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Build Help And How To Use Them

(XBOX)demonizer andy


hey guys back again, as for the most part i have no issues with this game and understand most builds and the way to use frames but this week iv been trying to find a balance with a few frames and work out what their actual use is, so im here asking your opinions, how you build them and whats the best set up or situation soooooooooo here we go...



ash - i use something similar to this build 




and do exactly what it says on the tin, just spam his ult, i ran a t1 surv last night, equipped with a phage, orthos P and syn gammacore, i dont think i used anything other than his ult and at level 16 ran 30 mins with no trouble, the build i use has no smokescreen duration and i find little use for any of his other abilities.


so my question with ash really is.... is there anything worth changing and how long will that tactic work and to what level.

is his ult affected by duration or range annnnnd how does the combo system work what ive read about..




CHROMA - i really dont know what to make of this guy or how to use him, iv not used him much as i dont know which way to go, im using ice as his element and generally spam vex armor, and thats about it, if doing a defense i drop his ult and just let it do its thing.... though i have found him to be a bit squishy so far... i use the same weapons as i do with ash. I use a build similar to this but i have rage in there and mainly use melee 




LIMBO - not gonna lie, i aint even used this guy yet, i look at him and iv read his abilities but i have no idea how to use him or even if hes going to be useful at all, my friend uses him and i find him more of a hinderance than a help, i hate being cast on the ability where you cant attack or be attacked it winds me up. and i find his orb thing very situational, its ok with mesa as her ability can shoot out of the bubble, but if i were to use him, i have no idea where to start, big bubble, small bubble, solo frame, group frame, so yeh bit stuck with this guy....



annnnnnnd then theres EMBER - the lost cause, iv tried various builds with this frame, she looks like a rooster, flame seems pretty poopy against everything, world on fire is a let down, is there a place for her in the world, or is she truly garbage, she seems squishy, powers useless and offers nothing to a team, shame as i wanted big things from her , but i cant seem to find it whatever it may be.

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8 answers to this question

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Ok here we go..


1. Can't see your Ash build since neither the link nor the extended link send me to your build, but I'm guessing you use a lot of Power Strength and Efficiency.


For me Ash is all about his ult, although for higher levels I feel you need just some basic power duration, not too negative so that you can use Smoke Screen for reviving and sneaking up on nullifiers. :P


When playing Ash I become an invincible killing machine by spamming his ult and this is my build.




IMPORTANT NOTE : Use Carrier to get the loot while you use the ult so you can continue to chain it by refilling your Energy and HP through Carrier :)




2. Chroma is THE TANKIEST frame in the game. For me the best way to play him is to keep Fire Elemental Ward and Vex Armor on at all times and use the Amprex to wipe out everything. :) I use the following build and I have written a guide on Chroma's Armor (it's pinned at the top of this sub-forum).




NOTE : Use a Sentinel with the Guardian mod maxed to get instant Shields regen from 0 so that you can get Chroma's Vex Armor value to the maximum without having to waste a mod slot on Redirection or Vigor. Also, Fire Ward with decent power Strength will insta heal you, thereby giving you even more Effective Health with Vex Armor.




3. Limbo is very useful in the right hands and totally useless and even harmful in others. But you can do a front roll to get his banish off you if that is what you want so his trolling capability is highly reduced. Even his ult, the Cataclysm bubble can be toggled now, so any decent player will turn if off so the team can get their loots.


Limbo can essentially go god mode with Quick Thinking and Primed Flow since you can attack normally depending on the Effective HP from Quick Thinking and when things get dicey you can turn on Rift Walk and gain energy which along with Quick Thinking will override even Toxin Procs through the Rift. Here's the build I use:




NOTE : One good way to use Limbo for defense is to cast Cataclysm on the pod, activate Rift Walk and stand OUTSIDE the Cataclysm bubble, shooting inwards. The enemies will rarely turn around to shoot you on the outside of the bubble, and any enemy outside the bubble wont be able to hurt you. :D



4. Ember is one frame I rarely use but with her recent update and augments she can be pretty great at doing a very specific thing - killing Infested.


With the following build you just need to stand in one spot and spam Fire Blast and Accelerant, and World on Fire if you want for teh lulz.


The Fireball Frenzy augment is good to give teammates better damage against infested and the Fire Fright augment seems great for CC (although I haven't tried it yet).




I hope that helps !

Edited by Sci_Ant
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thanks for the tips, yeh my ash is almost identicle to yours but i have a vitality in there somewhere, as for chroma iv been using ice, sooooooooo im guessing fire is the better option then, may have to give that a go later, i always use carrier and he does have the guardian mod now, though i rarely see it in effect, at least not to take notice, may have to give ember another go over again on an ODD or something.

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I think that every Frame has it's place: the key is to know when and where, because each frame also has a "breaking point" which is the point when you start becoming noneffective on mission: this will vary based on YOUR build and YOUR play-style, to include the kinds of weapons equipped.  There isn't a "God" frame that is effective everywhere.  A player may lean on one frame in particular, and even be highly effective at higher levels, but a frame that excels in survival may not be the best fit for a defense and vice-versa.  


Ember is great at Infested missions and capture or rescues, mainly at low to mid level: she's no good as a stationary target, she needs to keep moving to be effective.  World on fire travels with you and when combined with the Firequake mod she can run through a mission, plowing a path.  It's great for rescues because you and the rescue target can run through the enemies, who will either be dead, flailing around on fire, or at the very least knocked down.


Limbo is great for any mission that needs a lifeline, but doing so will limit your mod gathering abilities as you are going to spend your time in riftwalk.  He's also great for rescues because he can banish the rescue target and essentially protect them from harm.  Taking on a Ceres rescue mission becomes a simple affair as you walk in and walk out.  Just plan your builds around duration and recast riftwalk when you are not going to be one -shotted by a Bombarder.  That is Limbo's main strength: to be able to protect.  If you are good at banishing you can apply the same technique to captures: when you find the capture target, be riftwalking: then banish the target, which will knock them down.  Now that they are in the rift with you, hit them while they are down and capture them.   Just watch toyr riftwalk timer at all times and ensure you don't "reappear" into normal space at a bad moment, because while Limbo is crafty, he ISN'T tank-y.  I would also reccommend Quick Thinking on his build to give you an extra second to riftwalk to safety.


Ash is great, but like Ember, keep him in motion.  Seeking Shurikin is a great Mod for him as you can cast it and those shurkens will actively seek out targets, eliminating the need to aim them.  I would build him to embrace as much Blade-storming as possible, as this will wipe out multiple enemies at once and keep you from being targeted so much. Honestly though, unless you use his ultimate, he's a much harder frame to keep survivable.  Stand still too long and he can't soak up damage at all.


Chroma: Effigy equals awesome mobile mobile gun turret.  This is his greatest asset: use it liberally.  Like Mesa's peacemaker, Effigy is based on power economy, so any build that maximizes power amount and power economy helps keep Effigy out longer, which frees you to run around and do even more damage.  Also use your other skills too though because: Elemental ward helps the whole team and Vex armor will help you be more survivable.  His first power is debatable though because it's likely your weapons are going to be far more effective.  Like Han Solo said, " Nothing beats a good blaster by your side."

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what im looking for is a solo build really built around palus on pluto, the most luck iv had is valkyr, but i get bored of the constant melee and it hammers my finnger (im playing on XB1) iv tried ash and do ok for a little while, but hes so squishy if you get caught in a fire, trinity isnt bad but juggling her abilities dont really translate well to a controller, chroma just falls over no matter what build i use, i hate rhino ,loki is ok when his invisibility works, mesa is good until you get caught up in a crossfire again and everyoe else doesnt really seem to cut it .

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I suggest using a Loki with atleast 200 % Power duration and 190 % Power Range, Natural Talent, Irradiating Disarm Augment, Primed Flow and Quick Thinking. Then just stay invisible, and Disarm to get them into big groups as they attack each other and then use the Amprex or Atomos to wipe out the entire group. :D

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