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Improving The Feel Of Melee


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I don't normally post or read forums so if this has already then suggested then fair enough.


What I'd like to see to perhaps give the melee more impact is if we could equip the weapon as opposed to simply mashing the melee key (in my case F), currently it just feels like my character is impotently flailing her sword around like a mad-woman (it also feels rather cumbersome when trying to move around while melee attacking).

Perhaps if we could equip the sword (or whatever other weapon you're using) and use it as a full weapon then it'd help, instead of mashing F, have F equip the weapon (and press it again or the Q key to go back to the guns), use left click to swing the sword, right click to block or perhaps initiate the strong attack. The reason for this is to then make melee feel more skillful, after all we're playing as cyber space samurai/ninjas, surely their melee weapons are important to them and their fighting styles as opposed to the usual ancillary devices we see in so many modern shooters where it's just "Hit F to kill".

I realise this may be difficult to do, some new animations would need to be created (holding the weapon, running with the weapon, holstering etc) and it may not be to some people's tastes (maybe I'm in the minority here) but if implemented then perhaps it could be an option.



Also, off topic but an option to separate the sprint and dodge buttons would be nice too so then I could have Shift to sprint and Alt to dodge, allowing the option to make sprint a toggle would be great too I think.

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the reasoning for having melee as the F key was to have their melee weapons readily accessible (as a space ninja should) but i do agree it needs to be made more interesting some how.... perhaps a combination, where you can still mash one button to quickly get some hits in, but be able to switch to melee and then have a more advanced melee combat option available...

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