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A Token Of My Gratitude - Event End Messages


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Alad Supporters:

My path to good health is much clearer now. I must thank you for your unwavering support during these troubled times.

I always knew the Tenno were warriors of principle but your vigor suprises even me. After that time I tried to capture and  dissect you I thought you might still be holding a grudge. Instead you rallied to support a sick man. Truly, the Tenno are saints.


Or did you have another reason for supporting me?

Here's your bonus, It's good to know your price, Tenno.


Alad V


- - -


Interesting quotes:

- Truly, the Tenno are saints. -

- It's good to know your price, Tenno. -


- - -


Nef Anyo Supporters:



What can I say? You tried to keep me from my cure but I won and you lost. I cannot blame you for your lack of support, my previous projects may have seemed "too aggressive" toward you. Can we put that behind us?


I want us to be friends, let bygones be bygones. As a token of my goodwill I will give you the same bonus I gave my supporters, because who knows Tenno, you may still prove useful.


Alad V


- - -


Interesting quotes:

- I want us to be friends -

- because who knows Tenno, you may still prove useful. -

Edited by Gr3vi3R
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What can I say? You tried to keep me from my cure but I won and you lost. I cannot blame you for your lack of support, my previous projects may have seemed "too aggressive" toward you. Can we put that behind us?


I want us to be friends, let bygones be bygones. As a token of my goodwill I will give you the same bonus I gave my supporters, because who knows Tenno, you may still prove useful.


Alad V"

Edited by Nishmo
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"An Olive Branch



What can i say? You tried to keep me from my cure but i won and you lost. I cannot blame you for your lack of support, my previous projects may have seemed "too aggressive" toward you. Can we put that behind us?


I want us to be friends, let bygones be bygones. As a gesture of my goodwill I will give you the same bonus I gave my supporters, because who knows Tenno, You may still prove useful.


Alad V"


I still dont trust him nor do i wanna be his friend. His gonna betray first chance he gets.


EDIT: Ninja´ed.

Edited by Ory_Hara
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I wanna hug him after that because I'm one of the few people who actually supported him to give him a second chance.


Also look at his portrait! He's using the non-Mutalist one! Does that mean he cured himself?

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Something really neat is that the inbox message is of a normal alad v, instead of the "infested" alad icon that showed on the event rewards.

Maybe he actually did use it.




Edit: Hah, you beat me, Lilith.

Edited by DrFail
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That's great - I think the most fun part of this event for me was the storyline implications and I'm glad they carried that through to the messages accompanying the reward. 


Having supported Nef consistently throughout the event, I'm a bit puzzled as to why those of us who did so haven't heard from Nef yet.  Y'know, something along the lines of "A for effort, can't win 'em all, maybe next time, you're all still awesome space ninjas" etc.


Maybe he's just off sulking someplace.  He did give us a lot of stuff and yet he didn't get what he wanted in the end.

Edited by sleeviesaurus
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I can feel the impending betrayal slithering through his nice words.  I would've liked him better if he were still a slave to the Infested.


But unfortunately, now that he's cured, he's back to just being Alad.  Guy can't even send a thank you note without adding a jab.


Forgive me, Ruk.

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While I have supported Alad myself, I believe there is no version of this where the infested don't get stronger. Either Alad betrays us, or the Infestation takes whatever sanity he has left, or something stronger rises in his stead. I believe this, because J3 and Juggernaut can't be far, but then again, I could easily be mistaken about that.

Edited by Reaar
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- I want us to be friends - sounds like something that wants to assimilated us would say, like for example infested.


- because who knows Tenno, you may still prove useful. - this pretty much confirms that him changing his ways is total BS, it confirms that he will betray us sooner or later or at least just USE us for his goals.

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Dear Alad V

Thank you for this generous gift. I will carry it and care for it as if it was crafted by my own hands. 


This rifle will be carried proudly so that if by some chance our paths come to cross... I will use the blunt end to bludgeon you to death, you greedy lying scum!


Love xCaptainObviousx

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"It's good to know your price, Tenno"


I highlight that phrase...


If I was alad supporter I would feel dirty when reading this, I actually like this jab at everyone who supported alad even hough he cut our fellow tenno into little pieces, it kinda sends message that alad supporters are people who would even sell their mothers for good reward.

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If I was alad supporter I would feel dirty when reading this, I actually like this jab at everyone who supported alad even hough he cut our fellow tenno into little pieces, it kinda sends message that alad supporters are people who would even sell their mothers for good reward.

didn't alad win the times he and nef offered the same exact battle pay?

Edit: "It's good to know your price" could mean:

1: Our worth

2: our worth when dissected

3: how much he has to pay us to help him.

no matter how you see it, alad will most likely turn on us, or maybe not; the very miniscule possibility of being an ally leaves options. meanwhile nef is getting a boss stage so we're gonna scalpel his danglers off even if he won....that is if tyl didn't already do it

Edited by VengefulFenrir
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If I was alad supporter I would feel dirty when reading this, I actually like this jab at everyone who supported alad even hough he cut our fellow tenno into little pieces, it kinda sends message that alad supporters are people who would even sell their mothers for good reward.

No it doesn't.


Supported him because his events were all enjoyable, rather than a time consuming, boring pile of steaming sh!t.


Plus, either 2 things can happen from here:


1) He gets fixed and (kinda) helps the tenno.

2) Infested get stronk.


I am okay with either, I like a challenge.

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