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Tighter Hitboxes In The Future?


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I'm sure this isn't high on the list of things to do, but since I haven't heard anyone else mention it I will.

This game is pretty generous with the hitboxes. Like if I shoot over the top of a shield lancers head I get a headshot, even though I KNOW it didn't actually connect with him.


For most people these larger hitboxes are friendly, but for many of us serious FPS players it does encourage slop which makes us lazy and it spills over into other games.


I am just one person, so I am not demanding anything here, I am just suggesting that making hitboxes more accurate would be appreciated by many who play these games for a challenge while taking break from other PvP shooters. I'd rather not be getting aiming assistance from the game.

I expect some violent disagreement to follow.

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you know i actually thought the shield thing was kinda nice.

while it is true you cant see his head, the space you have to hit is kinda small. takes some good aim to get him down with a paris or something. otherwise you have to rush up to him with melee or have him pop up and shoot you every once in a while as you deal with everything else.

i feel they are fine. few weapon have that kind of accuracy where deadly aim will serve you well. and the game in general seems to be more about accessing the situation and reacting appropriately rather than being super accurate.

and for the times you do want that they are plenty of weps that reward hitting things with headshots.

also i have played other games that stress skill over everything else and they suffer for it. they die out because the skill ceiling is too high and the vast majority of people wont want to bother with a game that they have to "practice" regularly to be competitive.

come better or worse most of the player base will be casuals that wouldnt care less about accurate hit detection.

Edited by MetalGerbil
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I've noticed that the hitboxes are not 100% accurate, but are still pretty good, yes, you can aim over his head and still hit him, but if you could slow down and take time to look at your bullet, you could see that it will connect. your guns are not very accurate, if you prefer an accurate playstyle, take the sniper or the Latron, Even Lex (handgun) is good in those situations. all you gotta do is make sure the gun you use is an accurate one, and then you will be rewarded for tight aiming. for everything else, deal with the fact that your bullets spray pretty much everywhere.

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