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From Clan Rank To Clan Class


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With the creation of the dojo, a lot of stuff become possible



Ok we gonna have our second real class in clan as architek




Leader: Can recruit Promote and demote members or even kick them


Architeck: Can start building inside dojo




Would be nice if we had more class with real task or meaning:


a Passive rank for exemple could be master and aprentice earn from dojo


you'll need a mate for that and only 1 will become Master the other aprentice  depending of the multiple fight result you can also become equal..


Master-Aprentice-equal would grant a mele or stamina bonus


another exemple would be:





idk wut about, Maintenance/technician fixing stuff in dojo of the dojo?


woud grant a HP buff or shield buff


OFC you can be in only 1 class at a time



this were just an exemple , hope you guys got the idea (bonus dont have to be stats buff, it can be anything)


of class inside WF


a lot of possibility (opional ofc ppl can enjoy the game ignoring that system)


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