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My Opinion On Saryn As Is


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I've noticed a lot of posts about her recently about her being too op. I will go as far to agree that Miasma is quite a powerful ability, In my opinion how the miasma works goes against it's name, a miasma is a thick and slow toxic fog that lingers... But no it's nothing but a quick radial burst? I really never understood that. 


Let me just lay this down, Saryn is a strong warframe yet week at the same time (I'm talking base before augments and modding) Her base just pretty much sucks. Sure she's a mid armor high health character but she lacks shields so she is not a tank in sense like frost,rhino, or chroma. No she is an off-tank With her molt ability without augment it typically lasts two or three hits at higher level content, yes it may be cheap but half the time it never draws fire it simply doesn't work. Venom has to be targeted on said target which kind of sucks, it would be better if it worked liked frosts' freeze ability. Contagion.. Okay this sucks, just utterly sucks maybe it used to be good before all this channeling crap? 


I guess what i'm getting at is that saryn is only good when she is fully modded. (AS SHE SHOULD BE, I mean ffs... thats the point right?) Sure some alterations could be made to turn her nuke into a more sensible AOE. 

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What do you consider "high" level?  In my version of it, Miasma falls off very quickly, even with all damage mods, and it's CC is less useful than many other CC's.

I consider high level to be 40+mins into T3 and T4 Survival, Trial, 30+ waves on T3/T4 defense.

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Venom, while i wish spread more, can be quite effective to debuff Enemies. note, that it isn't particularly useful unless your Weapons are not Killing Enemies quickly. it's great when your Weapons are struggling, and superfluous otherwise.

Molt can distract a lot of Enemy Fire, and therefore can save your arse quite often. the Molt Augment means it can save your arse even more.

Enemies can be drawn to it quite well with tactical placement. upon it's death / timeout, it will create a Toxin Explosion.

there is no Ability in this slot. pressing this button doesn't do anything.

Miasma is really just an Ability that is abused, rather than used.

relying on it means you'll learn little as a Player, and end up relying on abusing it.

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The usual problem is that most nerf callers use a said ability on level 30 material, like Ceres and Pluto (or they have some ridiculous combo such as Nova MP), rather than actually testing it out on level 50, 70 and upwards. Miasma can do a crap ton of damage up to about 40, thanks to its damage type, but, as said, it has fall off like every other damage ability.

Edited by R34LM
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Idk whats with these people wanting to buff or nerf this game to the ground, this game really is just PvE and offers a lot of choices of players, play style etc, don't know why they gotta be hatin

It's not that Saryn needs a nerf on her 4, it's that she needs an entirely new ability. The reason nuke Saryn works is because Miasma's total power increases exponentially the shorter it is, while it loses overall power the longer it goes. This leads to two builds: a duration spec which leaves miasma useless for anything except cc, or a negative duration build which gimps her other powers and leaves her with the strongest base ability in the game.

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I don't want to bash on you, or anything, but have you ever considered playing Saryn strategically instead of what DE's warframe videos say? Venom, for example, is a good ability for taking down heavy targets. Pop the giant warts and watch your target take heaps of damage while spreading the love to its friends if any are around. Also, why would you want it to work without a target? Did you know you have to actually aim Frost's freeze ability? Or lead your target into the freeze? That means, without proper aiming, you can actually miss. With venom, or even Oberon's smite, it will never miss. Either it's out of range, or it will hit the target if it's within range. Sure, it could do with a slight damage buff, but I think it's fine the way it is.


During high levels, when molt starts to pop in a few hits, try using it offensively. Sure, it'll grab aggro, giving you time to run for cover, but sometimes it's actually good for it to pop sooner than later. Whether its duration fades, you cast another molt, or its health drops to zero, all three cases will cause it to explode and deal some nice AoE toxin damage plus an additional DoT effect. Also, it removes all proc effects you've got on you. With its augment, place it somewhere safe and charge into battle; while you're dealing the hurt, it's healing your hp (obviously, don't do this at extremely high levels as the damage intake will overwhelm your healing done depending on your build).


Contagion could use some work, but it's a nice little melee buff. Who wouldn't want extra damage? I don't use this skill too much, but it has its honorable mentions too.


A proper build can either make or break miasma. Personally, I don't use this at all unless I build around it; my Saryn is built for venom, molt, and contagion (sometimes) usage. Since the damage falls off pretty quickly in mid-high tier missions, I primarily use Saryn for molt's incredible amounts of healing and support in the form of a self cleanse and drawing aggro as well as damaging the enemy.


Surely, Saryn can use some slight tweaks here and there but if she never gets it, I won't complain.

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I don't want to bash on you, or anything, but have you ever considered playing Saryn strategically instead of what DE's warframe videos say? Venom, for example, is a good ability for taking down heavy targets. Pop the giant warts and watch your target take heaps of damage while spreading the love to its friends if any are around. Also, why would you want it to work without a target? Did you know you have to actually aim Frost's freeze ability? Or lead your target into the freeze? That means, without proper aiming, you can actually miss. With venom, or even Oberon's smite, it will never miss. Either it's out of range, or it will hit the target if it's within range. Sure, it could do with a slight damage buff, but I think it's fine the way it is.


During high levels, when molt starts to pop in a few hits, try using it offensively. Sure, it'll grab aggro, giving you time to run for cover, but sometimes it's actually good for it to pop sooner than later. Whether its duration fades, you cast another molt, or its health drops to zero, all three cases will cause it to explode and deal some nice AoE toxin damage plus an additional DoT effect. Also, it removes all proc effects you've got on you. With its augment, place it somewhere safe and charge into battle; while you're dealing the hurt, it's healing your hp (obviously, don't do this at extremely high levels as the damage intake will overwhelm your healing done depending on your build).


Contagion could use some work, but it's a nice little melee buff. Who wouldn't want extra damage? I don't use this skill too much, but it has its honorable mentions too.


A proper build can either make or break miasma. Personally, I don't use this at all unless I build around it; my Saryn is built for venom, molt, and contagion (sometimes) usage. Since the damage falls off pretty quickly in mid-high tier missions, I primarily use Saryn for molt's incredible amounts of healing and support in the form of a self cleanse and drawing aggro as well as damaging the enemy.


Surely, Saryn can use some slight tweaks here and there but if she never gets it, I won't complain.


First Bold: Frosts' freeze ability doesn't have to be dead on it can be within about 1 or two meters because on contact it splashes THEN applies the freeze.


Also I do like using venom, mostly because either i'm running my sobek,latron prime, or attica.


Miasma I've noticed starts to have it's fall off around level 65-70. (As it should, at that point it's supposed to be more about CC and not dieing :3)


Contagion does need a rework, perhaps give it a gun proc and make it worth more while?


My problem with molt is that as I stated above, hardly ever does it draw fire, even when i'm rolling out of the way and taking cover they will still be shooting me the whole time and maybe one target will shoot the molt.

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