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Life Without A Carrier Is A Miserable Life


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I agree with this. I sometimes switch sentinels but first thing I realise is the time consumed for collecting the loot. I can run a hallway in the void with a carrier without thinking or spending time collecting loot. The second advantage is, it uses a shotgun weapon. Since I rarely use shotguns I can create a nice set for its weapon that one shot most enemies in regular missions.

I wonder when DE will give us ability to switch Sentinels weapons.




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My advice: Keep going without a carrier, it's impossible to stop using it once you see the difference.

Unless you play camping with gmag all day but I'm excluding that scenario for obvious reasons.


well I'm going with G-Mag and I rarely camp soooo :P

(only situations where I camp is when I go for such draco or othe defense mission to farm - and I don't have any issue with occasionally pulling stuff :) )


but yeah I agree with OP that something should be done in a matter....

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I use Helios because I'm not too lazy to walk 3m in order to pick up energy, but am too lazy to spend about 3 seconds switching to a Codex Scanner on the exceedingly rare off-chance that there's an enemy I know I haven't scanned in front of me, either scanning it (another 2 seconds) or watching it die because teammates (another quarter of a second) and then putting the scanner back and actually killing it (another 3 and a quarter seconds). Waste of 6 and a half to 8 seconds of my time.



For me, it is not about time. I am too lazy to press Q, find position of Codex Scanner, click on it, and then scan enemy while mostly standing at one spot.



Helios makes life easier if you are scanning stuff. And Deconstructor is actually quite awesome.

Just a tip (please, is a tip, don't take as an offense) to shorten this time: use keybindings to each gear slot.


I use this setup in my numpad:



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Really the reason I don't use Carrier is because I don't like the way it looks. It's a squash, heh.

Squash is a polite way of putting it, looks like a painted scrotum. Can't say the vacuum function is something I'm bothered about, gathering loot is such an automatic thing for me in any game that I'd prefer to do it myself. I can see why some people would like it but I like having full control of what I pick up and when.

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Squash is a polite way of putting it, looks like a painted scrotum. Can't say the vacuum function is something I'm bothered about, gathering loot is such an automatic thing for me in any game that I'd prefer to do it myself. I can see why some people would like it but I like having full control of what I pick up and when.

Exactly. I've been playing ARPGs for a long time. loot gathering is a reflexive part of gameplay for me. I have no issue getting my own loot.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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Carrier always looked like a drink pitcher to me...

I can see the squash reference.

...and think the cruder reference mentioned is a bit of an imaginative stretch.


I don't equip mine too much any more as the vacuum radius seems to have reduced or the vacuum cooldown lengthened.

Regardless with a full vacuum equipped I am still having to run to pick up items.



The Vacuum function is a huge Qol addition and I have always felt that it should have been a common function option able to be used by any sentinel or just made a button activated vacuum used by players with their frames.


I think that of most of the sentinel's function at this point though.


There isn't one sentinel specialty function that wouldn't be more useful as a player activated skill even with their current limitations and cooldowns.


Their low durability and inability to be revived make taking one to a dangerous mission a waste of time for most players as mobs have a habit of focus firing them.


All in all, most sentinels are a waste of time for anything more challenging than mid level content... Carrier's unique QoL increase makes it an annoying waste of time when it inevitably manages to get killed off.

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Tbh this discussion went into "ridiculous and pointless and undignified" ground long ago.

Most sentinel/kubrow utility is underwhelming.

Carrier will make you pick up more loot if you move around.

Carrier might be useful.

So are the other sentinels/kubrows.

It's a matter of personal preferences. That wondrous realm where everyone can do whatever the hell they want to.

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I'm a fan of the Shade, honestly. Lets me stand on those Raid buttons without worry of dying from anything other than idiot teammates.

Now, if only there was a sentinel to deal with those...

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Personally, I find carrier necessary only when using an Effigy Chroma or Amprex, as ths free energy and ammo is always good.

However, I still find Kubrows (Huras amd Sunika) pretty much better at being stealthy or taking down priority targets (Sunika grabs Heavies, Ancients Bombards)

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However, I still find Kubrows (Huras amd Sunika) pretty much better at being stealthy or taking down priority targets (Sunika grabs Heavies, Ancients Bombards)


You're telling me the Kubrows specifically made for stealth and taking down targets are better than the Carrier in those specific tasks? I'm glad you explained because I was born yesterday and can't put 1 and 2 together.

Edited by (PS4)teh1tank
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You're telling me the Kubrows specifically made for stealth and taking down targets are better than the Carrier in those specific tasks? I'm glad you explained because I was born yesterday and can't put 1 and 2 together.

What I tried to say was that Carrier is specifically good doing one task, but for my playstyle, I still prefer Kubrows.

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i used to love shade back then, when i tried to start rank up carrier i never stop using it until now o.o

the vacuum is just too convenient especially for picking ammunition


edit: can't wait for the vacuum kubrow

Edited by Godhands
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yea its really hard not to use him, they should make vacuum innate to frames altho i have beefed up my carrier quite a lot i would not mind it cause i get oportunity to use kubrows and other sentinels. Carrier really is by far most useful companion in the game for me.

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My advice: Keep going without a carrier, it's impossible to stop using it once you see the difference.

Unless you play camping with gmag all day but I'm excluding that scenario for obvious reasons.

Nope, rank 30 that pear and never bother touching it again, wyrm prime and helios on the other hand...  


I don't consider it's utility that great. Scanning and knock down are more beneficial for me.  

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I don't usually need to reload my sword, so I don't find much value in the Carrier. I like Wyrm's ability to knock everyone over much better. Gets 'em nice and tender for some good stabbin'

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Plus Carrier seems buggy and will sometimes just hold up items in the air without actually collecting them, creating visual clutter.


^^It's all it really does for me recently. That's the solo reason i don't use it anymore, and if this becomes an innate warframe ability, they better fix it or i will be mad! 

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During this Double Drop Event i again really came to notice the difference between people who use Carrier and people who dont; yes even with Greedy Mag in Group. Hydroids/Nekros/Mesas etc with Shades, Helios or Dogs did not always get as many resources as i did with my carrier.

I also noticed it when doing fast mission like assassination, captures, sabotages, when i played with my guildie friend and he used Deathcube, Wyrm, Shade etc for leveling purposes, he never got as many argon crystals, recources or Mods out of the Walls in the Void as i did. We always compared our results after the runs. Ofc as soon as he was done leveling those others he switched back to Carrier.


I mean its rly bad that when u run/rush/gottagofast you loose big out on Argon Crystals or Void Container Mods behind the Walls, Oro cells,..., always dependant on other players marking them for you. I dont like to loose out on loot, so nothing besides a Huras for certain missions will ever replace my carrier.


OFC i would love to use something else than a carrier so i vote YES for making it a automatic warframe power for everyone.

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Dunno, I think the matter is just getting use to it or not.

I've been a hard Carrier user(97% usage among sentinels and kubrows, so......),but now I wanted to start looking at the codex, so I switched to Helios.

Sure, the beginning was traumatic, but now I honestly don't feel any issue getting the loot by myself.

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