimer: that is my opinion on the subject, not a direct attack nor disrespect towards your idea.

Maybe a shop won't be the best idea. Maybe some sort of Prime Baro Ki Teer. (Lol) that comes every once in a while maybe for a week once a month and re-introduces prime items. So in 6 months for a total of 6 weeks you have one chance to get a item that you might have missed... So if there are a cycle of 6 items, and the Misa Syandana is first, you miss that, welp gotta wait 7 months. That still keeps a shred of exclusivity while giving people a chance.

Also, its funny how people complain about bugs and broken features when DE could use money for more developers to help them code out the nitty gritty bug work while they can focus on the main issues.

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
Removed Rudeness
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i would agree to this shop. the OP is stating that you would have to pay for this stuff still via CC not plat and this would be nice for people that couldnt for other reason get PA stuff when it was out. surely it wouldnt be 5$ and be more since the bundle with that stuff was around 50$ but that would be for DE to decide.


and yes more money to DE would mean more money going towards fix bugs in games that you (the community) seem to be on there case about. seriously this "i wanna be a special snowflake in a digital world!!" stuff needs to stop. youre still special since people still have to by it with money, so you and the new people can be "special" together.

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i would agree to this shop. the OP is stating that you would have to pay for this stuff still via CC not plat and this would be nice for people that couldnt for other reason get PA stuff when it was out. surely it wouldnt be 5$ and be more since the bundle with that stuff was around 50$ but that would be for DE to decide.


and yes more money to DE would mean more money going towards fix bugs in games that you (the community) seem to be on there case about. seriously this "i wanna be a special snowflake in a digital world!!" stuff needs to stop. youre still special since people still have to by it with money, so you and the new people can be "special" together.

"B- b- b- b- but my excluzive prime sugatara so i can look $waggins and feel superior to low noob ranks!

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Honestly I'm all for past Prime Accessories coming back but only if they cost the same as people who bought them before or hell give people the ability to trade their prime accessories, probably not the best idea but i don't really care to much about prime accessories in the first place so I'll see myself out.

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"B- b- b- b- but my excluzive prime sugatara so i can look $waggins and feel superior to low noob ranks!"


it will pass truuuuuuust me :) plus think about it like this not EVERYONE will have all that cool swag so youll still be a special snowflake with a slightly bigger army of people going "look at how cool we are!!"


so now youre a special snowflake...


and they are a special snowflake...


its win win.... yea?.... cool?


.....ok cool :D!!

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it will pass truuuuuuust me :) plus think about it like this not EVERYONE will have all that cool swag so youll still be a special snowflake with a slightly bigger army of people going "look at how cool we are!!"


so now youre a special snowflake...


and they are a special snowflake...


its win win.... yea?.... cool?


.....ok cool :D!!

Honestly no one can be harmed by this being added except for butthurt exclusivists.

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Time limited exclusive item should remain exclusive. It is a reward for those who play at that time.

So. No!

(PS I miss some of them too.)


who says this cant be timed aswell? and its still exclusive since again you have to you money not plat.

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The only thing that's exclusive is The founder pack.

Everything else can come back, so i suppose soon or later you will have the chance to get it again.

A prime access shop would be great, but i don't know if it's a possible thing.

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Prime access packages are exclusive and are limited to a ~90day time period, you buy it within that time if you want it or it's gone indefinitely, DE isn't obliged to bring it back, however they can if they so desire.

Prime packs are somewhat similar to founder stuff, the only difference is that with founder package there was an additional promise made between "founders" and DE.

In a sense founders package was the very first real prime access, it just had a promise attached to it that separates it from all the other PAs.

What they can't do is release all the PA stuff for a lot cheaper, in parts... like you want. That would just really devalue buying PAs and would be a huge slap in the face of people who buy PAs.

If they release the package again it would be the same price as everyone else paid for it before, it's only fair. No you shouldn't get a "discount" because it's old content. Ofcourse the contents of the package can change, just have a different warframe+weapons with the same old accessories, however it should be the same price as any other PA. Especially the early PA's as they were a lot more expensive than the current.

The whole catch of PAs is that you are encouraged to buy them when they are available or regret it later on, just like you have done.

You are being really selfish OP, to think that it's a good idea to cherry pick all the "good stuff" at a reduced price when others have paid a lot more to own them.

This is hardly anything elitist. You think it's elitist because it somehow doesn't sit well with you that someone out there has it and you don't and it's "not fair". They paid money for the package and you didn't. That's the reality of it. If you want to have it, be prepared to pay the same amount.

Let me sum it up, people who bought PA accessories have paid to have those exclusive items. It's NOT OK to have it available for everyone else, unless they also pay the same amount to have them.


Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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First of all I can't express this enough .... no prime access can make a return as DE already stated ! and you know $5 for the stuff .. the accessories is $50 why would they add something for $45 less ... and second you're probably talking about the Misa syandana or the Rhino of which I forget the name, any ways the Misa was $150 dollars there's no way DE will ever do this it's your fault you missed it 

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First of all I can't express this enough .... no prime access can make a return as DE already stated ! and you know $5 for the stuff .. the accessories is $50 why would they add something for $45 less ... and second you're probably talking about the Misa syandana or the Rhino of which I forget the name, any ways the Misa was $150 dollars there's no way DE will ever do this it's your fault you missed it 

No one in this thread knows how to read.


"Those are rough estimates"


You people have the inability to fully read a paragraph. God forbid they bring back special cosmetics in a digital video game. Because then you wouldn't feel superior anymore over lower ranks. Literally no one but the super exclusivists who are like "no no no muh exclizives should be fur me only!!1!!"

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WHERE DID I SAY WE SHOULD GET IT FOR FREE??? do you read english?


Every founder feels entitled to being a "special snowflake" as a guy above me said. Let DE get more money and let US enjoy some of the content we didn't get to enjoy. I honestly don't know why people complain so much about bugs yet if DE had a little more money they'd have money to invest in new devs


also such a cool jif :^) nice meme

You want to buy something that was worth $50 or $150 when it was released for $5. That's preeeetty much "free". Do you honestly think that people cared about extra plat/boosters or frames/weapons(that you can farm) that came with the package ? No, they wanted the accessories(which were exlcusive) and they paid for it. If they had to pay that much for it then you also have to pay that same amount if you want to have it.


It's simple.

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The only thing that's exclusive is The founder pack.

Everything else can come back, so i suppose soon or later you will have the chance to get it again.

A prime access shop would be great, but i don't know if it's a possible thing.



It can come back but I totally agree



Time limited exclusive item should remain exclusive. It is a reward for those who play at that time.

So. No!

(PS I miss some of them too.)



First of all I can't express this enough .... no prime access can make a return as DE already stated ! and you know $5 for the stuff .. the accessories is $50 why would they add something for $45 less ... and second you're probably talking about the Misa syandana or the Rhino of which I forget the name, any ways the Misa was $150 dollars there's no way DE will ever do this it's your fault you missed it 


To all of you, literally in live streams they have discussed multiple times of recycling old prime access cosmetics. They aren't gone forever. If they are smart (which they are) they will know it's a great opportunity. I was suggesting an idea of implementing it. It may be this month, it may be next year, but I know they are smart enough to re release it. This isn't founders. This isn't Excalibur Prime. This is armor, fake, imaginary armor that looks cool in a video game. You guys defend exclusives when there is literally not a single shred of reasoning for keeping it locked to newer players.

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And people like you think that everything should be available for everyone for "free" down the line and its clearly fine with you if others shell out a decent amount of real money to get awesome cosmetics.


Don't bring China into this for the love that is all holy. They are managing the game themselves and it's completely separate from our warframe.


Prime access packages are exclusive and are limited to a ~90day time period, you buy it within that time if you want it or it's gone indefinitely, DE isn't obliged to bring it back, however they can if they so desire.


Prime packs are somewhat similar to founder stuff, the only difference is that with founder package there was an additional promise made between "founders" and DE.


In a sense founders package was the very first real prime access, it just had a promise attached to it that separates it from all the other PAs.


What they can't do is release all the PA stuff for a lot cheaper, in parts... like you want. That would just really devalue buying PAs and would be a huge slap in the face of people who buy PAs.


If they release the package again it would be the same price as everyone else paid for it before, it's only fair. No you shouldn't get a "discount" because it's old content. Ofcourse the contents of the package can change, just have a different warframe+weapons with the same old accessories, however it should be the same price as any other PA. Especially the early PA's as they were a lot more expensive than the current.



The whole catch of PAs is that you are encouraged to buy them when they are available or regret it later on, just like you have done.

You are being really selfish OP, to think that it's a good idea to cherry pick all the "good stuff" at a reduced price when others have paid a lot more to own them.


This is hardly anything elitist. You think it's elitist because it somehow doesn't sit well with you that someone out there has it and you don't and it's "not fair". They paid money for the package and you didn't. That's the reality of it. If you want to have it, be prepared to pay the same amount.


Let me sum it up, people who bought PA accessories have paid to have those exclusive items. It's NOT OK  to have it available for everyone else, unless they also pay the same amount to have them.

Preach brother, preach!

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You want to buy something that was worth $50 or $150 when it was released for $5. That's preeeetty much "free". Do you honestly think that people cared about extra plat/boosters or frames/weapons(that you can farm) that came with the package ? No, they wanted the accessories(which were exlcusive) and they paid for it. If they had to pay that much for it then you also have to pay that same amount if you want to have it.


It's simple.

again "rough estimates" I didn't just decide the prices. If you actually knew how to read other replies, you would see that I said "i was comparing how much each should be worth compared to each other, $5 for a syandana, $10 for armor, $4 for Sigil and like $2 for Sugatars. Now, multiply those numbers by X. Now you have reasonable pricing. I didn't feel like calculating exactly how much DE should charge for them so it was an example.

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again "rough estimates" I didn't just decide the prices. If you actually knew how to read other replies, you would see that I said "i was comparing how much each should be worth compared to each other, $5 for a syandana, $10 for armor, $4 for Sigil and like $2 for Sugatars. Now, multiply those numbers by X. Now you have reasonable pricing. I didn't feel like calculating exactly how much DE should charge for them so it was an example.

The only reasonable pricing would the the price of the PA accessories package. If others paid $50 to have that shiny targis/edo and paid $150 for misa then you also have to pay that much, even though you might not care about the other stuff that comes with the package(90d boosts).


Don't get me wrong, im NOT against PAs coming back....what i am against is that people getting the same stuff for way cheaper when others had to pay a lot more for it.


Im all for PAs coming back as long as it's the exact same price as when they were first released.

Edited by kiteohatto
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