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Dps/weapon Discussion


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What makes a gun good for you?

So many people on the forums look at DPS charts like god and all I see on the forums is "soma prime or boltor prime or nothing".

It blows my mind because there are so many good weapons but I feel as a huge majority only looks at paper DPS and does not actually test the guns

What makes a gun good for you?

I'll give an example

Synoid gammacor is still nuts for instance, with volt I can extend the beam and go 90 minutes with no ammo issues yet I hear so many people complain that syn GAM was nerfed to hell

Another example is braton prime. It actually has higher DPS than anything unless you use a frame that expands raw DPs to a higher level or if you use 4 cp which makes braton pointless to begin with. (Because armor scaling makes raw DPs pointless)

What makes a gun amazing to you?

Head shot crits?

Status to abuse blast?

Status and slash procs?

Raw puncture DMG?

Ridic ammo economy?

I see so many people only care about burst and sustained DMG that I'm amazed we have so many people complain that we don't have enough " end game guns".

What do YOU think?

Do we have enough end game guns?

Because I must say that we really do, and I think most people are too lazy to try them out themselves.

Edited by (PS4)JiggaJazz
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My primary is almost always a Soma Prime....


now know that I almost never use my primary.  I have yet to see very many things stand up to the despair.  I keep my Soma Prime for that oh sh** moment when I need massive amounts of damage in a very short time.

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Not saying you're wrong but do you see your reasoning?

You want a gun with high burst DMG


Not solely, but yes, damage does play some part. As long as I don't have a problem with it in non-endless missions, I'm happy. And the highest non-endless missions (excluding nightmare and trials) are at level 40 max. I'm not sure exactly what kind of DPS you'd need to kill a level 40 eximus in 3 seconds, but I'd draw the line at 15k for primaries and 10k for secondaries.

I'm willing to make exceptions though, like with the Karak Wraith, which just looks sooo cool, and is very practical.

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i need to like the Weapon. conceptually, and how it handles.

if i like it, i'll enjoy using it. if i don't like it, i'm going to still not like it regardless of how easymode it is.

this includes all facets. every stat, including hidden ones or things that don't have stats.

some Weapons don't make the cut though. some are just kind've arse. no one thing can be the reason for this. it is a multitude of facets working against a Weapon.

It actually has higher DPS than anything

Braton Prime is certainly a good Weapon, but it's not that.

it's not even close to being what you claim.

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A good weapon is one that can hold up at least to 40 min in t3-t4 survival. I am not so much concerned about DPS too much as I am willing to sink in as many forma as it takes to get a weapon to that point. What I also look for though are drawbacks. Yup, you read right, drawbacks. Of course there are some drawbacks in weapons that I don't like but others that I find amusing. I like learning to adjust and work around those drawbacks which can add a more "tactical" approach to how i use my weapons.


Reason why I don't really care for Boltor and Soma Prime is due to the fact that they have very negligible drawbacks compared to other weapons. I like Braton Prime when it comes to "end game" weapons though, despite the fact that it has practically no drawbacks at all. It feels nice though. Has a more chuncky feel to it when firing compared to the boltor or soma.


I like the Hek not just because it is powerful, but also because it isn't flawless or near perfect. It has a small clip size of 4, which means a lot of reloading.(I now have a tendency to reload a lot on any weapon due to my extensive time using the Hek.) I mod my Hek for pure damage + punchthrough with no magazine or reload mods at all. Why? Because I like to learn how to work around the drawbacks of the weapon. I have to reload at the right time so I don't get caught with my pants down and use my 4 shots wisely. Same with the lanka.I have to compensate for the charge and travel time to use it effectively.


TL;DR: Fun+ mid-high DPS= good weapon for me. However, as Taiiat mentioned, some weapons have S#&$e dps and are pretty bad no matter how fun they maybe to use, which for me is a pretty low bar.*cough* Embolist*cough* Love it, but the thing has such low dps.

Edited by nickelshark
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When I think endgame, there's a few factors that I think of: does the rate of fire affect how long it can be used?  Defense, Survival, and Interception (endless game modes) are the only modes that matter for endgame calculations because they're the only ones that scale past 40.  They're also the only modes where ammo conservation matters.  Guns like the Synoid Gammacor, Komb, and amprex do not meet this criteria despite their high dps values, the Soma P and Boltor P do meet this criteria, but I just don't like using them.  If the reload speed interferes with my ability to use them properly, they're out (so no Supra.)  No matter how cool a weapon is, if it doesn't meet a certain amount of dps it won't work (so no Attica, or maybe my build's just wrong for it.)  Alt fire modes are more often more pain than they're worth for longer missions (so no buzlok, rarely quanta V.)  


Usually my primary ends as P Gorgon.  Opticor's nice too, but most everyone else uses one, and it's nice to have diverse weaponry for diverse challenges.  I haven't tried Tonkor out recently but I could see myself using it.  Ogris and Penta's chance to accidentally misfire (due to incoming shots or a grenade getting stuck in your "geometry" make it unusable.)  Latron Wraith is alright but it doesn't quite come close to the needed damage, especially with under 100% crit on a crit based weapon.  Bows (even shortbows) are too slow and lack the Opticor's hitscan/blast advantage.


I tried out the synoid gammacor again recently, and it is manageable in ammo with zero fire rate (stripping off Lethal Torrent) and at least a rank 7 Primed Pistol Mutation.  The problem is I have a third Madurai(V) from my initial build that I'll have to re-forma to Naramon(-) to make useable with the new system, and even then the ammo becomes too scarce sooner.  Maybe I'll come back to the Synoid after all of my other important primed mods are 10.


To note, I haven't done raids yet.  I was unable to really do them when they were new and popular, and since my trusted groups haven't been running them.


So my weapon loadout options are such:

Primary: P.Gorgon, Hek, Opticor, Torid, Tonkor (lesser used Phage and Quanta V, or Amprex if I think it'll be shorter)

Secondary: R. Ballistica, V.Marelok, Stug (Furis if I'm playing Valkyr or Nekros, Atomos might work)

Melee: Lecta, Tipedo, or Dex Dakra (Galatine is great, but like SomaP/BoltorP not much my taste)

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To note, I haven't done raids yet.

don't worry too much, you WILL have 4 Corrosive Projections and Enemies will probably all be Primed or something like that.

ergo use whatever you want, and still Kill Enemies effortlessly.

last time i touched it, i used Acrid 90% of the time or more. it just didn't matter, Killing Enemies with just a few shots, not even accounting for the DoT.

and i think you'll find enjoyment in Tonkor. it takes a bit of effort to use, just mashing the trigger won't work well - but your reward for being able to hit the side of a barn is ludicrous Damage and AoE.

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Obex is best looking weapon in the game and then Brutal Tide came which is the best looking stance. (May not have high paper DPS, but it can manage to carrybmw though 60minute T4 Survival - although For is a pain to kill with Obex only...)(Also has occasionally ludicrous crit damage numbers...)

Detrons look so sleek and beautiful

(No side-arms compare)

Mutalist Quanta is my favorite Primary highly unconventional crits and that spin....smiles every time

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What makes a good weapon for me? Accuracy and efficiency. If a weapon can't hit where I'm aiming, I don't use it. If a weapon runs out of ammo during an Exterminate mission, I don't use it. The exception to those rules is Twin Wraith Vipers, I use a max fire rate build to ghost heavy enemies instantly.


Most of the time, I use hard hitting semi-automatic weapons. The Latron family, Vectis, Snipetron Vandal or a Bow for a Primary. Is it strange that I'm a big fan of the MK1-Paris? That thing is freaky fast. My choice of Secondary weapons is bit more diverse. I usually match the damage type to the faction that I will be facing in a mission.


However, if I could only have 3 weapons, they would have to be Latron Wraith, Twin Wraith Vipers and Bo. these three weapons cover all of my bases. They give me the range and accuracy with Latron Wraith, the high burst damage for dealing with heavy enemies with Twin Wraith Vipers and the CC and status with Bo.

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I mostly lean towards Marksman capable weapons, at base, although to balance that out, if I'm packing one Ammo-efficient accurate weapon, I'll bring something more suited for crowds.


So, Vectis + AkMagnus, Attica and Secura Dual Cestra, Sybaris and Akstilleto, Grinlok and (again) Akmagnus.


Another thing is that the weapon in and of itself needs to be...interesting. Not a simple 'press button, stuff dies' but something that actually gives me options how I use it. I can make a pure Status build on the Vectis and turn it into a Blast/Gas anti-mob thing, or I can tool it out to be my go to Sniper rifle for spy missions.


Although I will be honest, weapons with low status don't really interest me much.


Damage isn't really too important I've found, as I'm more than capable of making weapons work perfectly well without Serration if needs be. It's more the feel. I mean, the Boltor Prime just felt terrible, whilst Kohm felt a lot more fun by comparison and I'm not really into 'Shotguns' being honest.


If I'm going to break down my 'requisite traits' I guess they'd be the following:


High Status


Interesting Aesthetic


Interesting Mechanic


Options of approach


Effective at the job, but not overkill


Where possible, takes skill to use effectively.

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They simply have to function well against enemies that DE places in normal missions on the Start Chart, In Tactical Alerts, and special events.


They do NOT need to kill things past the first rotation on "endless" because they are not missions, they are only the Warframe equivalent of a "loot cave", and basing a gun on "how deep into the loot it can take you" is NOT a form of benchmark, anymore than using a depth charge is a measure of what is most efficient for fishing, because after a specific depth, fish turn into armored submarines.


If there was other ways to get loot, and we all only needed around the 10K-12K DPS at the absolute most to deal with what the game has, then all the guns would revolve around that number with damage mods, then we would add more utility on top, and all guns can easily get to those numbers already.

Edited by DSpite
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What I view as a good weapon is something that performs well under the most difficult conditions when you take the time to invest resources into it. For example, my 6 forma soma can take down lv 100 enemies in the blink of an eye with 4 CPs present, and it can keep shooting. My atomos can take down groups of enemies quicker than most weapons despite not having notably high burst DPS itself. My galatine can refill all my HP in 1 hit with life strike. My telos is good at crowd control with it's ability to launch enemies it kills at other enemies. Just some examples.


Burst DPS is not the only factor that determines how good a weapon is, and I'd actually say that sustained DPS is more important in warframe due to the fact that the game's harder situation arise from having to kill hoards of enemies at once. The more uptime you weapon has, the better it is in those situations.

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